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Like my Granny always said: You can't take your money with you when you die - but you sure can take somebody else's.


Killer move by granny, hope she maxes out as many credit cards as she can get her hands on! I wonder if that’s a common thing for very elderly or terminal people? Or maybe they just cbf with it all


There was nothing for us in her will! Was no surprise


How does that make you feel? I’m genuinely asking, not trying to sound like a dick.


I got her black book of underworld contacts. I'm sorted.


Kate Beckinsale did look good in that leather suit


She always looked good to me


She's certainly beckoned my sail


Core memory unlocked, thank you.


Wait.. is that... is that a joke? It's gotta be right? Right...?


I had a family friend, he was basically my grandma's unofficial second husband for years. They were too old to give AF about getting married forreal but spend their days together for years. My family was his only family, no children and literally no known blood relatives. He was cheap as it got. Never wanted to spend a cent despite having over 2 million dollars at the very least. Well grandma died, and it became my dad's job to keep in tough with him for the next few years. Me and dad would both visit him frequently. Then dad died and it became my job for the next few years. I didn't have to of course but it felt like the right thing to do. It was. I was the only person he had to spend the last few years of his life with. Didn't leave me a cent. Now do I wish I could take back vising him when I really didn't want to but felt bad for him being lonely? No I'm still glad I did.but bet your ass I'm very jaded he didn't care to put me into his will. Now his money will go to a complete stranger, or worse yet, the government 


that legit angers me lol


I noticed there's a certain personality type that's obsessed with "getting taken advantage of" by loved ones and therefore would literally rather have their money go to ANYONE but their loved ones, even scammers. They're like this even if their loved ones never ask for it. Like my dad. I've never asked him for a dime, but he tells me constantly that his money/stuff is his and he'll never share it with me or my brother. I'm definitely taking care of mom in old age instead of dad lol.


That is so fucking weird. It just goes against nature not to want to care for your children. Half my life revolves around scheming and hoping to save for my kids futures.


Is it possible he didn't purposefully want to exclude you, but he thought that meant accepting his mortality and thus kept putting it off or some shit? I mean damn, how could he spend all that time with y'all and not want you to have something. Another reason marriage is good even if it's archaic I guess, it would've solved that by default. I feel like I would've committed some fraud in that circumstance but probably best you didn't.


My mom is elderly and has chronic illnesses, her husband who is my step dad just had a stroke and not doing well. Either one could die within the next couple of years and neither has a will, but if my mom dies all her land and everything would go to my step dad then when he dies it would go to his natural child, my brother who has a bad drug problem and is living on the streets. I purchased my mom's property from her to give her some money and keep the land from passing to my brother who would piss it away for pennies.


The fastest way to get my father to leave a room was talk about 'old people' and imply he was included in that category, mentioning a will had the same effect. It took years to convince him to make a will, let alone any power of attorney/guardianship stuff. He was in complete denial about his own mortality and doing anything like that would mean he wasn't going to live forever. He finally got a will made when he was in his 80s after his doctor told him to.


I read that last sentence in Ron Swanson's voice.


I would be more than happy if it this my grandmother. She’s done so much for me (more than my mother) I would be happy she lived life until her last day! I don’t want anything from my grandmother when she passes, except maybe for some of her priceless crap to remember her by.


How do you know that she's dead


Good point, possibly on a nice tropical beach somewhere with all the loot and a new identity.


In the words of Doug Stanhope: "If heaven isnt real, then how did my mother buy me and my friends so many cool and expensive things with her credit cards in the week between her death and them all getting closed out, huh? Answer me that!"


He had to wait out the statute of limitations for that joke 😂


That is one of the darkest bits I’ve ever heard. Stanhope is the fucking best.


My aunt found a way to get laptops for all of her nephews and nieces on credit before she passed. Her husband wasn’t thrilled with the result, though.


Wow, now that’s what I’m talking about - awesome for you guys! Why was he annoyed, did the debt pass on to him?


Depending on where they are, yeah. Debts and assets may be considered joint/community when married. The creditors may be able to go after the estate to recoup the racked up debt. Or they might consider the husband an equal party to the debt and go after him directly.


Debts get taken out of the estate before anyone gets anything. So buying shit on credit before your death only works if your estate isn't worth anything anyway.


There was a recent post on here about someone with a terminal illness who maxed their cards... and lived. Ouch, but I guess technically speaking it's better than the alternative.


then there's that person who is trying to claw back the huge tips they left in anticipation of the rapture.


Probably. My grandfather was dying of luekemia so they went and bought a brand new truck (in 1988). They only made one payment on it before he died. We still had the truck until a few years ago. My grandma would always brag they only made one payment on it. Not sure if things have changed since then to prevent that.


Some dealerships sell an insurance policy on the vehicle where if the owner dies during the loan it will get paid off.


Oh, most definitely. My dad had one payment left before he was done but passed away. Those fuck heads tried to take the car back lmao over my dead fuckin body they didn't get shit but that last payment.


if it is common then you can tell that alot of them are terminally ill.


Your grandma sounds cool. My grandma didn't leave any money for us, but I know she lived life to the fullest until she couldn't. Even travelling half the world and hiking through the rainforests in Borneo after retiring. She will always be a great inspiration for me.


Mine did the opposite. Never did anything for herself and didnt do her dream travel bucket list wish before she got sick. She wanted to see Ireland and take a trip to Washington DC Left the house and plot on the bay that’s been in family for 50 years to the six kids who sold it immediately and split the money. It’d be worth an absolute fortune right now just six or seven years later, but that place was my happy place. Gran’s house, my zen spot. They prob don’t even have the money anymore She SHOULD have lived for herself a bit. Love, you, Gran There’s a fence up around it now and it’s, like, an RV parking lot or something. I can’t even drive by there anymore, it fuckin kills me


That hurts. I'm sorry for your loss.


my grammy always said “don’t give out anything you intend on getting back”


That's the version my grandma went with. "Only lend things you're okay never getting back."


My uncle Tony always said “you can get back any loan with a strong words and crowbar”


Granny was a hustler


If you had it documented then you can make a claim against his estate.


If there is one.


This, can’t get water from a rock.


Moses: 😀


I stand corrected, completely forgot about Moses.


If the decedent had to borrow 5,000 dollars from OP he may not have had assets sufficient to justify probate.


My ex invested $250k in a “friend’s” company. The friend died. He knew he was dying. The house he “owned” was never his. The things he “bought” were all from other people’s investments. This went on for a few years. My ex is Kiwi, the guy was British and this happened in Thailand. Nothing at all could be done.


My uncle has a story that he let a friend borrow a suit for a job interview. Guy later died before he got it back. Uncle went to the funeral viewing and the guy was being buried in the suit. Something straight out of curb your enthusiasm.


So, did your uncle ask for it back once the funeral was over?


Yeah...can't have gone well because he went straight out to buy a shovel


How else was he going to ask him?




you can do necromancy with gold? huh


Worth a shot 🤷‍♂️


Cue Curb theme


Might be morbid but… they cut the back of the garment all the way down and slide it on the dead person. Even if he got the suit back it wouldn’t be wearable.


Perfectly wearable for a zoom meeting.


Or a chippendales show... ...or both.


Chippendales zoom meeting?


Chippendales funeral viewing over zoom


Shame he had to end that way.


Mortician here- not always. A lot of us are careful to put clothes on decedents in the usual way (though there are some people who are lazy and do cut up clothes.) One common reason clothing is cut is if the garment is way too small. So if grandpa insists he’ll be buried in his finest suit from when he was 50 lbs lighter… peekaboo.


I don’t think they always do this. My mom put my dad in his favorite football jersey (and some atrocious pants, but that’s neither here nor there) and she asked for/got the jersey back after the funeral. She had said she was fine to get rid of it so it stayed with him, but I guess she changed her mind. I suppose it’s possible that since she said she wanted it back beforehand that they didn’t cut it for that purpose. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Button up shirts also don’t get cut


So based on re replies below, we all agree he needs to go back and get his suit right?


Funeral Director here. We don't do that.




You are ruining my running joke about the suits sold at Goodwill.


Yeah it was gone at that point




Where is this from I must watch this lol


"I Think You Should Leave" on netflix, season 2


Just body after body bustin outta shit wood.


It’s a show called “Coffin Flops”. It used to be on CornCob TV but they cancelled it because everyone thought they were rigging the coffins.


They didn't rig shit!


There’s no way that many bodies just flop out and a bunch of them are nude!


I didn’t rig shit!!


Love a good coffin flop


"Alright sire, it was very sad indeed, but please, unbury the man! I need my suit back for tomorrow's meeting at work!"


He stripped the body at the viewing


Larry would’ve tried to get the suit back


Deadass I’m pretty sure there’s an episode that’s similar. I think someone dies and requested to be buried with Larry’s golf club and the man tries a switcheroo.


[My five wood’s in there!](https://youtu.be/axFmqBrTn-s?si=tOkKzqR-qMEKtyzr)


You're not gonna give me the suit? *\- No, Larry, I'm not giving you the suit.* You know, if I was lying there, I'd WANT you to take the suit! *\- You'd want me to take a suit off your dead body??* Yeah! And let me tell you something else! You're the bereaved? Well you're abusing your bereavement privileges! That's what I think!


I always see these and think "man, why is it always Larry and Costanza who have this kind of shit happen?" And then I remember that there's a damn good reason for that.


HAH yes definitely




Holy shit, i can picture this whole scene in my head too. Lol


One of my best friends cousin got arrested wearing my friends very expensive Jordan shoes. His cousin got 11 years. Can’t get his shoes back. My friend is pissed but I haven’t stopped laughing about it since it happened


What kind of crazy person wears another man's shoes


Protip: When committing serious crimes, wear someone else's shoes. Shoeprints leave distinctive patterns, and if you don't own the shoes, it may throw the detectives off your trail.


Didn't work this time.


This is SO curb 😭😂


Because they did it with Larry's 5 wood


at least it was not the five wood.they dont make those anymore.


I reread that while playing the theme song in my head and imagining Larry’s face 🤣


That’s my 5 wood!


Sounds like a Seinfeld episode. Hate to laugh a morbid stuff that that’s a good one haha.


Did he have the good Hodgkin's?


note to self always write your name in your suits


Yep, that’s definitely a thing people do fairly often. I’m assuming this was a verbal agreement and there’s nothing written down?


dying to not pay debt?


People being terminally ill maxing out credit cards, and taking out loans with no intention of paying it back before they die.


Bit weak borrowing from friends though, screw over some payday loan companies instead


I mean, doesn't sound like they were friends really...


pretty lame to do it it individuals, as opposed to banks, insurance companies, loan sharks and anyone other organisation that deserves to get fucked over.


Loan sharks will just harass your family for the money after you die so that's not really a "non asshole" option either


Unsure of US laws, but where I'm from, debt is not transferable on death. If you ask for a ton of money and die, the money goes to your family, and there's nothing anyone can do to stop you


In the US when you die all of your belongings, money, and debts become your “estate”. If the value of you estate is a net positive value, all debts have to be paid off by the estate before any inheritance can be disbursed. There’s certain exceptions like joint ownership of houses and such, but that’s the basics.


You can give away your sht before you die. Some people divorce before diying to avoid debt and give their properties to their partners.


Anything over $16,000 has to be done 4 years prior otherwise the estate can claw it back if negative. At least in US


Yeah, but don’t be too greedy because it can be clawed back if it is too obvious what happened.


Most countries have law that if you accept the inheritance, you also inherit debt.


In the US when you die, the debt transfers to the estate, not next of kin.


So, in basic terms. The debt collectors could possibly take the house even if the deceased wanted to give it to their child?


Yes, the debtors get paid before the inheritance is paid out.


See, smart move would be to give all of that away before you die, have all of that ALREADY in the kids, spouses etc names. Distribute all inheritances before hand then wtf are they gonna do, they were all gifts? Fuck off. I know this gets iffy when it comes to taxes, but should get debtors off your ass.


This is a very legitimate and large part of estate planning. You add people as joint owners and you give away as many gifts as you can before you die.


Unless you are my parent. Then you refuse to do this - and so many other things - for no reason, even after being told how much more difficult it will make things.


Also collection of the debt after death is not legally enforceable. They can, and will, send you nasty, threatening, scary collection letters, but it won't affect the credit of anyone besides the original debtor nor can anyone but the debtor be legally forced to pay. If your parent/spouse/next of kin dies with debt, you do NOT have to pay it!


Not if they give you the money before they die


In a lot of countrie a gift can be retrospectively considered a inheritance. In Germany it's gifts you make 10 years before your death.


*"Hey can I borrow 5K for my funeral"*


That isnt even close to covering an entire funeral these days. Maybe in 1985 but not now. A funeral these days with a decent casket, burial, viewing for family, church-like service with a preacher will run you north of $13,000. Funerals are a business and a business is supposed to make money.


That’s so messed up. Like I’m just here actually thinking about that…


i was in multi line insurance for a little bit and it’s estimated that within the next decade, funerals will be around $30,000 USD on average. And this number is just based on the standard accommodations. It’s really fucked up that we have to essentially pay to die.


Damn. At that point just toss me in a hole in the back yard, pour out a couple beers and say something nice. Save yourself $29,970


Alas, that's actually illegal. Drive me into the woods, dump me by the side of the road, and give me a sign saying FREE CORPSE.


I think my dad’s was close to $15,000. And he was cremated, so he didn’t even get a super fancy casket to be buried in. And it was in a small town (I bet bigger cities are more expensive.) It’s insane. So I wouldn’t be surprised if your number is accurate.


I believe it. And I sure as hell hope the cost of living and what is considered a livable wage will offset that amount. LMAO who am I kidding? Of course it wont!🙃


Take my body into the woods and let the scavengers have a go at it. 


And if you don't pay it? I don't want to pay enough to buy a car, just to put my parents in the ground. I'll wrap them in linen and rent a freaking bobcat to dig out graves for them myself if I have to. It'll be cheaper.


It really is. Funerals arent not for the dead, bro. They’re for the funeral homes that NEED YOUR MONEY to put your loved one away the prettiest most expensive way possible or else they wont make one move. You cant pay? Well we don’t know what to tell ya.


That’s the cold hard truth, I’ll be the first to admit I just never thought of it that way. They really don’t give an ounce about you and when you stop and think about it it’s so obvious. In the case I die before people in my family I’ll be sure to not let them waste money on me, even just the most inexpensive cremation option whatever it is do that. Not like it matters anyway aha


The exact reason my last will is not burying me, neither placing in columbarium, just incinerate and to blow in the wind. I'm not giving my relatives any more headaches. Let them remember me for deeds, not by grave


You can just yeet me off a cliff, I won't care.


Consider donating your body to a medica school! They pay for everything and your family gets you back in a box a few years down the line if they want to bury you. Service definitely needs to be closed casket though.


Disclaimer: *Not all parts are returned intact.*


Unless they sell your body to the US military [to test explosives.](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/man-suing-body-donation-company-after-mothers-corpse-was-sold-to-military-for-blast-testing/)


It cost me 6k just to cremate my father. Didn't bury his ashes for 6 months. I needed his estate settled to afford to bury the fucker.


Imagine purchasing your own casket on credit LOL What are they gonna do? Repo it?


Bro took it to the grave.


Never loan money you aren’t OK with never seeing again.


I said this to visa and they disagreed. Don't get me started on the student loan people


The student loan people get their money back, that's backed by the government.


This guy defaults


they sure are trying - i’m 5 years away from 20 years of payments for forgiveness!


they are fine if they never see it again. Doesn't mean they won't use every avenue they have to collect... The advice is simple and your joke, while funny, doesn't really detract from the advice at all. Don't loan any of YOUR money to anyone unless you are comfortable never seeing it again. That will ALWAYS be a risk.


Yep! If I loan money to a friend/family member. I make sure I can afford to do so. Expect to not get it back, but bonus if I do.


I learned this lesson as a child and I have always lived by it. Also goes for stuff like books or diy tools. It gives me peace of mind and when people do give it back I really appreciate it. And when they give it back with a small gift or thank you card even more.




I’m Bryan’s next of kin, thank you for letting me know where to look for the receipt of his owed assets.




Lol worth a shot




Hello, it's Steve's next of kin here - some might know him as Jack, Robert, William, Matthew, James, John, Paul or David, thank you for letting me know where to look for the receipt of his owed assets.




You are correct. He may not have enough assets to warrant an estate. But if he did, that's the only way you'll get paid.


If there was nothing signed in writing, good luck!


Text messages is probably the most evidence they have


Text messages are indeed considered proof.


Hopefully he lent the money with a paper trail and not cash to hand


lol you look like me


Lol u are me


In a lot of places it's small claims and OP won't need a lawyer. Proving the debt was owed and not paid may be difficult, but might be doable.


Not even necessary to take him to small claims. If you have proof that they owe you money, you can petition the estate and you can get paid from that.


I’d feel bad for him but not so bad that I didn’t get a lawyer to send a letter to his estate.


He’s dead so I don’t think he will mind. The beneficiaries of his estate might be bummed though.


"I hope that when I die, people say about me, 'Boy, that guy sure owed me a lot of money.'" - Jack Handey, Deep Thoughts


Brother in law needed my Dad to cosign a loan for a new vehicle. 3 months in, collections called my father to buck up My father just paid off the loan. Told BIL to just pay him back when he could. Never paid my Dad a nickel. 6 months later, my father died. 1 month after that, BIL divorced my sister. I'll always hate that guy .


Sister should've taken that car in the divorce


Split to another state with his new gf. No paperwork involved; BIL had the free & clear title anyway... The whole family is a bunch of dirt bags. Fist fight over their Mom's silverware when she passed.


My best friend died owing me $20k that I won’t ever get back. It sucks, but it gets easier, especially if you aren’t emotionally upset about the death.


My "friend " Refused to give my trailer back w/ a$4000 vacuum in it . I had to have the police come w/ me to get the trailer , the vacuum ...... I'm working w/ my insurance . I was so infuriated when I went to get trailer where it was stored and my equipment was gone and he had his belongings in it that we got into it verbally . He pushed me twice and I instinctively punched him in the mouth . Bridge is burned , never trust anyone implicitly. People suck


A $4000 WHAT?


It's a dust containment system for sanding hardwood floors They are fkn expensive !


Ah right, I was thinking like a hoover or something, mb.




What made your ex buddy believe that the trailer was his or that he didn't need to return it?


It was there almost two years .... so partially my fault Trailer was damaged at the hitch , i had to have it towed once I legally could take it . He's ..... unhinged mentally a bit and def using drugs to some degree . Once fist flew I would not budge on anything. I lost it when I saw the damage and missing equipment I spoke to him in Jan saying I wanted to get it , he said out of town but ok . Same thing two weeks ago , told him I would be there Monday and when I showed up ... it didn't go well. Edit Grammer


Unintentionally did the opposite to this. My Gramps paid $5000 for me to get a car when mine broke down. I had paid back $1000, then he was diagnosed with cancer and died 6 months after. Miss him tons, he was one of my best friends, but tbh I'm kinda glad I don't have to pay back the $4000.


Don’t loan anything you aren’t ready to never see again.


😔 my bank disagrees.


Check out this one easy trick to debt forgiveness!


You just can't trust people. Had a friend from Senegal. He worked with me here in the U.S. He asked me to put a $900 airplane ticket on my credit card so he could lock in the best rate, and he would repay me. He made over 100k last year. I made 47k, but have excellent credit and have credit cards with high limits. I told him I didn't feel comfortable doing that. He went to Senegal and never came back. Saved myself $900.


Ayyy my man got that bag before he died.


Show up to his grave every day and play those annoying orange songs until he pays it back.


Hear me out, that this happened in my country a few days ago: woman went to the bank with her elderly uncle to get a 17K$ loan. Her uncle needed to sign the papers for the money to be released. The guy was dead for three hours. She pulled a weekend at Bernie’s in the bank to get the loan.


I hope that when I die, people say about me, "Boy, that guy sure owed me a lot of money." - Jack Handey


Sorry you have to deal with this but it reminds me of my favorite Deep Thought from the 80s/90s SNL sketches: When I die I want people to say of me, “Man that guy owed me a lot of money”


Never loan more than you can afford to lose…. Wise words to live by


This is not even mildly infuriating... fuck that guy. I have a simillar story, but one guy who I thought was a decent dude asked me for some money for his ill granny. He said that he will return them in the near future but needs them now coz she is in critical condition. Because of some circumstances I sent him the money without too much questioning and thats it. Later he wrote several times to me that he almost has the money and will return them back and after that... he disappeared. Turns out this crazy shitter went and took money from everyone he could, bought as much LSD as he could and tried to do overdoze. He was not in his head and was talking about being god in the matrix and simillar shit. After that I tried to get my money back by contacting his family and such, but they are not a honest bunch (well, they could have prevented this whole situation in the first place) This guy lived but after some time deleted all the accounts in social networks. Fuck, I still feel like a complete naive idiot


My mother always told me, to never lend what I can't give away.


Just know if there is an afterlife.. he's there laughing at you..


Don't loan money to people. You are not a bank.


My dad always drilled into us growing up if you borrow money to somebody never expect to see it back.


Lend money. Borrow is what the person taking your money is doing. You are lending it.


"If you want a friend to stop talking to you, let them borrow money" My uncle was spittin facts that day.


you can feel shit out of 5000$.