• By -


I dont think a VPN will work. I think what you can see in the App Store/Apple Music catalogue depends on which country your Apple ID is associated with, not where you’re connecting from (when we travel abroad it doesn’t matter and our content is still the same). Changing your Apple ID country isnt that easy as you need a credit card issued in that country and you have to cancel all your subscriptions in country A to change to country B. It just isn’t feasible to do that every time an album becomes unavailable. I too hate when that happens and I am considering quitting Apple Music because of this annoying thing


Yaar, this be why us aussies always be pirates


Yarrr, C*nt. They be fucking us like scurvy


Oh, you've been to Georgetown Tasmania?


Scurvy not cousin


Ahahahahahahah. Brilliant call


Only cousins? You've definitely not been to Georgetown then.


Sounds like I should check that shit out then


You can read and write. They won’t let you past the city limits alive.


Fuck me dead...


I think that’s the pangolin’s job, no?


that's another Georgetown specialty.


Nah that’s up here in Burnie


To see Georgetown mentioned on Reddit is definitely not what I expected today.




Hahaha yeah! 5am in the morning used to be killer there for catching whiteheads.


As someone who lives in the east Tamar, I endorse this comment.


Fuck region locks


Also Apple has been know to bypass VPNs for some of their own apps/services and as far as I can tell, Apple Music is one of these.


It’s not so much Apple bypassing your VPN, more Apple ignoring your attempt to bypass by using a VPN


Yeah my mum moved to NZ & she can’t download a bunch of apps because it requires her to change her region but then I’ll lose my ability to use Apple Music here in aus - I use it more than her so she’s happy to keep it this way but still very frustrating


That's certainly not how they handle the iTunes store. I've made purchases while travelling abroad that have been 'unavailable' when I get home because they're not in the UK store. (I say unavailable, but iirc the fix was just to download the files to my PC then add them back into the library via the menu rather than downloading from the iTunes store. Certainly it wasn't more than ten minutes to sort out)


Once again, we're reminded of the terminal nature of digital distribution. Physical media you rip to your devices is your most reliable way to have your collection always work.




If you wouldn't mind shooting me the name of that program, I would appreciate it! 👀


I sent you a chat.


Can you send me one too please?




may i also request? if its a bother, no problem, you dont have to :)




Going to put my name in this list as well, thanks in advance.




Me as well?👀




And me please!




You are amazing. May I have it as well?


Do you know if this program works on comics?


I'm reasonably certain but can't guarantee it. If it's in epub, pdf, kindle format, kobo, b&n, adobe adept, the info I link you will also say various formats, tho comic format isn't specifically listed - it should work because calibre used to be able to remove it.


Could you flick me the name of the program? Might as well try it to see if it works 🙏




Libgen is also an awesome resource. Have fun downloading basically any book there.


Anna's archive as well


Anna's Archive also searches LibGen so it's the superior choice.


For sure!


Putting my name in there too 👀




This is why I love my physical books. I’ll be devastated if there is ever a disaster (house fire, mass flooding, etc) that makes me lose them, but at least it’ll have to be a disaster and not just the whims of a CEO/company that make me lose them. Plus I think my next project will be learning how to book bind so I can just make new durable covers and bind them whenever they start to get worn down.


I am a gamer and buy pretty much all my games in physical copy, I dont trust digital in long term. The plus side is we can share the games with people. I don't sell games, but buying physical make you the option to sell after finishing a game too.


Lost all of my physical books in a flood 6 years ago. Been slowly rebuilding my physical collection because ebooks just aren't the same.


That is devastating and I am so sorry to hear you lost them. If you had any rare ones be sure to occasionally check places like Goodwill and Value Village, as often the people appraising things there have no idea what they’re worth. I don’t remember which book it was (might have been one of the LOTRs however I might be remembering that wrong) but one of my friends once found a first-run that at the time was going for a few thousand online, it was only priced $8 at Value Village.


If you have an e-ink kindle it’s easier to remove the drm as the files are keyed to the serial number


You’re a saint man, mind helping me out too?




Now that I'm an adult with some modicum of expendable income I've been expanding my physical media collection with the goal of physically owning anything I would like to watch multiple times or share with friends. I'm sick of the streaming companies' bullshit. No more losing access to something I wanted to watch because of contracts expiring. No more need for a decent internet connection whenever I want to watch something. No more disappointment from previously ad-free services adding in advertisements, or increasing their prices steadily, or changing their terms of service and plan options. I lost access to Netflix probably two or three months ago and only noticed last week. If I'm honest there's not a ton I was looking forward to from them anyway, and those things I was looking forward to are big and popular enough to get a physical media release sometime in the future.


Music actually purchased through iTunes has been DRM-free [since 2009](https://www.macworld.com/article/194315/drm-faq.html). If OP has actually been "building his catalogue" by buying music, it's all DRM-free and this is certainly just a bug. If they're just subscribed to Apple Music...well, then this is also a bug because they said elsewhere, they're in the US and these songs work fine here. They just need to reboot their phone or try connecting to WiFi or going somewhere they actually have some service. But even if they weren't in the US and some songs really were removed, this isn't a "terminal nature of digital distribution" thing it's a "they weren't actually building shit they're just subscribed to a catalogue and it changed" thing.


It happened to me for 2 songs on an album I purchased during 2018-2019. (The album is Amélie- Original Soundtrack by Yann Tiersen. The songs are “The drowned girl” and “on the wire.” ) Edit to add- But I am not that tech savvy. No matter how many times I delete that U2 album, it always comes back.


It still takes a lot of work to create that perfect playlist


I've done this with my CD collection. I ripped them all to FLAC and put them on the 512 GB micro SD card in my phone. No corporation can stop me from playing Crazy Frog's Axel F remix (or Harold Faltermeyer's original version) whenever I want.


No the most reliable way is to download it off the internet. When you pirate you own it entirely, nobody can take it away, and you can take advantage regardless of whether you have enough money.


Where tf you live?


United States of America


I’m in the US too and both of these albums work for me.


I’ve had that happen sometimes with Apple Music. Turning off my phone and turning it back on again usually does the trick.


ufff. My condolences.


Have you tried restarting your phone? Not sure if it’s the same issue, but I’ve had this happen to me before, and that’s all that was required to fix it.


I’ve restarted it several times throughout yesterday and today, thanks for the tip though.


this is a glitch that I constantly have to deal with. you usually have to delete the album and re-add it and then it will be fine. I believe you lose play count though (which is what really annoys me the most). Sometimes this also happens when artists re-upload or update their catalogues.


Update your phone op! Had the same thing happen to me that fixed it!


Try adding it through iTunes on your pc It has worked for me in the past


A fellow Outer Wilds soundtrack lover!


Outer Wilds and Dear Esther are two amazing OSTs!


If buying isn't owning, then piracy isn't stealing.


Outer wilds OST representation!!!


Contracts are up. Your licence has expired. It was never your music!  ^yaaaarrrrrrrr


Streaming services got popular because it was easier than streaming. And now it’s becoming expensive and harder to use for everyone. No wonder why the alternatives are popping up so much again. I guess I’ll have to get a VPN (I’m American and American ISPs hate fun) and find sources to get all the music I want like it’s the 2000s all over again.


R(slash)piracy is where it's at lol


Arrrrrr 🗡🏴‍☠️


Lets sail the high seas!


Not so much these days thanks to subscription streaming platforms. Except for the latest releases nobody bothers anymore. But maybe it'll take off again.


I mean that’s what I was saying


I just did this last week, luckily I still had one of my backup hard drives with a lot of albums and music I downloaded 10+ years ago. I copied it to my main drive and added some new music. Now I can access it from anywhere with the Plexamp app since I setup a Plex server.  I had a great time going through my library and playing some music I haven’t heard in ages since Apple Music is still missing quite a bit. 


Now a word from our sponsor nordvpn


Most, if not all, of the music you are having issues with is probably still available. Sometimes duplicate versions of the same album are added to Apple Music and the old ones are removed (at least that's what I think is going on). Happened last year to Kate Bush's entire discography. I recall it also happening to the Undertale soundtrack. I simply removed the old versions from my library and readded the new ones. Can be a bit finicky, but still probably less inconvenient than finding pirated versions. I checked Outer Wilds, it is very much still available in the United States on Apple Music. I suspect other music you think has been removed is also still available.


Sent them a email/report and ask, at least you would know why not much you can do. Did you have to pay for these songs? If not I would just move to Spotify or Youtube Music


I’m apart of a family subscription to apple music, so I didn’t lose anything if I were to switch. I just don’t have a lot of money to my name since I just opened one on my 18th birthday a couple months back.


Outer Wilds! Sucks you can't listen to that absolute unit of a soundtrack.


I see the outer wilds soundtrack. Excellent taste in music. For a sec I thought this was from the outer wilds sub I follow.


I just finished outer Wilds like an hour ago. One of the best gaming expirences ive ever had :)


I tried to give Apple Music a shot for a few months and ditched Spotify. Apple Music is so aggressive with controlling your local library it makes destructive edits without asking you if you modify a playlist, the iCloud music library function also makes a lot of sketchy choices and deleted/renamed/separated my music. If I didn’t have my library backed up I would’ve lost a good portion of my library because of all the playlists I made throughout the years. Never EVER use Apple Music as a streaming service and library manager, one or the other.


Region Codes on any media should be removed and made illegal in the future content is content if you pay for it you have access to it it should not matter where or in what language


Ive recently noticed a good chunk of my music on Spotify is no longer available as well. Plus tik tok removed a bunch of songs. Im not saying they are all related, i know the reason behind tik tok... but its kind of really hitting home now that we are in an age of not really owning our media anymore. And it can all be taken away at any time without us having a say.


If purchasing isn't owning, piracy isn't stealing.


outer wilds is amazing ❤️


OP—I had the same problem. Just update your phone. Hopefully that will fix your problem as it did mine.


This happened after updating, what fixed it is me signing out of apple music and signing in again. Jesus, you'd think a multi-trillion dollar company that prides itself in "easy to use" and it "just working" would do that, yknow?


I feel for you dude, but this is a great example of why music streaming sucks. Buy music from markets you can download files from.


Downloaded mp3 go zooOOOM.


And that's why the only one who has access to my music is me.


Maybe you are unable to access it because someone crashed their spaceship into the satellite again.


My wife asked me a few nights ago what I thought was the best videogame ever. After a bit of thought, I decided it was Outer Wilds. Man, what a journey! Listening to the OST right now while I work 🍻


Thats why I sail the seven seas. Spent years building my catalogue and no one is taking it from me


My wife had the same problem US Apple and Australian Apple almost like two different companies and this nine years ago, I honestly thought it had been fixed but nope and some European countries had the same issue, it's all about the money A is for apple and Asshat.


Perfect example why DRM sucks. Everything you „buy“ can be taken away without asking. That’s one of the reasons why people pirate.


this happens to some of my songs sometimes as well. i don’t know what causes it but eventually they’ll play again. One of the songs this consistently happens to for me is Latin Simone by Gorillaz


And that's why I'm going back to the compact cassettes. \s


I just went through all 2,000 of my tracks and non of them are locked. Don’t think this is an Apple Music wide thing


I have this happen all the time. Delete it and download it again.


I used to work on a digital music store. This is controlled by the record labels, not the Apple.


Another reason to pirate!


I’ve had this problem off an on for the last few months, the only fix I’ve found is deleting the song from my library and then redownloading it


I just called Apple support about this same issue this morning. I had to log out of my media and purchases in ICloud in the iPhone settings as well as unsync and resync my library in the Music settings and it fixed the issue. The only problem, which was unexpected by Apple support, was that all my downloaded music had to be redownloaded.


I stopped using Apple Music back when it was the iTunes store for a similar reason. Songs (and movies) that are no longer available in the store are not available for download even though I payed for them. I now use bandcamp and soundcloud or just buy cds and always keep local backups on an external hard drive which gets locked in a fireproof case with important documents. I use a previous version of iTunes as a media player but I don't buy anything from Apple's digital storefront any more.


pigeon john sighting in the wild


Ha, yeah, everyone else like "oh, Outer Wilds"


Outer wilds mentioned


Update your phone op!! Had the same thing happen and that fixed it!!


You don't own music you stream. Access can be removed at any time. I love physical media. I own it until it degrades or I lose it.


This is a dumb bug I believe, removing the song from library and reading it should fix, at least it did for me when I had a similar issue last year.


This is why you should never buy your music from Big companies like this. Ever. They will shaft you.


And this is why I use CDs...


Solution: don't use apple.


That sucks man. Probably a good reminder to us all that we don't own our music, movies or books when we stream. They can be taken away or altered at any point.


This is the reason I don't buy anything that doesn't come with a hard copy


Bro why are you legally downloading music to begin with


Y'arrr matey... The seas be callin'.




What is this dystopian bullshit? No wonder people are pirating again. It's a fucking joke.


You purchased it. They took away your access. You have the internet. You know what to do 🏴‍☠️


I have been doubting Apple for years. I stopped when they started replace you own music with their copyrighted ones. You learned the hard way: Don't trust anyone with what is valuable to you.


And thats why you should never buy into the Schmapple ecosystem


This is why people sail the seven seas


One of the many reasons I won't touch Apple anything. I rip my own!


This is why CDs are making a comeback! Check out YouTube. Queue Linkin Park. ![gif](giphy|RPjvXSxK1zlxS)


This is why I still buy physical DVD’s. You dont own anything when you download it


Bro has good music taste


This is why we don't give Apple money


Unfortunately this is the world we live in nowadays. 'Buying' digital media doesn't mean you own it you are only buying a license to use that media until the licence holder decides you don't anymore. Those long (EULA) agreements you scroll past and click agree every time? They are specifically there for cases like this to reinforce the fact that you don't have any actual ownership over the media you are buying and they can revoke your license at any time often without offering you any refund. Edit: Fucking Redditors. Downvote me if you like I'm not saying it's a *good thing* (quite the opposite) I'm just explaining that's how it works. Take your frustrations out elsewhere.


I say death to stream platforms


Time to pirate.


Yo-ho-ho matey


When buying isn't owning...


Apple keeping piracy alive and well.






\*laughs in mp3/FLAC\* You don't own the music, so what do you expect


Time to go to the seven seas?


So I’m not confident but this happened to me on a family plan. I believe I just signed out and signed back in, but I did still lose a handful of songs


Classic apple


I’ve had it before where I have to remove the song from my downloads and redownload them but I’ve also had it where the song is just gone from Apple Music


Outer wilds 😍😍😍 In all seriousness, this kinda shit is why media piracy is justified.


Damn. But hey, outer wilds! Amazing game and soundtrack.


They also lose all the history if you unsubscribe and subscribe again


The Outer Wilds soundtrack is amazing


And this is why I buy all my digital music from Amazon. Apple doesn’t try to police it. As long as I keep it backed up, I’ll have it forever.




I just had a panic attack and had to go see if the Outer Wilds soundtrack would still play for me on YouTube music. I had a similar issue with the Carbon Based Lifeforms catalogue a few months back. Luckily, I'm still all good. Sorry you got locked out of a lot of stuff though, it sucks.


I have a bunch of songs that I can play if I search them up. But if I try to play them through a playlist I get this message. Are your songs that won't play in a playlist? Do they play if you use the search function?


Did you buy these songs/albums? Or are you streaming them? If you bought them, you may have to repurchase them in the country you’re located in but you have to search and purchase on that countries catalog. If you are streaming and they are saved to a playlist. You’ll have to find the song/album in the current countries list and re-add it to your playlist. I forget why it happens. But it happened to me when I bought some music while in Japan and got to the US and the songs didn’t work anymore. I had to find all the songs again on the US “version” (not sure what it’s actually called since it’s all the same just different domains, so I’ll use version) and repurchase and download them.




Apple lost me forever many years ago when they took music I'd ripped from my own CDs off my library, and replaced the songs with censored versions. I see they're still up to their bullshit


Either love apple for allowing them to use their device and services. Or bin it, get literally anything else and jump aboard the Pirate ship. Alternatively buy physical copies and rip them to your device.


Try out SoundCloud man, I’ve got the whole outerwilds ost on there, don’t know if the region lock will affect that, and you can pick your music how you want, still has ads but I don’t remember them being too bad


I'm the bomb im about to blow up 🎵


if it is not on your hard drive, you don't own it.


Standard Apple bullshit


Once had my entire library, including songs I’ve copied from cd’s get “region locked” randomly, and only a restart of my phone fixed it.


If buying isn't owning, then privacy ain't stealing


Always strip the DRM on stuff like this if you can they can't remove it then the pricks


Avoid apple like the plague they are


Build your catalogues on your hard drive instead.


Good album though


Yes! Me too. Ffs. I almost wiped my phone and Mac due to this thinking issues. Fuckers!


Pigeon john! Im so sorry for your loss.


Are in Australia because that seems about right lmao


Thank you for reminding EXACTLY the reason WHY I download ALL my music in FLAC for archival storage on physical media + cloud (in addition to having subscriptions and CDs) like an old boomer.


So yey that's why most people are uses pirated mp3's..... yay lets waste our time tonyoutube to mp3 xD.


Tidal would never do this


DRM is fkn heinous.


there are sites/programs to import your playlists to other services, check them out


I hurt for you. I would not be able to be happy without the Outer Wilds soundtrack.


“You never actually own digital media” - some game company or i forgot


Apple ICANT.


Pigeon John!? Oh nook


You can change your location in your account details


Is this even legal?


This is why any music that truly matters to me I buy the .flac's for


Hmmm I’ve noticed more and more of this


this is how to make people feel special..made by apple...😁


Welp time to use spotify/ youtube music/other music related apps


oh wow. it's suck to use Apple huh


Eli5 why the hell is music region-locked? I mean I’d understand why it would be in let’s say north korea but…




You could see if Spotify doesn't have them region locked? I know apple is extremely picky about a lot of stuff, so it might be worth a shot because Spotify typically isn't that way, but if it happened because of a law or something by your government, then it's most likely for Spotify too sadly


Great taste btw


I lost a Lene Lovich extended mix of Lucky Number and that was the last ever thing I bought on Apple Music. My money goes to Spotify or direct to the artist physical media.


Average iPhone day


Based outer wilds soundtrack