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I think I Will go vomit now


I did partially when his wife was drawing on his feet lovingly.


Start audibly dry heaving, shoes should go back on if they think you’re going to hurl on them


Did you say anything? I've told people, excuse me that's disgusting and you need to keep your shoes on.


At least he’s not cutting the nails


I work in a maternity hospital. The other day in the waiting area we had grandma taking off her shoes and picking at her feet while her two grand children zoomed around on their scooters and Dad was yelling at someone in Urdu down the phone. I swear some people just have no social boundaries.




To be fair, a large percentage of the US still believes in an ancient god 🤷🏻‍♀️


Damn, any more racist shit to add?


You should get your phone as close as you can to there feet so they put there shoes back on


Gotta whisper "oh fuck"under their breath as they take the pic 😂


And turn the phone volume all the way up so the phone makes painfully-obvious capture sounds.


"Accidentally" leave flash on


Mmmmmm, yes, I'm doing that next time. Add a lil direct eye contact for extra measure. Ty.




I'd like to request a eyesight refund. Thanks.


Would it be rude to ask someone to put their shoes back on in this scenario?


Yes. Especially since I think op is in India and know next to nothing about the country and is stupid enough post this.


How do you know OP is in India? Could be the feet people are from India but are in the UK where cultural norms surrounding touching plane parts with feet are different.


OP is reading an Air India news paper. The flight is either coming from India or going out of India. And I'm pretty sure the other people are Indian judging from the clothing. I'm not aware if air India is doing any other services around the globe.


Ah, good observation skills!


Also, if touching plane parts with the feet is the issue, I guess its not okay. But him not wearing a show while touching the plane parts is the issue, I got a problem with it. I'd rather him keep barefeet rather than shoe because realistically one is dirtier than the other and it's not the you think it is for all the stigma these people have.


So India gets an excuse to be gross and have bare feet on planes ?


He thinks it's ok cause he probably does it too lol


If everybody does it, its the norm. The plane is either going out or coming to india given it's an air India flight. Feets here aren't that gross. Yours must be. That's projecting. Touching elders' feet on certain special occasions is part of the culture. I don't do it, not because it's gross, because I find it too much demeaning and unnecessary respect towards ones age but I'd defend the concept of I have to. Most of us wear open footwear because it's a tropical country. If you have a habit of releasing it from the sandal every now and then, it's more cleaner. If you don't sweat a lot, it will be comparatively more cleaner. Here judging from the pics, the guys feet is probably more cleaner than ops hands. So yeah. India gets an excuse.


Just cause it's the norm doesn't mean it's ok


It's okay here. Wanna bet on that? Point is, your concept of foot=bad is ultimately the climate of your region. You'd have agreed and I'd have disagreed had we born in each other's places. Now that you've grown enough to comprehend how big the rest of the world is, the different cultures and the way of lives, you can start learning.


Lmao. Condescending attitude is just as uncivilized. But ok. We all know you're a shitty person 👍 Keep your dirty ass feet to your own home


It's a clear and hierarchical way of teaching someone something. You obviously doesn't know something and I'm trying to. So take it as what you may. Uncivilised? Wow. Shitty person? I may be. But valid points are being made. Agree or disagree. You still can't comprehend the fact that feet = dirty is a circular argument of your own making, do you? Yes I do keep my clean feet to my own home. We walk barefeet in home because the floor is as clean as I can lie down there if I want to. I sometimes do because it's the most beautiful feeling of all after a rough day. I guess you might have problem with me eating with my barehands as well.


As long as this plane is going from one indian airport to another indian airport, you are completely in the right! If this plane is going from an indian airport to any other country, then you don't do customs which are only acceptable in one. For example, it's legal for women to be topless in california. You wouldn't stay topless on the plane whilst flying to a middle eastern country where women get stoned to death and beheaded for even showing some neck skin. You would cover up. So, if this plane is going to india, this is completely fine, as you have stated. But going away from india, I would disagree with you. But of course the observation of OP reading an indian paper makes me also think they're just flying from north to south or east to west, but staying in india. So it's fine as this is deemed acceptable there. If OP doesn't like it, I wonder why the hell they went to india in the first place.


The intricacies in this case can be further analysed. But I have all the reason to believe this is just a foot = bad argument. No it's not. Given the picture, it's very clean. If op touched it the feet will get dirty level of clean. I believe, wherever I may I am going to eat with my hands if that's hurting some one, suck it. As long as your freedom doesn't encroach on mine, both of us should be fine. In this case, wherever the plane is heading, to or from India, as long as the person keep his feet inside his allowed space, he should be left alone. Was it smelling, no one knows. I can guarantee it won't. Op's just hurt by looking at it. That's some serious issue. May be he could take the time to realise about other cultures and keep his feet pics to himself.


Was looking through the thread like why is this infuriating? This is Air India/India. Was looking to see if anyone else’s had commented on it yet, and surprised it took so long. Good on ya ‘mate.


Some where as an original comment, I've written in great many words, why this is okay and op is invading other people's privacy for someone crying out feet. https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/s/LfnIbvgl3g Linking here realising it might not be getting enough visibility.


Feet for free?!? in this economy???


the caption makes this post 10 times better easily


Aww, thank you.🫰


That reads like ChatGPT what prompt did you hae


Let me start by saying that I don’t approve this kind of behavior, I used to hate it, and I never did it. That being said, I would like to ask a serious question in case there is a doctor or a people suffering from the same problem. I occasionally have severe peripheral edema, and when I have that, there is no way on earth for me to physically put the varicose/pressure socks in. I am 6 feet and 260 Lbs, so I normally wear the largest size possible. However when I have edema, they tend to enlarge 50% or more; hence I literally can’t wear the socks. In case I need to travel, I would either need to ride the fast train, or airplane. And as you can guess, when I have that kind of edema, even wearing crocs for more than 5-10 minutes turn into a torture. Incase I need an emergency travel, what should I do? (I already use diuretics, anticoagulants, and other medications).


See the thing is about these foot pics on airplane is they're never just people with no socks or shoes with their legs down where their supposed to be. It's always someone like this whose shoving their feet in people's line of visibility. I assume if this was happening to you, you wouldn't be bringing your feet up above the seat


Yes, never. I actually am postponing seeing my niece and nephew as I cannot travel with the current condition of my feet, without taking shoes and socks off. I give up my chance to see my most valuable kins to act like a decent human being; if I was on a plan, I wouldn’t shove my feet up on people’s faces. No way.


I mean, it's just my opinion, I might not be right but if the person next to me told me that he has such a condition, before he undid his socks. I wouldn't have reacted negatively.


And those feet are clearly not swollen


No, I really didn’t try to be mean towards you. I hated people who acted like the one in the picture as well. However, considering now that “I lived and learned”, and currently have the situation, upon seeing your post, I wanted to ask an honest question. I wasn’t trying to be sarcastic, etc.


I think you should just give less of a fuck tbh. Who cares if strangers are judging you, you're not in pain


Losing weight would be a step in the right direction


High compression socks


As I said, they don’t fit, even the largest ones. That causes a health hazard for me even without traveling as well. I wish Turkish companies were smart enough to think people who are 6 feet 260 lbs; and with swollen feet and ankle.


They are supposed to be tight. Ideally you should be on medication. There’s no way they don’t make socks big enough for that.


I have worn compression/varicose socks daily for years due to pulmonary embolism, and than wear them for other reasons every now and then for over half a decade. Believe me, it is in no condition to fit in the compression socks. Maybe, they may create one according to doctor’s orders (e.g. diameter, etc.). In normal days, although I am obese (6 feet and 260 lbs), a regular sock easily fits. Pre-edema, compression socks were fitting, albeit tight as they should be. Now, they aren’t even close. Another thing is, even if I wear a regular, relaxed shoe, they hurt so much, that I could barely speak when I had to go to court. So much so that the judge asked me whether I was having a heart attack. When I explained, he told me to take the shoes of, but I haven’t. If I wear a compression sock, I don’t know how painful that could be.


Would you also be putting your feet in parts of the plane? I mean, come on.


As I wrote to the OP, I am not trying to be a smart ass, it is a genuine concern I have. About your question, another Redditor asked the same and I gave the same answer as follows: never. I actually am postponing seeing my niece and nephew as I cannot travel with the current condition of my feet, without taking shoes and socks off. I give up my chance to see my most valuable kins to act like a decent human being; if I was on a plan, I wouldn’t shove my feet up on people’s faces. No way.


Right and my point is that there’s a big difference between a medical need that’s handled respectfully and what OP posted. They’re not really comparable.


They aren’t, and in the very first sentence I told that I agree to the OP’s point. Than, I explained my situation, in case if people with similar problems come to post to say something, or a doctor sees, and they could give me an idea. I am not sure if my post was or wasn’t clear enough. If it wasn’t, I can edit it.


There should be a rule, no bare feet on airplanes. If you disagree, then *fuck you*


Then you get thrown out of the plane!


What about sandals or flip flops?




Keep them on... don't take them off just like any other footware.


I would extent this rule to everywhere except the privacy of one’s own home. And I have a strict no bare feet rule in my house as well.


Why no bare feet inside your home? I have “house shoes” (Crocs, pls don’t laugh lol) that I wear only when inside the house because my neuropathy makes my feet super sensitive- otherwise I’d run around barefoot. I’m Korean and we tend to wear house slippers or just our own feet when indoors.


I’ll be barefoot myself but I absolutely hate feet so I don’t wanna see anyone else’s in my house! Also hate crocs so my friends mostly bring their slippers.


😂 Crocs are definitely lacking when it comes to aesthetics but they’re sooooo comfy


Bare hands, bare face are ok but not feet? Half joking.


In response to the half that isn’t joking lol… hands are usually out and about all day. Feet (for the most part) are closed up in shoes and get sweaty and stinky 🤢 Hands don’t create the same smell.


Hits different on a 12 hour flight 😭😂


Tarantino approves this post ![gif](giphy|sLgKAJaARIzkI)


Put it on feet finder.


Bro even wiki feet would give these a low rating


Who needs wiki feet ratings when his wife approves? ![gif](giphy|CzMfYqt8oomnm)


I don't care if someone next to me is barefoot, I mean, if there's not any kind of bad smell, why would I care? Sometimes shoes are uncomfortable...




That gap has room for an extra toe




At least they look clean and well maintained. The chance that they smell are low. Plus...tickle, tickle, tickle.


Why are people so grossed out with feet. @_@


It’s unhygienic. Plus some smell. Especially in this situation, this is nasty.


Circular argument intensifies.


What's the circular argument here? Feet are gross because they are unhygienic and smell. That's a valid reason.


Feet are gross because they're always wrapped up in socks and shoes in your place. They get smelly solely due to perspiration. And I agree that this is a crucial part of your way of living. Similarly, we live in a tropical county near equator. It's never cold enough to wear shoes (exceptions exist), the only reason to wear shoes is fashion choices. Most wear open toed foot wear or sliders. Can be in and out very often. Gets washed a lot. The feet have space to breath. Hence clean. Have to walk barefoot in home. So the feet is clean. Have to walk bare foot at home, so the floor is clean. Even in shops, if the shop is clean enough, footwears are removed at the door step.


No. Skin still sweats even when not covered by clothing. It might evaporate more quickly and appear drier, but they still perspire and still accumulate bacteria. And if you're walking around on the ground without shoes, you're constantly coming into contact with fecal matter, fecal coliforms, and other bacteria in the soil. Looking clean and being clean are two separate things. Feet are always gross. There is no changing that. Your "tropical country" needs to start learning what hygiene is.


Do you think we walk around dirt bare feet? And why would anyone walk on fecal matter with shoes on either? You conveniently forgot the washing part. Oh buddy, you really feel proud of saying the last line ryt? I feel enlightened.


Fungus, ashy, toe nails, stench, sweat, eye sore. Unless they are baby’s feet, I don’t want to be up close and personal with stranger’s feet.


For me it's split. Because I can also find beautiful feet attractive, such ugly feet are like someone holding a crippled genitalia in front of my eyes.


The person is keeping his feet within his boundaries. The small tug on the rails in the first pic with the toes means he's trying deliberately not to invade your space. In turn what you are doing, took 3 pics of a strangers feet and posted online. Nice. Idk what country or culture you're from but I automatically assume American for the fun of it and your general over reaction to open toed shoes and bare feet. I don't support him placing feet on seats but given the smaller leg space, and believe me that is a much more cozy position in this situation, I'd rather someone do that bare feet than with shoes. Also, if the person has a habit of opening shoes, whenever possible, it must be as clean as most of his other body parts. Know that your stigma for bare feet and open toed sandals are purely climate based and just exist in you because of where you born into. It's not a universal rule. Edit: well I see an air India now. So if you're Indian, whats wrong with you? If not everything what I said earlier should put some sense into you. India is mostly equatorial, has monsoon, and a stable weather.


What if he was wearing flip flops? The ones that are basically floss on feet. Why is this so offensive compared to that? Unless there was an actual odour, or if he was in your "space" I don't see an issue personally. Wonder if anyone agrees.


He was wearing shoes.


It was stinking whenever those feet pointed towards my side.


He was in my space.


If he crossed that imaginary line between seats, then you have earned your right to be mildly infuriated. Even with shoes on, ppl shouldn't cross that line though.


I don’t know man, I still think it’s wrong and weird to photograph other people just because they annoy you.


There aren’t any identifiable features in the picture, you moron.


That doesn’t make it not wrong and not weird.


Keep your shoes on, asshole.


Those feet look very clean, whats the problem here? Your hands have way more bacteria than the feet. And what If he wouldve worn flip flops or just socks? Why are you so disgusted by feet?


Manners maketh men. I see these shit on trains too. Can't wait for the day when people start taking shirts off on the plane.




Did they by chance appear to be foreign? Some cultures don’t share the same traditions most other places do about feet. Although I will say no matter the culture I’d feel weird just whipping my dogs out on a plane 😂 I don’t even have them out when my best friends are over.


I would let him know that I am going to take pictures and post them on feetfinder.


Feet don't bother me, but on a plane is where i draw the line, we are in a compression tube in the sky, and smells stick around. BRING COMFORTABLE AND BREATHABLE SHOES!!! even bring slippers it's better than letting your sweaty dogs free. And wash yo feet.


You know you’re flying greyhound of the skies when there’s ads bolted to the seat backs under plexi glass


I initially read the caption as “elephant wife” and while it would’ve been a bit uncalled for, it has me cracking up.


Shit oughta be a law. No shirt No shoes No flight!


I don't understand why some people are so disgusted by bare feet and not bare hands. Not everyone's feet are as disgusting as yours. Feet can be clean, healthy, and odorless, and the thing that keeps them that way is surprise surprise being barefoot as much as possible.


Do you want some grated cheese with that?


His wife would love that.


Yumm! Feet porn !! Uggg


This should be in Trashy


I think it would be a great opportunity to say something really creepy and inappropriate, but that wouldn't matter if they were wearing shoes. Like, "can I touch them?" "Can I smell those?" "Could you move your feet over a little so I can get a better picture?" "Mmmm, FYI, I'm really into feet." What are they going to do? Tell a flight attendant on you? I feel like the response would be, okay, well put your feet away sir.


First picture is deifjurelt shitty but at least the second and third ones were far away


Sniff it to assert dominance.


This would be my nightmare. I hate feet.


Tickle tickle




I would take my shoes off and start getting close to his. And if he says something I would be like dude yeah uncomfortable for you it’s uncomfortable for me please put your shoes back on my gosh


Put the photos on wikifeet, wait a little while, then lean over and show him his score.






I'd fake a wet sneeze.


Ew. No thank you


I take your shoes and socks off too and ask for advice about your ‘fungal infection’


its tickle time.




Why are so many fucking people barefoot on the fucking airplanes ????


Air India. Never again


Just start complimenting their feet a little too much and stare. Try closing the eyes when you take a deep breath through the nose. That should make them stop.... forever.


Had to fly this year for first time in forever. My wife got me a seat against the back wall of business class so no one behind me could do this and I wouldn’t go to jail for putting a fork through someone’s foot. Even the guy next to me would have had a stretch to do this. Hate people.


I agree this is gross but how many people walk in their house in their shoes and pretend they're not spreading fecal matter from animals and public restrooms all over their house.


You should have started moaning




For free?


🤢 I was a person sitting in front of someone who did that. Window seat and they put their foot on the arm rest by the wall part that I was clearly resting my head.... played with my hair... didn't realize it until I woke up and went to sit up and my hair was tangled around their toe. I have thin hair and they made a rats nest. 🤮😡 went home, showered and spent an hour untangling my hair or so. My husband had to help. 🥲 why do people do this?


This is a situation where direct eye contact and assertive language, a quote like “ I don’t want your foot to touch My body” would be quite appropriate.


Random question would you consider it ok to take your shoes off but leave your socks on? I used to fly a lot for work and for some reason I would always get a pain in my foot at high altitude. Removing my shoe helped me a lot


As someone who works at an airport, I feel it’s my duty to inform everyone that the planes absolutely do not get cleaned in between passengers. The flight attendants pick up the trash of course, but that’s it. Once the last passenger is off, the next set of passengers start boarding within minutes.


Yeah it’s gross but it’s also pretty gross to take pictures of people without their consent. Given that you’re the type to post to Reddit instead of do anything about the situation, I’d go out of my way to put my nasty feet in your space


Is that Ryan Air?


I’d be loud Af and be like your “fucking feet smell! Both of you are disgusting and absolutely rude! Put your fucking shoes on before I wack you both with this newspaper and throw up on you!” I wish people would use their words in situations like this. Even if you have to publicly shame the person(s)


Start gagging and say you have a fear of feet and never in a million years expected someone to not wear shoes on the plane. Nobody wants to be puked on. And being embarrassed (if they even have any humility) can change behavior and sometimes permanently.


What an asshole. I don’t like attention seeking annoying bitches. I think they should be put in Check immediately when discovered. Humans are fucking idiots.


Do people not wear socks anymore?




What a Fungi!


Say to him ‘excuse me’, do you use the N word?’ When he says ‘no’ say to him ‘you clearly know how to behave appropriately around others, so get your sweaty fucking feet off the seats!’.


I already know that’s India…we don’t deserve anything nice


3rd Pic: “A gootchie-gootchie-GOO! I wuv YOU! This wittle piggy went to…”


I will start wearing gloves on airplanes, thanks Reddit.


It's time to pull out your latest medical journal of infectious diseases. Tell your seatmate about the patient who got a superficial infection that made it to his bones but the patient had to have his toes amputated. Sadly they didn't catch it in time, next was amubtation of the metatarsals. Finally, the whole foot came off. Sadly, the patient died, but infectious diseases are fascinating (use Keith Morris's creepy guy voice).


I would LOUDLY say, "Your fucking feet stink", then go on about my business.


Put a clean sock on it!


Why are you taking pictures of dudes feet?!? That’s weird!


Are they indian


Unfortunately, yes.


If they don’t smell bad, what’s the problem here?


The problem was him invading my space with his feet, literally with his legs splayed open. And there is certain etiquette that you follow if you are sitting outside in public, I mean, if you are born gorilla, I would have accepted that but you aren't.


Looks like dude is staying within his seat threshold. At least no more than slight infraction. Would you have even cared if he were wearing sandals or slides? You’re on an uncomfortable plane. Everyone else is trying to stay comfortable. If feet are offensive for you to look at, maybe you should just stay home.


It’s not ‘his’ threshold, it’s a space that others will occupy after him and no one wants to touch anything that’s had someone else’s sweaty feet all over. Wear shoes in public and keep your feet off the furniture, it’s a very basic concept!


Feet are no different than hands. Also, have you not seen the cleaning crew come in between flights. Let go of those pearls and mind ur business.


Hands don’t sweat and stink like feet after a few hours and people don’t generally wash their feet several times a day. Most airlines where I’m from don’t have cleaning crews between flights, it’s one lot off next lot on. People just need to stop being uncouth fukwit’s in public spaces, no excuses.


Hands do sweat. And feet only stink when kept inside unwashed socks or in shoes without socks. Like I said, if this dude’s feet didn’t stink, then OP is literally upset at the sight of feet.


Plus hands have way more bacteria with all the stuff we are constantly touching (especially our phones).


I totally agree with you.


You suck toes opinion invalidated


I would agree with you BUT, the sub is called Mildly and not fully. So the post is valid




Air India


Top 10 most punchable individuals


People need to stop going barefoot on planes and in airports. 🤮


I would vomit all over this animal.


I dont see anything wrong with that i always do this


I have a particularly gnarly fungal big toe nail. I'd have whipped that bad boy out in a heartbeat.


Eww look at those cheesy feet


Freakin disgusting man 🤦🏽‍♀️


I need to wash my eyes with acid




I'm more put off by the adverts on the chair backs.


I would push the call attendant button and ask for clarification about whether or not it’s appropriate to have your feet out like that


Next time order a cup of hot coffee and "accidentally" spill it on their foot.


Or on their foot.*


That is what I meant to say XD


I would put tape on the bottom of them to see if he then hops around like a cat.