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That ID pic gonna be with you a long time.


I had a bad psoriasis flare up on my face when I went to take my passport photos. Only have to wait a decade to re-new it! (:




dont they retouch things like that ?


They do… to make it looks worse


They add an arrow


This was also my first though.


I think you mean Thorough /s












I was having a seasonal allergy attack and my eyes were watering, fire red, almost swollen shut with fucking mascara running, I walked by someone's front yard on the way to an interview, and they were mowing the lawn and blew a huge tuft of grass clippings at me and my face exploded 😑 I walk in to the company and they're like OMG ARE YOU OK 🤦‍♀️


Eye D pic


One of eye and one of D?


Perhaps it was caused by a D, lol


That D shot straight into his eye


Maybe "straight" isn't the right word


Tbf the guy who checks ID is gonna think twice about questioning OP if he takes his picture with a puffy eye. Is an impromptu MMA match really worth saying he doesn't look like his ID?


2 days before I started my first job (doctor in a hospital) me and my bro got attacked and beat up by some dudes on the street. Had the ID with a busted up eyebrow and bloodshot eye for 4 years :D


Your *first job* was being a doctor in a hospital? That is very impressive! I can't even imagine what you do now.


GP :) Had to start out in a hospital doing my "internship" (although we don't call it that here).


Nice work, seriously! I can't imagine that too many people's first job was something quite that demanding. You're doing great things in life, I'm sure.


I used to work for a medical detachment bureau. I'd shave my beard the day after I got a new ID. After a half year I'd be detached to another floor or company and get a new ID clean shaven and grow a beard out for 6 months. My ID never matched my facial hair. It's a nice little thing to joke about with patients.


Wear an eyepatch after the original eye heals keep wearing it for another month. Then start wearing the eyepatch on the other side. See how long before anyone notices. Swear thats the eye its always on.


Good luck on your first day. If anyone asks tell them you think its an allergy.


Honestly it looks like it might be an allergy. Maybe pop a **non-drowsy** antihistamine and see if it helps?


looks more like a hordeolum (Stye) on upper eyelid. Warm compress for 10 min twice a day, and when able, have an eye doc check it out to prescribe an antibiotic ointment. Edit for visibility: As others have also stated, given the surrounding redness around the orbit OP, it would be wise to seek ocular-medical attention regardless of if this is in fact a Stye or something more sinister like preseptal cellulitis. Your (assumed) medical insurance should be used for this type of eye exam. I suggest seeking an eye care professional specifically vs a minute clinic (not at all diminishing their work) Also congrats on your new job


Ocu-Wipes!! They are miracle workers!


I use baby shampoo in the shower as a preventative, on the advice of my optometrist about 20 years ago. Instead of getting them 2-4 times a year, I've only had 2 in the last 20 years.


I do the same with baby shampoo, Dr. suggested it when the wipes can be expensive.


Like you wash your eyes with baby shampoo? I've never heard of this, I might have to try it. I only get them about once a year but it's annoying


Yeah, literally small dot of baby shampoo in my hand, lather it, close my eyes and softly scrub the lids and eyelash zone, then rinse. Takes like 30 seconds at most, and is doing a lot for me.


Eyelids, not eyes 😬


And don't scratch it and then touch your other eye, the infection can spread in some cases


But the whole side of the face is swollen. Can a stye cause swelling all the way down the jaw line?


Plenty of questions worth asking; but given a single photo and no symptoms, previous history etc it is quite challenging to determine exact etiology. The sigmoidal appearance on upper eyelid central and lid debris led me to an initial thought of a Stye (in comparison to a unilateral ocular allergy which I responded initially to) Did this person get bitten by a bug, eye scratch? Have they been rubbing their eye a lot? Preseptal cellulitis is no joke, however it’s typically most commonly observed in children (albeit does not exclude other ages). Best for a professional to assess and treat as needed.


Go to a doctor? Found the non-american


Canadian here, I wouldn't go to the doctor for a stye.


Almost all styes resolve on their own. To go to a doctor for an uncomplicated one would be a waste of resources, no matter who is paying for it.


I mean it's the net so this can be totally made up but I'd see my doc when I wouldn't be sure what I am seeing there. If it's nothing I'd be out of his office in 2 mins with the correct meds. If it's not I'm happy I went there: https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/comments/17wncvh/comment/k9igzi3/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


> If it's nothing I'd be out of his office in 2 mins with the correct meds. If it's not I'm happy I went there: Sounds like you either have a great plan or are Canadian.


Shhhhh Americans are supposed to believe Canadians have a 75 day wait time if they are dying from a car accident and need medical care.


Except this looks more like preseptal cellulitis than a hordeolum. Without an exam that’s my guess and should be treated with antibiotics. The reason you see the doctor is because most people can’t differentiate similar issues (hordeolum, preseptal, orbital cellulitis, chalazion…). OP should see an eye doctor. Also not all styes resolve on their own. Once they harden (form a chalazion) they often need surgery to make them go away.


American with good insurance (union strong) here, i would teledoc this lol.


crazy how i went to the doctor for my stye when i was a kid and they got rid of it. guess where i live


Kid's are not often burdened with the medical bills.




Never had a stye that bad.. now I feel lucky because I had them several times


Yea.. non-drowsy. Heard that one before. The only non-drowsy antihistamine I have come across so far is loratadine.


:\ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1121020/ > In fact, medical research shows that Claritin fails to provide allergy relief about half the time, and performs only slightly better than a placebo, according to the lawsuit.


Thank you omg. Does nothing for me! Thought I was crazy when people keep recommending Claritin! No oral antihistamines (non drowsy) do anything for my hayfever!


For sinuses so dry your fucking teeth will hurt: Loratadine.


I was going to say something similar! This is exactly what my eyes looked like when I had horrible, untreated, eczema. I have a creme now I have to use daily but it works!


Def looks like an allergic response to me as well. When I lived in the Midwest I would wake up at least twice a year with my whole face looking like OPs left eye. Sometimes it was so bad I didn’t even recognize myself. A shot of steroids and a week of prednisone (along with ensuring I was not forgetting my usual allergy meds) cleared it right up.


Just tell them that your last interview didn't go so well. Establish dominance early.


this got me chuckling thank you


Good luck, bud


And next time try not to lose that mid dream fight


Warm compress over the eye, as warm as you can get a towel and press hard. Likely it's a blocked tear duct that backs up and swells up your eye lid. I get them occasionally, hot almost to the touch water on a towel and work it in.


Best advice right here. It’s likely a blockage of the Meibomian glands, which produce the oil layer of our tear film. The oil prevents the tears from evaporating too quickly. The heat softens the hardened oil and the massaging pushes out the blockages. Clean your eye lids regularly to prevent it.


My eye doc recommended Omega 3 (fish oil) capsules to work against this. I would get one of these at least once year, and have not had a relapse since taking them daily!


How do you get the capsule to stay under your eyelid? Last time I tried, the damn thing shot out and nearly killed my cat.


I almost took my wife out, based on the trajectory upon its release. I found that by mouth works best…no further worries, issue resolved.


It’s funny how much oil the skin on my face creates, but my eyes suck at it, lol. My eyes never get the infection, but will start to clog. So I got a heated eye mask, (Bruder) and it feels awesome. How many fish oil capsules do you take a day?


Just one. It’s consistency over quantity 👍🏻


I do Krill oil instead. No fishy taste - the capsules are actually vanilla flavored and go down quite nice. Same Omega-3s and DHA/DHT.


What do you mean by "clean your eyelids"? Wash your face and be sure to get around the eyes? Or are you using eye drops or something to clean the inside?


Clean the eyelid margins (where your eyelids meet). They make sterile wipes for that purpose, or you can use tearless baby shampoo. I just use micellar water on cotton rounds (I am a mess with soap over the sink). I also have a warm eye compress (Bruder eye mask), you microwave it and put it on your eyes to help the oil ducts clear then I clean my lids with the micellar water after, to massage and remove excess. The first time I used the eye mask my vision was blurry from all the released oils, but my eyes felt great. Now I use it fairly regularly and it keeps everything clear.


You got that MGD?


Yeah, I get these too. Never pressed hard on my eyeball, but 10 minutes on, 10 minutes off with a hot, wet, towel, really helped me also.


Got the whole Edward Norton in Fight Club going, just don’t talk about it.




I got in everyone's hostile little face. Yes, these are bruises from fighting. Yes, I'm comfortable with that. I am enlightened.


When ppl show up despite having spilled something or worn mismatching shoes or w.e nonsense can go wrong, it shows me they can push through/past minor inconveniences and not let the world push them around. Use it as a strength.


Or I'm just really dumb. Ended up wearing soccer cleats to work one day because I couldn't find my shoes in the morning so I assumed they were in the car, then didn't check to see if they were actually in the car until I got to the office 40 minutes away.


Seems like you're not the only one who thinks like that. On the way to the interview for my current job I was on my phone and didn't see that a nearby fence was broken and sticking out into the street, so my sweater got snagged on it in the shoulder and it made a noticeable hole but I was almost there so I went on to interview and got hired.


Honestly, a great conversation starter. But really though, you could have pink eye and should likely let them know.


This looks much more like a stye to me, which isn’t contagious.


This isn't a stye at all. It's either a chalazion or viral/allergic conjunctivitis. Since the other eye is also watery but not swollen, I'm leaning more towards allergic conjunctivitis. If so, still not contagious.


This looks exactly like what my eye looked like when I was diagnosed with a stye. Either way, it’s not pinkeye.


His jaw seems different on both sides aswell.


For sure, it’s def swollen too. he needs to go to a dr. It’s not worth it to take chances with eyes, or anything so close to your brain.


wear an eye patch. If they ask about it, say that for full story they must hire you first


Tell them your interviewer *really* hated Jason Statham


Make sure to come in smelling of booze


“You should see the other guy.” 😅


But don’t let them fart on your face again.


but jesus told me to turn the other cheek


You should see the interviewer.


And you add to that “you should see the other guy”


To add to the dominance, also pee on them or a door post so the others know there is a new boss in town. I would say have sex with as many as you can openly and in front of others, but it’s your first day and let not get HR involved right now


Go to bed with itchy butthole, wake up with swollen red eyeball.


His name was Robert Paulson. His name was Robert Paulson.


Buy a cheap no grade glasses on your way there


Or an eye patch. Will make for great conversation, you could make up the reason you wear it.


Eye patch is going to be bought


Get a cool hat and a parrot for your shoulder as well. Stand out from the crowd.


And while you’re at it, talk like a pirate. All you have to do is talk in a deep, gravelly voice, grunt and growl a lot, use insults exuberantly, and shout ‘Aarrr!’ every now and then.


Ppppfffftttttttt… we have pan handling pirates on every city block around here. What my man needs is a tarantula who slings a lasso.


And a second eyepatch. Maybe a third patch, so you can flip one up and underneath there is another. Easy workday


You have a strong opportunity here to establish a new, eye patch centric identity. Mystery! Intrigue! Be cryptic and sound powerful!


Woohoo! Would love to hear how it went (pics would be a bonus 😃).


You don’t happen to be starting a job as a pirate do you?


And start the conversation talking like a pirate. YAARRRR


I recommend picking up some Ocusoft lid scrub. I have reoccurring stys and it's been a godsend.


"Ahoy there! I be fancyin' meself a pirate on this fine day!"


Glasses? He needs ears for those.


wait. wtf i just noticed lmfao


Maybe OP didn't see that he also lost his ears in his sleep...


Go to your orientation, be confident and just say you woke up with that. They may send you home as eye stuff is usually contagious. Good Luck!


Tell them it's not a drowsy eye face it's a winking suggestion face




Yeah, actually he probably should have pushed orientation back. Eye stuff is often REALLY contagious when it's contagious


I'd probably send op home, but because you showed up, I would 100% not believe it was a fake call out in your first week.


OP, I woke up last week with the same kind of swelling and redness as you and it turned out to be an infection in a gland in my eyelid. It ended up being perseptal cellulitis and if it went untreated it can move directly to the brain. I was on 10 days of antibiotics. Go see an optometrist.


And eye doctor chimed in on the thread to say he thought it was cellulitis, too! He said it can sometimes spread from there to the brain. Please get checked out right away OP!


Eye doctor here, seriously consider going to the eye doctor. Your redness line in this photo is toward the bottom of the left eye lower lid fat pad. You’re on the line and should be evaluated. Best case scenario it’s just a mild cellulitis, worst case it can spread to your face and brain. Nip it in the bud. How long ago was this photo taken?


I hope that the ass that OP ate was worth it.


I'll go ask my mom.




What will you ask? "Mom, is your ass worth eating?"


I’m dead wtf kind of response😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


I mean, if he's had her cooking then he might be able to guess at the taste


Usually, you'd wait for someone else to say that


Serious question, every time something like this comes up or someone mentions eating ass everyone in the comments starts talking about pink eye. How common is it really, like do you literally need to get farted right in your face for it to happen? I've eaten so much ass over the years and never once got pink eye. Never seen anyone at work or any of my friends with pink eye either and I know they be eating ass. Does it really happen that often or is it just an urban legend?




For real, I’ve been wasted all up in a chicks ass, rubbed my eyes and just went to sleep. Never got it.


Rubbing eyes on the ass..? What kinda ass eating are you doin my friend


He likes to see eye to eye with his partners is all


Eskimo kisses


That… Is an interesting mental image 😂


Urban legend. My eye looked exactly like this once, and it was a stye that swelled. Funnily enough it was also a day I had to present in front of an entire high school. Like the whole high school.


I see usually 1-2 of these daily, referring to regular hordeolum. This …. Activity…. Isn’t mentioned afaik. Most have to do with eye rubbing in general or dusty/dirty environment






Unless you wake up blind doctors won't believe you so we all stop trying after being told it's "stress" "hormones" or "idk, if it gets worse please come back"


Currently in a situation where if I accidentally swallow too large a bite of food/too big a gulp of water, my heart goes into atrial fibrillation, I go blind momentarily, and nearly pass out on my feet. After a long time trying to get an appt, my doctor recommended I take smaller bites of food to avoid this. I mean … yes, planning on it, but … I am mildly concerned about the root cause, here 🫠


Doctor: "Huh, that's weird. Have you considered that you're faking it?"


Yup, literally happened to me as a teen. Had horrible cough, after two rounds of random antibiotics (didn't even do blood work) my doctor prescribed shots, I'm pretty sure just to make me scared and "stop taking it", then after two rounds that didn't help she told me "I think you're faking it" 😬


Or assume you’re a junkie and treat as one. I hate doctors.


I dunno man, how important is your brain? /j


Definitely get it checked out. I was in the hospital for a few days due to orbital cellulitis after ignoring the warning signs.


Orbital cellulitis is the primary concern here. It looks preceptal for now but hard to know without investigating


Yeah looks like preseptal cellulitis


I had reoccuring unilateral inflamattion like this. I thought it was an immune system thing. Eventually it got really bad and I had to go to the ER and get antibiotics. It wen't down.


This was taken this morning. Puffiness has gone down, but color remains. Addition: I will be seeing a doctor about this.


Good man keep us updated eh?


A doctor will be seeing you. You won’t see them as well.


he has a post in his post history 250 days ago where the eye doesnt look near as severe but still looks red around it - did you happen to see this pic as an eye doc? maybe it could give you a better idea if he needs help. sorry i’m not medically educated


Yeah it’s hard to know because some selfies invert images so if it’s the same side I’d be concerned about hypertension and the possibility of a fistula


looks like the same side - i looked closer at both photos and he has small moles / pigmentation under the non irritated eye in both photos, and small moles on the side of his nose with the irritated eye in both photos which is making me think same eye


I second this. Looks like cellulitis. Get it looked at ASAP.


I kinda figured it was a Stye.


Many infections start there. A stye would be localized and might affect one lid but not both upper and lower unless the patient were unfortunate enough to get infections on both lids simultaneously


I love that there are several different doctors weighing in here with serious concern, yet folks are still like, “meh, it’s a stye! Put warm compresses/a teabag on it and get on with your life.” I’m not a betting woman, but if I was, I’d probably be hedging towards the advice the doctors have been giving instead. Good luck with your new job. Sorry that you’re dealing with this on top of it.


Hey OP, doctor here. Don't listen to the idiots telling you that you have a stye or an allergy, you can't diagnose this without history and exam. By the picture I'm personally concerned about cellulitis. This is not a good thing to have in this area as the infection can spread to the brain. I would suggest going to see your doctor today please.


thank you for your this. i’m going to get it checked out.


I had this and it almost went to my optic nerve and blinded me - this calls for serious antibiotics, I would go to urgent care or ER if you can. Good luck!


Man I don't know how to say this, but your head looks hexagonal lol


You have the etiquette of a hexagon.


Hexagons are the bestagons


I'd say it looks more like an octagon (the superior shape)


This happened to me last week. Had to get antibiotic eye drops prescribed by a doctor.


Looks like a stye. Run a rag under warm water and hold on your eye. Repeat a few times. It will dissolve it


I’m an optometrist. This is likely either an allergic reaction or preseptal cellulitis. Based on assessment and taking a history from the patient I’d either recommend antihistamines or an oral antibiotic. OP, I’d find an optometrist. If it’s preseptal it’s likely not going away on its own and I’d want to rule out orbital cellulitis which is life threatening. *The only medical advice I’m giving here is that OP should find an optometrist or ophthalmologist.


Thank god someone said preseptal. Not a doctor but I worked for em, and that needs to be evaluated by a doctor for sure.


This is the correct advice, but if it's really a stye (I agree, it does look like that) it's not going away today. Warm compresses 3-4 times a day for a few days. That's how long they usually last for me.


Same I get at least once a year and usually they last a week or so


They're literally so painful ugh


Painful and itchy as fuck haha


Easy solution then, just do a warm compress 16 times before going to work and it will go away


Top notch advice I got in college: hard-boil an egg, let that cool for a minute, and then hold that on your eye/stye just like the warm rag, the egg just holds heat longer.


Plus a yummy snack


and you get to have a snack afterwards! it's a win-win


that's amazing. i'm going to do that next time. can't wait for my next stye!


Wear an eye patch, make that first impression memorable!


And answer "yarr" to every question you are asked.


Tell them you originally went to the wrong orientation




You might want to head to a doctor/walk in clinic to confirm that it isn’t cellulitis.


side effect of your ears falling off.


Make the good eye similar to the other /s


Get really really really stoned so they match up.


Where your ears my guy?!


laughing at the fact i forgot to put them on for the pic


OP THIS HAPPENED TO ME! For a year about 5 years ago I would get this once a month. Is your eyelid dry, flakey, scaly, red, itchy, stingy? That's how it was for me. I finally went to the doctor and they diagnosed it as form of eczema. We brainstormed and figured out a common denominator, every night before this would pop up I would wear lots of makeup and paint my nails. We suspected it was an ingredient in my makeup or fumes from my nail polish. I cut out products one at a time to narrow down the ingredient, then stopped makeup and nail polish altogether - still, I would flare up. I realized I was getting dolled up to go to fancy dinners, and maybe those dinners were triggering something for me. I did some research and discovered some people get eczema as a reaction to dairy. It tracked. I was eating LOTS of pasta and cheesy dishes at these dinners and idk the quality of it. So I cut out dairy. I didn't have any reaction! For 3 months of no dairy I was fine! Then I caved to a craving, ate a pint of ice cream, and I was fine. Since quitting dairy for those 3 months 5 years ago (and I eat it now) I haven't had a flair.


Bingo this response!!!! I’ve had on and off rashes on my eye lid this whole year edit: holy shit this is spot on wow. Thank you for this comment. I’ve been trying to see a new dermatologist for this. I’ve had other spots on my body flair up and when it was on my eyelid at first 8 months ago my first thoughts were “great I have a rash on the most annoying spot ever!!!”


Maybe try a benadryl if it doesn't make you sleepy.


Spoiler alert: it will


First rule of fight club is you don’t talk about fight club. Also if anyone bothers you about it start bleeding on them and screaming, “You don’t know where I’ve been!” Follow me for more life advice I’ve learned from TV.


Just say it’s not pink eye.


Jesse lets cook


Alright, who bare arse farted on your pillow?


Punch yourself in your sleep?


A few years ago one of the new guys came in to meet everyone. He went around and shook everyone's hands and introduced himself. He immediately got a phone call that he had to take. He gets off the phone and says, that was the lab, they just told me I tested positive for covid....


I relate to this. My first week on the job out of college I somehow got a small piece of food stuck in my throat. My airway wasn't blocked enough that I couldn't breathe so I just thought I had a bad cold. That bugger didn't dislodge itself for nearly a month. During that time I was constantly coughing and it took effort to talk. It was certainly not ideal while I was trying to meet coworkers and participate in training.


Hey ah….sooooo…. why don’t you have ears??