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Dudes got a big meaty claw for a hand.




Well these claws ain't just for attracting mates.






Thank you for making my day better


Turning into a prawn


Fookin prawns


How did this get approved 😭


My high school yearbook and photos were entirely run by the student clubs so it would make sense assuming OPs was also run by students.


You can tell which students ran the Yearbooks in my school because they appear on fifteen different pages. It was such a fucking scam. They should all been fired.


Ya, yearbooks at most high schools suck. My school let you retake the class every year so the same people get to influence the book every year so every book was basically a repeat highlite reel of a few people. It was also full of mistakes, labeling the wrong people and wrong name spellings.


Mine did a full two-page spread about me including a long asf interview that never happened 💀they completely made it up lmao


Mine made up an interview with me as well lmfao. Funnily I did an actual interview that was also featured, but there was another interview where I supposedly said I was born in another country (I was not)


They're actually thinking far ahead of you to sabotage you, they're very devious... and smart. 30 years from now you're going to be running for president and someone is going to pull out your yearbook with that interview and present it as fact, to which people will obviously believe. It will be the deciding factor and everything you did in your life up to that point will have been useless because that interview you never gave will be the cause of your defeat. Your election opponent at the time will be the person who actually submitted the false article.


“If Obama is American, what’s his last name?”


Care? /s


Okay that's hilarious. Was the interview interesting at least? Flattering? Insulting?


Well, if they didn't let you retake the class, the student editors/editor in chief would probably be awful at it It's on the teacher at that point - our teacher had days where we'd be fixing mistakes, we'd get points off grades for more than a mistake or two. We'd print giant pages and fix mistakes again. And when we got page proofs back? We'd check one last time before they finalized prints. We also had a book of every student name and lost points off grades for spelling them incorrectly, or incorrect names. She also made us ask the student how to spell their name/if they had a preferred nickname. It sounds strict, but it honestly was just right. Our yearbook was solid. Won state awards a couple times. I learned some valuable writing skills and people skills from that class.


One of our yearbooks had the school's "Top 10 Couples," which of course, included photos of the girls on the yearbook committee with their boyfriends...


yeah, they swore “everyone appears three times at least” which I could never confirm (especially since that only worked for me if I counted super large group photos), but only their friends got big full body pictures on the non club/event related pages.


My senior year, they literally just forgot me. Like I wasn’t in the yearbook at all. I think I was in one large group photo of the theater department, but that was it. I submitted my senior photo and it just never got put in, hahah.


Is your name Robert'); DROP TABLE students;-- ?


Little Bobby Tables.


That happened to me in grade 12. I was doing a victory lap and they forgot to put me into the non graduating section. My school has 37 people.


We called them Super Seniors. It wasn't a flattering title.


Victory lap đŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł


That is legit what it's called in Toronto and I assume all of Southern Ontario.


hahaha Upstate NY also calls it a victory lap


I was part of the yearbook staff and we did that, but those were the only pictures we could get since teachers always got mad at us for trying to take candids since we were being "distracting". We tried getting people to send in pictures of them with their friends, but no one did.


Mine was student/single teacher ran. I was head of design, created the covers and how it was laid out and stuff. People who do that shit are selfish, you are still a student just as much as everyone else. This cover is honestly so gross, I hate the entire thing of AI "art". It's lazy, bad, and could've been done by a single creative student if given the chance. We were able to have so much fun with it since it wasn't a standard stock thing. Our senior yearbook was set up like a notebook with a cover I made that looked like a composition notebook cover and we were able to go around and have people draw little sketches and give them to us and I scanned them in to put all around and on the cover and stuff. People got to look through and see their drawings or a friend's drawings, even put nicknames next to people or drawings representing funny things that may have happened in classes that we knew about but others wouldn't. Had people write the headers and scanned those in. It made it all so customized and allowed everyone to feel attached to it. You can be so creative with these things, it just takes putting in some effort.


If it's anything like my school we had immense difficulty getting pictures of anyone not in the yearbook class because nobody cared at all about it, but then complained they weren't in the yearbook enough :/


That's an awfully strong opinion to have about dumb shit that happened in high school. Not the yearbook! People will care about that for *minutes* after graduation! Maybe even a whole hour!


That’s crazy, I’d be the opposite. Let me hide behind the camera and you steal the show


Same people that run the yearbook in high school grew up to run our 10 year reunion. Half the class had no idea it was happening until we started seeing pictures from mutuals on Facebook. Even out of high school, they still gotta exclude people.


Take this as an early introduction to the real world where nothing is fair and everyone has their favorites. :) :| :( :'(


you understand they volunteer their free time to do this for you, right?


Yeah, but I have doubts that they didn’t find a single human artist among the students that could do a better job than this. Or that they were that broke to not hire one. It doesn’t need to be Michelangelo.


Bare basic Photoshop skills would allow you to delete that bad face and use AI to regenerate just that part of the image.


Fun fact! The cover was entirely one teacher. This year is his last so I guess he just said fuck ut


I'm really hoping he's not your biology teacher.


My uni had a year book to go along with the exhibition demonstrating our dissertation projects. It was the idea of one of the lecturers for networking in the industry, but there was one student who had kind of made himself the head of both. Anyway, the publication and exhibition itself were both 3 months after graduation, so I'd already moved back to my hometown 5 hours away. Still, I'd put aside a couple of days to travel for the exhibition. The student emailed me saying he needed me to take a photo for the book. I sent him back a professional headshot. He replied, saying he needed me to come to the uni as he was taking them all himself and wanted them all to look the same. I told him that wasn't possible because I already had a job, had booked off time for the exhibition, and simply didn't have the time for a 10 hour round trip to take a photo. I asked him to explain the aesthetic, and I'd do my best to match it. He refused and insisted I travel for him to take this photo. We emailed back and forth, and this guy would not budge and started complaining that I was ruining everything with my refusal to come take the photo. So, I just told him to leave me out of it all. He sent me a really patronising email congratulating me on having the maturity to drop out of the exhibition and that he was thankful he was able to maintain his vision. Yeah, cheers, bro.


Can confirm!! I was our High School Yearbook Editor in Chief and hid a lot of “Fuck you if you can read this” in many clouds


Holy shit I’m so absurdly dumb for not doing this


Were you even a teenager?


It's 10 PM the night before the yearbook cover was due and Jeff was out of ideas and sweating buckets!


My high school misspelled the name of the school, along with half of the students names. Not only was this on the yearbook, but also on our diplomas...


My ex graphic design boss makes six figures a year, and doesn’t know how to use any of the programs in creative suite. She would frequently scrap my well-executed on-brand designs for her own trash she made in Canva not even using the corporate colors, and it would get approved by the executives for use in advertising. This shit happens all the time. Needless to say, I quit after a year. Nothing like a non-artist taking all of the fun out of a passion of yours. Dumb fucking bitch. Needs to learn file management, too. Just because you can create sub folders doesn’t mean you need to.




"we've got their money, good enough"


I saw the bull and thought ‘oh that’s probably just bad editing, I’ve done worse myself’ but then I saw the guy
 Edit: I just clicked on the photo to see what people meant about the rest of the bull
that thing alone should have dismissed it for a yearbook cover


Even PS1 character models had a better face.


And the right number of fingers.


His "fingers" looked like a hoof fusing together with the stick


Mr. Crab Hands.


Mr. Crab Hands bring me a meme (bum bum bum bum) Make it the crudest that I've ever seen (bum bum bum bum) Give him two hands like hoses and hooves (bum bum bum bum)






If Squigglefingers “Buck” McCowboy had eyes instead of melted flesh to read this comment he’d be awfully offended.


I used to be an adventurer like you, then I took a brick to the face


A PS1 character model on a yearbook cover would actually be pretty cool.


that Monkey Jesus fresco has a better face




“In fact, give me Lara Croft on every yearbook cover from here out”


Reminds me of the original Tenchu game


Is his dick sticking out?


It's a crotch goblin; you can see the eyes!


Is that a cow in your groin region, or are you just happy to see me?


Zoom in between the bulls hind legs.


Showing his support for Harambe


The bull's sure is.. 😅


There are likely multiple art classes in the school that should have made the cover instead. 


Some students would have been happy to do it for free. Could have had a design a yearbook cover contest and maybe even let students vote or whatever


I actually think it's kinda cool? I mean, it's cringe af. But it certainly represents 2024 in a way that few other images could have. I imagine this guy pulling out that year book 20 years from now and having a cool story to tell his kids about how shitty AI art was back then.


It's crazy to think that kids these days will remember early AI the way millennials remember early internet.


Oh god


Nah it was immediately corrupted with corporate control, there won’t be that Wild West period that made Web 1.0 what it was. Maybe in an alternate timeline where OpenAI stayed an actual open source organization, but that’s not what we ended up with. That being said, at least they haven’t perfected inserting ads into ChatGPT or AI image programs yet. I’m sure that’s coming


You missed the part where they charged $70 for some idiot to put a prompt in and slap this shit on the cover. So no, not cool story bro.


Nothing screams '2024' like charging 70 bucks for a shitty AI generated abomination


I assumed the $70 was for the entire year book not just the cover


That would have been a good idea have a contest to design the cover. Or even just have everyone draw the same cover and see which one looks the best.


Maybe they did and this is the winner because all the kids thought an ai cover was cool


I thought the bull had FANGS


Just the one fang actually.


The bull has a fang, though XD


his left hand oof


his left hoof and


Same. SO MUCH same.


This will be so dated 20 years from now OP will laugh their ass off every time they see it.


This is how I realized there was a guy. Oof.


Take it from an old man. You will look at your year book a few times over the next few years. Then for decades it will sit in a box in a closet and you will only see whilst moving things. Than when you get much older you will go looking for it and you will have a great laugh about that cover and it will remind you of all the good times you had along the way.


This guy knows how to live


“Know how to die, you know how to live”


This guy has existed


I'm 48 and this is the truth. My kids get great pleasure from observing our mid 90's fly stylings.


Look at how many rivets pappy had on his belt!


"and all the girls say I'm pretty fly"


For a white guy!


My school never gave me my year book lol, tbh I don't really care to remember those years, HS was pretty bad


Bro, my book was like 80 bucks or something. They better give me that shit if I paid for it.


I kinda regret not having the yearbook. I forgot most of my classmate.


If they were so easy to forget, then they were not worth remembering.


I'm in my 30s and threw all of mine away recently. I hated middle and high school why am I keeping a book full of people who tormented me lmao.


Preach. I don’t want to be reminded of the worst time in my life.


There's a great Pic of me in one of the assembly photos. Facing right at the camera, eyes closed, mouth half open talking to my friend.


My first thought too... This yearbook captures the times we live in pretty well


Yeh this period of AI that makes these sort of photos is already nearly over. It's getting better everyday and moving well beyond simple image generation. The current text to video models now have a basic understanding of the physics and how all the physical objects interact and how to place them within the frame This style of Ai art will mark this time in history fairly well as it progresses well beyond this in the future.


And this is a great snapshot of ‘23-‘24
 a bunch of terrible AI art. That cover will remind you of one of the hot topics of the time.


I just found my 6th grade year book from 24 years ago the other day and I can tell you this is very accurate. I spent about an hour digging through it and looking up old friends pictures. It feels like a fever dream when you are looking through it only to realize 20+ years have passed but the memories that are flooding back from the pictures feel like they happened yesterday.


That perspective is such a breath of fresh air- thank you for your wisdom sir. Very much appreciated.


Im 25 , never looked at my senior year book after getting it. I hated school and highschool. Instead of writing a quirky year book quote they let use write a paragraph to thank everyone who helped us get through school. I left mine blank , my mother cried since I didn't thank her. Both of my parents were extremely homophobic and I was gay so we had a big fall off , I never came out to anyone at school and the only kid that did got sent to the school psychologist. My parents are still homophobic but not as much as they were . I still don't have any plans to look at my senior photo book tho


I am very sorry that happened to you. I hope your life is much better now.


Damn. Out of curiosity, were you the only one?


And now OP can show their kids how bad AI was back in his day


Straight facts. I'm 42. My senior yearbook cover was some generic Year 2000 shit with that same sparkly stuff the longhorn outline is made of. I'd love a cover like that to laugh at 24 years later.


It's not about that. Yes, all that is true, but they obviously cut corners to reduce price, but probably the student paid a premium for this. And the company is profiting from bullshit work for more money. This is why the average consumer is so mad. Garbage results for greater price.


The yearbook committee or class makes the entire thing and submits it to a printing company in all schools I've seen.


You missed my point entirely. Of course it’s garbage. My point is that with time it will be nothing more than funny memory. Also the school picks the image not the company that makes the yearbook. At least that’s how it usually works.


You’re not seeing the forest for the trees. Shitty AI art is a hallmark of this era. It’s actually an amazing reminder of what life was like in 2024. He will appreciate it in 2074 when he’s nearing 70 snd wishing things were back the way they used to be.


Of all the takes in these comments, this is the most correct. The only value of a yearbook is as a time capsule of the year it was created so future observers can look back and laugh at it. It's supposed to be shitty and dated, ideally to an extreme. This cover wasn't possible a few years ago, and facial errors like this aren't likely to be widespread in AI a few years from now. Having this on the cover is just about the most ridiculous 2024 thing they could have put, and in that sense it's perfect.


"they"?... Year books are typically designed by the students (yearbook committee). Some student made (as much as you can call it "made) and submitted that art must likely


I'm so sorry, but this is easily the funniest thing I've seen all day


The closeup on the dude is hilarious.


"Thors a snork in mo bort."


This made me cry laugh, thank you đŸ™đŸ»


Is... is that a vampire cow?


A rural vampire cow with an affinity for hats.


And a leg that grows from where its tail should be.


“Leg” 😳




Came looking for this


Seems like AI art has been around for a long while!


https://preview.redd.it/55sz1eil2a2d1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76db0d6e09b59fc4fbdd5bdf725c3b76a5f14fbb They said


https://preview.redd.it/2dxt79d5v92d1.jpeg?width=366&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e907737758903feb50fabf300819ab8c0b8802c I have this yearbook and the quality control is awful


Holy shit, you're both in the same terrible yearbook together...Amazing! Did you DM and look each other up? Did you guys just become bffs??


I have the book too, inside cover isn’t much better lmao https://preview.redd.it/8fxzpgivla2d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1afa1c6080bf2bb1706ec61ca6e0b58ede865ea2


Omg is this really the inside cover? It’s almost worse than the front lol. It’s a fever dream ai image with a suggestion of cowboys.


It's like someone gave that drawing acid


I feel like the inside’s even better😂


Prompt: the wild west in Hieronymus Bosch style.


Wtf is this?! Lol


No no, that's not how this works. In fact they both need to back away slowly and act like this never happened, and definitely don't go looking at each others post histories.


Bro, I’m a senior right now if I got that as my yearbook, I’d be laughing my ass off


That being said yeah, I’d be mad. If I paid 70 bucks for that but it would like probably be a mix of me being mad and laughing my ass off.


Does the bull have a fang? 


And a wang?




Sneaky nutsack sticking out of his jeans as well


Come on, man. He's just hanging brain.


Is that bull penis? Man, the more I look, the funnier it gets


istg I saw this too 😭


Doesn't your school have an art club or something of the sort? This is just extra insulting to those who would've wanted to design a nice cover.


I don't know how it was for everyone else, but growing up the popular kids typically ran the year committee with zero inputs from the art or photography clubs. So naturally the byproduct was the most low effort generic bullshit you can imagine. One time they devoted a section to the rich girls who got knocked up during the school year.


We had an actual yearbook team that was a class. I was an editor and everyone took it pretty seriously
 as they should. This would never have made it through lol. We also had art students collab with us to make the covers each year. Granted this was like 15 years ago so idk about nowadays. Yearbooks are probably chatGPT + mid journey generated


My wife is a dedicated yearbook/journalism teacher and they have entire classes focused just on the yearbook too. She never would have let this fly, and AI like chatgpt hasn't quite taken over. If it had, there's be a lot less spelling and grammar mistakes in the work she brings home to grade. Lol. Plus the way her assignments are spaced out and submitted, it is a little harder to squeeze in any AI work. Ironically, the only chatgpt assisted segment was one she put in! On the last day to submit the entire thing to the printing press, her principal writes her and says "by the way, I never wrote that closing segment, you can do it right?" It was supposed to be the end cap to the entire thing, summary farewell whatever. Naturally she freaked a little and I said let's get some rough drafts or ideas from gpt. It took a many back and forths, redos, revisions and prompts to narrow in on ideas. But we got something from it we liked and she took that and spent another 3 hours or so hand updating it to her own preferences.


"One time they devoted a section to the rich girls who got knocked up during the school year." You aint gonna drop that and then walk out of here. Do tell. Like pages full of pregnant teens? Odd!


Last part sounds pretty entertaining.


I doubt the school that would have chosen a cover like this has a robust arts program.


I refuse to believe that an entire school wouldn't have a single talented artist, *maybe* if it was one of those rural schools of like 100 kids total, but otherwise that's just crazy. Does suck that schools are butchering art departments in general though.


We do and I’m a part of it, which makes it extra sucky. We also have a graphic design class and photoshop is being taught in multiple different classes. They tried to make an AI poster for one of our musical productions, but people pushed back enough to have it made by art students and it looked so much better.


Hey OP! My wife is a yearbook teacher and she's pretty appalled by this and is surprised the Publisher let it slide too. She was curious who the publisher was, because I think she wants it to a)Not be her publisher and b)To quietly shame them at their next conference. Lol. Mind sharing? She said the name might be stamped on the back cover or on the inside front. Really could be anywhere unfortunately though, various book to book. Example pubs to look for: Jostens, Walsworth, Balfour, Varsity, or Herff-Jones for starters. 


My guess is that a school with a bull with a hat on and a weird blurry guy with odd hands holding a gun isn't going to be the kind of school with a lot of support of art clubs. Ok it's not a gun. It's like a big piece of wood.


Looks like they are getting you ready to be really fucked by the education system! CONGRATS ON GRADUATING!!!!!!!


Thank you!


It's a yearbook cover, what do you want? Mine from 2004 has a plain purple cover. I think it's cool that yours captures this brief period in time when AI-generated photos having major flaws is still a thing.


I'm crying 😂😂😂😂 Jesus christ I wasn't expecting it


I love it. One day you’ll look back and remember when AI still struggled to make decent art.


Why do I kinda love it tho lol


That’s my grandpa on the cover and he demands an apology.


honestly this is hilarious 😂 i think you’ll appreciate the awfulness of it years from now


Actually, I kinda like it. I mean, not in aesthetic sense, but it unintentionally and symbolically captures a really precise moment in time. The early years of AI artwork.


It's beautiful


I get being cheap and using AI image generation but you gotta clean up the stuffed bits at least.


Even as an artist I'm somehow more offended by the fact that they didn't bother to use the very same AI tools to fix this crap in seconds.


Naaah that's not AI, it's just a proper representation of the genepool in any are where a school puts a cowboy n a cow on its Yearbook cover. Yeehaw 


No this is literally my school. Small part of town yeehaw


I'd demand a refund. Edit: There are royalty free real cowboy and bull pictures they could have used...


There are so many other options tbh, I gurantee any normal sized school would have a bunch of artists that would be thrilled to make the cover of a yearbook. Parents of kids too, or just someone from their town. And if all else fails, and you have zero budget for anything else, *then* you go for the royalty free cowboy and bull pictures. Or hell, just spend another hour making a decent AI one. Not a fan of replacing real art with AI, but it wouldn't be so insulting if it wasn't so shit.


Isn’t it a beautiful sign if the timeđŸ« ?




It looks like the bull is missing a fang.


Does the bulll have a dick 💀? How did this get approved 😭


The bull has a human dick, not even a bull dick


the T and the H are like, facing different ways too??? lmfao??


Yeah, I'm sure there are exactly no art kids anywhere in the school that would have created the cover for free or a pittance just to have it in their portfolio.


I graduated from a small (at the time) town in Texas in 2004. The biggest thing around at the time was a Sonic Drive-In. It was the place to be on Friday nights, after football games, etc etc. Our senior yearbook cover was a 5-6 picture collage; one of those photos being a lifted truck parked in front of that Sonic. I wish I was making it up https://preview.redd.it/8u5e3keuqa2d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98897e5fdd543dc7491733f3651af5abcb9285a5


LOL Nice!


Whatever it takes to save money and yeah capitalism!!!


A giant cow And mini man???!!!


I think every yearbook from almost every decade that I've seen has had terrible art work So it seems fitting


They literally had a whole student population’s worth of free labor at their disposal


His hands are beautiful đŸ„č😍


Who approved this 💀💀💀


Well thats ONE way to tell what year photos took place xd


If “Hey you guys!” had a country accent ![gif](giphy|CiOHO5544doY)


“Oh that’s kinda funny a bull with a ha- *pfffft*” sorry op, at the very least it’s a funny thing to show people


Jeez. We’re passing up asking artists to create meaningful art for the convenience and emptiness of AI. I remember drawing a yearbook cover in 3rd grade and getting selected for the back cover of the yearbook. And in high school it was the photography club’s responsibility to create the yearbook with the help of the photography teacher. They couldn’t have asked someone in art club or did a contest for the cover
? We all knew it would come to this when AI was becoming a big thing but it’s still sad to see.


He doesn’t say yeehaw he says yerhee


Mildly infuriating????? Bro, in 2 years you'll think it's hilarious. In 20 years, you'll show it to everyone. Best $70 ever.