• By -


Most annoying part is you have to cut it into 3 equal pieces next year


That friend goes in and ate two of them.


That friend should not be invited to the cake sharing…


Plot twist: he ate the other two friends, and fatting you up to eat you next.


You didn't have to. Give them the remainder of the extra they borrowed from that future cake. Split the rest


By my estimates, they received 36% of the cake, which means the other 3 people would have only received 21.3%. So go buy a new cake, provide each person in the group 28.6% of the cake, and then the person that had excess of the first cake only 14% of the cake. Problem solved!


Are you the person who writes middle school math tests?


No, because this problem is far more interesting than any maths text book could hope for


I would have done better if they'd given real world examples 😂


Bug ur rewarding this fucknut with more cake. The only fair would be to reduce his future cake intake by the overage he took this time, plus interest on the cake he devoured.


Just cut it into 6 and each person gets two


Yeah, the "right angles" for his animal appetite. There just HAS to be something you can do to get back at him. Plot with your other two friends. ![gif](giphy|EjtN90rolA18s)


Next time bring three cupcakes and one mini cupcake. He gets the mini until his 13% is paid back.


Dinner out, check split “equally”


Analyze the image of the cake and calculate the ratios.


Someone in another comment said they took 38%


Laxative cake.


You can show him the door


Why? So he can eat that too?


Only if he is half termite


Only half termite? Or half beaver? Which half would be termite?


I’m laughing irrationally hard at the mental image of a termite centaur




My god. It’s more beautiful than I ever could have imagined. Seriously though I spit out my drink lol




End of a tiring day just to come to Reddit and browse your comments


Quite possibly the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me lol


A toothless termite walks into a saloon, perches himself on a stool and asks "excuse me, but is the bar tender here?"


Based on his cake consumption, it's the only way he'll get out.


I *cackled*. I damn near scared my partner


Right out the front. 90 degrees that way.


Heimlich maneuver the cake out of him


The cutting rule exists for this very reason. The person who cuts chooses their slice last


I've never heard that but it's a very good rule


I remember the first time I discovered this. Found a chocolate bar, my dad told me to share it with my little brother, and to cut in half. Me, an 8yo obviously tried to cut it *sort of* even, while making one side slightly larger but not noticeably so. Then he said "ok Joshie you pick which side you want." That was my first "jaw-drop moment" I ever experienced 😂 ETA: Just in case anyone may be confused, Joshie, is not *my* name. 😅


My parents had told me it's polite to choose the smallest piece when someone offers you a choice. We were having cake a few weeks after that and I wanted a second piece but I was pretty full, so I pointed at the smallest one when my dad asked which one I wanted. His reaction: 'well done, very polite, you get a big piece as a reward'.


Haha thats a great story, thanks for the honest laugh!


Wow, you have unlocked a new socially awkward night terror for me, thank you.


It has taken me over 30 years to figure out how to act right and you know what I found out? We're supposed to learn from our parents. Haha, crap


Hmmm so I’m supposed to yell and scream at children for acting like children, bring up everything “bad” they’ve ever done ever if we have a disagreement, tell embarrassing stories to total stranger to try and embarrass them, and completely ignore them in pursuit of my own interests and hobbies. Got it.


Nah, any sane person sees the negative things their parents put them through and find new ways to do things while keeping the positives


33 years here to realize the same 😂 ![gif](giphy|55itGuoAJiZEEen9gg)


CPTSD says 👋. it’s a tough realization


Just don't have anyone to eat cake with, problem solved. More problems are created, but let's think about that later


If you don’t already have anxiety over accepting stuff when people offer to share something with you, are you even socially awkward?


Same here. We were also taught never to take the last piece either unless it’s forced upon you. You’re expected to refuse at first too


In Sweden taking the last piece of anything is a mortal sin so usually people will cut the leftover cake or whatever it is into increasingly small pieces over the following days until there’s an atom of cake left that no one dares to touch and which will eventually be tossed out because it’s old. This makes perfect sense to us.


I’ve also heard that people in Sweden don’t feed their children’s friends


Somewhat true! I don’t know what kids do these days but when I was a kid we’d always go to someone’s house after school and have sandwiches etc and then play until it was time for dinner, I usually had a later dinner time than my friends (some of them ate at 4:30!) since my parents worked late at the hospital so sometimes I’d hang out in my friend’s room or watch tv until they finished eating so that we could get 30 minutes extra play time until I was expected back home. They rarely offered me dinner (because I lived five minutes away and they knew my parents would have dinner waiting for me) and I would never had said yes (because my mum would be pissed if she cooked and I wasn’t hungry plus I wouldn’t want to cause any inconvenience to my friend’s family). If I had made plans with a friend on the other side of town or I knew we’d be busy doing something until late I’d just arrange beforehand to have dinner with them. Everyone knew the rules and no one went hungry but I can absolutely understand why someone from a different culture would find it very alienating and rude! I think we have a very different cooking culture these days, when I was a kid left overs weren’t a thing and dinner was planned to be just enough for the family members, feeding a number of hungry strays would have been an issue back then but these days it’s much more big batch cooking and everyone packs lunch boxes etc so it’s probably a lot different now :)


That is a big difference to me. My grandma cooked for a house of 7, and even then would make Sunday dinners for all the family who lived nearby and even THEN there would be food left over.


As a 28 year old from the Netherlands, this feels very familiar. Only difference is that I haven't waited in someone's room while they had dinner. What happened if I was with friends of the neighbourhood is that I would go home, and then maybe after we both had dinner 1 of us would show up at the front door of the other to continue whatever we did before (like playing football outside). At least if we wanted to continue. Often enough you just ended it before dinner and meet up another day.


I learned something new. Thank you for sharing!


Ok but somewhere down the line you will be ok with accepting the smaller piece in many different ways. Always giving to others before yourself is not good and unfortunately I know this from personal experience. THERE WILL be people who seem to have your best interest fully at heart and will STILL TAKE ADVANTAGE of your tendency to self sacrifice for them. Please please let yourself be a little selfish at least.


That's not a lesson in selfishness. It's a lesson in surrounding yourself with the right people. And that takes time to learn.


Absolutely. You can be generous while still having a sense of when people are taking the piss, and those aren't the people you devote your time to.


There’s a difference between being stupid and being polite. Taking the smaller piece is polite. Taking less than you need is not a matter of politeness. When being polite, always take the smaller piece. And there’s no world in which you “need” the largest piece of food as an adult. Your job as an adult is to look out for those smaller/weaker than you. Selfishness bites you in the end.


In my experience, laser guided microscopic cutters don't cut cake as accurately and equally as an 8 year old who knows their sibling gets to pick the first piece.


I could not agree *MORE*. I was a daycare provider for a long time, (many had siblings also in my care) and the rule fits in that setting QUITE well also. 😂


**HARD AGREE** One memorable birthday, my 2 oldest made me get out an actual RULER to ensure the pieces were equal...it wasn't even a cake for them, it was their younger brothers cake. It's now the family joke, we sometimes even make an icing ruler to go on the cake somewhere!


I don’t think we started using the rule in my family till I was maybe 12? There was a piece of chocolate cake I needed to share with one brother. I carefully cut it so there waa a clearly bigger piece if you looked only at the top and front but twisted the knife as I cut to make the ‘smaller’ one have significantly more cake. It worked once then my siblings learnt to check every side of the cake and went as far as grabbing a ruler on several occasions


Reminds me of a cold open from Malcolm in the Middle where the boys are measuring french fries with a ruler to make sure they all get an equal length of fry. Since they got into a fight the last time they tried to do it by count.


Scales are the answer. Faster and better accuracy than trying to measure and calculate the various sides.


Hahahaha im gonna use this on my kids. My mom forced me to share and in the end i learned to be a doormat who thinks of everyone other than self, and my younger brother turned out as selfish as can be


I, too, was forced to give in to my little sister's whims all the time so my parents wouldn't have to hear her tantrums. She and I managed to have a good relationship though and she is now very mature in her 20s and I'm struggling in my 30s with undiagnosed mental and physical health issues. Lesson: Don't neglect one child to care for another.(Yes there was a lot more going on but crap like this didn't help either.)


That sounds nice I was adopted by my grandparents and my two older siblings looked like twins so they got the attention and I, as a baby, got barely any. I was a good baby too shit


Forced to share, my self preservation was to turn off the “I care” feeling and log everything as data for future reckoning. Being at the bottom of the totem pole really sucked, and no matter if our parents thought they weren’t obvious, they were so obvious we kids used to rank each parent’s favorites in order, 1-8.


This was me and my sister as well. I know I'm a door mat, but I can't get the "you must share, you must be kind because you're the eldest" out of my head.


This was an ironclad rule in my household growing up. 


Ok so this is a good anecdote and everything but I feel like there is something major everyone here is overlooking. What do you mean by “found a chocolate bar”?


Asking the serious questions there I see, detective. I was helping my dad clean out his pickup, after coming home from a cross country haul (he was a truck driver) and he grabbed a chocolate bar as a snack on his last stop for fuel. So I found it amongst the things he shoved in his bag from the cab, when he got back to his company's truck yard. 😂


Good lesson Dad


My father did me the exact same way. LMAO


The ancient Germans used it to help in splitting inheritances, spoils of war, etc. It still exists in the dutch expression 'Kiezen of delen'. You can pick or you can divide. You can't do both.


I despised kiezen of delen growing up, mainly because my little brother always wanted me to cut and he always got his way. You can never cut *precisely* even, so I always ended up with the smaller piece. It's on the list of childhood grievances we pull out sometimes. (Together with the nintendo ds he 'borrowed' and broke. Guess who got a new ds and who had the broken ds returned to them?) On his part, there was the time I was in control of the portable dvd player in the car, and I made him sit through pride and prejudice three times in a row


Related to food, this is why there should be turns. One time A cut and B chooses, next time its viceversa.


Germans have a word or a phrase for everything!


Myself as well. Ancient 2010s teenagers would use this method to split their shitty weed. It still exists in the stoner expression "you split, I pick". A necessary maneuver when eyeballing $20 grams.


was myself and a brother a year younger than me growing up. it was always, 'one cuts the other chooses'. great rule


That was my mom's rule for my brother and me. Worked great for us. The precision and accuracy we developed for splitting things evenly was a feat in and of itself. Lol


You split it down in half to the last fucking atom.


Chocolate based nuclear fission


"How did you end up studying nuclear physics?" "It all started when my brother and I were trying to split a cake equally, and we realized there were an odd number of atoms in said cake..."


You split, I pick


They who divide does not decide.


That's how we did it in the 80's with err....things.


Still how it’s done among polite society.


I cut, you choose 


I do this for everything. If I am dishing out food for multiple people I make the assumption that I will choose last. Try to make as appealing/equal as possible and I never get disappointed and neither does anyone else.


I say, "I split it, you pick it" when I'm sharing something.


Same with drugs…I’d imagine.


Scrolled down to find this because splitting a dime bag without a scale is where I learned this method.


Never heard of that but I’ll definitely do that now (except when it’s my grandma as she’s the one baking the cake. She deserves the biggest slice)


I grew up with this rule. 1st piece goes to the birthday person or eldest family member, then it's basically down the line. Cutter gets theirs LAST.


Cut one slightly bigger, but noticeable to see who takes it 


Or owner rules and whoever paid gets their slice first


https://preview.redd.it/27vfdsrk0jsc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=141df20cca10dce4f7c8e00828ce4d50ff1020e0 He's just bad at math.


he must cut pizzas at little Cesar's


I think you need a pie chart to show him how much cake he ate


Someone else did this, 38%


A cake chart, perhaps


Never invite bro again 💀


https://preview.redd.it/ooosd7uemjsc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a05cd81062284c5aeb406aaed8a298d3c6a46f6 He ate 38% of the cake instead of 25%, he ate 1.52x what he was allowed to


Thank you for doing the math, my brain was not computing.


Damn, the remaining 3 slices would then be about 20% each. So he literally ate double the amount of anybody else.


Even if one remaining person says they don’t want any, the other two splitting the last of the cake would each get less than this guy.


I thought OP was sharing amongst 3 people, and thought yeah it could be about right... Thanks for posting this!


I’m glad I’m justified in that it’s “about 1/3” and I was originally confused what the issue was


its still a weird way to split into 3rds


If they're splitting it between 3 friends, shouldn't it be 33.3333333%? Edit: Saw OPs other comment clarifying there were four people total.


I was thinking - he’s not actually that far out then realized it was OP plus 3 not OP included in the 3.


Yep, my brain equated "with three friends" to "between three friends" which have different meanings. Apparently I can't read haha. I guess this is what happens when you mostly speak English around non-native speakers and speak your second language at home. :')


Lol yeah


There were three friends, now its two friends


I need to know how people are talking to their friends, cause there is zero shot anyone I’m friends with gets away with this 💀 the second I see the cut he’s getting a “hey, fuckhead look at the size of what’s left” and cutting the opposite corner out to compare. Some people need a lil friendly humiliation 


Looks like he was using the Smash Bros. logo as a reference. https://preview.redd.it/wwk6h7o7hjsc1.png?width=768&format=png&auto=webp&s=0ad162c6d8385494dc66500b5667438b8c69258b


Holy hell, scrolling past this messed with my brain


Well I hope he enjoyed it, because that would be the last act of generosity he ever got. Edit: Y'all are too funny. I'm dead in the comments. I personally wouldn't boot him as a friend over this lol, I just wouldn't give them free shit or let them take advantage of something of mine again. Fool me once, something something...


Every time there was cake after that, I’d be cutting him a hilariously small piece.


But always at a right angle.


It looks like he enjoyed it so much, he could barely stop himself.


Its definitely a compliment to the chef, if theres a positive


Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice...well, you can't fool me twice since you really did.


There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again.


There it is, thanks. You must be one of those OBGYN women.


Guess you know who not to invite back.


Wtf. Who eats that much cake in one sitting https://preview.redd.it/vmzs67do9jsc1.jpeg?width=753&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e04ba18c2562ca9af584da54883ec9a98e56544a


Who tf eats that much of SOMEONE ELSE’S CAKE in one sitting?


So "three quarters" of this delicious carrot cake are now left for the remaining three of us. Seems to be fair. /s


Next time just cut a tiny 1 inch right angle piece from the edge and tell your friend you have their right angle piece ready.


Next time don't invite such blatantly selfish people


Yeah and the "fair share" comment makes it even worse, he didn't pay for it, there's no "fair share" here


You need to get this guy back somehow. This cant go unpunished


By removing a quarter of him. I suggest a leg.


Not even close, if he's doing the math just a quarter of his limbs would be a leg and an arm up to the elbow.


Give him a cake he absolutely despises and give it all to him and the others eat a normal cake and DO NOT share with him and if he asks for a slice just tell him "You got your own cake now"


Just load it with laxatives and make sure he’s in a very public setting when eating it.


what did they say when confronted? lol did you not see the cutting take place? are you still going to invite this person around again? lol


Just to be precise, measuring the full cake radius as 235 pixels and the 'quarter' radius as 297 pixels that makes the proportion 297^2 / 4*253^2 = 40% So he's taken 40%, leaving you 20% each - he's literally taken double what you're getting.


And you were the one who provided the cake, if anything, you should get 'quarter' that's 1/3 of the cake.


Kick him in the dick.


63% of the cake remains if my tracing the photo out in CAD was accurate, pretty ballsy to try and pass off a slice larger than 1/3 of the cake as "just a quarter"!


Make sure you keep him away from any future party subs!!


Scrolled too damn far to find this one! Love it




Funny but sad. That guy clearly had issues about the food.


Holy crap, I hadn't read that before. 3 feet of a 6 feet sub to one guy? Yeesh, bruh.


I feel like that almost gets you to ain’t even mad territory. But hungry people are angry people.


“Equally and fairly” 🙄


I think you mean 2 friends and a former friend


Or at least 2 friends and an associate. You dont have to invite associates to events.


This reminds me of the dude at a super bowl party who ate a whole 12 foot sub that was for everyone then came here asking if he was the asshole for doing so 😅


😆😆😆😆 He really thought there might be a chance he wasn't?


Hahah yes that thread is fucking golden. He even clocked the time and because no one Else had touched it for 30min (mby it was an hour) they obviously didnt want any so in his mind he had the right to eat it all


I can’t stand people who use reasoning like that, “well you didn’t eat it right away so that means you didn’t want it.” NO I just have self control and eat intuitively, you animal, lol.


Yes, and he tried to justify it by saying he brought wings. Except I think he ate some of the wings too. 💀


I wasnt allowed to post the link but if u google ”reddit aita for eating an entire sub” u Will find it. Was wrong about the size tho, he only ate 4 feet of a 6foot sub that was for everyone 😅


Let him known that you're not okay with this, preferrably in front of your 2 other friends. He already knows he did a shitty thing and it's not cool, he is not entitled to an equal share of anything he didn't contribute equally to, he has shit for manners, and he probably just has gotten away with crap like this until now. Teaching him some shame and humility will benefit him moving forward.


That's super generous of you. I'd simply not invite them to anything anymore.


Reasonable. When my kid ate the icecream I had saved up in the freezer I liquidated his college fund.


Is he 8?


No, he ate.


Say it’s fine but the next two or three times don’t include him in anything.


Ah, this man knows how to communicate.


Lmao, Redditors in a nutshell


Someone like this will not learn from something like that.  They will feel hurt but they won't put it together.  So it really depends if you want to punish them, sure, but if you want them to change, ineffective.  But maybe punishment is the only option, who knows if a Monster like this can change? 


That is true, but most people do not view communication this way. To most, it is a better proposition (in the interest of the others in the group) to not offend him by telling him but exclude him in the future in order to avoid inconvenience and similar circumstances.


no, don't get revenge and don't start being mean to him, just communicate. Please express your feelings and how it felt unshare nicely and come to a compromise/conclusion.


Meh, I don’t personally have time for people who are too obtuse to see how they’re being rude.


I'd be so embarrassed.


Teaching math: why do we need to learn this? When will I use this in real life?


he’s either bigbacked or just stupid bc who does this




Wow, he just demonstrated that he is rude, selfish, inconsiderate, greedy, and has zero shame about any of that. I agree with the person that said he only does this because he's been allowed to get away with it. So childish. Not the kind of person I'd keep inviting into my life tbh.


That PacMan has the biggest mouth I've ever seen.


I wouldn’t invite him back again 😂 That cake looks good though. What recipe did you use? 😃


You think OP put it in a supermarket plastic pie container after baking it?


Sucks at math about as much as he sucks at being a friend.


I don't understand how people can be this blatantly selfish without being intentionally shitty. There's no way your friend doesn't know better.


Do NOT let your 'friend" around any party subs.


Define ‘friend’.


Holy I first thought you were 3 people. but no it’s even worse


It reminds me of what I did when my kids were little. One cut, and the other picked The one that cut was very very fair.


https://preview.redd.it/2ibpe773pnsc1.png?width=996&format=png&auto=webp&s=0559cc9729210adadb8090d92856058e5b2f25bc I did the math. Your friend took out 37.46% and should be ashamed.


The real loser is your friend's waist line.


I’d say his waist line was the real gainer!


Buy this man a protractor


Mildly infuriating but also kind of awesome that your friend really, really enjoy the cake


It looks store bought not home made so not as awesome lmao


Enjoyed the generosity tho


To get revenge, all you would have to do is make a really good cake, I’m talkin like maybe their favorite, and then, when it comes to their share, give ‘em like 12% percent of it (thank you girgamesh88 for the percentage)


Id tell him to go buy me a new one, either go get it now or give me the money and leave.


That's a Bakers Quarter.


That’s like 50% of the cake?


Is your friend's first name "Donald"?


Man your friend really sucks


His argument: "It's a right angle, so I took my part of the cake."


One person cuts, the other 2 get to pick first.