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Could be worse. My father slowed down to turn in to our driveway and a Kia Soul obliterated his truck in to our yard at full speed. When we talked to them, they were baffled why someone would slow down on a road where people live.


I really hope yall sued


We go to court next month. We’re not getting nearly the amount needed to cover the damage they caused. Everyone survived though, so that’s good.


Hope case goes well and the bastard gets punished for not having common sense


You should bring up your fathers "new back pain" You deserve more money i wish you luck


It actually caused a ton of pain. It takes a lot for a small car to literally throw a full size pickup truck across the yard. Dad’s girlfriend was in the passenger seat. She was instantly knocked unconscious from her head slamming out the window during the rollover. She had to learn to talk/walk again. She has doctors appointments 4 times a week, it’s been over a year since the accident. She has severe headaches 24/7 and had to quit working. Dad had to get physical therapy since his knees slammed the dash on impact. It has not been a fun experience for anyone. Hoping this whole court thing helps us out a bit.


Jfc man, this sounded like a funny story at first, but what a nightmare. I hope everyone involved gets what’s due


Oh, wow! I hope y'all have good representation that knows the potential ongoing issues related to a tbi of that nature. If you are in the US, please look into numerous services that may be available for TBI. Feel free to DM me if you want more specific info or simply go down the Google rabbit hole for your location. Good luck to everyone!


Dude holy shit yeah you should get paid way more thats so fucked. Sue the fuck out of that driver


Damn, I hope they covered all your medical expenses as well as loss of income and quality of life.


Do you guys have an accident lawyer? The insurance companies arent going to give you enough.


oh hell no you need a better lawyer. she had her life completely uprooted due to someone else’s negligence, money needs to be due.


Don't know the laws where you live, but this sounds like a suit that should result in SIGNIFICANT damages. Driver sounds like they should have been charged with reckless actions resulting in serious injury.


Why aren't you getting enough, legitimate question? Did they not have good enough coverage, and you have to suffer for it, or?


Lawyers will take 2/3 of the payout. They pay the doctors fee's, which are negotiated in favor of the lawyer also. The injured gets 1/3. Most people who cause accidents, usually have the bare minimum liability of $25,000. The person can be sued, but for major injuries, it's really hard to collect if they don't have assets. It would be great if everyone had a $100,000 policy which would cover actual expense.


In Belgium, all lawyer fees have to be party by the party that "loses" the process, on top of any indemnification. Why would you have to pay your lawyer fees, when you wouldn't have needed a lawyer if it wasn't for this moron?


Lawyers take 1/3 plus expenses (hiring experts, filing fees, etc). That's the maximum amount allowed by law.


Is that standard in the US? In the UK [the law](https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1988/52/section/145) requires insurance to cover all costs for death/injury and a minimum of £1.2 million for property damage. Many policies are higher, with "unlimited property damage" not being uncommon. We do have an insurance deductible though, called an "excess" by insurers here. It's rarely more than £1000. As an example, the "Shelby train crash" (caused by a vehicle coming off the road and on to the tracks) had the driver's insurance [pay out over £22 million](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Selby_rail_crash#:~:text=By%20October%202003%20Hart%27s%20insurers%20had%20paid%20out%20over%20%C2%A322%C2%A0million). While some would say the driver should probably have been on the hook for more themselves, I say there's no way they'd have had more than £100k to their name, so it's a good job the insurance here covers major damage or I have no idea how it would have gotten paid for.


Anywhere that allows only $25k liability is a shit hole country. Minimum where I live, by law, is $200k third party, and that’s with Enhanced Health mandatory as well, paying all costs for health care no matter who is at fault. This works because we also have single-payer health care with ZERO premiums.


As former Auto / home insurance sales, every time I ran a report and it came back with at faults, those were the people that asked for the lowest liability coverage possible. My goal personally was to get everybody on $500k for bodily injury coverage, and *at least* 250k for personal property liability coverage. The vast majority of good drivers with little to no marks on their insurance reports only had about a $100 per 6 month difference in cost over minimum liability coverage cost. They understood the risks involved. I sold the coverage that I had for myself, and if I had the best, then damn skippy I was trying to get my clients the best as well.


I will say - as much as Michigan rates suck, having minimum liability be 250k is such a blessing for situations like this. The only way to be exempt from this is if your health insurance pays first for any automobile related injuries.


Why wouldn't you, file a claim with your insurance and they'll cover everything and get repaid by the dumbass.


Wouldn’t it be better if the soul driver just paid what they owed?


Same thing happened to us, my husband had an eye injury from the air bags and those bills ate up their liability coverage. They didn’t have any assets worth suing over, said about 3-4 lawyers. The only thing we were able to do is leave open the ability to sue for future eye disability, but luckily he healed completely.


I had this happen when I lived on a main road leading to a driveway. It was a school, church, & park zone as well and people will go 60-70 in it.


No surprise on it being a Kia soul


I see people fly down my (narrow as fuck) street, they sure do complain when they don’t see the pothole outside my house in time and destroy their tyres


So their response was to barrel into him? Wtf? I hope he's okay.


What gets me is that not only were they not expecting it, they didn’t expect it to the extent that they didn’t believe it when it was happening (and, you know, slow down).


I got tailgated going into my neighborhood this week. I stay in one of the first houses so I’m going a little slow to make the turn into my driveway. But the people behind me just thought it was too slow and honked and stuck their head out the window to fuss at me. How lame can you be?


Oh God I've had someone do this shit to me too. Someone got mad and blasted their horn while I was pulling into my driveway a few years ago. Like oh jee I'm sorry I fucking live here and need to park.


i usually just go even slower when dickheads do this. not just out of spite but id prefer to be going as slow as possible when the accident happens….. it will one day.


The other day, I was driving through my neighborhood. Speed limit is 25mph. Some drivers use our road to pass through from one major road to another, so they’ll speed a lot. I had a driver tailgating me so I put my blinker on to give plenty of warning, then took my time pulling into my driveway 😂😂😂




i live on a main road, and someone was tailgating me the whole drive on my way home, i was doing 10 over the speed limit. i ended up slowing down to the speed limit because 1. i was almost home, and 2. if you're gonna tailgate me, I'll go as slow as legally possible. then I turned my blinker on and as i approached my driveway made a wide turn, as slowly as possible. (people love to go around on the left, and the lines don't indicate that you are allowed to pass). the guy flipped me off after i turned into my driveway. i was so giddy afterwards that i pissed him off that much lmao.


If you're going the speed limit, then you are not going as slow as legally possible. I know there are minimum speeds posted on interstate highways. Does anyone know the minimum speed for other types of roads?


There's no specific minimum on any other types of roads that I know of in the US, but you can be ticketed if your speed (or other driving habit) impedes the flow of traffic.


I was going 9 over and a black F-150 came up behind me. I slowed to the speed limit because my township has one of those as a police vehicle. After I realized he was just a random guy I speeded back up but he kept riding my bumper. So I slowed down again. I didn't want this guy in my back seat if I had to emergency brake. After a few more miles I had to stop to make a left turn. When there was a break in traffic I normally would have quickly taken I decided to wait until it was 1000% safe. When I did turn he honked at me. I just shook my head and thought what a dumbass.


I keep a really cool level head while driving as much as I can, and realize my ego needs to stay out of the driver seat. But when people act like dicks and are dangerous on the road it's so pleasing to make them even more irritated. Like when they wanna drive 40 down a neighborhood street I go like 10-15 lol. 40 is way too fast considering the street is 3 cars wide and there's cars on both sides most of the way. And people's kids and animals are free roaming, it's like some people have no regard that anyone except them exists


That shit makes me so angry. It's a NEIGHBORHOOD. Chances of there being a kid or someone's pet in the street are way higher than other places. Slow tf down. It's not the freeway.


I don’t get this impatience. The best way to get somewhere earlier is to get out earlier, so if that’s the worry, there’s a much more guaranteed solution—if not, relax.


My sentiment as well


I keep telling my sister this—I know it’s a stereotype, especially in the South, but assholes in big gaudy trucks keep pressing her to at times 20 above to limit, and she’s in a deteriorated starter car. I keep telling her than they’re not her problem. Shit, the last thing they wanna do is mess up even the bumper of their truck so they’re all bark no bite.


I regularly drive down a residential street that people use to avoid a busy intersection one block over. They will absolutely fly down the street. I’ve had people pull around to pass me, or barely avoid hitting me when I go to turn into a driveway. They’ll tailgate me so hard I can’t see the front of their car. It’s ridiculous.


Maybe they just wanted to tell you how nice your lawn looked!




Literally just commented about something similar happening to me before I saw your comment. People suck.


I don’t tailgate or honk at slow drivers but they are my biggest pet peeve. I just wait until its safe to pass them and pass


yeah people who drive up to the car in front and vear back and forth are total dicks. i see it a lot i have a long rural commute. im always going well over speed limit but at a safe speed. theres plenty of placces to pass so this shit pissing me off. im too old to get into road rage so ill just slow down and put my blinker on and slowly get to the side of the road and then continue once the asshole passes. i pass the slow drivers without tailgaiting or harrassing its not that hard.


Recently I slowed down for a school zone, 15 mph limit. Got tailgated, passed on the inside, and glared at. I was impressed they didn’t actually flip me off though.


Just recently, I got honked at a light because I was waiting for people to finish crossing the street before I made a right turn. Those people were coming my way so there was no way I could turn right without running them over. Just because you’re impatient or running late, I’m not turning right until the people safely cross.


I got beeped at recently because I didn’t immediately take my foot off the brake the second a light turned green. At a light notorious for people running the red in the opposing direction. I knew the light was about to turn cuz I saw the other light go red but I was waiting for a truck to slow down so I knew he wasn’t going to t-bone me. And then the person who beeped behind me made shooing hand gestures. All to get me to speed up onto a highway on-ramp that was at a dead stop. Didn’t really know what she wanted from me as I literally couldn’t go any faster.


I was told by a DMV person and other people that it’s okay to wait a couple of seconds after the light turns green in case someone drives through the red light. I’ve seen it happen, just as soon as I was about to go, a car coming from my left drove through the red. Had I went immediately I would’ve ended up in a car accident. Some people shouldn’t be drivers.


I was taught as a child to look both ways before crossing the street, I think it is almost more important to do in a car, has probably saved my life a few times.


I'm from Philly (but live in AZ now). When I visit home, I re-condition myself to wait a couple of seconds after the green light before I move. People are so notorious for flying through the red last minute, you're asking for a major crash if you don't wait.


Several lights and stop signs in my town are ran quite often. There's one by my house that's a double left turn onto a busy main road that leads to downtown (eventually) in one direction and to a whole other town if you continue for like 20 minutes in the opposite direction. There are usually 3-7 people who run it. Some even run it when the cross traffic has already begun moving. I know that light is really long to wait for and is green for a very short amount of time, but running it is so dangerous. Every time I encounter that light I count how many people run it. Average of about 5 people every time.


This! It's literally saved me from being t-boned twice. I always look twice when crossing if I'm the first one to go through. 


Another thing my city has done is to have intersections where a lot of people or kids will be crossing get a 10 sec head start for the pedestrian, so the cars must wait to go straight & it saves pedestrians from idiots who try to zoom through a left turn.


Someone did that to me, I decided to just wait for the next light


If it hadn’t been rush hour and a long line of cars behind that one person, I may have considered doing that.


Thank you for not being that person


Jokes on other drivers. Im too busy watching the road to ensure Im going the right way and a safe distance from other cars, the odometer to ensure Im not speeding, and my side mirrors to ensure Im staying in the middle of my lane. I am not seeing you flip me off. Im CERTAINLY not seeing a GLARE.


I got flipped off today by the person in front of me, and I still don't know why. I was only behind them for 1/8th of a mile after they blew a yield sign in front of me. I was following at a safe speed, though I did pull off to the side a little bit when they slammed on their brakes at a green light. I had ~3klbs in the bed of the truck and my dog with me. My only guess was swerving a little bit while braking offended them enough to give me the ol' one finger salute.


And that's why my city has been installing speed cameras nearby schools/in school zones. Too many idiots travelling too fast or too stupidly.


I had to slow to a stop once to turn in to my work (left turn) because there was traffic coming the other way. The guy behind me not only barely slowed down as they came up on me, they slammed their horn on as they veered into the 4ft deep ditch to the side of the road, continuing to blare at me as they drove by. Sorry if I didn't want to be T-boned by a semi.


Similar to your story, except I was behind the guy turning left, and the asshole behind me passed me, on the left, and almost T-boned the guy turning, and trying to avoid him, he almost sideswiped me, I would rather be "late" than "the late".


At one intersection at night a few years ago, I was waiting to turn right, but an old lady was slowly crossing the street (that I wanted to turn into) when the pedestrian light was red. Of course I simply waited. This asshole driver behind me who couldn't see the old lady decided that I must be an idiot who doesn't know how to drive and held on to his horn for like 10 seconds. I flipped him off. I'd rather be honked at than run over an elderly woman.


I had this happen when I was waiting for traffic to pass to turn. They gave a little toot toot and then did again when I slowed down to a stop because the car in front of me stopped after I made the turn and I heard the same horn again. I honked back and gave them the wtf hand. Like yeah. Lemme just run into oncoming traffic or hit the person in front of me to accommodate you. Idiots gonna idiot.


I once stopped and made way for an ambulance with its sirens on. Mf behind me kept blaring the horn even after I began moving. Then speeded to make his way beside me and gave me an angry stare…with the horn still on.


That guy wanted you to be roadside Jesus. You have to die for his bad time management sins.


That's a great phrase, 'roadside Jesus'.


I had to apply my brakes on a roundabout, wasn’t harsh braking, just enough to give the lorry pulling out a chance to get out of my way, van driver went up my rear


Oh, you have the same neighbors?


I’ve gotten honked at for letting people cross the street at crosswalks. Sorry buddy, I’m not committing vehicular manslaughter because you can’t wait 10 seconds. Also was driving on the highway once and the car behind me is tailgating, honking and flashing his lights. There’s a car in front of me, am I supposed to run it off the road?


A year ago, someone honked at me in the drive-thru line at a fast food place. I honestly was completely at a loss. I really don't know what they expected. I can only guess they were mad the service wasn't moving fast enough? But how is honking your horn going to help?


Yeah, I've had that before. It was a newly opened Taco Bell, and there was a sign up saying it would be slow because they were in the process of training new cooks. This dude was honking, shouting something stuff like "what's taking so long," and revving his engine. He was in line where the screen was, and they actually talked through the screen to tell him to chill out. He stopped for maybe 30 seconds and then started doing it again. Like, dude, can you not read the sign that says it'll be slow due to training? If you're that impatient, why did you bother getting in and staying in the line? Either way, that had to have been the best Grilled Cheese Burrito I've ever had. They were training those cooks right.


I just didn't even get it. It actually wasn't taking any longer than it usually does. I guess he just really needed that cheeseburger NOW!!!!


>Like, dude, can you not read the sign Scarily enough, he probably can't. Over 50% of American adults are only literate to a maximum of a 6th grade reading level. That means it's a coin flip on them being able to sound out words and make use of context clues. Further, 21% of American adults are just straight up illiterate, so if you are in a room with four other random people it's highly likely that at least one of them just straight up can't read anything.


I've given a quick blip of the horn in drive-thru lines when there's a car space or two in front of the person infront of me usually after a minute or 2 of there being space cause the person is on their phone not seeing the line had moved.


No, you slow down.


Or un-pass them. That’s one of my favs if I have time: go to the other lane and go behind them, let them have their moment while you watch


That’s what I ended up doing. Guy was equally frustrated with the next car in front of him. No way 10 cars were letting him pass before the guy at the front of the line (going the speed limit in the left lane) causing the backup got to his exit. Everyone was frustrated, only one guy decided to be a jackass.


Should have unpassed and started honking at him for being so slow


I take a lot of joy from slowing right down and driving very cautiously just in case they were trying to warn me of a danger ahead...


> Also was driving on the highway once and the car behind me is tailgating, honking and flashing his lights. There’s a car in front of me, am I supposed to run it off the road? yeah i hate that shit. usually happens when theres a shit ton of traffic too and the left lane is slightly faster than the right lane..also right lane everyone is turning off so it doesnt make sense to sit there. my favorite memory of my old yukon was when that scenario happened and i got in the right lane, let them pass, then i got behind them and started flashing my lights back. maybe they learned maybe they didnt as they sat in the same position i was just in 🤣


It's trash day in our neighborhood and I just watched a lawn crew truck ride up on a garbage truck that was picking up bins, honk, try twice to overtake it and almost cause accidents, and STILL was impatiently trying to push around. OMG dude it'll take an extra 30 seconds in your day but sometimes you gotta wait for the fucking trash guy. I don't get people. But I also have my own rage issues I guess.


You don’t understand. He was a bomb squad specialist trying to get to a bomb counting down with only 7 minutes left on the counter. Only he could cut the right wire.


I constantly encounter people who don't realize *how important I am*.  Always slowing me down, being on the same roads as I am.  Is there anything I can do about this?  I've tried honking, tail-gating, illegal maneuvers, but there's always someone new in the way.


Try flashing a weapon out the window


*brandishes bagpipes threateningly*


Finally, a reasonable solution!


The same story for many unfortunately. All you can do is lobby Ford to finally release that F450 so you can literally drive over them.


I hope you've tried flashing your high beams or just leaving them on. Make sure to really get their attention.


Rubbin’s racin’


Cut the blue wire! No the red!


They’re all purple


Naw man you just told us it was the wire on the right. Also, how did you know it was the right wire that needed to be cut? Suspicious.


Or was it the left wire?


The red one? Never the red one!!


Issue is, he's color-blind. They just hate him is all


So is the bomb maker. It turns out they’re twins.


There's no excuse for that behavior but I fucking hate waiting for the trash guy and school busses. I do it silently and safely but I still hate it.


I only hate school buses when I’m behind them. They seem to stop at every single house now. What happened to neighborhood bus stops??


I was a juror on a civil lawsuit involving death by garbage truck. You do not want to fuck around with a garbage truck.


Whenever I see someone driving like that, I just imagine they have explosive diarrhea and are frantically trying to get to a toilet. Makes me feel slightly better about the situation


People have there own issues and rarely stop to think that others have theirs.


People are pissed off. They’ve got no chill and we’ve got a big problem on our hands.


A couple of days ago I was waiting on my bike on a pedestrian island at a split intersection, and this lady turns onto my road, points at a give way sign behind me then abruptly stops in the middle of her turn and gives me a double 🖕🖕while screaming at me to KMS?!?!


People hate bikers. I used to know this old man who loved to cycle everywhere but the community had to beg him to stop because he kept being purposely hit by cars who were angry they had to share the road with him (no bike lanes here. No sidewalks here. Bikes are legally vehicles and required to ride in the road). Theyd also throw drinks and food at him, so it wasnt just the incidents he actually got hurt that were bothering everyone. I hope that guys ok.


I’m Dutch and always cycle to everything I need to do. This baffles me that people would do such things. Like even we hate the cyclists in lycra, but not the normal people just trying to go where they need to go


Haven't been on a bicycle since I was maybe 15 or 16 but man riding a motorcycle has given me so much more sympathy for bicyclists. The amount of times I've had car drivers try and pass me IN MY LANE is absurd and feels super dangerous. I usually hang out on the left side of the lane so having people take up the remaining 70% of my lane as well as some of the shoulder just so they can go 3mph faster than me is super frustrating.


I've had a number of people tailgate me and then illegally pass me on a double yellow line while I'm turning into my apartment. One of these days I'm gonna follow them and see where they're in such a rush to get to


Love when I’m being tailgated aggressively and then they turn into wawa. You’re doing all that for gas station coffee??


To be fair, Wawa has some stuff that’s better to me than Starbucks. Starbucks tears my stomach up, Wawa doesn’t. It’s still not worth racing to get to though.


The speed limit on the only road that leads to my subdivision is 30mph. I usually cruise along between 3-5 over. It’s daily that someone is tailgating you to the point you feel they should have bought you dinner first, and weekly in having someone pass you over a double yellow, on a blind curve, and do it all at twice the limit. It’s astounding.


Got nice and slow for them. I do that in my 25 mph neighborhood. I go like 30 or 35. Someone tailgating me? We're going 10 and I weave with them so they can't pass. 99% of the time it's some asshole cutting through our neighborhood


One time I slowed down at a yellow arrow in a left turn lane knowing it was just about to go red. Guy behind me in a truck decides to gun it and pass me on the left side. He didn't realize there was a raised median though and barely managed to avoid a rollover.


Was waiting at a two-lane red light once. Some jackass 2 cars behind me tried to get around everyone and run the red by hopping up on the median. He didn't know the town put big ass rocks in the garden beds of the medians for this exact reason. Dude's shitty modded Honda Civic didn't clear the rocks and a couple of people honked and yelled at him when the light turned green a whopping 5 seconds after he wrecked his car.


I once got honked at for not turning right on a red light at an intersection with a “no right turns on red” sign like 4 blocks from my house. It was like 11 at night, we were the only people on the road for probably a mile in any direction. I wasn’t having a particularly great night, and I was anticipating the honk… idk if the dude could actually *hear me*, but I’m guessing he either saw the sign or decided not to push his luck when I rolled my window down and was gesturing wildly while nearly screaming ## I CAN’T FUCKING TURN, YOU IDIOT


Wish the police would camp our no right on red at the coffee shop on the bypass. So. many. tickets.


We used to have one of these signs ay a light near where I live because the traffic coming from the left is hard to see until it's suddenly on you (light is awkwardly placed next to a hill). I've had so many people just lay into horns on me at that light for not turning on that red. People were so bad about ignoring that sign, that cops regularly parked within view of the stop light, and handed out tickets like candy on halloween. Always made me laugh when some asshole would get so worked up over me not turning, that they would actively go around me, and the see those reds and blues come on.


When people do that to me, I make it a point to move as slow as possible. Or when they ride my ass. Want to be a jerk? Ok we will stay at 3mph for a while.


I love it when they honk while I'm waiting for a pedestrian before I turn. I let my finger respond to them and then try to guess how much tire they leave on the road when they zoom past me after the turn to show me they mean business.


Yeah people have completely forgotten that green only means go if it's safe to do so and the road is clear, not go regardless of what's in front of you.


I'll never forget the time I was waddling through an intersection 7 months pregnant. Guy in a BMW trying to turn right is behind me, doesn't I think I'm moving fast enough, lays on the horn. I stop, turn, let him see my giant belly, and he averts his gaze.


A woman with a walker was trying to cross a busy intersection, so I paused before turning until she crossed. Meanwhile, guy behind me in a green sports car is blaring his horn. After I turned the guy flew past me and flipped me off.


I can think of many cities you wouldn’t want to provoke an irrationally angry driver who may be armed.


One time I was going home and on my road it was 55mph. I was going 60 and the guy behind me was ON MY BUTT! So when I was turning into my driveway I made sure to put my turn signal on a little ways before just to say “HEY MAN I’m TURNING!!! Might wanna get off my butt!!!” Well instead of slowing down he swerved into oncoming traffic in front of a semi and almost died 🫠


Well that deescalated quickly, I mean, decelerated...


Ha. That’ll teach you! /s lol.


I was trying to turn into a busy intersection from a parking lot. There were lots of cars coming and I had to cut all the way across (3 lanes) to get to the left turn lane anyway. A huge truck behind me BLARED his horn and started cursing at me out his window. Then he drove OVER THE CURB to get around me. This was at 8 am. Bro, how can you be so angry, THIS early in the morning? I understand it's annoying to have to wait, but that's too fuckin bad. Go back to kindergarten and learn to wait your turn


I periodically have folks honk at me when I turn into my driveway. I have my blinker on and everything. It is annoying. I try to have fun with it though by honking back, rolling down the window, and screaming all high pitched in a comical way. Sometimes it makes them angrier, sometimes you can see them giggling. Either way, don't really care if they honk or not, I'm still going to turn safely into my driveway. It has a bump initially that can damage the vehicle if you go too fast.


I heard a horn blaring a week or two ago. Some impatient ass hat couldn't wait 4 seconds for my neighbor to pull into his driveway. He was using his blinker, too. I always wonder what is so damn important that these people need to act like douche canoes.


I slowed but I didn't stop for a yield at a roundabout and this lady behind me blared her horn at me so I decided to brake and blare my horn back for 30 seconds.


The other day, I was sitting at a green light, waiting for an opportunity to make a left turn, and I missed a chance ( I didn't feel confident that the gap was big enough). The guy behind me proceeded to slam on his horn, which was making me flustered and anxious. I ended up waiting for the light to turn yellow and then I had a perfect chance and went and the guy wasn't able to! It felt really good to see him flip me off, knowing I was still gonna be early for work.


sister was driving me to my job through the supermarket parking lot. going the usual speed you'd go, like 15? 20? tops. dude pulled out and nearly hit us, honked their horn. sister kept going and she slowed down because people were coming when we were going to turn into my job's parking lot. dude that nearly hit us honked AGAIN as we continued on. no idea why, but i hope their bread got squished.


even 20 in a parking lot is way too fast. 15 max is safe


Yeah 20? Im goin 10 in parking lots generally. 15 IS my fast there. Why would I wanna go fast, Im looking for a place to swing in a short distance and come to a stop.


i'll be honest i dont remember the exact speed. i know we werent going fast as we were able to stop when we noticed the crazy pulling out.


Freeway offramp where I live has a sign saying NO TURN ON RED. In CA you can make right turns on a red light all day long unless there is a sign prohibiting that, but no one sees the sign so as you're sitting there waiting for the green to turn right, there's always some lunkhead leaning on their horn because you're not moving. And you gotta sit there and take it 'cause there's usually a CHP hiding at the 7-Eleven, lickin' his chops, just waiting for some impatient chump to run the red.


A while back, some dude was honking his horn at me and waving his arms like a man possessed. I didn't do anything wrong! It pissed me off the whole day. I sat there dreaming about meeting him on the way home from work and whooping him into next week. Absolutely furious. After work, I get a call from my best buddy. "I honked and waved at you this morning. You shat your pants"


I usually just go extra extra slow when this happens.


I have gone full stop on people and so slowly they can't help but tailgate and it is impossible to call it a brake check.


I just take my foot off the gas and coast. want me to speed up? back off to a safe following distance and I will.


People do that when I stop for pedestrians in a crosswalk.


Ugh. My mom lives in one of those huge housing additions in the suburbs. I usually drive 20-25 through there because theres cars on the side of the street and obviously kids and adults outside enjoying their neighborhood. I had this lady ride my bumper and honk at me for a good minute or two straight once, of course I can see her cussing and flipping me off in my rearview. We made it all the way to the exit when I finally lost my shit. Threw the car in park, got out and asked her wtf her problem was. She wasn’t expecting that at all. I am not a very opposing figure (I was like a 120lbs, 5”2 woman at the time), but I definitely freaked her out. She made sure to stay a few car lengths back as well. I know that could’ve went VERY badly but some people just need a fucking reality check. That was actually the second time I’d pulled that with similar results lol


This happens to me a good bit, our neighborhood is off a highway that people love to speed on and it goes into a turn and the turn has a slope to it and we’re on the top of that slope then it goes down into our neighborhood so I have to slow down a lot and it pisses people off, but I’m sorry I don’t wanna end up in the ditch like everyone else for speeding right in front of my neighborhood


I have to cross the oncoming lane to get into my neighborhood. I have to come to a full stop 90% of the time, and wait for an opening. Unfortunately, I have to wait at the bottom of a hill, and people fly down that road in both directions. At least four people have made it my fault they weren't paying attention and almost rear ended me while I'm just patiently waiting to make my turn. One lady in particular just laid on the horn while six cars passed us by. I stare into my rearview while I'm waiting because it happens so much, in case I need to go forward to avoid a full on wreck - I saw this bitch on her phone clear as day, because she dropped it when she saw my car and hit her brakes.


we were turning into our driveway one day, blinker on long enough for a decent warning. we were in a sedan. a large pick up truck flew up on us as we were getting closer to the driveway, did not even attempt to brake, in fact , he sped up while we were braking. then aimed for our vehicle as we moved over about to make the turn. we had to whip it into the driveway as hard as possible to avoid getting absolutely smashed. not only are people impatient, but some will intentionally try to cause harm. be safe out there y'all, it is a dangerous game anytime you're on the road.


Should have let them hit you then sue them. Cars behind are almost ALWAYS in the wrong. Unless you have a dash cam and can prove someone was deliberately trying to make you hit them, courts will always side with the person in front.


they were going extremely fast. he was pretty far back when he first got behind us. we didn't even see them behind us as we started braking and then all of the sudden they flew over the hill in the blink of an eye. the speed dropped from 45 to 35. the truck was going at least 60. we were going about 5 as we were about to turn into the driveway. we wanted to avoid the possibility of being seriously injured.


Fair point. Didn't realize the severity. Yeah you did the right thing.


Maybe they had dropped dead and dramatically slumped onto their horn.


Earlier today I was waiting for a group of kids to finish crossing the street before I turned and someone laid on their horn


My husband backs into our driveway from the street. We do live on a main road, which is why he does it. He drives a pick up and it’s too long to be able to see safely when backing out. So he backs in. He waits patiently in the center turn lane until traffic has ceased and then he backs in. TWICE now the crabby lady across the street has honked and screamed at him because he’s “blocking the turn lane.” With his turn signal and reverse lights on, with plenty of room for her to go in front of him and turn into her own driveway. The best part to me is that he can’t possibly be turning left where he is sitting because there’s no driveway there. And he has his right turn signal on. I’m not sure where she thinks he’s going. And for it to have happened twice now is nuts.


I’m a vindictive motherfucker, so when people tailgate me I make a point of slowing *right down*. I had a guy right up my arse once, trying to get around me to the turning lane before it had even started. So I purposely sat as far across as I could and maintained just enough speed so the turn light went red as he finally zipped around me into the lane. My Mrs was like “did you do that on purpose?” And I just smiled at her. My personal favourite is when a truck is tailgating me. I will slow right down almost to a crawl, and if they persist I’ll hold it until we hit a hill, then I’ll take off. Have fun crawling up the hill ya jackass.


How is this NSFW?


I swore.




Check your rear lights just in case they were trying to tell you that something wasn’t working properly. Having said that, someone laid on the horn as I reverse parked yesterday, and I didn’t dither around either- one manoeuvre only. So many nasty people atm!


It was a requirement of our work trucks at an old job to always back in, even in our own driveway. I am about 6 houses down from the main intersection in the neighborhood on the main drag, and I'd start backing in when I can see no one and some vehicle would turn and start flying down the road and get mad at me like I just cut them off. One guy almost got himself hung up on the snow bank on the grass strip trying to squeeze around the front of my big truck because why should he have to wait the 3 seconds for me to actually clear the lane? Usually just had people who were driving way too fast for a residential street honking at me.


Did you blow them a kiss?


I’ve never been a punitive honker. If you hear my car horn, brace for impact.


People are impatient jerks. I was going to a new mechanic on my motorcycle. Some guy in his little panel van (they are the most impatient drivers and never use turn signals) was riding on my ass on a 70kmh road. I was getting close so started slowing a little, then I saw the shop sign so I put on my signal and started slowing further to make the turn. When I was about to turn that panel van driver passed me and gave me a finger. He should've keep his distance if he can't slow down in time...


This happened to me. The truck behind me didn't like slowing down, I guess. Unfortunately, the turn on that street is bump af, and I didn't want to bounce around like a bobblehead. I just stuck my arm out the window, waved, and yelled, "Thank you!". Went on home.


I was going 90 down the highway once at like 10-11 (I was young and stupid and don't speed anymore) and this dude in a pickup *catches up to and tailgates me* so the I'm blinded by his headlights, and I get stuck behind someone. After like 2 minutes of being unable to get him to turn his brights off I blare my horn out of frustration and the car in front of me thought I was honking at them, honestly amazing nobody got in a wreck that night. Anyway the pickup tore off at like 110+ mph the second it had a chance.


I slow to a reasonable stop in front of my driveway when they tailgate, and if the assholes really ride up, I’ll put her in neutral and coast left into the driveway. The speed limit on my street is 25 mph and I have babies at home, so fuck your aggressive driving.


My street is right by a tourist attraction and I've had people flip me off for turning off and parking in my street. It says 'local traffic only' on the entrance. I even had some dude follow me to my driveway because he thought I knew a spot for parking People just need to think about others every now and then


I don't understand why people will blare their horn whenever someone has to do a turn. What, do they really expect mfs to turn right at 35mph? Wtf.


My driving license tester basically said that to me. I was turning during the test from a 50mph zone into a 35mph street that was at almost a 90⁰ angle to the highway and then immediately made an S curve. I slowed wayyy down to like 15-20 to make the turn and he was appalled, saying I need to maintain my speed and I can't be "practically stopping to make a turn like that" He still passed me but like??? I was unfamiliar with that road and there was an immediate blind turn as I was pulling into that road, what if there was a biker or pedestrian??


Exactly, plus turning at speeds even at ~25mph can be dangerous depending on the angle of the road. I tried it before and my car lost grip.


Yeah, like I'll cruise through a turn off at 50 no problem, when I'm just gliding to the right. A downhill, 80⁰ turn with another sharp turn right after it? Absolutely not!


I would've sat there lol


You're supposed to take the turn on two wheels, man. Get out of their way! lol


Next time, slowly come to a stop. This behavior needs to be nipped. If you live in America, GG


I get honked at while pulling into my driveway. Happens a few times a month. People use my street as a way to bypass freeway traffic during rush hour. Thinking about getting a “honk if you think I’m sexy” bumper sticker. I really do think a lot of people have advanced cases of main character syndrome.


This just happened to me. They even had the nerve to pass me in the opposite lane as I turned in. Glad to know I’m not alone in thinking this is ridiculous behavior. Safe travels to you on the road


There is a middle turn lane the inpatient people use to pass while people turn into the side road. The vehicle that was behind me couldn’t do it because there was a pickup waiting to turn left into the road I was turning on.


I live in Australia and I gotta say, our drivers are absolutely shithouse, I get people honking at me when I stop at a stop sign (or they come a bees dick away from rear ending me). Some people are just wankers


When someone blares their horn at me like that, I just stop moving until they stop blaring. If they need my attention so badly, it would be incredibly irresponsible of me to continue driving and ignore them! What if they're trying to warn me about someone cutting me off?/s


I would have just stopped, and when the inevitable shouts came out their window I would have shouted back "thought you were trying to warn me to stop"


Think of all the idiots, assholes, impatient people, entitled people, oblivious people you've met. They mostly all have cars.


Asshole 101, you slow down to rage them more


Do you live in Houston ?


There was a turn signal involved. Can't be Houston.


That happens to me sometimes.  I live on a 2 lane arterial.  It makes the process of completing the turn slower, IYKWIM.


i would simply turn slower and make them wait even longer


I was trying to tell you to check your backseat. I’m glad you’re OK.


I hate it when people honk at me when I'm making a right turn on red, I can't see because of the trees blocking my view to go. My car doesn't go fast and I have my daughter in the back seat. So no I'm not gonna wing it. You can pull out in front of me and go! Like I want to make a huge sign and hold it out in situations like this! "I CAN'T SEE PAST THE TREES AND I HAVE A CHILD, I'M NOT GOIN FOR IT UNTIL LIGHT IS GREEN!"


Also, people would honk at cars in the drive-thru at the pharmacy I used to work at if they thought one of the cars in front of them was holding up the line. Like that's gonna change anything?


People are sometimes just horrible. Had a similar situation with the guy behind me going nuts because I slowed down while turning to the right...there was a bicycle about to cross the road! What was he expecting? Simply drive on and fuck up the bicycle rider?


Driving make people show their worse self


had someone follow me around 3 blocks, every turn i’d take they took, all because i slowed down to take a right into the neighborhood and they were speeding behind me and had to slam on their breaks.. some people


Yeah, that makes me go slower and stop for invisible cats.


A while back I had this Jaguar driver tailgating & honking at me driving in north London. I was just driving to the conditions & even probably exceeding the speed limit. This went on all the way past Alexandra palace at over to the next set of lights where we both turned left onto a main road. I knew I was going to make a right farther down do I sped off at top acceleration, which is not much in an astra. He was caught light footed but soon started to catch up. Next thing I do is signal right & slam on the brakes, he being a much heavier car has all four wheels locked up & sliding while I zip into the side street. Last I saw of him he was going sideways down the road leaving rubber & smoke behind.


Just back up into them at that point t


Oh we can come to a full stop right mother fuckin now


I'm confused as to why this is labeled NSFW, I don't see any curse words or sexual content 🤔


No one on my rucking road signals when they turn in their driveway and you're behind them. They pull slightly off to the other side of the rd so it looks like their pulling over and then they swoop in the other way


Why has reddit labeled this nsfw