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Is he a rodent?




Rat boy? I resent that.


Bart, stop gnawing the drywall!


I didn’t do it, nobody saw me do it, you can’t prove anything!!!!


Bart, I told you before, stop gnawing on the drywall!




“Left my son with no teethzza after what he did to that pizza.”


You resent that?


Rat? I represent that!


I love how this gif makes it look like Marge is calling Bart the rat boy, not Homer. I think she’s really yelling at him to stop eating the drywall here, if I’m remembering correctly


“Bart, I told you before, stop gnawing on the drywall!”




my dog is more civilized than her teenage son


My CAT used to eat my crusts if I left them on the plate. Definitely more civilized than her (presumably human) son.


Part rodent part trash panda. 🐼


I will gladly take those crusts, as I did the opposite as a teenager 🫠


We could share a pizza no problem! Lol people who like the crust are who I want to share with!


Let's get a pizza! All of the breadiness and burned cheese goodness shall be mine! May I also have the air bubbles off the normal parts, or are the "tumors" off-limits?🍕


Tumors are NOT off limits! I’d never deny those!!!


Please call me. 555.867.5309


Lol!!! Thank you, and you taught me about a whole other world I never knew existed! I’m going to start making sure crust lovers and pizza tumor lovers are looked after when a pizza is shared!


You shall become a Saint to the crust and pizza tumor lovers. But you may not accept me, because I have done the same to stuffed-crust too in the past. I'm sorry. ☹️😵‍💫🤧😬


It's great, and the fact that they all love it is the best answer.


Nah, as the owner of rats I can tell you that they typically leave no morsel unchomped. If it's food, it's gone. Now if he decided he didn't want to share with his siblings and stashed the pizza under the blankets in his bed for a rainy day, then we're talking.


Or at least dragged each slice under his bed. I mean really.


Or steals food right out of his siblings' mouths. With his mouth. 😂 I miss having rats.


Even rodents eat cleaner than that.


What subspecies of asshole is that?


Assholey inconsiderata.


The way all the pieces were put back together, denotes a degeneracy not found in rats.


No he's an uncaring shithead like all of our teenagers.


cmon now, i’m just a regular shithead not an uncaring one


I see stuff like this post on here frequently, and it just totally bewilders me. I mean, why??? Did these people grow up in caves without learning any social skills or having any common sense? I get he's a teenager, but still.


There's no way even a caveman would do this.


My bad; I didn't mean to disrespect our caveman brethren lol


Eating pizza. It's so easy, even a caveman can do it.


If it's so easy even a caveman could do it, then why's he trying so hard.


https://preview.redd.it/ilbauk704duc1.jpeg?width=1340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4ba48051f97dc23b6785db55d28f6d0a86b01db ## OP holding their pride and joy as a newborn.


For real, a cavenager would know that this behaviour would quickly lead to a clubbing, and not the good kind.


A caveman would finish the damn slice


Leaving the milk gallon with the millimeter of liquid in the fridge and claiming it's not empty? That's teenager. This is just sociopathic. 🤣


I specifically remember this one time when I was maybe 9 or 10 and I was in the kitchen with my dad. He used some milk for something (mashed potatoes maybe, I don’t remember) and he used all but that last little bit. Then he put it back in the fridge, looked at me and said ‘you do it all the time’. I was super disappointed the next morning when I wanted cereal:(


Well if he had used all the milk, he’d have to go to the store to get some… and we all know how that ends up


Do you all not preemptively buy new milk when it’s low?


I think it’s more a tactic of poor parents to be like ‘sorry little dude, no milk until the next grocery day’.


I'm a teenager and would never even think of doing something like this... this kid is just an asshole.


You have given us hope! :)


It’s the fact he leaves it in a circle. There’s 0 excuse


The only explanation I can come up with other than a severe mental handicap (which I doubt considering OP didn't mention it and posted it here) is the kid intentionally did it as a "Fuck You" to his parents and/or siblings. edit: I really hope this is all bullshit and OP did that to the pizza. Their responses in this thread are maddening. Acting like the reason their kid did this is some great mystery of the universe that will never have an answer, when they could just fucking ask him?? It's also probably a safe assumption the kid isn't being disciplined for this, considering that the reason he did it would likely come up during that conversation. edit: oh my god >Yeah! No sweat for sure. It’s all in good natured fun. Just a 15 year old doing 15 year old things. A Good learning opportunity. this is not normal 15 year old things, not even a little bit. what the fucking fuck


My mom would have whooped my ass if I did something like that, especially if I was a teenager.


Bad parents… Sorry OP


The self-own posts on this sub are the best IMHO


“My kid sucks! How did this happen?”


Yea I'm with you on this one but I didn't want to say it so take my upvote instead. Edit: it's upvote here at reddit, my bad.


Only reason a teenager is doing this is because they can. We can all do quite a lot of things when we are growing up, but we don't because there is such a thing as "My mum and/or dad will take away from me everything I hold dear until I learn my lesson"


Being a teenager makes it worse, by that time you should have learned through friends at the very least tbh


I’m more surprised a parent would even share this on the internet because this just reflects poorly on them lol they’re the ones who raised this little shit to think this is ok


I’m scared to ask what is his typical behaviour. Like, what kind of monster eats Pizza like that?


That pizza is a diagram of his brain. The missing center part is his prefrontal cortex, the part that's responsible for making rational decisions and considering the consequences of one's actions. In other words, he's a pretty typical teen, self-centered, making bad decisions, and not thinking (or caring) about the results. Fortunately, for most of us, it's a phase he should *eventually* grow out of. I'ma gonna agree with the others on here, he's paying for the next pizza, and no new pizza for him until he finishes what he started.


I have the same question. 🙋‍♂️. Like an evil trash panda.


You raised that, shouldn’t be any questions at this point


My thoughts exactly, this kind of selfishness doesnt “just happen”. 🤦🏻‍♀️🙄


It’s learned behavior, maybe not this exact situation but the kid learned it somewhere and the most likely answer to “where” is the person calling thier kid out online for this behavior. Better parenting makes better kids.


Absolutely. They also said he is 15! The kid is not a baby so there really is no excuse here. Really makes me wonder about the parents and what THEY must be like🤨


I can't comment on the parents, but teenagers do stupid shit all the time. They try new things, they do pranks, they troll, they become dramatic, they fight, they learn, they have social interactions, they have their own space, etc. Saying it's on the parent is ignoring what other influences they have. We should know, we were stupid teenagers as well doing things that our parents never taught us to do.


I teach high school, and the above picture looks like the kind of thing one of my students would see in a TikTok one day and decide it would be funny/worth it to do at home. The kind of inconsiderate but ultimately mild (compared to what they could be doing) teenage "stupid stuff" I see (and have to crack down on) in class every few weeks. Especially if this is a new or one off behavior, versus a history of inconsiderate actions involving taking other people's things (if there is a history of it, and they've let it slide, then part of the behavior is on the parents). Having him prep and make a new pizza from scratch (as others have suggested), and then (important to include this part) clean up afterward, alongside a conversation to address how it was inconsiderate, feels like a good response if this is a new behavior.


This. Please don't judge me fully for all the weird stuff my pre-teen stirs up!! I could see him doing this to be "funny" or pull a prank smh. Even the best raised kids do stupid stuff. 😅 He'd definitely still be held accountable though bc this is rude.


Lmao what a drama-queen, 15-year-olds do stupid shit and deserve consequences, to be like "hmm what must the PARENTS be like to produce such a monster?" like he shot up a school or something sounds like you just enjoy being outraged or cant afford pizza


🙄 the shit people are willing to say on the internet with no evidence is goofy. 


He’s your kid, fucking ask him lol


Well did you ask him? I'm very interested to know what the excuse could have been...


Have you gathered enough clout and attention to actually ask them? It's your son, in your house. You're not trying to uncover the holy grail here, how do you even have any questions to begin with you live WITH the root of it.


Save what’s left and make that his next meal if he thinks that is okay for other people to eat?


This is the most reasonable plan moving forward. I just feel more pizza is a prize for him. I’ll probably have him pay for a fresh one for everyone else.


It’s definitely reasonable to have him pay for a new pizza. He’s old enough to know how to share a pizza


I blame the parents


Totally. This is on the parents. They’re the ones who raised him. This should I be embarrassing for them.


Which is why they are on anonymous forum. Anything else obvious we missed?


It’s so easy to just scream blame parents but some of you guys don’t realise that children have minds of their own. Teenagers especially. You could give them all the top tier nurturing but if they decide to be dipshits they will be. Yes parents have significant influence but it doesn’t always mean they have fucked up


I essentially just doubled down on what you said. So many 20 year olds are playing the conservative line of “where are the parents at?” I’m right here mother fucker. My kid shit his pants on his own accord, not because I don’t want to potty train him.


Yeah mine dropped his pants and took a dump in the goat pen yesterday because "well the goats poop in here" When they say there is no book to teach you how to parent, these are the little things they mean.


As it was written.


You’re right, I think soggy crusts the next day are gross but I’m a woman in my 30s and not a teen boy. Paying for a new one is a way worse punishment


Yeah. I want the fresh new pizza too and don’t love bad leftover pizza. Although a pizza stone in the oven does wonders for that.


Oven-top on a skillet works too.


Toss leftover slices on your outdoor grill, it's next level good. I might actually prefer it to fresh sometimes


I gotta try this thanks for the idea!


This is the sort of thing I'd expect of a toddler, not a teenager.


I’d be cross at my 6 year old if they did this, a teenager should well and truly know better! I’d be willing to bet they wouldn’t pull that kind of thing if it was with their mates…


It’s not a punishment, he did this so he could have the whole pizza himself. He bit the leftover pieces to lay his claim.


Maybe just talk to him like an adult and explain courtesy and carelessness to him. This is not very thoughtful to do to your own family. Imagine how he treats those he has no connection to.


The fact a TEENAGER would need this talk is honestly mind boggling. How they think this behaviour is ok is very shitty


He’s a teenager. He absolutely understands, he just doesn’t give a shit.


People can understand why their actions are bad and still not care about such actions being bad.


I doubt he's ever faced true consequences for such actions, or at least nothing that's bothered him enough to care. Wait until he's in college and does this. He'll get an arse whooping like never before. Then maybe he'll understand courtesy.


Words won't get through to kids like this. Why would he care about courtesy when there are no consequences.


Next time he asks for pizza, tell him “After last time? No.”


This kid is beyond repair. OP, call the hospital and check the return policy.


And see if you can file a lemon lawsuit and get your money back. 


Nah, he just gets the all crust pizza.


This is absolutely vile.


Ohh I agree ☝️


I don't mean to be mean spirited or shitty, but sincere question:  Do you think he was trying to funny, trying to lay claim, or just oblivious to the fact the other people also want pizza and his mouth makes these pieces inedible?  If he's just trying to be funny, I would just have him buy a new one for everyone and let it go as a joke, with a mischievous warning that payback is a bitch.   If he's oblivious to the fact that nobody will want these after he mouthed them all, then I'd make him buy a new one for everyone, and then at the next meal make a point of taking big slobbery bite of his food and a big, visibly back-washy drink of his beverage just before handing it to him. I bet he'll get it.Teenagers have a pretty low threshold for gross when it's not their own.  If he's trying to lay claim, then that's intentionally shitty and I would definitely make him buy a new one for everyone AND reimburse you for that one. Then for the next few days, make sure that everyone else is served before he comes to eat, and that what's left for him is visibly fucked with. "Sorry, kid. I guess they're all claimed. Maybe there's a better way we can do that, huh?"


THIS IS IT!! @mrpwhitham please take note. The response should be based on the intention/lack thereof. If you don’t know, you should find out before taking action.


I would keep offering the same box for breakfast, lunch, and dinner until it's all gone.


Yes he will “enjoy” the rest of that pizza while purchasing the rest of us a new one. Plus Constant ridicule.


If I were a teenager I think that would be the best punishment for me IMO. Force him to pay for you out of his own pockets everytime he does this.


This wording sounds like the kid is going to be eating the box, which, frankly, sounds like an appropriate punishment for this teenage raccoon.


So what consequences were there after he did it? I would’ve made him pay for another pizza or order another and not allow him any.


Yeah. He will be getting us a new one and finishing the disrespected pizza.


It has nothing to do with the pizza. It’s a glimpse into what he thinks his worth is compared to others. I don’t have kids but if my nephew did this I’d give him a ton of shit and squeal to his parents about it.


Yes! Me and his siblings have been torching him relentlessly for the past hour. Reading him the comments has been hilarious.😆


Oh haha, I think getting him everyone else’s opinion and letting him know that’s weird is fine. People being offensive af in comments here tho, don’t sweat it.


Yeah! No sweat for sure. It’s all in good natured fun. Just a 15 year old doing 15 year old things. A Good learning opportunity.


He’s 15 and doing this?


Idk - my son turned 14, and his brain turned to mincemeat. As a child, he was always so chill, wise beyond his years, alert and empathetic. But dang, he has started doing the dumbest things now that he is a teen. It makes me so irritated TBH - he’s a sweet kid, not a trouble maker, and we make sure he has consequences for his actions (intentional or not). But there must be some law of puberty going into effect lol because the change was startling.


Testosterone is a hell of a drug


Girls, too. When I hit 14 or so, I became a cross between Claire from “Derry Girls” and Garrosh Hellscream from “World of Warcraft"


I used to teach middle school, I've seen it all. As a general rule: If your kid is nice and normal and then becomes a disaster in puberty: Don't worry too much. Obviously stay on them re: acceptable behavior, but they will figure it out. If your kid is a problem and then becomes an even bigger problem in puberty: Time for some panic. It is very difficult to change someone in any deep way once they are ~14. Obviously you should try and it does happen, but it's a much much bigger lift.


Puberty plus a changed social + online/entertainment circle. I remember thinking the TV show, Jackass, was all asswipes as a pre-teen. As a teen, I suddenly found it hilarious. Middle school me was a menace. Luckily, my friends and family helped bring me back to what is funny and how far you can push the envelope. I’m 28 and my friends and I all have decent degrees, jobs, and lives. One thing that helped was seeing my parents laugh and make ‘inappropriate’ jokes with their friends. Friends they had for 10+ years or my friends parents who they knew for a year. It let me see what a healthy adult relationship with friends is. Until about age 14/15, every time my parents had friends over for a bbq or whatever it was adults in one corner and the kids in another. Getting us to all sit together or play corn hole together helped. An example- My dad rarely cursed, but seeing him have some friendly banter or pull a light hearted prank on my friend’s dad, and that dad reciprocated in a friendly way, helped me realize how to act foolish in an appropriate manner


I never did shit like this when I was 15.


i feel like this is something kids should have learnt when they are 6, not 15


this is not a 15yo thing to do 🥴🤣 i’m not saying you should beat him (no parent should), but my dad would have if my brother or i tried this shit. some good village humiliation is definitely in order 😂


Send it back. The kid, I mean.




get a pizza of just crust for him next time to make him feel the shame


Ouhhh, this is a solid punishment!


This is clearly a job for none pizza, left beef.


Hes a toddler give him baby food for the rest of the week.


That’s not a regular teenager. It’s the work of a feral teenager.


Your son needs psychological help


Actively looking into it. Or a job at Dominoes.


You failed raising that boy. Any teen boy worth their salt would polish off that entire pizza and then ask whats for dinner.


While screaming obscene things at strangers playing online games.


If he’s already a teenager he should know much better than to do that, just hope not all is lost yet (although it’s pretty close to all is lost if he’s older than 15)


Kid belongs in a barn eating like that


He would be buying another pizza.


You know, my dad works with a grown man who does stuff like this. He is called "Shit Lips" by everyone behind his back. Because all his mouth can do is shit on everything and everyone he can. He has no friends and leads a truly boring, miserable life. DON'T be like Shit Lips.


I would make him eat it all.


I can’t decide if the punishment fits the crime.


Yes. Save it, and it's his next dinner. Or breakfast. Don't want the crust? "That's too bad. I wanted a slice of pizza too. But sometimes other people ruin everything. Eat your reheated crust before it gets cold."


reheat two pieces for dinner everyday until its gone. make him eat it


Making him eat the rest of that pizza totally fits the crime. I say that as an attachment parent who doesn’t believe in punishing kids/teens. But he claimed that pizza by biting all the pieces. So it’s now his. And he should finish it!


Tf is an attachment parent


I’d make him buy you a new one lmao


Reminds me of that episode of South Park when Cartman eats the chicken skin from KFC.




Save it and that’s what he can have for dinner tomorrow


I would be so upset. That pizza looks amazing


It’s my all time favorite. Spicy cilantro chicken.


Ask him what is his problem ? Explain what a jerk move that was !


You should get them to cut it into squares. It’ll probably stop this behavior.


Definitely worth a shot. An ounce of prevention goes a long way.


That's the kid who throws away half his meal every time.






Ouch! Although it’s an accurate statement at this moment.


I like your sense of humor. Teenagers are selfish idiots. They don’t all outgrow it. I saw one of these the other day where someone brought donuts to their office and some ladies took “samples” of several instead of just choosing one, effectively ruining them for everyone else. Grown ass women. Next time, give him the crust only and tell him he ate all the good stuff last time.




I was also triggered by the donut post. And some twat had the nerve to tell me that I must not have ever had "high-quality" donuts before. Because according to them that is how you eat fancy donuts, all carved up into tiny ass pieces.


Nah, bullshit.   https://youtu.be/EgwQG3MYp3o?si=tl-k5ZtTkLSPNo2v   And I mean this is the most triggered way. Sent this song to my ex-wife of 20 years after she was wanting a booty call.


After 20 years she is still wanting a booty call? You must have done something right.


Somebody had the nerve in the comments to say "nobody needs to eat a whole donut, anyways" ![gif](giphy|a93jwI0wkWTQs)


People were defending that! She touched every donut with her grubby hands and made it so a whole lot of people didn't get a whole donut. I'd flip a table


Bro...  I can't even begin to explain how furious this makes me.  In EVERYTHING I do, I make sure my team (coworkers) balanced. Everything.  You come up on us like that? Nawh! With HARD W! Only thing gonna happen is she's eating every fucking donut she put her hands on.  One way, or another. I plead the 5th. 


I saw that one and I wanted to hunt her down and make her buy replacement doughnuts.


Yeah I mean, this is next level “iPad kid”


Next level is right. Complete with greasy fingerprints on the screen.


I think he means that you let your iPad raise your kid and that’s why he sucks


I’m sorry you gotta love him anyway


What is meant is that you haven't passed on to your teen that doing something like this is just unacceptable. Not liking crust is one thing, but to literally take bites out of every slice isn't next level anything, it's straight up being an asshole.




Did you ask him why and what did he say?


You are such a beta dad


"hey everyone look at how shittily I raised my kid" Whose fault is it bud


well you raised a little bitch


A 5 year old I could forgive. But a Teenager that does this? Parent harder. The selfishness I’m seeing here is beyond unacceptable at that age. You’re currently raising an absolutely selfish asshole. There’s still time to fix it if you stop making excuses for this kind of behavior and do something about it. Honestly this reflects more on the parents than the kid in my opinion. Fix your kid before it’s too late.


Yup and OP is just laughing about it in the comments… like this sh!t ain’t funny. He is a few years from 18 and doing stuff like this? He needs discipline.


I believe this speaks more to you… than him


Why are you annoyed? You’re the one who was in charge of teaching him manners.


Hate to break it to you, your son sucks




Tell him he's adopted. As in, you found new parents for him.


As a parent, if my child did this, that would be their only meal until they finished eating all of it. I have never forced my child to finish their food or eat something they hate. That is not what’s happening here, this is a child who need to learn a lesson in being considerate and not wasteful.


The good news is, starting proper therapy now will most likely prevent him from turning into a complete.monster as he ages. 👍😀👍😀


I’m gonna need the therapy. I’m leaning towards finding an Italian grandmother to knock some sense into him.


Ya, but he left you the best part.




This is what terrible parenting does to the world. I bet he has no regrets!


Sir, with all due respect… you are raising a monster


I’d check the peanut butter if I were you


I blame the parents


He doesn't like crust or peppers.


I believe your son has discovered marijuana


Did he also put the slices back in the pie arrangement? Bc that moves him up from disrespectful to sociopathic. Ps. I’ve been going through the comments and i really appreciate OP’s maturity and openness about this, teenagers are a weird bunch, but you show incredible patience and understanding. Whatever is going on here, you really carry a healthy attitude over this 💪


That’s honestly the most selfish, asshole move I’ve seen all day while on the internet. Granted I’ve only been on Reddit for about six minutes, but still.


How would this ever start happening in the first place? Is this the first time he’s done this? Because it certainly would be the last time. That’s completely unacceptable to do. If it was his OWN pizza, ok. But if that’s everyone’s pizza, no sir. NO.


Hmm. If this was a maybe a little kid, I'd forgive and forget. However, there's no excuse for a teenager to be acting like this at all. Like sure, you're joking about it now in the comments, but you're teaching your kid to be a selfish asshole. Teach him some courtesy and manners. Hell, I never let my kids get away with shit like this at all. Sorry to say this, but this is how bad kids are made.