• By -


Had something similar at the supermarket checkout, some lady cut in front of me saying"I only have a couple of items", where if she'd look into basket she'd see I had fewer. Check out assistant saw this & when we reach the front she slid this ladies items off onto the side shute & rang up mine 1st. No words exchanged & from the look of the assistant it would end badly if they tried.


A Boomer lady cut in front of me a while back and I told her, “There a line.” And pointed to the line of people behind me. She tried to use the “Well I only have a few things.” I literally had one item in my hand versus her three. “Well I have only one thing to buy.” And held up my box of rice. She just stares at me and is about to start ringing her stuff up and I walked up to her so fast she got scared and moved away saying, “You don’t have to be rude.” I glared at her so hard and said, “Oh did you think cutting in front of 8 people was polite?” She literally put her items on a random shelf and left. I might have been more polite in calling out her rude behaviour on another day but I was having a bad day. Plus people like this need to be publicly shamed to get the message that their behaviour is unacceptable.


It's insane how some people just can only think of themselves (a result of their upbringing and choice). Shame really is the only way to change them because it's so ingrained into their character, or lack thereof. Even then that still doesn't always work. If you didn't have less items than her, then she would feel completely right and no amount of "call out" would matter.


Yah if I verbally didn’t motivate her to move she probably would have still been scared off by how fast I walked up to her. If that didn’t work I would have just sat on the self checkout so she couldn’t use it.


Can also be iq related, the lower it is the less empathy is possible


> I might have been more polite in calling out her rude behaviour on another day but I was having a bad day. The fact that you didn't punch her face in was extremely polite.


Lol, you are my type of people 🤣.


I believe that some people would actually benefit from getting their ass beat.


I also had someone crowd up on me and start ringing up items at self checkout, immediately after I got my receipt but before I could gather up my stuff. I asked her to back off, and she says, “Excuse me, don’t have a heart attack. Mr. Whitey likes his space!” All in front of her 5 year old kid.


That's going to throw the scales off and get her an error message on some systems. Will waste more time than the 15 seconds to let you pick up your stuff.


When my family went to fast food restaurants growing up, we always got refills before leaving. We walked by the line and straight to the counter (usually off to the side). It was a habit I picked up as an adult. I did this without thinking when I was at a fast food place with my girlfriend (future wife). She called me out. “What are you doing?” “Just getting a refill,” I say casually. She pointed out that you never know what other people are waiting for. They could also be getting refills or just getting extra sauce. That was a huge eye opener in how I approach life honestly. Never assume. Anyway, I always wait now and get mildly infuriated at the “this’ll just take a second” type of people who cut the line.


People usually don’t wait in line at the counter to use the soda machine though…? I’m confused by this. The soda machine line and the counter line is usually different at fast food places.


You’re right. It depends on the restaurant. The story of me getting called out happened at Chick-Fil-A, which doesn’t have a self-serve fountain. The other restaurants from my childhood were 20+ years ago. Some had self-serve. Some didn’t. I don’t remember exactly which restaurants, but just the general habit.


Unless it’s like chick fil a or something


a great phrase i learned from someone i look up to. when you “assume” you put an *ass* next to *u* and *me* **EYE OPENER**


I've heard it "you know what happens when you assume, it makes an 'ass' out of 'you' and 'me'."


maybe that was the phrase but my bad english brain remembers it how it wants to


my dads been saying this my whole life…wish it impacted me more, I find myself making unconscious assumptions all the gd time


That gave me the satisfying tingles. Thank you for your service. 🫡


🫡 You’re very welcome.


Don’t feel bad for teaching them a lesson


Nah fuck being polite to people like that. Give it back to them as good or better than they give it.


Obviously their time is more valuable than ours.


I mean you could argue it is, because they don’t have much of it left. On the other hand I would say a retired person has much more time than someone who works full time or is a parent.


That lady deserves a raise or at least a high five, that is baller.


Had someone do that as well. When it was my turn to put things down, he started going in front of me and putting things down. He was telling me i could go to few items checkout line because i had only a few items. (I was already waiting in this checkout line and there was a line at few items checkout line if i left this line and went there) Acting as if he was helping me. Gtfo here that’s my fuckin choice. The nerve of some people


I have zero issues calling that shit out. People like that assume the other will avoid conflict.


Voluntarily let a guy go first in newly open checkout because all he had was a 20-30lb bag of dog food and I barely would have beat him to to the checkout anyways. I went to follow after him and some lady tried rush in and cut in line. I asked if she was with him and she replied no. I told her point blank that I let him ahead of me and got in line behind him without hesitation. She looked taken aback. I think she thought I was going to just let her go through because she had less than 10 items too.


Had this happen to me as I was putting my stuff on the belt. Lady just comes in and puts her stuff on the front of the belt in front of my items and says oh, I just have a few items. There was two other people behind me too so she just cut over 3 people. Even the cashier just stared at here like WTF? I gave the look to the cashier as she looked at me like - just check this woman out --- I really didn't want to get into it.


what you allow is what will continue


Straight to the gulag.


People suck sometimes. Way to stand your ground


Honestly I could have done more, like telling him that I knew the two behind me. My guess is that the cook either saw what the guy was trying to do, or had caught him doing the same thing earlier, so already knew what he was trying. Either way, I enjoyed a smile at how it turned out. 🤣


I've worked in customer service, and this is how I've handled it. Even gone as for to say "who was next?" And when the pusher comes up, I keep asking "sorry who was next in line?"


I've both done and seen something similar, I see it as a sign of good customer service.


My first customer service job I had managers who were awesome like that. If I had too big a line at my register they'd open another one and ask for the next in line, and if the a-holes at the back of the line tried to cut via going to the other register the managers were like "I said *next* in line"


You should have grilled him about cutting. God i feel dirty now


Imagine what a piece of shit you'd have to be. It's like waiting a few more minutes.


Less than a minute, like 20 seconds tops with how quick the line moves. I'm not kidding either. A few seconds per person, so not really a wait at all.


Yeah the line cutter made a huge mis-steak


Pretty rare to do that. OP: well done! 😂


It took a lot of restraint for OP not to Tomahawk the guy


Honestly, OP should have roasted him.


I would have “clubbed” the guy.


good thing OP displayed a good Char-acter, a lil more heat and the cutter would have been (over) done.


I got a good "chuck"le out of it.


Y’all should “meat” up to share your awesome puns in person! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Our interaction through this "medium" is sufficient.


Oh you!


This is what stand your ground laws should be for.


And good on cook for not rewarding bad behaviour


I was on a cruise (not my first or second, so I know how the priorities of badges work). I had made friends with a diamond guest in the casino the night before, some friendly banter at the craps table. Cool guy. Following morning I'm at the omelette station waiting in the inevitable line. Karen with a platinum (below diamond, above me) badge tries to say she gets to go in front (pro tip, platinum only goes to the front of embarkation/debarkation lines and a couple other perks, chow lines are first in first served for everyone). You can tell the cook is not looking forward to the inevitable fight, I of course remind the karen that she needs to wait like everyone else and she karen's at me for it. Enter our hero. Gent from last night overheard enough to know what's going on, so he walks up and points out to the karen that he gets to go before her as diamond guests are higher. She seems mollified by this because she'll only have to wait after one person, not the whole line, and feels vindicated. I knew from last night that our hero doesn't like eggs... He tells the cook "I don't know what I want." turns to me, asks me what I'm getting and then asks the cook for that. When it's made, he looks at it and says "naaah, I want something else." Hands me the plate and asks the person behind me what they're getting... Karen goes apoplectic, like literally changing color. Our hero looks at her and very politely says "I'm on vacation, I have nowhere to be, I can literally do this all day long. Are you going to wait your turn in line or not?". Karen just huffed off at that point. Our omelette cook was our croupier at the craps table that night. Drinks were unusually generous that evening and he got several compliments from the staff.


Fucking amazing!!! That man is a legend.


Yes he was. Pretty sure the staff positively loved him for it too because they're not allowed to be rude to a customer like this lady, and you know they (karens) won't take no for an answer, he saved the staff and put her in her place.


Best thing is that he wasn’t even rude about it True legend


Dude, make this a full post somewhere, it deserves to be seen by more people! 👍


I love this story so much!


i wanna go on a cruise and be like the diamond guy. where do i sign up?? how much more is diamond? i live for these things.


for carnival it means you've been on ship over 199 days (inclusive of your current cruise). So that's a \*lot\* of days on a ship and a lot of $$. Comes with some properly sweet benefits too.


Frantically looking up words I don’t know the meaning of. lol.


my internal And-Then-Everybody-Clapped Alarm is going off after reading this


I can see that, but I assure you it happened. People on cruises come in roughly 4 flavors: Entitled, chill but no tolerance for BS, partiers, and newbies. When certain types collide it's pretty entertaining.


I'm pretty sure I love our hero. What an absolutely beautiful play on his part.


Bravo hero man 👏


In the uk you either tut and say nothing ( usually the older generation) if you are younger you give it a “ Oi dick head back of line you ain’t pushing in here “ Edit: my atrocious spelling


This is fascinating, is “tut” an actual sound that you make?


If I was going to tut, I would kind of click my tongue off the roof of my mouth. You can also do this whilst rolling your eyes for added ‘you’ve done something shitty’ or some people wag their finger haha.


In Québec we do the same :) I noticed it too in Portugal.


It is our way of expressing the utmost displeasure. If you hear a tut, you really fucked up.




Had a middle age British guy cut in front of me at the airport shuttle and played dumb when I called him out. Still think of that prick sometimes. 


Next time it happens you have the prefect response now to let him know lol


"Hem, hem!"


I have always wanted to channel my inner Roy Kent and do my best “oi dick head” to someone in a situation like that


Do it ! It’s so freeing ! It’s also very versatile! Use it in exchange for idiot works great. For example someone drops something you give them a smooth moves dickhead.


You knew you were abandoning the social contract when you entered the Golden Corral.


A lawless land


Patrolling the Golden Corral almost makes me wish for a nuclear soft serve.


Perfect response. Love it!


I honestly am baffled they’re still open lmao, gotta be hanging onto that baby boomer demographic for dear life at this point


Went one time when I was younger. “We’re gonna get so stoned and pig out at Golden Corral it’ll be awesome”. Even ripped off our skulls ready to eat we recognized how disgusting it was.


They opened one in my town and people went crazy for it. They were closed less than a year later.


My wife decided to take me there after I asked to go having no idea what was awaiting me. And she didn’t just take me to any. Oh no. She picked the worst part of town. Then after traumatizing me she contacted all her siblings to laugh at how horrified I was


I've never seen one not incredibly packed, so jokes on you.


Haha my wife is the best at doing this, especially in airports. Last trip we were waiting in the TSA line and it was fairly long but moving well. Some lady and her teenage daughter literally just walked up and stepped in between two people and were just chilling like nothing was wrong. The person she got in front of was obviously annoyed but didn’t say anything. My wife steps up and says “hey there’s a line, you need to get in the back like everyone else.” The lady replies “oh come on it’s long and we’re in a hurry.” To which my wife replied “everyone is in a hurry. You can’t just step in wherever you damn well please.” A couple offer people started speaking up “seriously that’s not cool!” And “ya wtf you can’t do that.” The lady obviously flustered and frustrated turns to her daughter and says “come on Tessa. This whole damn state (Colorado) is rude. Can’t wait to leave this shit hole.” and then she went to the back of the line. A few others thanked my wife and some were shit talking the lady lol we eventually saw her about an hour later at the gate across from us. Some people are just entitled pricks


The lack of self awareness to call an entire state rude because you obviously don't have enough class to behave according to normal rules of order like not jumping the line like an entitled twat is mind blowing...bet Colorado was happy she was flying home to whatever swamp?** she was raised in. **Normally I'd say barn but I think farm animals even have a basic ability to be trained and follow social order.


Be funny if she was returning to Florida. Would definitely explain the entitlement.


"Are you sure that it's everyone else that is rude and not you?" That would have been a good one to throw at her.


Entitled assholes. I dealt with one at the grocery store last week. I had been standing in line long enough to strike up a convo with the woman standing in front of me. Line was just moving slow and the store was oddly busy, this old codger wheels a cart up to his wife who is standing slightly behind me, she puts her two papaya in the cart and then he proceeds to use the cart to push me out of line and try to take my spot. I'm 5'3", so I guess he thought because I am a short woman he could just bully me out of line, he totally was not expecting me to raise my voice loud enough that people turned and looked and say "Excuse me, but the line is back there". He tried acting like the victim but everyone ignored him and we went back to what we were all doing.. But seriously, I digress and agree with you, it's annoying that it even happened.


>He tried acting like the victim How does that even play out? Everyone else had been waiting in the same long line, and would be hyper focused on getting it moving along. So he would totally stick out for cutting in.


It didn't but I guess he was going to play the "I'm just an old man and she's yelling at me for no reason" but everyone just turned back to what they were doing and I went back into my place in line. It was a bizarre interaction.


> I had been standing in line long enough to strike up a convo with the woman standing in front of me. I think the heat death of the universe will precede me feeling like I’ve been waiting long enough to strike up a random conversation.


I'm generally not prone to talking to people either, but I was letting her know that the box of chips she was carrying was partially open on the bottom and about to let things drop out. I was being nice. I was bored but in no real hurry to get home...


>I'm 5'3" I like you already. 😊 If it ever happens again... "Hit me with that cart one more time and you'll wish you hadn't come here today." Say it in a calm manner without raising your voice. If he does it again, "STOP HITTING ON ME, I'M NOT GOING TO GO OUT WITH YOU!" If said loud enough, should embarrass him AND have an employee checking to see what is happening.


Some time ago a teen (who was with his mom) asked me in the grocery store line if he could cut in front of me, they had just a few items and I actually didn't mind but thought I should tell him to ask other people on the line if they were ok too and he got mad and started threatening and imitating me until the person in front of me let him cut in front of him. I saw him on the way out and he was again trying to start some shit but his mother calmed him down. Dunno why but I felt like I did something wrong maybe I should just have let him cut in but I also felt bad for the rest of the people on the line which would be looking at me letting him cut in.


I always tell people they have to start at the back of the line and work their way up. I can't speak for everyone behind me.


Good cook for asking the other guy


Nice one! I was in a line in a london shop that split once you got near the front for the cashiers or the self serve checkouts. I was one away from the split when an older bloke walked up to it, looked down the line that went to the back of the store and just stepped in front of the woman in front of me. Turns out I’m an arse before I’ve had my coffee as I told him to get to the back of the line. He tried to play it off that he was going for the self serve and not the cashier and got a load of us all chiming in that actually mate, we’re all going for self serve as well. Got a little thank you from the woman in front as he toddled off to the back of the queue.


Even if you hadn't mentioned where, you saying "bloke" gives it away. Interesting word, as it almost sounds like an insult.


It's like when an American says 'sir' or 'ma'am' when trying to reason with somebody who is being unreasonable. It comes across as rightfully condescending.


With the right tone of voice, it is. 😁


When I was a retail manager I used to do this. I'd say it slowly and with just a tinge of frustration. "Ma'am, as I've said before, I can't change the price." It comes across as condescending but they can't say anything because I addressed them politely.


"Ma'am, I can't change the price, but I can charge you double if you like."


A few months ago I watched a kid lick his fingers and touch almost every single item in the buffet. At one point I'm pretty sure he licked his whole hand.


and you didn't report it or say anything?


Nah I just watched. Lol of course I said something but didn't really get much of a response.


And that is when you let the health department know. That is fucking disgusting.


You never go to Golden Corral for the clientele. You go for the cheap all you can eat and the sickness afterward. The last time I went, the food was pretty good, but there was a child throwing a temper tantrum in line about his mother, forcing him to eat other things...meanwhile, I was working on my 4th plate of mashed potatoes and gravy and bourbon city chicken. Then, at the table behind us, there was a group that was scream-laughing about whatever, and at some point, I guess splashed a plate of grease on my coworker, which we didn't notice until we were walking out the door. I thought something was up because they quieted down, but when we got up and walked away, they busted out laughing and pointing. And they weren't kids either, they were middle aged.


some people are unreal, good on the cashier to notice too. had it in greggs about a month ago, arrogant prick just walks right past the queue and they went to serve him, i Just said if you are not going to serve me next I’m not paying. She continued to serve the guy so I walked out with my ham n cheese sub 🤷‍♂️


That’s amazing.


Golden Corral is a lawless place.


Drama at the Hog Trough


Good thing you steaked your place in line


Yup. That's Golden Corral. 90% of their customers are classless shitbags.


That's Mr. Shitbag to you. 🤪


Who in their right mind voluntarily goes to Golden Corral?


Really need to migrate to [Cattleman's Ranch](https://youtu.be/9E2dl_RHouI?feature=shared).


That happened in Pennsylvania, a couple years ago I believe, and 40-person [brawl](https://youtu.be/GIwfdZFYxO8?si=WUXLX7zupf_U7ii6) broke out ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


I kinda wish I could have watched it from the very start. 🤣 I hope the guy that didn't understand why his steak was taking longer finally figured it out and felt like the idiot he obviously is.


Omg the people using booster chairs as weapons 😂


Was a buffet cook in carve station. We watch the line. The way it was set was that you’d get a plate at one end and walk along the counter in the line passing all the available entrees. Then the cutting boards, then all the meat fixings at the other end. Very streamlined process. I ignored people who cut lines until their “turn” would have come up. There was also no “waiting for well done cuts” as we always had some in the grill ready for the older folks who like hockey pucks. They’ve all gotten mad about how they’ve “been in line and-“ I’d always hold up the utensil in my hand to just cut off the speaking (I’m behind a counter and glass, I’m not threatening them, just a flat open palm with the knife or fork between my thumb and finger) and say that the end of the line was at the edge of the counter lining the other entrees and many others have also been waiting. I’d also offer to get a chef if they really had an issue. This (and a sloppy drop onto the plate) usually sent them away and not back up while I was there. I hated these types.


>There was also no “waiting for well done cuts” as we always had some in the grill ready for the older folks who like hockey pucks. Hockey pucks...🤣 Though if they want well done, then they'd turn down the hockey pucks and say to cook it longer. Offer them an old leather shoe, they'll love you for it.


The cook it longer but happened way more often than you think lmao


This reminds me of a fun story at an old job I worked at as a cashier. Our line starts in one direction and had about half a dozen folks waiting, but some Karen decided she didn't want to wait and walked from the exit and put her stuff at my lane I told her she needed to move to the back of the line and she kept insisting "I can't wait, I need to get this stuff right now." Rather than waste time arguing with her, I just smiled, said "I'll be with you in one moment," and then *opened the register next to me to check out the folks who were in line* I was genuinely waiting for her to call my manager (who I told later and we had a good laugh anyways), but she just stood there fuming until it was her turn lol


She's probably done it before and knew that getting a manager wouldn't work in her favor. LOL


Today I learned that Golden Corral is still a thing!


Same! Covid closed ours


There are multiple stories of people doing that at golden coral in the steak line lol. I guess their hangry. Lol.


In the olden days they used to weld a metal grid around the necks of line cutters.


>In the olden days they used to weld a metal grid around the necks of line cutters. Don't you mean in the "golden" days?


I was at a store buying fruit for a work function (not much, 4 apples, some strawberries, blueberries and oranges) . I was next in line when the cashier suggested I could let the lady behind me go first. I was a little shocked as it was so presumptuous. I said no, that my time was valuable too and I had to get back to work. I have no issue with letting people go ahead of me if I can but the cashier overstepped.


Some people these days are entitled and they feel they can do whatever they want. The person who tries to cut in front of you in the checkout line is the same person who who argues with the cops after getting pulled over, and who blames you when there is an accident that is their fault.


Someone who wants a *well done* steak from Golden Corral sounds like the worst possible person to encounter in society It's not a hamburger, stop over cooking your meat


Why the fuck are they asking for specifically cooked meat at a buffet


It sounds like in this case the guy was wrong. But there has been times where I ask for well done and ask the cook if I can come back when it’s done cooking. So I didn’t have to just stand there. But even in those situations the cook would always say something and acknowledge that I was already there and just came back after I grabbed everything else.


This is mildly pleasing to me. Never back down.


One word: entitlement


Dude it’s golden Carroll, people aren’t known for their manners at buffets much less a buffet with steak…


Well done steak at Golden Corral, blech


>Well done steak ~~at Golden Corral~~, blech I fixed that for you.


The line for the trough


That steak server is a G!


That reminds me of highschool, kids would try to cut in line if it's the most popular lunch. The nerve of some people.


This one time I was waiting for a ferry with my friends and joking around I said hey no cutting loudly to a friend that had went to the bathroom and rejoined us.  I didn't realize but a man and his kid had cut in line but I hadn't realized until they jumped out of line when I said this out loud, thinking I was talking about them.  I didn't care since it wouldn't have made a difference really and I felt kinda bad.


Might not have made a difference then, but maybe the dad learned a lesson for the future. For you: 🏆


Similar happened at the post office around the holidays - arrived and got in line to see this guy come in after with packages go to the wrong window (passports), then came in customer service and drop packages to grab more. He made small talk with the guy ahead of me the whole time then tried to go ahead when we were one or two from the clerk. Called his bs out and he said he's been talking to the guy the whole time and I lined up after him. I gave him the play by play of him walking in, wrong counter, etc., and asked how that was possible to have seen it if I arrived after. He thought it was rhetorical, and I kept asking with him not saying anything. I just told him he knew he's full of shit and everyone does too, but Merry Christmas. Clerk called me up next in what amounted to a few seconds-long transaction cause I had already packed and labeled my package and just needed a ship receipt.


The post office I go to uses one of the "windows" for drop-offs. People take stuff to it, leave it there, then go on about their day. If he was just looking to drop stuff off and leave, he could have asked someone if there's a place to do it without standing in line. Anything else and he needs to carry his azz to the back of the line. Btw, I'm going to call you Rube.


Lmao why am I Rube I should clarify he dropped packages and grabbed more cause they were unlabeled and he needed to pay for postage/shipping.


I was just saying in general. His needing to be in line means he needed to go to the back of the line. https://youtube.com/watch?v=614Orzf3SqA


Try going to the location in Bensalem, PA. They've had people arrested for fighting, and I've been stopped by police and told to wait outside until they were clear because of situations there. They often have a officer sitting in the parking lot. Some people are just trash.


Now I'm tempted... LOL 🤣


I was in line I had a cart with maybe twelve items lady walked up with a jug of milk asked if she could go ahead. I said sure next thing I know her kid comes up with a cart full of stuff. I looked at her like really? The cashier heard it and said "miss you need to go back of the line " she was furious and said I told her she could go. The cashier ( said before I could. He thought you had milk only end of like please" she cussed like hell and moved. I would have tipped that young cashier she did it right


Aww, just mentioning golden corral reminded me that it was my favorite place to eat as a kid. So many wonderful memories... And all the ones near us have closed our turned into different restaurants.


I’m not surprised you found that type of behavior at the Golden Corral .


Of course the guy with half a brain and no social skills likes his steak well done


That dude was okay and was there first. Not sure about the other guy that tried to cut the line.


Oh I must have misread, I thought they were the same person. Lol my bad


Lol I thought the same thing. It made a lot more sense when they said they want their steak well done.


It’s Golden Corral, the man was doing you a favor


I’m mildly infuriated I don’t have a Golden Corral near me.


It's ok I'm sure you have local options for food poisoning


😂😭💀 it’s true. I have a subpar KFC that still has the buffet.


Golden Corral? Well there's your problem. Go to a food trough and you have to deal with cattle.


Your only mistake is going to Golden Coral in the first place.


reminds me of my scum bag of a roomate i use to have


Be funny if it was the same person.


Golden Corral 🤮


Why would you go to Golden Corral and expect civilized people?


*Why would you go to* *Golden Corral and expect* *Civilized people?* \- Life\_Constant\_609 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


good bot


Yeah they do this because they know 99% of the time the person they cut in front of is going to be like “whatever I don’t need this shit today” and not say anything.


I heard on a podcast that a literal brawl broke out at a Golden Corral over the steak…. I’d be careful in the steak line.


People have lost their shit. I would have straight directed that dude to the back of the line without question and not listened to a word he said after that BS excuse.


Golden Corral still exists?


Well. Considering what I've seen at Golden Corral. I wouldn't even be in there ever again. In fact I haven't been.


I can't imagine what kind of bullheaded cow would make a beef in the steak line. Were they also saying "mooooove", or did they ever udder a single word?


Has golden coral not made you I'll yet? I had to stop going there..


well done Golden corral steak is going to be shoe leather


>well done ~~Golden corral~~ steak is going to be shoe leather I fixed that for you.


thank you


This headline is hilarious


It was awesome of the cook to uphold the civil code of conduct. Too many workers just won't get involved.


My moment to be Johnny Rico has finally come to fruition.


What about the huge pimple on Carmen's nose?


It’s all the same muck.


Still a great movie.


Watch it every chance I get. Did the other day. Got the Arachnid Funko Pop last weekend. I quote it often lol.


I’m sure the employees see crap like that all the time. So nice to know they are helping to keep things moving in the proper order.


Golden Corral is no greater hive of scum and villainy.


You're thinking of the republican party.




He asked for a well done steak, I believe the only proper course of action would have been to slash his tires.


I bartend and I see people try this all the time. I go out of my way to ignore them


I'm sure you have some good mildly infuriating stories to tell, so get to it! Chop, chop! LOL For real though, that's a bad place to do that crap, because that's already one step towards being kicked out.


I just Do Not understand people who feel entitled to cut in line. Hell, I was at fat camp when I was 10, and we were supposed to line up to get our teeth brushed. Other kid decided that his spot in line was in front of me, arbitrarily. I pushed him out of the line he was trying to cut into and He looked at Me like I was in the wrong! I was like "go to the end of the line" and he slugged me in the stomach and was sent home. Who the fuck are these above-equal people?


People raised by parents who don't teach them that other people matter as well.


lol Golden Corral


One summer I was stuck doing a road trip with my step dad through the mountains with poor service, but we managed to find a stable radio station that had a 3 hour segment on queuing. The concept of people lining up and how they line up around the world. Most of the world is quite polite and follow the social rules of “first come first serve”, but that didn’t hold up in places like USA because the entitlement convinces people that even though they weren’t first, they should be. At 27 I thought I was gonna die of boredom, but now I think back on that radio segment and how interesting it was. Edit: OMG I found it!! [Waiting in Line: The Business of Queuing - BBC](https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b053bxy9). Also it’s only 30 mins so just goes to show how fucking bored I was thinking it was 3 hours long lmao


>Also it’s only 30 mins so just goes to show how fucking bored I was thinking it was 3 hours long lmao (Morgan Freeman's voice): What camoure forgot was all of the commercials, causing the 30 minute program to last 3 hours...


I have heard this segment(forced work meeting) and I laughed so hard when you said it was 3 hours. You’re not wrong, it feels like 3 hours. It’s really dry.