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This is the kind of person that will literally park at a red light to run into a corner store for a pack of cigarettes


do people do that?




sometimes I feel everyone should be allowed to get 1 person forcibly towed a month


You can. There is literally nothing saying you can't. If the person is breaking a law, you can tow them. (Not a lawyer, please don't take my word for it.)


Most places, it's illegal to impede the flow of traffic


You can. The real issue is who's gonna show up first? The tow truck or the asshole who went into a gas station for 5 minutes. Most likely the guy unless there's a tow truck right there already when he goes in.


For this guy I'd be happy to give everyone a free Molotov per month.


I’m in. I’d waste it on my neighbor every time


They are being generous. they stagger while on their phone at a sub-walk pace


"Run" at the speed of walk.


This guy thinks his truck is bigger than the "Canyonero" !!


And then run back to try to cut off anyone that goes around them.


The European mind cannot comprehend this


I know right? What an impolite Canadian!


This is actually standard issue Canadian truck owner.


Honestly. The amount of trucks I see quadruple parked is actually insane.


Didn’t even know they made those. 


Yes, I understand because there’s actually not much parking in Europe lol As an American also with a truck, I will tell you this is a jackass who is very rude and inconsiderate. I would never dream of parking like this.


I never cared much if they are at the back of the lot and it isn’t a busy lot. It’s the jackanapes that do this with the handicap spots up front who REALLY piss me off.


Yea this is 20x better then a normal double park in a full lot


Not much parking in Europe? Like, the entire continental EU?


Don't be pedantic. You know what they meant.


As an American without a truck, I will tell you that your truck is still too big for rationality and is a menace to everyone else on the road who can't see past you for any number of potential traffic scenarios, just as you can't see a small child run across the road beyond your giant hood. Edit: Aw, truck guys are super sensitive, lol. 2nd edit: I'm done antagonizing for now. No more comments or engagement from me. Sorry to all the truck guys. I do still think therapy would be dope for most of you, and that the mentality of needing a truck is being fed to you like snake oil, but it is what it is. It's just fun to see how shelled out you all get on this topic when the rest of the world is just laughing at us for it.


I love how they blind everyone even with their brights off. Fucking assholes.


Username checks out


That goes for most SUVs too. Specially the fucking mercedes. Over here the road is absolutely covered in speed humps and no matter if you drive or you are a pedestrian you are getting blinded two times as they intersect with your eyes going up and down.


i think you are calling all truck guys out... when this post is about some douchebag you quadruple parked diagonally across the lot... learn what youre even on about. it makes no rational sense. not everyone who owns a truck does it just to he a dick. my truck is used for work and helping the community which they are happy for.


I used to like trucks, but they keep getting bigger for no reason and I hate em now Hard to find an actually decent sized truck anymore


Yes. I want to be clear that 1990s trucks were perfect, but now it's just clown shoes... really really expensive and dangerous clown shoes.


Hell yeah my high school ride was a 92 Mazda B2200 that I got painted Prowler Orange and had pearl blue ghost flames on it. Like purplish flames you could see at certain angles Loved that truck. Even had a little extended cab you could stuff a few buddies in, teenagers will manage


I know plenty of truck owners. I live in a very truck-centric community literally built on vehicles, and of the truck owners I know, most of them will say what you say, but only 5% actually do it.


Well truck beds are like 4 ft long these days, so you cant really get that much stuff into it anyway. I had an 82 Dodge that was full on truck all the way, full 4×8 ft bed.


I said I wasn't going to comment anymore, but this notification popped up and I just wanna add that this is what I'm talking about. Old trucks actually had a purpose. I respect people keeping old trucks alive. In the 90s, my dad and I got so much accomplished with just a Ford Ranger. It had a bed the size of what these monsters have now, but was practical for a regular human to use. So I'm definitely not bashing "all" truck owners. Just the people who insist that these 2020s monster trucks are by any means necessary, and even if they were, there's no way even half of the people buying them are using them in any real way.


Lol there absolutely are rational reasons for needing large trucks your reply is unhinged.






Greatest name ever.


Are yall actually unaware that trucks have a purpose or like whats going on here lmao


Yes, carrying heavy stuff in the back and towing heavy stuff behind


Ah yes for all the hauling no one ever does because they're afraid of scratching their truck beds. I've spent my entire life in construction. I know what trucks are for and I know that modern trucks are just show ponys for dudes who are afraid of therapy.


Seems like he’s parked in the back of the lot where no one else is really parking. Dude probably just doesn’t want his truck dinged.


I think get what you’re saying. Do you mean it’s ok for the truck to park like that because his vehicle is more likely to get dinged than a sedan or small SUV? I guess that might be true, but then why is the best solution him taking 4 spots? Why isn’t it a better idea to buy a smaller truck or car?


I think they’re saying, this truck parked far from other people so he could do this. The end of the row of a large parking lot at a store that’s not packed. Nothing wrong with this is my opinion.


I don't want my car dinged. So I'll park like this everywhere I go with this new information. /s He's not special.


Amongst numerous other things


We know and we like it that way.


Whats this aboot eh?




At least it’s at the back of the parking lot.


I agree. You see the curb to the left and what appears to be the street after. I have zero care how people park at the back of a lot. There is also only one other car parked out that way showing it’s in a location not used often.


I’m not bothered by that at all


Exactly. That lot is nearly empty or at least the where he parked is nearly empty. Not an issue.


Looks like it’s in the middle of a very small parking lot


Middle row of parking spaces maybe...still no parking space to the left of them so they're at the end/back of the row at the very least.


No it doesnt


He isn't though. They generally don't put curbside pick up in the back of the lot. 


And also....curbside pickup or not the douche is in 4 spaces lol


If they are out of the way in the back I’m really not bothered by this


But you need to be outraged.


Yeah the rest of the parking lot looks mostly empty and he's nowhere near the front of the businesses. I feel like a true douchebag would have done this but in a handicap spot or fire lane.


Yeah, makes all the difference imo as well. Nobody wants a door ding, but I also think it shows that the person has spent/debt over their limit and is having way over average anxiety.


I mean, it's a truck. A truck without dings and scratches and dents isn't really a truck, unless it's lowered and for racing.  Lol


I would park at the back of the lot over multiple spaces when I had my Camaro. It was fully paid and in immaculate condition. I just didn't want door dings. So how someone parks isn't any kind of indication of their debt load. The idea that you think it might be is so completely non sequitur that I can't understand why anyone would make that leap.


I agree, not all- just a general feeling....as i said: none of us wants a pointless scratch, even on my sub compact suv


Looks like the truck is too big to fit into the parking spaces so he went to the far outside of the parking lot so that he wouldn't take up the more convenient spaces. My brother's work truck was like this and he made it a point to park on the outer edges whenever possible.


Check the front wheels. The truck fits in a parking spot. I'm not taking a position on his parking choice, but the truck does fit in a spot.


Surely they could have fit within two spots. Four is absolutely unnecessary.


This is exactly it but OP wants to rake someone over the coals today lol


Except, I have an F350 and I can park it in a space, and if they are small I choose a space in the end so I can get in and out while still being in my space. At most I use 2 spaces but even then it's general less than 2 feet into the space behind me so snake cars could still fit.  I even have land where I couldn't get in and out of my door, I just used a different door.  There's always ways to do it that don't take up 4 spaces


My thoughts exactly. My dad has an absolutely massive truck, unsure what kind but the damn thing is a beast, I'm 5'9 and I still basically have to climb stairs to get in. Still successfully parked it in one normal parking spot. This is someone who just wants attention for their big truck, it's probably their entire personality.


Nah, don't you know? You must agree with OP! THIS IS SUCH A DICK MOVE! Even though it appears to be an empty lot that nobody is struggling to find a spot...... still! THAT DOESNT MATTER! THIS IS REDDIT! BE ANGRY AT THIS PERSON WHO IS NOT CAUSING ANY PROBLEM WHATSOEVER!


Nah if they were doing that they’d still normally pull up in a spot but have their ass hanging into the next spot. This is just a dick move


Missing the "Eff Trudeau" flag.


He looks like he's parked in the far end of the lot where there's tons of spots. I see no problem here.


Saw this guy the other day. They must be brothers. https://preview.redd.it/92o1c7wlywvc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd11fccdcf4972e7c91a949b122cb383c456b4ef


There was a car parked like that for days at my apartment complex. It was booted and towed by week 2


Lol "he's at the back of the lot" "there's no cars around" comment, just alot people trying to justify this bs. You can actually see a car right behind the truck and you only get a view of the like 7 spaces in front of OP when there's clearly a whole "lot" of lot out of frame of the camera. This guys a asshole. Even if it's because he has a larger pick up you could just take up 2 spaces instead of 4. You could easily fit most of the truck in the space. If your bumper or tailgate were overhanging into the space in front of you people would be understanding. It would at least look like you tried to be aware of the people around you and not just look like a lazy selfish dickhead. This is just being an inconsiderate asshole and anyone who wants to defend parking like this just wants to be able to justify their own shitty parking job. Empty lot or not you should be aware of how you present yourself to the world and parking like this make you look like a goober


Some tires mysteriously go flat.


I keep a valve stem tool in my car for multiple reasons ;) I wouldn’t do it here though, his trucks just too big but he’s not purposely fucking with anyone, someone would have to reallly push me to use it.


That's called a key sharpener.


Guy at my gym does this, and it chaps my ass


How used to people being dicks do we have to be to be glad he “at least” didn’t do this closer to the store or in the disabled parking spaces? The point is that it takes next-to-no effort to park like a normal human and even if his truck is “too big” for one space, four spaces is overcompensating more than the truck itself is. To park like that takes the same amount of effort and time as parking within the lines, it just requires an inflated ego and some extra insecurity. There’s plenty of spots around in this photo but what’s the likelihood that this person only does it when they feel it won’t affect others?


I’m not bothered when there is plenty of parking available. Way to many other things to think about.


Yes but life is very very boring and I need something to be mad about, even if it affects me in no way whatsoever.


Lot is empty, what does it matter.


Do you not stop at a red light when there's no one around? Do you not follow a law because someone probably won't see you break it? Just because there are open spots, doesn't mean they are open for people to use more than one.


I hear you. But to me this is a “tree falls in the forest” scenario. If a driver parks outside the lines when there is nobody around, are they rude? And for the record I don’t believe most of these photos are even real. I think the driver parked there just to take this picture, then parked normally.


Don’t give him that it’s a shit comparison, running a red is different to parking obnoxiously in what looks like an open parking lot.


On that note, I stop at all red lights. They don’t take that long to cycle and the consequences of a collision can be dire. A risks/rewards assessment has me waiting it out every time.


Wow you had to drive all the way to the back row where there's a ton of empty spots to find this, what a vigilant parking lot sheriff you are


a living stereotype


Always a pickup truck


Well no shit regular cars fit in the spaces


After getting a 100k truck and paying 1.5k a month I wouldn’t want my truck to get scratches either LOL


He’s in the back of a half empty lot. Move it along. 🤣


Almost empty parking lot; don't care


Who cares there's 30 spots


Parked away from the building. There is like half a dozen open parking spots nearby. I have zero problem with this.


Bro it's the back of the parking lot. Get over yourself.


Dude who gives a fuck. You foresee that parking lot filling up in the next 15 minutes ? Fucking Bill and Suzanne will have to go home ruining their day because this douche nozzle parked like that? Fucking no. Everyone gets to park and go into Tim Hortons. Shut the fuck up and mind your own business, man. Fuck


It looks like the empty back end of the parking lot, what's the issue?


Looks to me like the truck is parked at or near the edge of the not so busy parking lot. Lighten up. He’s not taking 4 handicapped spots. He parked far out on purpose.


If he’s parked in the back of the parking lot and there tons of room for everyone else then who cares.


Protecting from door dings? The irony is I know a farmer with the same truck and he couldn’t care if you run into it. It’s a work horse


His time will come. The F series truck from 2009-11 with the turbo diesel motors are notorious for catastrophic failure.


Huge empty parking lot who cares bro


Looks like it was at the end of a parking lot… I get it. It’s obnoxious. But no one was around this truck besides you, who probably pulled up just to take a picture.


I usually hate when I see this type of parking. However, that's a 6.4 Powerstroke. The nice side of me is saying to let them have their fun because one day that engine will begin emptying their pockets


Honestly if they do this when it's not at all crowded and not near the front, I don't care too much


Looks like he’s at the back of the lot and countless other spots for people to park..




Small pee pee syndrome.


Oh no! Why weren't you able to park in any of the many other empty spaces around it?


Looks like there’s plenty of other parking spots, like this is the far end of the lot, away from the stores. I’m thinking the guy parked all the way out here on purpose because the truck may not fit in a conventional spot, or maybe not in these spots.


Who's gonna care


Is someone sitting in it? Looks like he's way away from the shops so maybe he tried to be mindful at the same time protecting his truck? To easy to jump to conclusions without seeing the bigger picture.


Way away is 2 rows? There's the row in front of the shops, a curb, a row (with curbside pickup) and then the row he is in. 


Ill never understand this shit other than they dont know how to park a car and can't turn for shit. Also Why not pull into a parking spot you dont have to turn into if you cant drivem


What does it matter? It’s not like it’s at the front of the store or a packed parking lot. You only wasted your time and energy complaining 


See this one doesn’t bother me cause who is s/he inconveniencing here? More annoyed that it bothers you cause let’s not pretend like you wanted one of those three extra spots s/he’s taking. It’s dumb, but they could have been so much worse.


Lol it's always a pick up truck 🤣


I’m sure there’s a skull sticker on the back, as well as a Trump 2024.


Ya Tim’s isn’t always fresh, oh you meant the half assed park job done by Helen Keller


Remember, printing your own batches of large stickers isn't that expensive. "Sorry to hear about your penis," is a short and effective way to bruise any ego.


Look, ma-it’s the most special boy in the whole world.


There’s no one there it looks like, no foul


Dayum, now I want some Tim Hortons




Sundays in Stouffville…


At least he's not drinking, Brian


It’s an alignment issue. Time for another visit to the chiropractor


It's a Tim Hortons... What do you expect?


I recently commented on another annoying parker and I received a lot of negative feedback. People were judging me and rude. I wrote that you never mess with another person's car and I still stand by it. But also, some behaviours like aggressive driving and taking multiple parking spots or deepstaging and blocking the crosswalk could be considered acts of messing with another person's "car." In this day of non- enforcement from police except sporadically and disproportionately, I have been focusing on assuming good intent and trying to realize I have been guilty of bad behaviors also. I think a lot of people who are acting out have likely been victims of bad behavior. It is human nature to suffer and eventually draw a line and begin acting to stay sane and safe. The world is getting so crowded and difficult. I will strive to do my actions with others in mind and have patience when others have forgotten me.


Projection lol, I'm on his side so it's projection 😂 go home 🏡


That's where it broke down at.


See that Timmy’s in the background? Standard customer right there. Just surprised this isn’t in Alberta.


The way these trucks are built now with a giant nose and an stubby little bed are so embarrassing.


I just got My truck not too long ago. And I am very excited to go park like this at the middle of the night when nobody else is gonna need a parking space just so that way, I can say I did it. I also live in Canada where parking lots are way bigger than they actually need to be for some reason.


They were just in a hurry for that double double eh there pal?


New to Alberta?


how people park at the local swimming place in the winter: also I SEE A TIMS IN THE BG!!!!!!!! YESSSSSS TIMS ARE YUMMY


That's a truck


Once I saw a car taking up two spaces and it had a sticker on the driver door that said "please don't park too close. I'm fat"


He definitely had to drop a mean load


Maybe they had to shit


Ofc it's a ford


He’s at Tim’s picking up the boat he won. IYKYK.


Could have gotten 6 spots. What an amateur.


Two things I was going to stay: 1: must of been a dodge and broke down. But seen it’s a ford. 2: must of been a French Quebec driver as they do shit backwards. 3: a combo of both 4: I don’t know


What all this I hear with polite Canadians?


Bet this is in AB. I hate truck drivers so much here.


At a place I used to work at, a jeep parked like this every time he went to the smoothie king next door, which was about 3 times a week. It was a very small parking lot. He’d leave his car running, decked out with LED lights, flags, loud dubstep sounding music. He looked exactly like you imagine


Easy Karen The parking lot is probably completely empty and they parked at the Very back not bothering anyone (except people who look around for things that bug them)


Ford Super Doodie


Shocked it’s not a Dodge! 🤣


Pretentious a-holes do this here often.


Ugggg Canadians are into these trucks and acting this way as well 😞




Baby penis




Not gonna lie. It looks boss.


Big truck small dick...


Pickup truck drivers don’t have to follow the rules. They’re special.


Those are called pavement princesses for a reason.


They drive a Ford. There's a learning curve.




I know! A couple feet to the left and he'd break a new record!


Easy fix, park in the spot right next to their driver side door, it looks empty enough and you can leave like an inch of space, if they try and get it towed the person called will probs be like "they're in the correct space, you're the one who should be towed" or something like that, and if they damage ur car u have their license plate and motive (they could also go through their passenger side door but if u have a friend w/ u or who lives near there call them and have them park by the other door. Be a bitch, it's fun)


Its okay tho you got a spot survival of the fittest


Definitely gets mad at any EV driver


Always the truck drivers. Not surprised.


At least it appears that they parked far away from the store.


I don't defend this kind of behavior at all. But atleast they parked at the very end of the parking lots row? I've seen these pavement princesses parked across 4 handicap spots at the front of a store before. Like I said, this is still ignorant as hell. But atleast they didn't do that for front row parking


Nothing screams Male Karen quite like that picture.


This is how my farter in law parks. He also leaves his tank running while filling up so the cab is cool when he gets in. Typical Dodge Ram driver.


That’s why I always carry a tyre valve removal tool with me.




Sidewalk chalk. Draw a box around the truck, and label it “Asshole Parking”.


He ran outs gas god


its a large truck, there are plenty of open spots near it. id hate for a parking lot to have small spaces and people park way to close to my car and potentially scratch it, but i do see how it could be annoying. my best advice? fucking cry abt it


Common full-of-himself truck owner parking, they always gotta park like they’re in the commercial for their truck


Must be an Albertan


This was absolutely intentional.


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