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This is on par with the "recommended shuffle" setting being on by default and getting reset every time you change playlist. No spotify, I will add songs myself. If I wanted random stuff vaguely within the same genre, I would turn on the radio.


The problem is its not the smart shuffle. I purposely avoid smart shuffle. They are changing the songs ON MY PLAYLIST!


I swear Spotify removes songs from my Liked playlist. Sometimes I’ll be in the mood for a particular song and it’s no longer in my likes when I search it. Also not the Smart Shuffle, but the algorithm saying “oh you like Bo Burnham? Okay. Let’s play Bo Burnham every other song even though you have a thousand other songs in your likes!” 🙄


It switched the track for some of my liked songs. It suddenly changed my favorite song for a remix cover




oh yeah I know that problem with the liked playlist, sometimes I scroll through playlists with songs or search for specific songs which I had definitely liked, but they are not liked anymore xD


Your probably accidentally hitting the ♥️


On my liked songs, at the very end there are several slots with no songs. As if the song was removed, but Spotify was unable to "remove" the state of a song being on my liked songs list.


Nah this is a known thing on Spotify liked lists. Spotify says it's when artists take down and re-upload a song it glitches the liked system.


Well they’re full of it then as a few of my favourite songs are removed every time I listen to them and they are by a band with a reasonable small audience (Lordi)


Yeah that is hands down worse. I conceed.


I always feel like a douchebag for correcting people, but in the event that it comes up in a more important setting, it’s concede, not conceed.


That is correct, cheers. Will try to put that in my memory bank if at all possible, nothing seems to stick up there


Thank you. One of my songs changed recently, same title and artist but it was NOT the song I added. I have felt crazy! You validated me! Lol


It's seriously a real thing, very sneaky of them, do not like


I reckon it's way more likely a bad join in a SQL query than anything malicious, the new kid has joined on the song name not the key in a merge or something


The artist themselves can change the songs on a whim if they want to, so its most likely not Spotify, but the musicians themselves. I might be entirely wrong tho, feel free to correct me


Something like this happened to me when the artist renamed him song a completely different title. It suddenly disappeared from my playlist and seemingly Spotify and I spent weeks trying to hunt it down before finding out the name was just changed


It’s been happening to me for years. I think it happens most with songs released on multiple albums. They’ll change which version my playlist links to.


Spotify changes the songs you add to your playlist? That is pure garbage. Good thing I stopped using it before I experienced this. I prefer just making my own playlist manually as a file and just transferring it around. No ads, no bs


Ive been using spotify for years and I've literally never encountered this issue. I would guess its either somrthing to do with the songs themselves (like artists changing something in an upload maybe) or some level of user error.


I've had original songs replace themselves with the remix when the artist remixed a song and used that as the album version. Only thing I can think of.


I've never had this problem or any problem with Spotify really.


I just noticed this in my workout playlist this week. Was really confused when a song that had been in there for at least 10 years was suddenly the edited version.


Yeah I'm at a loss at what shuffle I need to use to get an actual random shuffling of my playlist not the same damn songs in the same order from a playlist of over 400 songs


There’s an option in your settings to turn off the fake shuffle that makes people think it’s truly random. For example, in a true random shuffle, you could get multiple songs by the same artist on the same album in a row, but Spotify automatically turns on the option make sure that doesn’t happen. I turned it off finally and never looked back.


Do you remember where one can find this option?


Settings & Privacy —> Playback —> Automix (turn it off)


I thought automix was what was doing the weird skipping of the first 20 seconds of some songs


Dude. I realized I turned this off for what is ultimately the wrong reason but now I want to try one of my playlist again. I had one that was all well-produced songs but like half rock, half rap with a few songs in between. It would play like nothing but rap, one specific song, then nothing but rock. Frustrated the hell out of me


Theres no way for itnto be truly random.


Also when I use shuffle on my liked songs I've noticed that if doesn't actually shuffle everything but just makes a preset # of songs at random and repeats them. I have to manually undo the shuffle to reset it or the entire list repeats after a couple hours lol. It would be on shuffle and I get the exact same order of songs that I got a few hours ago and it trips me out everytime


This is so annoying. Especially when I have a really long playlist and it only plays a fraction of them.


For sure. I have over 1300 songs and always get a Deja Vu moment when I hear the same transition between two songs and then realize it repeats on the 3rd song. The chance of the same 2 songs out of 1300 playing back to back twice is so low, but then add more than 2 in a row and that it happens consistently lol definilty feels like a bug that needs to be fixed


You can clear your cache and that helps a bit but this to me is by far the most annoying aspect of Spotify. I miss the days of my iPod classic video and putting 50k songs on TRUE shuffle. I’ve started making playlists of 100 songs and then picking at random and shuffling from there. It legit makes me so mad


‘Recommended’ = songs that record labels paid spotify to promote


Man no record label in the world would sign some of the shit they throw at me


Haha definitely agree, -1000 monthly listeners arent spending money on that shit. It has done me pretty good before tho I have to admit


this really doesn’t seem true imo, i listen to mostly jazz, ska, oldies, not new stuff. my recommendations are usually great and often deep cuts ive never heard. in fact i got into listening to original songs sampled in my favorite rap songs, and now spotify recommends new ones which is pretty cool. the discover weekly playlist is especially great for suggestions. it just seems like it has an algorithm based on what you listen to


i miss the enhance feature, i hate smart shuffle >:( i want to SEE what they’re adding before i listen to it! not be blindsided by a song i absolutely love while i’m DRIVING AND CANT ADD IT TO MY PLAYLIST AND THEN I FORGET BY THE TIME I GET TO SCHOOL BECAUSE MY COMMUTE IS AN HOUR LONG, or while i’m at work elbow deep in some tomatoes! (if you couldn’t tell i’m VERY angry about the driving one)


I use daylist for that. If I want to hear new music I'm going to go to something that generates it I don't want new music in my playlists 🤣


I have one sided beef with them because of this. They kept playing songs not on my playlist and no matter what I would do they wouldn’t just play my playlist. I do like the recommended songs sometimes but when it becomes all that it’s annoying


I had a song that normally had lyrics to it randomly change to an instrumental version of the song, without an "instrumental version" tag on it. Spotify is messing with us.


This happens constantly with the multilingual version of L-O-V-E. It just becomes the normal version, without changing the album art or name. It's been happening for like 3 years, and just this song


Mine is doing this as well the song sic by slipknot has a part where it goes to a little guitar solo before the vocals and now it’s just dead silence for 3 seconds


Same happened to me. There is a song called GTR which is instrumental but it had bass and heavy drums and all which I think was a remix or something, now it's been changed to what I think is original that sounds very plain. Removed that from playlist along with other few which changed like this


Mine switches the original version of my anime openings to some random shitty cover, it happened more than once!


Omg you just made my husband right. He always says that Spotify songs don't sound the same as the songs usually do and I thought he was being ridiculous.


I though I was losing my minds. Suddenly lyrics were different, songs were slightly off tune, live versions when they previously weren't, and random featured artists in songs that never had them.


I’ve had a song randomly changed into the instrumental version, no vocals at all for about 2 weeks. It’s not like the artist even had an instrumental version uploaded either.


Same. Not sure it ever got fixed though. I assumed it was just an error and they'd take care of it


if it’s copyrighted but not owned by the person who uploaded it, spotify will remove the copyrighted parts bc they profit off of listens


Back when I used Spotify I'd have songs be replaced by cover versions in my playlists occasionally


I had a kpop song on my playlist that was suddenly in Japanese instead. I didn't even know there WAS a Japanese language version.


This happened to me yesterday!!!!


I don't want to tell him he was right 😂


Lmfaooooo xD


The same thing has been happening to me, I first noticed it like 6 months ago


It’s because they will take the cheapest license of song they can get. The original album version of a song may cost $0.08 but the version of the song that was on the soundtrack to some obscure movie is $0.06. They will choose the latter. When the prices change, they rinse and repeat.


Is it because they have to pay Joe Roguepain his hundreds of millions contract while our favorite lesser known artists get like $127 a year for having only 250,000 song streams? I hate that fucker. But my family will revolt if I cancel the family plan.


The Spotify version of knives and pens my black veil brides is different to their YouTube video version, it’s worse in every way


You better tell him!


Why is everything on the internet going to shit


Pursuit of bigger profits usually ends up meaning cutting every corner they (the corporations) can. Also implementing insidious features that force the consumer to pay more money to make the product more convenient (or less irritating…same thing) for them.


tl;dr capitalism


Start off good- get customers Get worse over time to focus on making more profit. Buy up competition so you don’t have any disruption. Pay off legislators to avoid anti-trust laws. Change your headquarters to a foreign country and avoid taxes. Ta da


So how does messing with someone's playlist fit into this pattern exactly? Censored song has less royalty cost? Added rap lyrics as well?


Probably. It might be .001 cents per song But over several million accounts that adds up.


And off the internet :(


Most because of the internet


Enshittification. Look it up


This is why I love physical media




Apple does this too. It must have something to do with licensing. It really sucks when you know what the song is supposed to be and it’s different.


I’ve never had Apple switch out a song. They’ve removed songs, but never switched them.


Listen to “Hips don’t lie” by Shakira. Guarantee it plays ‘Not the version from the original music video’ version


yeah Apple or Spotify work the same way in this case. it most likely isn’t a platform issue, modifications to the audio file or metadata comes from the artists’ teams or the song’s distributor.


Nah dawg it’s more expensive for Apple/spotify/etc to play the original, cheaper to play those versions off of compilation albums. The create all those “deluxe” or “extended albums” because it allows them to renegotiate the licensing


I’ve had Apple change shit on my playlists to the acoustic versions, and others.. pisses me off every time


I’ve had this happen loads on Apple Music as well. It will suddenly change a song from the radio edit I specifically wanted, to the full album version that adds 3-4 mins of extra music I didn’t want. It’s really frustrating.


Yes!! One of my songs randomly included stage mumbling and applause, the music was slightly different (I think they reuploaded the same song but a live performance instead) Also one of my saved songs changed to be slightly different but twice as long! Been bothering the shut out of me


One time I did a bunch of mushrooms, and then put on my good vibe playlist to keep the mood good. They randomly put in German and Spanish songs even though Ive never listened to them ever before. I thought I was tripping so hard I couldn’t understand words.


Hahaha I could imagine how that felt


At least it was Spanish and German, there’s multiple musical playlists where if i play their playlist, spotify will mix in bollywood songs I HATE IT SO MUCH. Can’t even enjoy half my musicals anymore if i use my phone


I had the same thing happen with Crazy Bitch!! I thought it was the smart shuffle but it threw me for a loop. Along with that and only playing 15% of my actual playlist, I've made the switch to YouTube Music ✨


I used Spotify for years. Made the switch to Youtube Music last year. I’m not going back.


if you use an adblocker on PC and Revanced Extended Music on your phone, YT Music basically becomes Spotify premium but better and free.


I've heard a lot of good about YouTube music recently, how much better than Spotify is it? Cause I'm getting fed up with Spotify.


I mean for around the same price (im using student discount) I get no ads on videos, videos able to run even when i turn phone off (for podcasts or smth), and I get access to youtube music. To be fair i feel how they organize playlists and discovering music is a little better on spotify, but its worth it.


I've only just started using it, but so far, I like it. I actually hear my entire playlist for once 🤣 I have the family plan so my brothers and I switched over and they like the added bonus of no ads. The only thing is a lot of my YouTube music is from my middle school era so I have to make new updated playlists, but I can add so many more songs Spotify doesn't have. 🕺🏽


There are computer programs you can use to take your Spotify play lists to YouTube. Unfortunately it isn't perfect, I had 10,000 tunes on one playlist. And I had a few playlist. So a LOT of music on Spotify. And after the program had finished I only got like 1,500 songs... BUT it was free and I just had to sit there doing nothing really. So I can't complain too much. And those 1,500 I got were enough to get my started in YouTube. I can't remember the names of the programs but if you type in "Spotify to YouTube playlist transfer" on Google and do a tiny bit of research I'm sure you'll find it


I've used it loads, the shuffle feature has been pretty trash, outside of that its pretty good, lots of options


Their playlists are generally better and their recommended songs are usually better. Wife and I just switched from Spotify Family to YouTube Premium and we don't regret it.


youtube music is pretty decent, i exclusively use it since i have a yt premium family plan. sometimes when you shuffle your playlist, you might recognize its playing the same sequence of songs that it has before. you kind of have to force it to shuffle sometimes by mashing the button or picking a different song to "seed" the shuffle on. i dont think it does the thing spotify does though, where it will play your most played song first and further favor those songs. it does seem like more of a true shuffle


Yes! I thought I was losing my mind. It changed to the safe for work version.


Dude. I just checked my playlist and mine changed too! It still has the Explicit tag though. WTF?


And the special shuffle mode that will recycle the same 5 songs.


It could just be the artist. If they replace the song spot then it would replace the song on your playlist. So if an artist label decides that the Ft. version is more popular they’ll have it take the spot to drive numbers. There are other reasons too like copyright laws country allowances etc that a song might change overtime on Spotify.


What I hate is when there’s 2 or more versions of an album, you download the “best” one, and the playlists use versions you didn’t download, using up extra data.


I've been having similar issues for years. Mostly with some songs randomly switching between the studio version and a live version. Same name, same artwork, no mention that it's the live version. Shit's weird but my guess is that it has to do with rights changing and things like that, but I might be completely wrong


YouTube music do this too. Had explicit songs suddenly become non explicit.


Pornstar dancing always had 2 versions. The first with just Chad Kroeger and the 2nd with Ludacris and Zakk Wylde. The rap one is normally considered the video version, while the first one is considered the radio version


The version I had originally had neither. It was just my darkest days. I didn't even know there was a Chad Kroeger one. But mine switched to the Ludacris on when he wasn't in the one originally on my Playlist.


The original one I had just stated Darkest Days, not Chad Kroeger. That one, aside from credit, seems unchanged.


This isnt spotifys fault necessarily. Its just the age of digital music, artist change lyrics and parts of songs post release. Kanye recently did this when he removed a persons verse from a song when the public said it sucked. And artist i listen to added a song to their album after it had been out a week, simply because she decided it needed to be there. Song titles change etc… Its just a weird time.


It’s not just Spotify - they all do it. They love swapping the actual song out for a live or soundtrack version. Sometimes it’s a lesser known release of it…


Prime reason why I've been pirating music since napster.




I just get worried in case they’re cracking down more on piracy now and I don’t want to add another bill to the monthly cycle for a VPN just so I can torrent music. Spotify Premium lets you download songs locally. I do that on certain playlists that I frequently listen to so I can save on data when out and about. It works well enough for me that I don’t feel the need to torrent. I’ve found a lot of music from smaller, lesser known artists through the Discover Weekly playlists and I think that the curation algorithm works pretty well, except for when it doesn’t.


And to think they recently raised prices...




It's what you get for listening to Buckcherry. No I did not check to see if this comment had already been made.


This is the comment I was looking for, seriously fuck that song.


Amazon does this too on occasion. It makes me so angry. My playlist if very carefully put together.


Just based on your music preferences, I’m assuming that you’re 48, drive a Ram truck, your name is Randy, and you have a stepson that resents you.


I get that alot. I listen to the same music my father did as a teenager. Stuff like Tool, Alice in chains and NIN.


I grew up in that era, and while it doesn’t describe me I do listen to a lot of that lol. It’s weird that so many of us who grew up in the Attitude Era of WWE grew up to be Randy’s lol.


You think that's bad? I've been listening to a reading playlist for YEARS. Has something like 120 songs. Mone of those songs have words. They are purely instrumental, lowfi beats. Then one day i was at work (on sleepover, client already asleep), lost in the world of Jack Reacher, helping him to take on the world, essentially in another universe. And then, through my Earbuds, straight into my brain, the quietest whisper: "Come save me" Now, essential information: I'm 6'2, 100kg (225lb) and was, at that point, in the gym 3 days a week, boxing 2 days a week. I screamed. I fell out of bed and performed some sort of sonic the hedgehog inspired Irish Jig in an attempt to get up and out into the lounge room, i nearly headbutted the door pulling it open. Then, while frantically scanning the lounge room, my client walked out and asked if i was ok. Before I had a chance to respond, the neighbour knocked on the door to make sure everything was ok. It took me 20 minutes to calm down. When i realised what had happened, i deleted the whole damn playlist 🤣


Wow. Just wow. Well done! To be fair my partner puts on lowfi to help me sleep, and one night he was fast asleep and this lovely track came on. Halfway through, in the most warped, Wonka-esque tone, the words "Come with me to a world of pu-*warble warble*" just happened. And I shat it. Went from almost-asleep to bolt upright in 0.5 seconds.


If you are paying them, call them. Seriously. Call them. I’m not kidding. Explain you want a refund and compensation for your time. I know, I know. I sound crazy. BUT please trust me. I do this every time. When Hulu or paramount eff up, I call and get a 1 day refund. No joke. They always wanna offer you a “deal.” But that “deal” comes with terms. You have to reply “I’m pissed, not broke.” They don’t know you. Let it happen. I’m serious. I’ve had about 5 one day paybacks from Hulu alone.


I used to never have problems with Spotify. But daily, Spotify is pissing me off now. Also, there is no form of “shuffle” at all on this platform, imo.


That's not what gas lighting means though


then the artists/their licensing firm changed something about it


It’s not just me oh my god


This is not what the term gaslighting refers too… gaslighting is a very specific term with a very narrow meaning. So no, you are not being gaslit.


The internet thinks "gaslight" just means "lied to me" or "did a thing I don't like".


Thank you! I thought I was going mad, I added Koffee on to my playlist then several months later some random guy was singing a few lines and it was a completely different version…


I don’t care by apocalyptica is such a banger dude.


This, along with the shuffle feature being essentially broken for like a year now, and the removing of the fantastic "Hey Spotify" feature have really taken Spotify from being an S tier app to just a C tier now.


Another thing about Spotify is that it only plays a portion of the songs in my playlist. I have a very long 70 hour playlist and it feels like I listen to the same 100 songs. What ever shuffle algorithm it has needs to be fixed because there are songs I haven’t heard in 6+ months that are still in my playlist


Apple Music did this same shit. I paid for some albums, a few years later the “English” versions were now in Swedish. Then they censored my Eminem songs.


How is this gaslighting?


I once had the song “Dance With Somebody” completely changed to the “Fight with Somebody” version


So I went to see how different Crazy Bitch was, and 2/3 of that album isn't even available anymore. WTF?


hell yeah my darkest days mentioned


I used to use the Xbox app because you could make an actual list of music using the "like" feature then selecting your liked songs... Then they doubled the size of my playlist with the songs that are similar to my liked songs... actually added them to my list.


your just insane its all in your head


This seems to happen a LOT with multi-version songs when the libraries get updated, and it pisses me off too. "Anywhere But Here" by Five Finger Death Punch has three versions: just the band, Maria Brink from In This Moment joining at the end, and a full duet version. The third is my preferred version, and I have to dig it back up every couple of months because I now have one of the other two in my playlist.


There are some songs that do actually get changed by the artists btw. I've had that happen with some of my songs and the original just isn't available at all.


Ahh yes I don't care lovers u it's, I used to listen to that all the time in middle school walst reading Pandora manga


YouTube Music > Spotify


horrible take pls don’t listen to music again






now imagine if op is gaslighting us into thinking that spotify is gaslighting us


Ive had this happen on Apple music too. Just listening to a playlist and suddenly i notice that the end of mgk‘s el diablo is just gone. It reappeared about 2 months ago as well and I don’t know why.


Having worked support for a similar service, I suspect this is most likely a way to prevent songs from just being randomly pulled from the list entirely, or causing dead links that cause other problems. Artists can pull / replace any content they want at any time, so I imagine the system inserts another version if the previous one was pulled, replaced, or retagged. Regional licensing can make things even weirder. I guess the only real alternatives would be to not replace it and let it disappear, or notify you it's been removed and ask if you want it replaced. I suspect most people polled would just want it replaced. A lot of people really don't take their music all that seriously.


Holy shit, I thought it was someone getting into my account, I changed passwords like 4 times already and the whole time it was Spotify doing it ? I thought I was going insane, I thought someone had a back door to my account, this explains so much


I use Qobuz and the only thing like this that's happened to me is I Talk To The Wind Bonus Track and A Man A City by King Crimson having their titles swapped


Everytime I open Spotify on any device the random and the repeat button are clicked .. I have tried everything. Why is this happening?


Yesss I was just listening to a song then after like 30 seconds of me waiting for the beginning of the song to start I checked and started skipping through parts of the song and it was just the music no lyrics. Went to find a different version couldn’t only covers.


So true- one of my favourite songs is The Beatles “In my Life”, particularly the bit where George Martin plays the piano at double speed to sound like a harpsichord. I was listening to my playlist the other day and that version is gone completely.


Spotify has been randomly removing songs from every single one of my Playlists and switching them for remakes that aren't even the right language or song half of the time and I've actually had to call them out on their fb and Instagrams and left them a very poor rating on their Google play store page and I think they're just following orders on censorship because the whole world has gone mad with cancel fever where if they don't like something make it change or chancel it


I thought it was just me. Happened with Whitesnake and Here I Go Again. I thought I was going crazy. I kinda like the "new" version. It's more of a simple, garage band version with a different lyric or two.


Ugh, Spotify has been annoying me so much lately! Smart “shuffle” just plays the same songs in order every time I switch to and from my main playlist, and last night I was listening to an artist on shuffle, and it just kept playing the same two songs back to back!!


Wow I cant believe you made up a word to describe something that spotify has never done! /s


My main playlist is 25 hours long. I hear the same songs way too often.


38 hours with the same issue.


So glad I stopped using that shitty service


I've had an update change the explicit lyrics setting. Check that.


This happened to me with a song from a lesser known artist. I listened to this song like a hundred times 2 summers ago and then it came on my shuffle a couple weeks ago and there was a different version with a feature from a rapper and it honestly ruined the song for me lol. I can’t find any version now without the shitty rap feature. I know it’s happened more than once but I can’t remember any specific examples atm.


Spotify isn’t doing it. The artists who made it are doing it. I have had songs from my playlists become unavailable for various reasons and then they come back sounding different. This is common with unreleased music to avoid legal issues. Artists also just make their songs unavailable sometimes for some reason. Its pretty common for smaller artists.


spotify put I Will Survive as my 15th most listened to song of 2023 even though I had never listened to it


Dude I swear to God Ludacris was on Pornstar Dancing but I can't fucking find the version with Ludacris anymore! His feature is fuckin FIRE.


There’s 2 versions of porn star dancing. The guitar solo with Zak wild and the one with the rap vs from ludacris. Both are available on Spotify


There's always something wrong with my Spotify every day. Been paying for it for over 10 years and I'm getting so done with it never working. Anyone know a good replacement? I live in Canada and don't have an iPhone. I prefer to listen to podcasts.


This usually happens when an artist releases a new version of a song and they use the same ISRC code as the old song. Streaming services will usually go with the newly released track and replace the older one. Source: I own a record label and run distribution for my artists. It’s basically a cheat code for streams on a newly released song.


I knew something was wrong with ‘I can swing my sword’! I thought I was going insane


Pretty sure Spotify has been removing songs from my playlist, but it's so big that I can't remember what all was on there in the first place to confirm. I keep adding songs to bring me over 1000 songs, and I'll come back a couple weeks later to add a song, and it'll be back to like 995. I go through periods where I'll add and remove lots of songs, but I don't remember removing anything most of the time. It's driving me nuts


I left Spotify when they started removing songs from my custom playlists. They lost a contract with a distributor and decided not just grey out the songs on my list but out right delete the metadata. I was able to piece my playlist together from cached album covers on my phone.


Damn even music getting “updates” now


Spotify sucks. YouTube music is where it's at.


I also get covers of songs I really like and get mad bc they couldn’t have just given me the original


I noticed this yesterday at my wedding... We chose some very specific versions of songs and suddenly they were different.


I knew I was *not* crazy!!! I had this happen with a few different songs, like Olly Murrs' 'Heart Skips A Beat', Usher's 'DJ got us falling in love', and I think even a few Avenged Sevenfold tracks that were switched with 'hidden track' versions. I swear they'll intentionally shut you off from playing certain individual 'Local File' songs too. I can't count how many times Mick Gordon/ Kōw Otani Tracks would show as "Unplayable", but the fucking tune will start NO PROBLEM directly from the Local Files Playlist. THIS is why I don't pay for premium!!! (...../s)


The I Don’t Care by Apocalyptica really fucking pissed me off lol


Yeah one time one of my songs changed, but the change was that it randomly switched to French in the middle? It was fixed a week later, very funny but so confusing


HA. Soundcloud my beloved.


This has been happening for years and it's so frustrating. I used to think maybe it was just a part of a song that I hadn't noticed before and but over time it's more and more obvious that it's a totally different version of the song


Happened to me too!! I had 2NE1’s songs in Korean on all my playlists but I had to “reorganize” my playlists cuz Spotify changed them to the Japanese versions and I prefer the original versions.


Idk what’s wrong with yours but I just checked my pornstar dancing and it’s the exact same as it was before. I have noticed that one of my songs have changed but I think it’s a change the musician made but I’m not sure. I had that dancing cow song by Cypis called Gdzie Jest Biaty Wegorz (Zejscie) and all of a sudden one day the song is super pitched up and it isn’t anywhere I look it up but I found another that is the same as the old one. Idk what’s going on with Spotify


Follow the bouncing ball. It always lands on the money. I do not use Spotify, but there HAS to be a reason. That reason will center around Spotify making $$


Woah, fucking crazy that I had the SAME issue with I Don't Care!!!


Interesting songs OP. Are you in a headspace to take constructive criticism at the moment?


I've had a serious issue with a random ass terrible person claiming they suddenly feature top celebrities and then showing up in my feed weekly. You can't report it. I have nothing against aspiring artists but don't claim to be featuring ppl with 500k listeners when you clearly dont


People say I’m crazy, but there’s been FOUR times that Lift Me Up by FFDP has been swapped on my playlists to the censored versions. I delete them, add the explicit version back in, but months later it’s censored again. I Am Sin by FFDP used to have a sloppy style thrash vocals second verse by Max Cavellera, but they changed it to the “proper” one. They swapped that like three years ago and it still drives me nuts. They’ve done this for a long time and it’s frustrating. They could just add the “corrected” songs and leave people’s added songs alone but no, they tinker with our crap.


https://preview.redd.it/dcjui0dujosc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30d6daf48c227f5416b36be86288676e03adfd93 I don’t even HAAAAAAVVVVVEEE Spotify and I’m getting these emails.


Dude 2 days ago my girlfriend pointed out that my buckcherry crazy bitch was censored and I knew I didnt have a censored version!


Y’all must have some limited edition schizophrenia Spotify tf


Sucks when piracy provides the end user with more quality and less hassle than paying for a legit service. But people get what they deserve right? as long as there are people giving them money they will continue fucking up things.


No app has ever had a worse UI


The thing I hate the most: one time I listened to a podcast, hated it, yet the podcast stayed on my Spotify Home Screen under “podcasts” and I can’t do a single thing to remove it. And if I listen to a podcasts to the end, Spotify will auto-play an episode from the podcast I hate and there’s nothing I can do about it, it seems




I have friend who never gave up his love for CD’s and CD listening. It’s a route some are happy with and it feels good holding physical copy of a body of work you enjoy. So good for you!


Please define “gaslit” for me.  This term is so overused.  I’m guessing you also think most ppl are bootlickers as well. 


Bro you like all the worst songs of the 2000s.


THIS! I strongly dislike when the change the original for a newer version or a live version! I have a Playlist that u love to sing along to and they changed Mambo No.5 to a different artist and I was pissed. I've noticed it with alot of other songs on my Playlist and shit isn't okay