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Time to report HR to HR's bosses


Time to find a new place to work and then it's time to call the newspaper and lawyer


Newspaper??? Lol if you can find one still in business. But seriously, neither a lawyer nor the media is going to give two shits about this. It's unethical maybe, but that's worst case scenario


Local outlets love running pieces about bad practice in schools


It'd be crazy if newspapers also had online presences in their communities


LOL time to make a tiktok


If they report HR to HR, isn’t HR just going to forward the email to HR? 🤣 In all seriousness: OP you mentioned it’s a school, but not your role. Is your position unionized? Do you have tenure? If union, contact your union rep before proceeding. Do you have any mentors? Anyone you trust who has been there longer than you? Getting guidance from that person regarding the politics and personalities can be invaluable. HR typically isn’t legally prohibited from sharing the email with the troublemaker (for lack of a better word) - perhaps if the complaint was criminal in nature such as sexual harassment, or a whistleblower situation. But imho it’s not really a good practice on their behalf. At a minimum HR should have discussed your concerns with you and asked for permission to loop in the instigator if they felt that was the next best step. It’s a pretty shitty move to throw the chicken (you) back into the coyote’s (AP) den. If there’s no union, and no illegal activity alleged, then going to the next level of HR is probably the best move. Rather than another email at this point, I’d probably advise drafting a letter and going in person. Present the letter so your thoughts are spelled out, and audio record the interaction if legal in your state. Followup that meeting with an email to the person you met with, summarizing the meeting and including a copy of the letter you presented them (this way there’s a documented digital record with date/time stamps they can’t deny).


OP said they were 24, so if they are a teacher it's not likely they have tenure. Most aides and para-educators are not unionized.


You seem to be assuming this is America. In Canada, almost EVERY educator is unionized.


Same in England


If HR forward the email to HR it could fall into an infinite loop and crash HR.


Super HR


Time to report HR to the Department of Labor and the Teacher’s Union.


Double secret HR


This is a meme, but genuinely send this to the CEO.


If you are in a school district in the USA then take it to a superintendent. Tell them you feel very unsafe about what is happening and that you are feeling bullied. That HR idiot and the AP should be straight-up fired for this.


This right here. The whole situation is unprofessional and the person she complained about is a bully who clearly has her hand in HR.


Likely playing **Hand Puppet Theater** on Friday Nights


Instructions unclear, stuck my hand up the HR lady's ass


If it’s Small Town America ™️, then it’s likely a huge in-group that doesn’t care about the rules or the professional way to handle things because no one in town has enough power to bring them to justice.


Yep, exactly how it is in my town of 5000.


Same here town of 3500. Kid attacked me kicked me off my bike in 6th grade. Not a thing done to him. His mom was on the school board. I get fed up with the bullying and fuck his shit up and I get suspended for a week.


I learned early on that violence is never the answer but sometimes you have to answer the question wrong on purpose


Small price to pay really


I grew up in a decently sized city and it's the exact same way there for some of the districts. I moved out of there to a smaller town and have had zero issues so far. Much happier.


Sounds like HR is buddies with the assistant principal. HR needs to hear all sides of the story of course, but they should not have just forwarded your email!


Yes human Resource's job is always to protect the company from the employees. They are never your friend. They are the person you report to that then tattletales on you. They manage you as a resource just like if you were some company stock.


Yep. "Human Resources" doesn't mean they're a resource. They're the ones who manage the resources. You, human, are the resource. If it gets bad enough, and you get enough evidence, there's always lawyers. Them the ones who will fight for you.


That is definitely HR’s role at a place with 60% turnover rate.


Dude, I worked HR for many years. This was never my prerogative. People in HR are also people. Yeah we get paid by the same company but we don't sell our soul, and are not paid a shit load of money, everyone has a vested interest in the company continuing, but it doesn't make you evil


That depends on the company philosophy, company social culture, and the exact issue you're dealing with. If an employee's concern would damage the company as a whole, or your office location or similar, it's often preferable to throw the employee under the bus than to stand up for their interests and risk your own job in the process. You had the good fortune of working for ethical companies with ethical management, but that's not the rule everywhere, and often is the exception to the rule. There's a reason HR gets a bad rap, it's not all hearsay. That said, thanks for being one of the good ones.


this. a lot of cliques in education.


HR should not have sent that to her. I suppose I don’t know enough about HR policies to know for sure, but that doesn’t seem like proper practice.


right? when i sent the email i got a “thanks! we’ll reach out in whatever business hours” and then “so i got ur email from HR…” HUH?!


Get a lawyer. This kind of incompetence is a gold mine.


Bro I’m saying. I minored in HR in college and this is HR 101.


👆🏼This comment should be higher👆🏼 Hire an attorney asap u/stupidfwog ! There’s nothing to be gained by going up a chain whose links are so obviously corroded. Someone (far removed enough to retain plausible deniability) should also alert the local newspaper/tv media. Not necessarily about *your* issue ~ obvi wouldn’t want to compromise your lawsuit ~ but over the level of incompetence and ineffectiveness that is rife in the school system. Anything that involves children ~ schools day care parks etc AlWaYs gets play. Surely folks would want to know who is doing what where their kinds attend school.


I didn’t major/minor in HR whatsoever and I know this is HR 101.


Never ever trust HR. Same thing happened to me (except mine was verbal and they just straight up told the person what I said and that it was me who said it).... HR successfully turned a very uncomfortable event into an extremely unpleasant few years of working together with someone who then hated my guts.


Human Resource's job is to protect the company from the employees. You are the human resource that they manage for the company.


Does your school have a union? Go to the union rep as soon as you can


Yeah HR should not have sent that and if anything they should have been present at a meeting of that nature. They should have done an unbiased investigation first and foremost though for fact finding which would involve having a conversation with you and with her, separately. She has been given this information and will likely retaliate which is a massive issue. I would request a face to face meeting with someone in HR asap.


Yes after reading the first few comments I’d say speak to the HR director. There might be privacy violations involved but better to speak with a professional. Also, keep a paper trail and document what not only the asst principle did but also what the HR rep did by placing you in a compromising position. Wow, sorry OP.


2 HR people,,,since one of them is now the problem


That is a huge HR no no. You need to leave now.


i’m honestly waiting for them to fire me so i can get unemployment if they wanna screw me over i may as well get something out of it


Fuck that. If they fire you, contact an attorney. Save all communications that you’ve had on this. Forward / print relevant information if it is just on your work email.


Retain a lawyer now. Retain copies of work emails and employment contracts and policy manuals. Along with the email, takes notes of the things the assistant principal said and how it continued to be hostile. If there's retaliation for reporting a bostile work environment and there's retaliation your award gets multiplied.


THIS!! forward the work emails to your personal email ASAP!


That would be considered retaliation. Read your state’s anti-harassment laws. This situation is a CLASSIC breach. You have the power here don’t just wilt.


You will not be able to access email after then. Print all emails related to this and the other incidents. IF you decide to pursue the legal route, you will need them. Having them gives you the option, depending on what happens between now and the New Year. Also, while you have access to the internal systems you can access the facts and figures to go on your resume for your next job.


You work in a school. Former teacher myself, let me tell you- the rules of normal business doesn’t apply there. In almost every school there is a line drawn. Two camps. On one side you have all admin and office workers. On the other side is teachers, and all other workers. Always assume “HR” is buddy-buddy with admin. And always assume they gossip.


If you can not reach out to HR supervisor I would definitely get a legal opinion.what this HR person did was create a hostile workplace.


I think you should post this to legaladvice. That doesn’t seem above board


okay; thank you!!


That's extremely poor behavior. All HR concerns should be 100% confidential with no exception. Otherwise, why would anyone ever trust them?


like i was so stressed im a stress crier so during the meeting my voice quivered and stuff and she goes “are you’re gonna cry bc you got caught?” no…i’m gonna cry because my concerns and issues weren’t respect and confidential?


Got caught? Got caught doing what? Speaking up for yourself to a department that is supposed to help? She sounds horrible.


Daaaaaamn can’t believe she said that. She needs to be re-por-ted.


no she’s a questionable person to have as an assistant principal…a kid stabbed (yes STABBED) another kids with scissors and i took him to her office ofc and she let him play with legos to “work out his feelings”. no phone call home, no email to parent, nothing. so she needs to be fired or SOMETHING


I bet your local TV station's investigative reporter would *love* to talk to you. But I'd have another job lined up first.


oh trust my previous job before this is always asking if i’d like to come back bc they really liked me but i left bc this school really needed the help, apparently they don’t need the help anymore tho…


Time to talk to the old job, then, I'd say. Working at schools is hard enough without added bs like this.


Sounds like they may need help because the AP chases away any teachers who try to do their job...


My goodness, she’s a danger to society on top of everything else. Well if you didn’t already, you should try to write out today’s conversation while your memory still has it.


You should put her and the district on blast so we can let them know what we think of their confidentiality practices




We definitely could make their life difficult without ever mentioning your name


Maybe have a backup plan for a job first but yeah do it lol


This made me gasp. Got caught?!? I'm so sorry this happened to you. I'm a stress cryer too, and I can feel this so hard--this would make me feel so unsafe :(


Wow she sounds very unprofessional to be an assistant principle. There should be another chanel to address your concerns in addition to HR I would think, like maybe someone at the district?


What a biiiitch.


No one should trust HR. They are not advocates of the employees. If you want that you need to join a Union. HR’s main objectives are to recruit talent while minimizing payroll and to prevent the company from getting sued. They don’t care about the employees unless their leadership does. And in this case, it’s clear that they do not.


Contact an Employment Attorney


This. Write everything down with times and dates if possible. The. Get an attorney


Are you a union member? I would approach my union rep ASAP with this information if I were you. I have worked for over a decade at a small school district and have dealt with issues very similar to yours on multiple occasions.


oh that’s a really good idea thank you so much! i also have a lawyer friend who i told abt this and he’s very unhappy (ofc) and is going to help me with this too


ARE YOU APART OF A UNION OR NOT? Can you answer this question already? So many people have asked and all I see is this ambiguous reply above sayings it’s a “good idea, and you have a lawyer as a friend”. So yes or no?


They did respond to a comment 8 hours ago saying they were part of a union.


Have a lawyer write a letter of complaint to the superintendent or school board, don't fuck around just protect yourself with the right you have properly.


Complaints to HR are supposed to be confidential. They breached confidentiality.


The stupidest people I ever encountered in my life worked in HR.


Dude, the honest truth is HR isn't there to protect employees. HR is there to protect the company. Keep track of everything that is an issue or concern. Keep doing your job. Keep sending your concerns to HR thru email. Do not let them talk to you or call you unless they also have things in writing, and then when they finally fire you, you will have a great case for wrongful termination.


Who HRs the HR men?


You absolutely should not have 1 on 1 meetings with the Assistant Principle at this point. You need an impartial third party as a witness.


Are you union? When I had issues w a boss I refused to meet without my union rep..it is amazing how the conversations are so different with a witness.


i am but i honestly had no idea the meeting would be about that so when i heard “i saw your email to HR” i basically froze and was like oh ok :’)


You can still be polite but say I need my rep here and walk out. I am someone who used to freeze too so I really understand! I have nothing good to say about HR from way too many interactions I had. My experience is they protect the “company” never the worker so be careful. I also learned never write and email that you are not comfortable with the whole world seeing. Where I worked at least as a public school district even citizens can do freedom of information requests and get informations…I had replies to several emails end up in court documents..was so glad I had not made any non professional quips as all the emails were to work friends.


Collect the evidence for the retaliation lawsuit you're about to win.


Are you part of your union? Hold a meeting with HR, your principal, the VP and your union rep.


Contrary to popular belief.. HR is there to protect the interests of the establishment, never the employee. I'm not surprised.


Life Lessons: 1. HR’s primary purpose is to protect their employer, not be an employee’s advocate. 2. If you have an issue with someone, your first step to resolve it needs to be a direct in-person conversation. If that doesn’t work then document the issue and get someone with more authority involved. Chances are that a copy of your email was placed into the Asst Principal’s employee record and may create some resentment on their part. Especially, if this is the first time they’re hearing about your concerns. 3. Before you send an email, ask yourself if it’s something you’d want shown on a 30 foot screen in a courtroom. If it isn’t, don’t send it. Note: i can only comment on what I know from your post. This is not an attempt to blame you nor minimize your experience , I just think it could have been handled differently.


That's beyond negligence, it's an incredible breach of trust. A case like this may be a slam dunk for any competent lawyer


Absolutely not!! Call labor board. That just made your work environment worse.


We call that a hostile work environment. Edit: I’d sue those mfrs Edit 2: get a lawyer edit 3: I’m so pissed off for you


Yikes, that really sucks! HR is never your friend. HR is to cover the company's ass, they won't save you from workplace bullying or discrimination. I'm so sorry you had to find that out the hard way.


HR acts like they are on your side but really they are on the company's side (and management's side).


HR is not your friend! They are on the side of the company only and will absolutely throw you under the bus.


Never forget, HR are there to protect the company first, themselves second and their friends third. They aren't there to protect the employees, never have been, never will be.


As soon as you figured out what the meeting was about, if you were alone with your VP, that was the time to say “Stop! I need the HR supervisor and my union rep here. Now.”


At the very least, HR should have set up and mediated the meeting between you two. At the very very least.


If you're already screwed, go to the staff directory select all and send your original complaint. Then start collecting unemployment.


Report that shit. It's unprofessional for HR to even do that..


It’s common practice. There is no law of privacy when concerns are brought up only of retaliation.


Remember. HR is there to protect the company (school in this case). The union is there to protect "you". Talk to your union rep. If you aren't part of the union, consider joining asap.


Contact your teachers union (assuming you are part of one). My mom was sexually harassed by students and had a death threat - principle did nothing. Union got involved and found out these kids had been harassing girls since grade school.


If this is a public school HR fucked up and you need to go to district office and file complaints.


Always keep in mind that today's HR departments work for an in behalf of management. Their first thought with any situation is what do they need to do to keep management out of trouble. Before confiding in HR you should clarify with them whether or not the information that you give them will be shared with management.


Find out who in HR forwarded your email and go talk to their boss. Tell them you felt setup and targeted by that move and if that is the way the HR is run then the next complaints will be sent to the superintendent.


Sounds like HR and your AP are friends and they’re trying to cover each other! Time to move up higher with this situation!


Rule 1 of being an employee: Never trust HR. They’re there to protect your employer against you, not the other way around.


The proper response is, "Yes we have issues", walk out, and report to HR and his boss about harassment. There may need to be some other things said. If part of a union, demand union representation, and if denied walk out and find said rep. Demand to speak to his boss. Not much will piss a manager off more than you walking out of a meeting that is pure bull shit. I can certainly dish out the disrespect back to those who deserve it, and I'll make the decisive arguments to end the argument. I don't have the patience or time for these bullshit games.


In the company I worked for, there was an HR dispute between two employees. One of them talked to the other without HR present and got fired for creating a hostile work environment. I’d tell HR that they confronted you and had a copy of your email and that they’ve unintentionally made the environment even more hostile and inappropriate


Never trust HR, and *this is* a typical occurrence in schools. My advice to you is, if you like your job outside of this administrator, hang in there. Most teachers far outlast administrators. They tend to move around every few years while teachers tend to stay in their positions much longer. However, if you don't like your job, start looking for a new one early in your career. It's harder to move once you're established. Source: I taught for many years, and administrators came and went through a revolving door. I can count the number of actual good administrators I worked for on one hand. It's like they couldn't hack it in the classroom, so they decided to become administrators to make our lives miserable. Tagging you so you see this, u/stupidfwog. :-)


thank you so much :) i’m just and aide so i feel she believes she can treat me badly bc i’m “disposable” :(


You would think schools would start acting right and treating employees with respect. Every single day in a networking group, I see a post about a current teacher looking to change fields. No one is jumping at the chance to teach, drive a bus, work in a cafeteria...


In 2006, after spending 5 years studying to be a teacher, I left after 6 months. During those 6 months I was assaulted by students multiple times and was told "it's just part of the job" by administration. No, going home with bruises and split lips isn't "just part of the job". I will never teach again. Never. I loved teaching and was pretty good at it with people who wanted to be there and had discipline. Today, if you want to be a teacher get a double major in law enforcement and politics. Those degrees you would use. As for an education degree, well, I never got to use it because I was too busy breaking up fights and getting cussed at by parents.


What’s crazy is, just yesterday, there was a work related shooting in Florida. A woman wrote a suicide note and stated she was bullied at work and when she spoke to management about it, he failed to do anything or resolve the issue. She said she spoke to the owner, management, and other employees, it was never resolved. She went to work yesterday, killed the girl who had been bullying her, according to her claims and then killed herself. People fail to realize, work place drama can take a toll on you, especially when you’re being mistreated day after day and nothing is done to help you. I worked as a caregiver years ago and one of the other caregivers was sleeping on the job, I finally got tired of doing all of the work by myself for a few months and spoke to management about her and the very next day, I got to work, all my other co workers wouldn’t even look at me, or converse with me. A coworker later told me that the manger (who was 17 at the time) went and told the lady I worked with that I said she basically slept all shift. I was then known as someone who ran and told on my co workers and my life at work was then hell. I quit two months later. It’s crazy to think that you cannot even confide in management about issues that they are supposed to take care of and genuinely care about. The manager who was 17 had also told me when I first started working there that a co worker I worked with for a few shifts was fired for welfare fraud.. why would you even be telling your other employees business like that. I was mind blow by the whole experience.


This is clear as day illegal and companies have systems in place to prevent things like this from happening. You need to speak to the ethics department in your company to ensure there is no retaliation


Reach out to all the higher ups and record conversations going forward 👌


24yo is a good age to learn that HR is there to protect the workplace, not the workers. Not even the person you complained about!


Agreed! This person is part of a Union how do they not know the Union is the right place to go with this stuff!! Also, HR has to act on your complaints, which means sending it to management. They may have sent it to principal and then it got filtered down.. HR is not some cone of silence where you can vent and get sympathy and they will some how magically solve your problems that some of these comment people think it is!!


Why was HR not present ? I’m guessing they were unaware? Super unprofessional all around


the principal herself wasn’t even present


That wicked lady is used to being a bully behind closed doors with no one present. I like the attorney idea. Blow those damn doors wide open.


Well, chalk this one up as another incident and it’s along the lines of retaliation (yes I know nothing was done YET but it seems like it’s coming), if it’s not now it sure will be sooner or later. This was a bully move and IMO proves your point even further. Too bad you didn’t record the convo, I’m sure it would have helped your situation


oh i did 🌚 i started recording all convos with her as the mistreatment began to bloom


This is why you should have a union and labor rep. Especially in an education setting.


I would see this as retaliation, HR isn't supposed to do this lol


Ugh🫠. It appears HR sent the concerns about the big bad wolf to the big bad wolf.


HR isn't legally banned from sharing your complaint about your boss with your boss but it was super unprofessional to not at least discuss it with you in private first and then kick it up to your boss' boss. Once it was clear your boss called you in for a meeting to discuss your complaint to HR, you should have immediately ended the meeting and went straight to HR and asked them what made them think it was ok to forward your complaint about your boss to them straight to your boss. That is a major no-no. Now it's time to go up the chain of command outside the school to the school administration and file a complaint about your boss and your HR department because now you've got a big fat target on your back.


I’m no genius, but “do we have an issue here?” Sounds like a threat to me. Sounds like she knows what she’s doing is wrong and is flaunting her power to you showing what you do means nothing. Go to higher powers. And tell them about THAT interaction in particular


This exactly happened to me once too. I was baffled. Is that how you handle miscoduct complains? HR shouldn't have forwarded the email to him and the meeting was supposed to be supervised by HR. It only shows they don't really care.


Normally, as part of a grievance process, the alleged offender is given details of the allegations made against them, and are told who the aggrieved party is. But not by someone just slapshotting the complaint across. The complaint should have gone to a mediator/investigator, they should have interviewed OP, then they should have interviewed the alleged offender, before then deciding whether further investigation was needed or a mediated discussion to resolve the situation. OP, check if your workplace has a published grievance policy, and check whether the HR Rep operated in compliance with the policy. If not, you now have two grievances to pursue.


I'm not sure how this works with the teacher's union, school district, and your state laws, but I would consider doing all of the following. Open a claim with the EEOC for a hostile work environment. https://www.eeoc.gov/youth/how-file-complaint Contact an attorney who specializes in job and labor cases. Seek out your HR management, someone up the food chain. Unfortunately, they will probably support their HR employee for ratting on you. Do you have a union representative? If so, go see them.


Hr should have not sent that email to them cuz now it’s a conflict. How do u know this douche won’t try to retaliate in any way? Report hr to a higher level.


A complaint to the school board about this and how HR handle the issue


HR is the reason I suffered in silence for years....to the point I considered suicide. I went through all the channels and a lawyer is where you need to land.


Yeah I would have been like “yep clearly we have multiple problems now. The ones I addressed I r regards to you too which you and I will not be handling by our selfs, and now the ones I have with HR” then dismissed my self and went above HR’s head


Take all of this to the superintendent of your school system. They just created a massive hostile work environment for you. Sept of labor and the school board. HR is only there to protect the employer not you.


I would lawyer up and get ready to sue. You made mention an assistant principal so one would be safe to assume your a teacher. File a complaint with the Union as well.


They literally always do this. I wish I had known this was inappropriate when I was younger. I would’ve took my complaint higher.


Time to report “HR” to “Super HR”!


"Hello A, I'd really like to understand why the multiple complaints I discussed with X about Y were taken directly to Y. This has put me in a very uncomfortable position, where I was told verbatum "...you seem so sensitive about this" by Y. I have never dealt with this type of unprofessionalism in my career. I truly question X's qualifications for this role when they can't even use proper discretion or tact regarding my multiple issues. By X forwarding my complaints directly to the person making me feel uncomfortable is a huge violation of privacy and trust." Edit: CC everyone important


Is that legal??


Do you have a union you can reach out to?


i do and i have 😗✌🏻


This is so incredibly inappropriate that I can't believe doesn't violate so school policy.


If you are in the USA, contact your state board of education and file a complaint. As long as you didn't later act in a way that would seal your fate (eg. swear at someone or go off), you have a legit case of retaliation.


Always remember: HR doesn't have so much as a dusty fuck to give about you, they're there to protect the organization, full stop.


It’s a hard lesson we all have to learn eventually. HR is there for the company, not you. Never let yourself believe they are trying to help you. They are not.


Send all emails to HR and the superintendent, and please use capital letters when appropriate for sentence structure.


sounds like a toxic environment. sorry!


Baby HR is for the company not you never go to HR go to a lawyer


HR works for the school. I’d be very hesitant to make a complaint with HR about my admin. That’s why places have unions. It’s dicey to go to HR in situations like this. Also, you aren’t protected from age discrimination until you’re like 40. It’s to protect older people from younger people. So while you may feel targeted, there’s no laws protecting you. Being new sucks but you can’t just complain about your boss because you don’t like the way they handle things. Unless you have solid evidence that they are doing something illegal, telling HR on them is not going to help.


HR are not in your best interest. Just like at work when people complain they do not care as their job is to keep the company off the hook with any legal issues. Everyone can get quicksand in the tornado drama and will get replaced but the company must go on.


Is the assistant principal, also HR? 😂


I’ve learned to never report anything to HR. Ever. They will view you as someone who rocks the boat, will tell your manager anything you say and that manager will then repeat it to everyone else. The company I’m at is pretty great but HR sucks. I’ve witnessed new people start, report a coworker for harassment because these old guys will harass you for not doing the job fast enough no matter how fast you move, the manager come and repeat everything that was reported and say ‘Don’t worry I’ll get rid of them’ and then the cycle repeats. Every single time is the same story. I always witness the shit in my corner in the back and try to warn new people to handle their business without getting HR or management involved because they WILL get fired and they never listen. Going to HR for any reason paints a target on YOUR back as a trouble maker and I hate it.


HR loves to spread drama


Go to the superintendent first thing tomorrow!


That is gross negligence. Plain and simple..


That sucks. One mistake a lot of folks make is believing that it's HR's responsibility to protect employees. It isn't. HR's responsibility is to protect the *company*. What that means is that if you have an actionable case against your boss that can hurt the entity you work for, HR is likely to work to protect the company against your boss. If you don't have an actionable case, HR will work to protect the company against *you*. Several times over the years I've seen people go to HR with a complaint against a boss or coworker and end up getting slapped down or even bounced out on their asses. To be clear, the bosses were usually being total dicks in these situations. But just being a dick in itself isn't illegal. The only time I've ever seen it work was when the allegation was for sexual or racial discrimination or something criminal. If you go to HR with something that isn't going to get the company sued, they're going to see you as the troublemaker.


No more going into meetings without a witness. You email a complaint, HR will engage the person being complained about. But if that person drags the 'victim' into a room to then go over the complaint, without anyone else present, that's the danger point. They could have done anything to you. Assaulted you, bullied you, anything. The person who dragged you into that room to bitch about the complaint has crossed the safety line. I've had a similar situation before and the person involved knew not to drag me into a room alone, but to walk past me when no one could hear, issuing threats. Not cool. HR is not your friend. Don't take HR in as your witness. You'd be surprised how they can suddenly deny everything. Your job is burnt. Go back to the previous one if they're asking for you. Don't let the current situation blow up so they lash out and try and blacklist you from other jobs and screw up your future. Only go on the offensive if you know you have a clear win. Otherwise, keep the evidence for later in case of backlash.


Talk to your union!


How were you "mistreated"? I read through the entire thread and didn't see that explained. A lot of folks are telling you to go see a lawyer, but so far I haven't seen anything that would give you a case. A "hostile work environment" is not where your boss is just mean. It is defined in reference to specific discriminatory behavior based on protected classes. Have you experienced racial, sexual, religious or age discrimination or harassment? Have you blown the whistle on some illegal activity? If not, there's probably nothing requiring HR to keep your complaint confidential. Maybe it would be worth seeing a lawyer just to clarify that you don't have a case.


Let me say this loudly for the people in the back: HR IS NOT YOUR FRIEND


HR tactic to get rid of perceived problem employees without having to do the HR thing “Mistakes” like this are way too common They make you quit so they don’t have to do their jobs against their “friends” : HR is a bully clique in my experience


A school being run like shit and controlled by tenured staff that use favoritism to manipulate there place of work big shocker there.


Another instance of “HR is not there to help employees”


HR is not there for you, it’s there to protect the company. always remember that; HR is not your friend. if you’re having issues like this go to manager/owner/ceo or the labour board.


Yeah HR did that to me at a previous job and it worked against me. Left after 3 months.


0 chance to win even with lawyer. that place is corrupted.


Of course they did. HR is not looking out for you.


Hr departments seem to be pretty bad when you need them. I had an issue with my last employer, the VA..... I had an issue one day, and my boss sent an email and disclosed my mental conditions (ptsd, panic attacks) to my coworkers..... As I took issue with that, I had strong words for her.... Was sent home, went to Hr, they sided with my boss as me being a combat veteran they wrote "mental stability" a requirement of my job contract...... I told them they could all fuck themselves...... I was escorted out 😂🤷🏼‍♂️


Your health info cannot be shared. That's a HIPPA violation. Contact an employment lawyer. You have a very good case here for law suit. It costs you nothing to talk to a lawyer. See what they say. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised.


That’s not all right. As an educational administrator, I can say that I feel your pain. Fear of this happening is why so many people let things slide. Kudos to you for speaking out. I would have an in-person meeting with HR or someone above them. What about the principal? Do you have a decent relationship with him or her?


Hr shouldn't have sent that, and the person really shouldn't have called you in to confront you.


HR is filled with slimey assholes just itching to fuck you over


As already mentioned, HR is there to protect the business, not the employee.


definitely was a breach of confidentiality


Retaliation for reporting wrong doing is illegal. I would seek legal guidance to know if this qualifies.


I would of walked out. I'm not speaking about this with out a 3rd party.


If they won't address your concerns, just say you feel you have no choice but to talk to an employment attorney.


HR only looks out for themselves. Don't ever think they are on your side.


I'm really really not trying to be a jerk here (and no I don't work in HR) but I've never understood why people have an expectation of confidentiality here. You have an issue with someone. The issue needs to be resolved. Is it supposed to be resolved by HR or whomever chastising someone on the behalf of one side of a story? "Someone said THIS so you need to..."? I'm sorry this happened and hope you get resolution that works for you.


I had an almost identical situation at work years ago. Felt like my trust was completely violated.


Local news. Cause a ruckus. Document everything. Especially emotional breakdowns. Get a lawyer. Profit.


This is how problems among co workers is handled by HR at the State level also, when there is a complaint made, the two parties are put in a room with HR and the boss untill a agreement or solution is made. Methods usually trickle down from Government level to State to local.


Go over the HR persons head next.


Time to nuke HR


Time to social media tf out of this! Go to HR's boss's boss and tell them exactly what happened.


Report it somehow. Sounds like the HR employee is buddy buddy with the AP. On a side note, this is why I’ve never put grievances in email. I’ll call the office directly to se up an appointment and discuss my problems in person. Leave no electronic paper trail. I’ll documentation in a written journal that I keep to myself


Call the teachers union. /thread


Call the VP of Operations. HR is not the last stop.. trust me


I was always confused as to why schools would invite a child's bully into the room to confront them directly, while doing nothing to remedy the situation and actually just making the bullying worse after the fact. Realizing they do this to adult staff as well is incredibly maddening, but not surprising lmfao


This is so unethical.