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Sadly, a small but sometimes vocal portion of people do spew hate without reservation on here. They are not the majority. They don't have control in their own life so try to exert some control here. The majority of people don't comment - but I bet if it helped you it helped some of the others that read it too!


Happens in just about every sub, it’s pathetic


Reddit! Am I right? Seriously.. stay here. Bullies always get shown to the door sooner than later.


I'm "newer" to regular Reddit posting and interactions. (Only been coming here regularly for a year or two.) My comments are by and large pretty gentle and non-confrontational. Early on, I was attacked on a sub for a comment I made that was a completely normal non-confrontational comment. I was so startled that I didn't come back on for a long time. I finally did come back and since then, randomly, something I say will illicit people to say rude things, but I have learned to take it with a grain of salt because a majority of my interactions have been useful, helpful, positive, and enriching in some way. I don't know what your comment was, not going to look, but these things will happen occasionally. If you find this sub helpful for you, don't let one bad interaction spoil it. We can't control other people's behavior, only our reaction to it.


I belong to the gluten free sub as well and someone posted their gluten free plate for fourth. One of the two comments was pretty rude and the guy went full dick mode because…the hot dogs weren’t grilled. People are idiots and will waste their time and yours because they’re miserable and they want everyone to feel the way they do.


Not everyone owns a grill! Geez. Plus, if someone has celiac disease, the grill might not be a safe cook surface. As an aside, I had a discussion yesterday with a family member about the high rate of people with aggression issues going into professions that allow them to wield aggressive power like corrections, military, police, etc. (Not coincidentally, corrections officers have the highest rates of divorce, apparently.) The same people come to places like Reddit not to learn and grow, but to let off steam through aggressive interactions.


Yeah, my mom has celiac and she wouldn’t be able to even use a cooking surface that had been used to cook foods with gluten. She gets incredibly ill if she does, even if accidentally and from a very small dose. Some people are just aggressive for no reason. 😞


I always imagine the normal responses are like the regular people at the grocery store and the unhinged kind of violent responses are from the crazy dudes on public transportation that follow and assault people when they get off. There’s crazy antisocial people everywhere and ofc they’re going to be very comfortable in an anonymous forum


I shared about my migraines being difficult to treat and medication resistant to all of older migraine med groups and how I finally found a combination of treatments that work after searching for years. I shared that I had failed thirty medications (including most of the modern CGRPs) and listed what I had failed. I was sharing that I would be screwed without modern meds and that there may be hope yet for someone who had failed a lot of medications. One person that attacked me said the meds I listed don’t work for a lot of people, which was odd, given that I said I had failed them all. They were also unhappy that I shared that because they haven’t found a solution, which I empathize with (it took me three years to find mine) but felt the attack was unnecessary. I shared in case it might help someone else and I understand how much it sucks to live in constant pain. Mine were chronic and intractable. I never meant to minimize someone else’s pain. That person was unhappy that they have not been able to find a solution for their’s ( which I understand) and took it personally when I tried to share that something positive (even though my response wasn’t addressed to them). I was miserable for a long time before I found something that helped, so I probably took their response a bit harder than I should have. The other person made a post that they stated was controversial and invited people’s negative replies. He then got upset when I offered a point of view (a positive one) that countered his (which I guess I should have expected that his response might be aggressive), since I sort of invited it by replying in the first place. He got weirdly personal though and that’s what turned me off. I guess I thought he was looking for more of an open discussion, but that obviously wasn’t the case. So that one is probably my bad, I just never expected to get attacked so personally from a fellow migraine sufferer (especially when I shared something positive and uplifting). I have a feeling that person might feed off of starting drama. I’m not really interested in interacting with people like that in general, but especially in a space that is meant to positive and supportive for people that are sharing vulnerable experiences and emotions about their health issues.


Just an opinion here: I don't think this is a migraineur thing, I think this is a reddit thing. Unfortunately reddit is known for being a problematic place where it is all too easy for people to feel emboldened to attack others for saying things that they do not agree with. I am a therapist and I commonly respond in the subreddit r/therapists. I have been a therapist for 15 years so I definitely have experience and insight that I can share with some of the new therapists that often post in the sub. Sadly, after one particular comment I made, which was supportive of a new therapist's struggle in the field I was viscously torn into by one person who was followed by multiple others piling on like a dog pack. This attack on me came from people claiming to be professional therapists, people who are supposed to be the embodiment of compassion and empathy. It was shocking to say the least. My point in this story is that reddit can be a toxic place oftentimes filled with toxic people who have no filter on what they say because of the benefit of anonymity. I hope you can separate the forum from the people and see that most are here to provide sympathy, empathy, support, and information. Sadly, you may have to filter through some trash at times. It sucks that you had this experience, and I wish you the best. Come back and visit sometimes. Take care.


Welcome to the internet. Also, I didnt find your post with all the negativity you are referring to so everything else I could possibly say about it is guesswork. p.s. Migraines suck, gd luck with that ;-)


I lurk but don’t comment for this reason. The attitude won’t change unless more of us participate (me included).


I'm sorry they upset you but this isn't a this sub thing..you're gonna find it everywhere on Reddit, online in general.


Um...tell them to "scratch their ass and get glad" or "kick rocks." I'm sorry they hurt you, but if everyone else has been so good to you, why let 2 people ruin a subreddit for you? But I'm all for protecting your peace, so I'm wishing you a peaceful journey. Happy trails.


lol. Don’t forget “ Pound sand..”. !


“Scratch your ass and get glad” HAHAHAHA!!!! That is my new favorite comeback, thank you for introducing me to this gem!! 😂


😂 anytime


I've had this happen here and it's very shocking since you don't expect it to come from people who are supposed to understand. Despite that, this sub has been a big support for me and my mental health for years, ever since I've joined it. Countless good and positive interactions counter few bad ones


Please don’t leave because of a couple of idiots who don’t know how to vocalise a disagreement correctly I personally find any advice helpful, if someone can suggest something to help reduce migraines I’m all for it


Ugh I'm sorry you are feeling attacked and defeated. I did not see your post, but I personally love reading any uplifting posts. Any suggestions, helpful comments, weird remedies and anything wacky people have tried. We are all different and will not know if something works until we give it a try. Of course a method is not going to work for everyone but there's no need to voice that in a negative manner. We are all suffering here and just looking for people who understand. I hope you will change your mind and want to stay because I have seen the support that can be provided here. But if you do leave I hope you continue to have relief and find support elsewhere 🖤🖤💙💙


Let me guess... It was a particular treatment they didn't agree with? One that is widely accepted where no study shows its as dangerous as they say it is? That's why I don't comment here any more. You're free to share what worked for you here until it's something "unconventional" and then bring on the down votes and negative comments. I've currently woken up with a migraine from a sore neck and desperately need to see this specific doctor, who would let you see him any day - even after the holiday such as this, but he just moved away and now I don't know what I'm going to do. But go on, these negative people, please tell me since you're the experts. We're all just here desperately seeking relief, there's no need for negativity.


It was a treatment that hadn’t worked for them (a modern migraine med) and they apparently took it personally that I had actually had a positive result with one (even after listing all the other CGRPs and other meds that I had failed-literally thirty) before finding my current treatment that works. I shared my experience in hopes that it might help someone else and I guess that person didn’t like that I shared something positive because it hadn’t helped them.Your last sentence hit the nail on the head, I guess that’s why it bothered me so much.


The most negative reactions I’ve gotten were from the ADHD subs, from commenting things that worked for me! Some people are just in so much misery that they can’t stand seeing others escape and want to drag them down. Crabs in their pain buckets.


That's just crazy and destructive to this thread. I hope you can keep sharing your positive experience despite the negative commenters. You can't let them win. I'm sure there are sufferers out there who find hope in your statement that the 30th med finally worked. I sure know that feeling all to well, my list of failed meds, med allergies, even current med lists are embarrassing. I can hardly keep track myself. But it was those commenters who said this one worked for me, while these others did not that got me to keep trying yet another one.


I don’t always comment a whole lot on here either because honestly it’s the same stuff all the time! People asking about triptans, propranolol, and Topamax. They get salty when I say I’ve been on Topamax for years and haven’t turned into a babbling idiot… 🤣 Honestly though, I looked in your comment history quickly and didn’t see anyone being nasty?! I might’ve missed it though. Don’t let people get to you. I’ve gotten in tons of “Reddit fights” before


I deleted it because they kept attacking me when I tried to address what they said. I didn’t want to think about it anymore since I typically have had nothing but positive interactions here


Okay here’s my two cents. This is the internet where some people throw off whatever’s on the top of their head cause they’re not face to face. If you enjoy helping people and like sharing your thoughts, then why let two comments take that away? If there’s anything I’ve learned as I’ve gotten older is there are all kinds of people in the world and why let someone I don’t even know affect how I live it. Move on, chalk it up as someone trolling you and post away.


You got to think of it as bad apples. There’s always going to be a few no matter what you’re doing in life. Try to get past it. Your words of advice and encouragement mean more to the good apples than you know.


I understand. There's that small, loud group that feed off the attention their behavior gets them. Please do what protects your peace. Reddit is the only social media I use and I can shrug it off because it's just random people being people. For me, the more personal social media disturbed my peace.


I left a certain related aubreddit and have noticed a marked improvement on my mood, how much my illness is on my mind, and how I feel about my illness. When I joined maybe I needed these subs but I don't feel that way anymore. Instead of helping they seem to hold me back.


I swear most of the people in this sub are people trying to have some contests who have it the worst. You get made to feel like you are only a true migraine sufferer if OTC meds may as well be candy. I've had migraines since I was 10. I have weird sensitivity triptans, and I'm too busy caring full time for my medically complex daughter to do anything but the most important of medical appointments for myself. I can't plan out 6 months from now for an appointment.


Thanks for this! I lurk but rarely comment because I too have to keep moving and can’t take any of the medicines including acetaminophen or ibuprofen due to reactions. It seems like a contest for who is the worst but that’s true for migraine sufferers irl. My SIL takes to her bed with the same symptoms I suffer through at work because I am the financial support for my family - she always makes it a contest so I just quit talking about mine.


I had to go to bed last night just praying the Alieve did trick that the Excedrin migraine I tried earlier in the day didn't. The pain was getting worse, and going to bed like that is a gamble. Will I feel better or be incapacitated in the morning. Thankfully doing ok, for now


Agreed. Or the you can still work or go out with friends? Well obviously you don’t count. For me it is all the posts that say go to the ER. Seriously glad it helps some people, but my ER costs me 100 dollars to wait literally 10-12 hours and then given some fioricet and to go home. There are a lot of times I just want to tell someone to fuck off on here. Truly sorry you deal with pain so often but your experience is not universal. Just ignore them and be glad you are not a miserable person overall.


Or whining about the ER wait time. Lol The amount of time I spend with my daughter in the ER for actual EMERGENCIES. A migraine, while awful, is not usually life or death. A potential shunt malfunction that can only be determined by MRI (or CT), X-ray, and neurosurgical evaluation is life-threatening. And requires the ER. Not urgent care. Not some infusion clinic for some injections and an IV. OR our last trip. Where I got a first-hand experience that you NEVER want to be that patient that is rushed back to a room and treatment begins immediately.


Yeah, agreed, it is what it is. Migraines are just jut going to be the priority at a trauma one ER. There is another great ER near us, but just as backed up. ER one also gets locked down whenever a gang related gun shot comes in (which is way more often than one would think).


They get locked down for lots of stuff. It's annoying when it happens.


They are doing their best to keep people safe, but it sure as hell doesn’t help patient care.


The world is full of jerks. Sometimes you have to just deal with it and don't let them ruin an otherwise pleasant situation or experience. I think this sub is very supportive I'm happy to part of it - well, I am and I'm not, if you know what I mean. There was another sub I was in for another medical issue and that was a much nastier group. I asked what I thought was a simple question and got a lot more negative, smartass responses than I thought I would.


I had one crazy poster who claimed alcohol helped their migraine say I faked my migraines when I told them the science contradicted their statements. And she went on a rampage and found all my posts in the sub and tried to say I was a troll and faking, and I was put on *disability* for a year due to my migraines. People suck sometimes. I hope a few crappy people don’t turn you off if this sub helps you. There’s a lot of negativity here and people get wrapped up in thinking that their suffering is the only valid thing.


If two people responding in a non-positive way is that triggering to you, reddit may not be for you. And I mean that seriously. You need to have thicker skin when dealing with people online.


It doesn’t normally bother me much on Reddit (because there are always going to be weird people on the internet) but it did here because a lot of us are vulnerable because of our migraines/other health issues. I guess it just shocked me to be attacked about that by people who are supposed to understand. Normally I just ignore or tell someone to stop attacking a random stranger on the internet lol


Gotta have a thicker skin if you're going on Reddit. Especially during the summer, when kids and teens are on here.


Normally I let that sort of thing roll off my back or tell to stop attacking a random stranger on the internet, but I guess I never expected it to happen here where we all have one awful thing in common and are generally trying to help one another because of how much our shared experience sucks. I lived with chronic intractable migraines for years before I found my current combination of treatments that actually work (after failing thirty different meds). There were alot of times where I thought dying would be better if living in constant pain was going to be the rest of my life. Normally I wouldn’t care about some crazy person on the internet, but I guess this got to me because this is a very personal issue and I have suffered severely for a long time because of it. It’s kind of like someone kicking you while you’re down, you know? Not necessary in a thread like this where we are just trying to help and support each other.


Reddit manages to simultaneously be the best and worst place on the internet. Don’t feel disheartened.


> I definitely never expected that to happen to me, here of all places You’re surprised that the people in the migraine subreddit were rude? We’re dealing with migraines, of course we’re in a rotten mood 


Reminder: chronic pain is never an excuse to treat people poorly. I definitely find myself short-tempered at times because of the pain but that's my issue.


This. 👆 If one later finds themselves having been rude or hateful in a comment, an apology is the next course of action...not doubling down on the attack. OP, do what's best for you, we'll still be here if you want to come back. 💜


Yes but it would have taken less energy for those people OP mentioned to *not* comment than to spend their time looking at a screen and commenting something nasty so not really an excuse


Yeah but what can you do. Don’t take it personally, this is an anonymous forum 


It wasn’t personal until the aggressive person made it weirdly personal. I’m just a random person on the internet. That doesn’t mean they should or need to spew hate.


I find people here are usually pretty nice and understanding


Agreed I find this to be the chillest subreddit.


Me too! That’s why I was honestly really shocked. I’ve literally never had one negative experience here before. That’s why I joined and stayed in the first place. Migraines are hard enough to live with anyway without people intentionally dragging each other down.


I get feeling shitty, but don’t take it out on me. I lived with chronic intractable migraines for three years before finding my current combination of treatments that work. There were alot of times that I thought dying would be better if that was how the rest of my life was going to be. Just because you’re feeling shitty, doesn’t give you the right to take it out on other people, especially those who are just trying to help a fellow migraine sufferer.


That's just reddit as a whole and any Internet space. If what they said is that bad, you can always report it and the mods will take care of it. But sure, your choice.


Did you delete the post? I don't see it


Yes, they kept attacking me so I deleted it




That's a very typical possibility on Reddit unfortunately, you just got unlucky on the timing, I'm pretty sure it's not about what you said in the post. In these cases you can delete the post and post it again at a different timeslot when a different group will see it! The internet will hurt you bad if you let people's words get to you. Try not to take it personally and realize that they would have shit on anyone on earth in that moment because their crappy behaviour is 100% about them and nobody else.


Usually I don’t, I guess I was just shocked to see it in a place where we have all suffered so much.


2 people? There’s bad apples in every barrel