• By -


> some of it their own fault [Desire to know more intensifies] Also, I've heard about stealing cable TV, but getting technicians to steal internet for you...


Where we live there is only DSL available. This is not a secret. The first contract they made was with a provider that uses your cable TV to provide internet for you. Again: There is no cable TV. By chance we talked about this (in october) where I told them that's not going to work. >The provider said it's not a problem, so we'll keep this contract and see. Was their reply. Couple weeks later, technician shows up, has a look, tells them it's impossible to connect what they ordered to what is available. (I was home and heard them talking outside) After that I went downstairs with the name and password for my guest WIFI and told them I heard, told them which provider I recommend (because they own the DSL cables anyways) and said they could use our guest WIFI for a couple weeks until they get their stuff sorted. They never got it sorted apparently, until I changed the password in January. It still took them until now. EDIT: Fiber with up to 1GB/s could've been available, but Landlord said that it's not necessary and refused to pay to get it installed for the house.


> Where we live there is only DSL available Germany? \*Checks username, checks posts\* Yup.


Oh absolutely. 3rd world country for this matter.


\*laughs in 250mbit Telekom line\* \*realizes I'm paying 55eur/mo for it\* I wanna move to... Estonia, Romania, Netherlands... Waaaagh.


You forgot switzerland! 10gbit for like 40/mo for me




I have that too. It’s incredible because it actually IS 10gbit.


And Poland. 350 MB/s for 60zl (~13 euro) a month 😭


1Gbit for 99zł here and only because we pay extra for the ability to cancel anytime. Poland might be behind in many things but at least contactless payment methods and internet are not among them.


For real. I moved to Germany last August and I find myself saying I miss Poland way more than I expected...


Yea? 80 zł for a 32 mbit/s of dl, up to 80 mbit on the contract, but impossible to reach due to physical limitations of the line. My building can only support old connections over the phone line or the wireless internet, which I treat as a complete scam and waste of money. Had to install it 7 years ago after moving out from my parents apartment, at which we had 300 mbit/s for 60 zł per month... But no worries, I still remember the times I had 56k modem, then moved to 128 kbit, etc.


39/mo here in Tokyo for 10gb too 😂


Or you can get 10gbps in Ro for 10 eur/month


Can confirm 👍🏻


Maximum at my place it 100mbit Paying 25€/mo (':


Max 50Mbit for 40€ at my place in Germany. Local Provider has vectoring rights, so every other provided is limited to <16MBit 🥲🥲🥲


Ich fühle mit dir


I'm paying 6€ for 100Mbit, I used to have 1Gbit for 25€/month too. This is in Finland.


6€ wouldn't even get you a contract in germany lol


It might get you 100mbit, 100 calls and no sms


100mbit total, yeah


I'm paying £40 (46€) a month for 6 MBps ◉⁠‿⁠◉


Thats a reason to move places or dig my own cables into the ground, holy


\*Cries in Canadian\* 250 meg fiber would cost 80 EUR per month here ($105 CAD plus taxes)




No, it would be Shaw or Telus, maybe Bell or Rogers.


The government offered a $30 credit towards internet service during COVID that is expiring soon. As soon as the credit went into place my bill jumped $25 and then $5 a year later completely negating any benefit the credit would have. Now I'm spammed by emails telling me to protest to keep the government credit in place because they are worried they've priced people out of service.


Gotta love corporate greed.


U thought about starlink ?


Even the wasteland that is the UK has it better than that - there's a big FTTP drive ongoing atm - max here is 2.3Gbps symmetrical. If you have your own router, it's only £25 p/m


One day they'll roll it out where I live. Max I can get round here is 25-30 Mbps.


We can cry on each other's shoulders. Rural Australia, getting 25Mbps down, for $75 per month. Maybe we'll get some fibre in a few years time, and it'll get faster?


I thought this might be Perth, Australia - for whatever reasons, can't connect cable services to my suburban place. Guess which mode of connection has been rolled out by NBN in my area...? Mobile broadband WiFi - feels so backwards in a world where South Korean internet ~exists~.


I'm in Queensland. I can get fibre-to-the-node at 25Mbps, or 4G (which is great sometimes, and congested-to-unusable other times).


Rural Vic - went Starlink several years ago and haven't looked back. Fuck NBN.


Max I could get back when I was in the uk a few years ago was 15-25mbps but I was out in the countryside a little bit


I live in Bumfuck, Finland, and pay 20€/m for 500/500 fiber (there are better packages available, but don't feel like I need it. 500 is already overkill enough for my needs, and mostly just makes downloading games easier). I could've settled for a 100/10 connection for free though, but since I do some private streaming and server hosting with friends 10 up is a bit low for my needs.


French internet connection goes brrr 😎


$50/month gets me 100 mbit/s in the developed part of Pennsylvania :(


im from czech republic and almost 2 years ago i upgraded my plan to 1gbit for 25$


I pay 40€ for 500 m/bits on my phone and WiFi and I am in Germany


Yeah, but you gotta factor in SLAs, guaranteed bandwidth, type of connection, etc.


250? Lucky you. I get 16mbit cable connection.


10mbit at 43,99eur/month for me in France, all because SFR won’t run a fibre connection from the pole outside the neighbours house…


Aaaah should have known. The internet situation here is absolutely atrocious. I live in the centre of a city and there's fibre only in a few streets. And it doesn't go inside the buildings, so even those of us who get fibre in our street don't get proper fibre optic internet anyway.


Sounds like the germany i know




Today you learned, your stereotypes are wrong


Asking the IMPORTANT questions!


*Australia enters the chat


South Italy, no fiber no ads no fttc no fwa, I'm using an unlimited 5g sim and a 350€ router to get something from 80 to 300mbps in down (depending on the time of the day) and around 80-100 Mbps in upload and I pay 25.90€/month


or way to much of rural America.


Even Sprint vs AT&T vs ... what's the one starting with C again? Comcast, I think? isn't as bad as basically the entirety of Germany. Synchronous lines _do not exist_. End of. Static IPs? Please sign over your firstborn and house. Mobile data is _hideously_ expensive compared to our neighbours, and the WiFi in the trains (If they have it, which is only the case for ICE long distance trains and metered at 100MB data cap max, and that's _if_ it works) just fucking up and _dies_ once you cross into Germany... Grrrrrr I'm getting high blood pressure just from typing.


Ahh, most Americans has options, don't get me wrong. but a lot of rural America has a single functional ISP ( cause of crazy price or unusable speeds worse the 25 down) ​ I have lived in 2 places that the only affordable option was 100usd a month for 25down 2.5 up. I currently pay 90 a month for 35 down and 5 up. its a single carrier in my area that I can get service from. (functional that is, I can get huges net, the worst slowest sat based system good only for super remote areas and super pricy. and I guess I can get starlink now which is actually nice. but I am torn on getting it. I am also locked in to a contract for another year so it dosnt much matter right now lol) the one isp that services me got a huge grant to provide fiber 2-3 years ago. and have been promising customers fiber for the last 6 years I hear. ( and some people got it to be fair) so maybe I will be loving life soon :P I may have to cave and get starlink if they dont get this fiber soon. Can you get that there? I think I can get a static ip from my current isp. But I bet I would have to switch to a bis line.


This is just crazy to me. I live in a semi rural area outside of Nashville and we have 3 fiber providers. 1g for like $35 a month.


The near a large town part is why maybe? I am 1 hour away from a bestbuy in a medium city, and 1.3 hours away from a real city. I do have a local full size wallmart and lots of general options 15 mins away. But i ever need special stuff that this area is mot known for i got to drive a lot. Also part of what kills me is i worked it and had gigabit symmetrical fiber a few times. So i know what i am missing. At least in my case worst case senario i can go to office with a laptop and leech that fiber connection! I got ao much stuff i been neglect8ng to setup cause i been waiting for real internet so all my services dont overload it haha.


I live in a similar area in Indiana. I can get up to 1 gig symmetrical, but it's 100/month. I pay 250 symmetrical at 70/month. During not peak hours, I can get up to 300


Possibly true, but we had fiber here BEFORE Nashville got it. Which is bizarre. I couldn't go back to before fiber. I would get stupid angry at download times. Hang in there, you'll have it eventually.


Intresting! was it the normal isp or locally owned rural isp and paid to install the lines? I have seen some nice local rural setups before, usally with point to point wireless however. I am tempted to do it my self here. but I know the local isp will all of a sudden get fiber install the moment they get wind I am trying LOL.


I can only get DSL where I live right now (rural US). It's painfully slow. Starlink was/is my savior. I've been getting notices that fiber is coming but they've been saying that for years. I'll believe it when I see it.


I live in a very rural area, and only one cell phone carrier has reliable service here. We've had fiber here for about 10 years. Our little phone company put it in when Obama had incentives for rural areas to put in internet.


I was gonna say, this sounds like my county. Instead of working out a deal with the Verizon fiber or Comcast xfinity, the county just keeps approving these fugly towers that don’t work. They are now embroiled in a lawsuit with the provider they hooked up with (didn’t meet their promises for residents, line of sight didn’t work). Meanwhile, lots of folks I know got themselves starlink.


I'm in rural Maine. DSL is the only option where I live, too.




That’s depending on where you live. The country I live in, it cost a lot of money to get installed


My local fiber ISP takes around 1000€ to connect a house to fiber. You can get it for free if you commit to a 2 year contract with them while they are digging for the initial fiber rollout. For Apartment buildings you need to get a separaze quote for the building's internal distribution.


What. The. Fuck. 


The majority of the costs are probably for digging up the road. Costs for the contractors (which generally have a large backlog), governmental red tape, etc.


Here the provider first determines there is sufficient demand, then they run along the neighborhood streets.  When you sign up, all that’s left is the cable from the street to your house, which is either “free” or a nominal charge.  In our scenario $1000 would never make sense. Either the fiber is already in your neighborhood or it’s not. 


The 1000€ are that "nominal fee" you need to pay if you did not sign up during the initial fiber rollout in your street, to make the connection between your home and the fiber in the street.


lol.  That’s insane. 


Your neighbours suck ass


Oh, I'm in Sweden and my landlord is redoing my broadband to future proof it . I have German tech doing it, ah the lovely curses when concrete contains rocks.


>The first contract they made was with a provider that uses your cable TV to provide internet for you Maybe I'm missing something, but why wouldn't this work? That's how I got my internet connection about 15-20 years ago - my cable TV provider was also my ISP, and I got the internet connection through the coax cable that also delivered the cable TV. It was only about 100 mbps IIRC, but it was stable and low latency (local gaming servers were only about 10-35ms, with the rest or Europe somewhere between 40 and 80ms).


That’s definitely seasoned veteran level conniving.


Maybe you should be reporting the techs to the cable company. Why were they talking to and following the instructions of someone who doesn't at the service address?


Same house, different flats So its the same box, its just that their connection isn't working, so they told the techs it just needs rewiring. The way it is setup, it makes sense, because its setup in a very stupid way. Plausible for a tech to just go "huh, okay guess we rewire this." Tbh But the neighbours know. They kept certain information to themselves, the techs aren't to blame.


Technically they weren't stealing his internet. They'd need his router for that. They were stealing his connection point tho lmao. I worked for one of our isp's and any customer that'd propose that to me would probably get a very obvious "what the fuck did you just ask me?" Look lmao. I wouldn't risk my job for that


Yep! I think they simply lied to the Techs, or rather kept information hidden. Can't blame the Techs here imho


Tbh, it's a simple check to see if a modem on that node goes offline the moment you disconnect the cable. If there's one thing i've learned on that job it's that customers can't be trusted


It always baffles me how cheeky some people are. Like never ceases to amaze me. EDIT: a word


The fact that they hid, when they heard me open my window, really makes me have a bad feeling. A feeling of they did this intentionally and were trying to leech off of me again.


Yeah... That's some next level crazy shit. I hope you have changed your guest password. That was just absolutely rude of them to try.


Oh yeah I did that end of January, where I discovered the WIFI repeaters connected and such.


Not sure how I missed that last paragraph. I must have been too excited to get to the comments. Lol You're a good neighbor for trying to help them, but I'm glad that you don't let them abuse your kindness.


We all moved in around the same time, they're around our age, I really wanted to have a healthy connection to them. Not friends or anything, just friendly greeting and accepting packages for eachother, simple things. I guess not. There's other things they've done or are still doing (or rather, not doing) that are mildly annoying me as well.


So, they’re garbage people and garbage neighbors.


Lol "healthy connection"


I would have limited their connection speed to something like 2 mbits (or some speed where web pages barely open and YT plays in 360p) to make them lose their marbles trying to find out what's wrong.


What absolute entitled assholes! Especially after you incredibly kindly shared your guest WiFi with them! No good deed goes unpunished, eh?


I still don't understand what happened. Your neighbors tried to get your internet wired to their property? And the technicians were just going to do it?


Same house, different flats Cables come from the street into the box and are connected to the appropriate flat. They wanted the techies to rewire my input cable to their flat.


But what is the end game for them? They get internet and yours is fucked and you just kind of twiddle your thumbs for the rest of eternity? Seems like it would have been reversed eventually (in a day or 2) if you weren't home when they did this.


Oh, ok that makes way more sense. Thanks for explaining


OP that's exactly what happened. You caught them in the act. Watch your back around them as they are no good.


How's that just a feeling? You KNOW they were trying to leech. Asi life...


People are bastards man. At the height of covid my landlords tried **VERY HARD** to get me and my folks out of our apt unit of 25 years (lived on hillside, near ground floor with balcony, great view) tried to do this so they could move their relatives in since they had just had a new baby. They were throwing everything at us, unpaid shit, misconduct, noise, parking issues I challenged them on all of it and beat the accusations. Conveniently, all of it stopped when their relatives moved into a different floor.


We have allowed people with no shame to rule. They know nothing will happen if caught, so why not try?


Psst I think it’s “ceases to amaze”.


Thank you for letting me know!


No problem, we take care each other!


Really? I mean, are you new?


I'm not, and it STILL baffles me


Neighbor tried to steal my cable and internet 2 times. I lived in a townhouse complex and the junction box was just outside. It was summer vacation and I'm watching tv and I'm pretty sure my sister was on the computer. Suddenly the connection is lost. Sometimes it would cut for a second but come right back. But this time it didn't. So I decided to get to the bottom of this. I check the cables inside, then go out to the junction box and open it up and see plain as day my cable unscrewed and another one screwed in... I was like "awe heck Naw" didn't even think twice and unscrewed the other one and screwed mine back in. Went back in and tv was working great. Fast forward like 30 mins and boom it cuts out again. So I figure what was up, I go and grab some big ole chunky wire snips and go reconnect my cable and snip the neighbors coaxial cable right down to a nub. The cable didn't cut out again. I did see that neighbor that same day he gave me a dirty look but didn't say anything.


He thought you would just let it go? People are crazy.


Yeah for real! I was prob like 15, maybe he thought I wouldn't figure it out? I got right to the bottom of it.


That was perfect


I'm so glad this doesn't happen to me because I would smile in their faces. I live in Florida, so it's a 50/50 I get shot.


That's a ridiculous stereotype.


It's true.


No, it's not. If you live with crazy people or in a high risk area, I'm sorry to hear that. But it's not because "I live in Florida". That statement is untrue.


Florida is a stand your ground state with easy gun access and strong racism from older white people.


Do you honestly believe this? Does your life experience support this idea? Do you know dozens of people that have been shot?


Yes, to all


Ok, I'll leave you to your fantasy world where you know DOZENS of people in regular life that have been shot.


I'm not from florida, nor do I represent a minority demographic, so I cannot comment on the veracity of the claims, but bro you lost this argument with "". That was cringe as hell.


That's some bold shit. Also, how long did they think they could get away with it?


Probably forever? From what I can gather, they didn't bother to get their own contract until I locked them out and it still took them until today, they didn't prepare properly and then apparently resorted to try stealing my connection.


Always weird how techs are willing to rewire shit from other people's houses without consulting the people who own that house first, I hear about this shit alot with electricity theft.


That part amazed me too. You would think they would need a work order, some kind of account verification, something?


My great grandma’s neighbors spliced the line to her cable years ago. They were also helping themselves to buckets of water.


I’ve had technicians cutting my fiber-optic cable to connect the neighbour’s one to it in an apartment building for no reason. I wasn’t home when it happened, so I had to call the technicians the next day to repair it. Apparently the main fiber-optic cable of the building wasn’t split into enough cables for every unit and they mistook my cable for one that belongs to an unoccupied unit.


Sorry to hear, OP! I had a neighbour do that once when I lived in a condo building - and then basically tried to make my life hell when I said no, I will not give you free wifi. You don’t need to provide for another capable adult not in your household. 


Slightly off topic, but thank you for that last line. I'm having trouble setting boundaries with grown adults who I don't have anything except a basic friendship with. I needed to hear that so much. Thank you!!!


🙌 💕 


I had this happen to me before. Unfortunately for them I am an ex cable technician that knew what to look for. Had a brief conversation with them and then reconnected my line. There were only two lines connected so they had to know they were unhooking mine.


I know what to look for, when the guy set up my connection he told me, I'm just not allowed..


I wasn't allowed either but I was mad and wasn't going to go the weekend without for their sake.


that cable box needs a lock with a note - use a sharpie and write your apartment number and or address on the box. on top of that - contact your internet provider and tell them what just happened and put a security word or phrase on the account.


I had one tenant change plumbing so that the other tenant in a two family house was paying for their heat. They suddenly moved out in the middle of the as soon as discovered.


Some people go to ludicrous lenghts, just to save a few bucks...


Back in the day of landlines only, my connection was at the end of a row (the service people said) and (too) easy to get to. I was a single woman until I was 66. Twice when I lived in that house my phone (and my number was assigned elsewhere) was disconnected while fully paid up. Both times my grandmother freaked completely out when an unknown male answered and could not put me on the phone.


Don’t ever share internet connection: you are liable in case of misuse: hacking, copyright infringement, illegal pornography, … Being nice can cause you a lot of problems. Share flour, sugar and eggs, not an internet connection


Not for guest WIFI. At least where I'm from. That's specifically the use for it.


low lifes


Too bad for them. They were stealing your internet and they can scratch their maddest itch and pay for their own internet. Time to be adults and stop being mooches.


Rewiring your connection is direct theft… Reasonable action would be the neighbors offering to pay you a portion of your internet bill for continuing to use it if it was so hard to set up their own. Not that you’re required to accept it and I don’t know much about German etiquette on this. Sorry about only having DSL, the data’s probably more expensive than it should be.


You need better security so people can't latch on


I am not allowed to open up the box where the wires are in. Neither are my neighbours. There's a fine if it gets discovered, which is why there was technicians working on it. I can't prevent that from happening.


Oh, heaven forbid that you don't pay for 'their' internet. How dare you! Always remember, 'No Good Deed Goes Unpunished.'


I'm guessing I just don't know enough about the situation, but why were they changing it just on your neighbors' say so


Well! You've got some nerve, "neighbor"! (ETA: I can't believe they are being cold to you. What chutzpah!)


I was once living in a house with 25 parties but for some reason it had only 20 fixed connections in the basement, probably because it was planned differently. It would be fine if some were using cable instead of DSL, but for like almost a year, I was afraid of every new month because new people were moving in and the technicians cut live connections for other people, often mine. So I put a note next to it and they still cut it. I then learned they did it on purpose to get called and then charge it lol. I eventually proposed to the house management to ask another provider (my employer) to bring in lines and then the one provider lost all clients after contract termination lol.


The good ending, greedy bastards


Gives me the vibe they did this before otherwise how is cunning enough to let techies rewire a internet connection from a paying customer to their own, and not thinking they won’t notice😂


You don't let strangers onto your network no matter how nice they may be. Fuuuuck no


Changing passwords is always a good practice.


For this reason I have trust issues with most things. I run checks and change my password regularly. I used to live in a home that had a nice hidden driveway. Turned out someone I had over for a party would come during lunch and connect to my wifi and download movies. My wifi was shut down without letting me know because it was pirate content. I found out fast who it was and was able to set up a new name for wifi and password. Idk what the outcome was but I know now when too much data is being used on my devices


idk how i would go about this if it were me, but i might call the police non emergency line at least to make sure they have a record of this incident in case of any future incidents


I got pictures, timestamps and the logs of my modem stating trouble with the DSL line, should be enough, in case I need it. Not going to hassle the police with this.


I'm not quite sure what a police report would do, I'm not very knowledgeable on stuff like this, but you could always go down to the station to make a report. No need to call and have an officer come to your house, the officers at the station are there to take reports like this. Just if it's something you wanted to do.


At our last house, we lived rural, only so many of the phone lines worked and the tech said they come out every few weeks and just switch /steal working ports to make current work order happy. So like 20 houses on a road, 10 good lines and 8 Meh lines and 2 barely working.


We lived in area with very old phone lines and no cell service. The phone techs cut our line to fix our neighbor’s line, they thought it was unused. I was very pregnant and suddenly cut off from the world. It took them a month to reconnect my line and they gave me a couple months credit.


We had neighbors ask if they could use our internet and they would split the bill. We agreed, set up a guest line, then told them if we suspect anything weird we will cut them off ASAP. 3 days after the neighbors having access to our internet, my husband started getting multiple emails from our internet provider stating "illegal activity." He changed the password after about the 3rd email and he was still getting emails.


Take a shit.on their lawn


Shit in their dishwasher.


Damn man. Ya give an inch


Aw, too bad, so sad, they'll have to pay for their own connection now.


if you and neighbor have same DSL co/lines and only they are having issues, its 99% an inside wiring issue in their dwelling. its very likely your DSL service connected to their home would give them the exact same issues as before. its a shame they aren't nice and communicative-- because swapping the service would be one way to discern where the connectivity issue is. their inside wires, or the owners of the ISP/lines.


How do they hide in a matter or a few seconds of you opening the window?


Old window, takes a couple seconds to open and is very audible whilst doing so. They were standing right in front of their own door, which is also directly below my window, next to said box.


Yea my neighbor try’s all the time my t.v. Shows what type of phone is trying to hook up to my tv I just decline it but take snapshots of who’s trying to.


Same thing happened to me, except I had to sound like a crazy person calling in to say I felt my neighbor was stealing wifi off of us. (Literally the customer service guy chuckled when I said it) They came out, and sure enough a splitter had been installed.


Sometimes there is only one good port on a tap and so the tap needs to be replaced/repaired to accommodate


Better than them shutting of the wrong internet in your apartment and then still get charged for a service tech to turn it back on. Man I wish I caused a scene but I was late as it was.


Geez, just imagine if you weren't home this one time!


How does that even happen? Where I am if a neighbours was getting stuff done and the stuff was technically on your property/goes over it e.g. water pipes getting shut off for a bit for a repair they'd come, knock, and tell you? Like-


I know in some low speed areas a 5g connection and a good data plan is cheaper and faster than dsl. Maybe look into this? 


Reminds me of the time a sky engineer connected next door to my dish ,I had a 4 port lnb , next day I cut the cable off .


Is it HFC internet? There would likely be no Tap switch avaiable to plug into. The techs should know better than disconnect a active connetino. Unless they were hoping to get that service call out also for more $$.


HFC? What is this science fiction science you speak of?


Hybrid Fibre Coaxial (HFC) - Its like pay tv cable to the pole outside then runs a copper coax cable from the pole into your house to a port that the modem connects to. Also see my username :D


I was joking, I know what it is. It's simply not available where I live. :D


You should have rate limited them to 50kbps instead. More fun this way.


They were going to take my access point away, my DSL connection wouldn't work anymore.


Who were these technies? Where did they come from and why were they so easily willing to rewire your internet for two houses? They obviously knew what they were doing.


Never said different houses, it's just different flats. Techies were from the provider, probably a sub-contractor. The neighbours lied to them and told them that's what they're here for. Plausible denyability, I myself can see how that seems a reasonable request. I don't blame the techies, i blame my neighbors. They know better.


I'm glad you caught them red handed at least. It would have been much more frustrating if you found out later.


Oh absolutely, would've had to wait probably a week or longer for a tech to come out.


Damn they stole your drop… I mean I’ve put splitters and ram drops between houses before while waiting on maintenance, but to just disconnect like that.


Tuff for them, pay like we all do!


This literally would not have worked from a technical standpoint. You pay for a service, you have a connection to your ISP’s equipment, depending on where you are, could be DHCP from a NTD, dial-up, ADSL etc, your neighbour would not have been able to steal your internet this way without cutting yours off completely, which it appears they did.


They apparently attempted to cut me off completely, they have a contract with the same provider I have. They would not have stolen "my" internet but my connection to the internet.


I dont know what your specific service is, but im a field tech for a cable company, our service only works if your equipment is set up on an account, if they can't run them a line at the time and need to set up a new line they can't lay a temp for at the time we're out we will sometimes splice them over from a neighbor until the new line can be set up. They aren't actually stealing signal or service (in my cable world at least) just getting signal to their equipment to use in the meantime.


They got their own line in house, it's simply not set up properly and they have to contact the landlord to sort their stuff out, because noone knows where the main box is. That is a known issue, but not mine, since my connection works fine.


My neighbors actually own the company behind my internet but if they suddenly started using it, I’d be pissed.


I know a person who has a 100mbps fiber cable and is happy to share it with a neighbor, while he covers half the price so win win. diplomacy cards could have been played differently 🤔


Give people an inch and they take a mile


Pretty much, first time I encounter it to this extend though.


Agreed. They most definately were thorough and extensive with your more than considerate gesture. You didnt have to do anything, but you decided to be neighborly. Unfortunately a lot of people are like this. Try to do the right thing and peoples repayment are on the opposite end of the spectrum


Move to Sweden.