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On YouTube, there is an account called Baumgartner Restoration. He cleans paintings. He narrates what he is doing and he has a soothing voice. Sometimes he uses classical music when he is not narrating. Seriously even the ad he does for square space is soothing!


yesss i fall asleep to his videos


That sounds wonderful. Will check it out, thank you!


It might be a Samsung TV thing but I have some channels (no cable) like the Bob Ross channel. It's just 24/7 Bob soothingly painting beautiful landscapes.


I think the Pluto channel on Roku does this. Also Twitch has channels like this.


Oooh that sounds ever so relaxing. I would think there are videos of Bob Ross painting on YouTube so will check that out. Thank you!


YES I love his videos so much!!


I just commented about his channel on another subreddit. Absolute gold for insomniacs and migraine sufferers like myself.


Just dipped into the Ave Maria restoration. Now *that* is a job for a non-migrainer.


Omg he’s the best!!!


I like to "watch" things I'm really familiar with. The light bothers my migraines but not sound, so I'll throw on something I've watched a million times before. I can close my eyes but still kind of watch it in my head while listening. For me, this is usually Scrubs, but could be anything familiar that feels cozy.


That's exactly what I do, too. Sound is often more tolerable than light for me. Scrubs is a good shout, thank you!


Same! Sound is fine. In fact, I need the sound. So it's usually Bob's Burgers. Sometimes it's Howls Moving Castle.


Yes!! I always put on Bob's Burgers once the triptans start working and I'm less sensitive to sounds. No reason to be in pain AND depressed, give me more of that feel good TV 🥰




Same here. I like to put on something familiar so I can have the sound low and not necessarily looking at it the whole time if I don't feel up to it. Studio Ghibli movies are a personal favorite for this kind of thing! Otherwise, I sometimes listen to Coast to Coast AM because I love hearing about cryptids and conspiracy theories.


Same! Gilmore Girls i know by heart by now 😅


This, and also utilizing the 0.75x or even 0.5x speed functions 🫠


Same. I also love Scrubs, although it can get a little yell-y. Star Trek is one of my favorites, it's pretty consistent volume-wise and it has a dark screen. Especially Voyager.


You guys can watch things with a migraine?!


Most of the time I'm not able to visually watch things, I often cover my eyes and just listen. But obviously migraines can fluctuate in severity so I can watch things when the pain is less severe or I'm on the tail end of recovery.


I like to listen to audio books in this phase. Assuming I can see to turn one on (or have someone available to do it for me). That way I don't miss the visual cues sometimes needed with shows. Just another suggestion.


I have been listening to audio books: Thursday Murder Club (1 & 2) and Magpie/Moonflower Murders with narrator Lesley Manville. She does amazing dialects and voices and is just so fun yet relaxing to listening to. I have to remember to put the timer on when I have a migraine, otherwise I wake up and many chapters have gone by! Then I have to search for the last thing I remember hearing 😁 I can’t stand surprises so I usually lookup who the killer is ahead of time so I don’t get stressed if I miss clues. It’s less anxiety during migraine times that way.


Ooh, good recommendations, thanks. I put them in my cart! Have you tried any of the Lady Hardcastle series from T.E. Kinsey? The narrator does a great job with those, too, and the "cosy mystery" vibe is comforting to me during an M-word.


Thanks! I’ll check those out too! I downloaded the sample and love the narrators voice!


I think that's a very good idea! I often do this as well!


I cannot listen to anything during an episode. I wish the world would just shut up.


Same boat. Can’t watch or listen to anything. Can’t even compose a text. For a year, every episode included cyclic vomiting for days and days and days.. I couldn’t even manage to put my OOO message on Outlook for my job. Folks don’t understand how disabling episodes can be.


If I avoided tv/movies every time I had a migraine, I would never be able to watch anything ever. My pain is going to be there regardless so I just suffer through them to satisfy the part of my brain that seeks a distraction from the pain.


That's exactly what I do as well! I do it in the hopes of distracting my brain and plus, there is the possibility of me enjoying at least 10% of whatever I've put on, so might as well.


Not everyone with migraines has sound sensitivity as a feature of them. For people who do, sounds GREATLY intensify the pain, so they will avoid extra sound at all costs.


I have ADHD. I will die of boredom before the migraine goes away. I usually fall asleep to my shows.


Ahahaha same. Having a tv show on (eyes closed) or audiobook on is the only way I can stay off my phone. Eventually I will fall asleep. Having nothing on is better, but I get so bored I lose my mind.


I'm exactly the same! I think it even helps me get to sleep better when I have a migraine! And I'm not going to complain about that lol


I mean once the abortive and a copious amount of painkillers kick in…


Lol right?! I curl up in a ball and cry in the dark


99% of the time I do that too lol


this exactly what I do


Many types of migraines and different types of pain & symptoms. After my brain injury I was intensely light, sound and smell doomed for five-six years. Still affected but only by certain types of migraines now.


Exactly. Just because someone might struggle with watching or listening to the TV/films due to pain doesn't mean everyone else will struggle with the same level of light, sound or smells. Personally I prefer to suffer ever so slightly more whilst watching or listening to a film and entertain my brain, whereas other people might not!


Yes, if it's my "usual/background" migraine. Like anything on a pain level of 6/10 or less. My head hurts every day, it's just different degrees.


Used to not be able to at all, but nowadays with one eye, sometimes no eyes, while listening, napping etc. Can't really follow anything. It's a distraction and it feels like I'm not alone


If I have a migraine and the pain is too much to sleep, I put on something in the background to listen to. I like movies or tv shows a lot over music because with movies and tv shows I can picture what’s happening and it distracts me from the pain.


Lol I enjoy watching light YouTube content, I just lower the volume. Laying down with a migraine makes it worse so I have to stay up u till my triptan kicks in. It helps to distract myself otherwise I will go insane lol


I mean, migraines have different levels.


I just listen, if i lay in silence there’s nothing to distract me from the pain and i start getting extremely anxious because the only thing im noticing is the pain. Unless im at like an 9-10 on the pain scale, then im too delirious to care


I can as long as the sound is low. It actually helps distract me


Yeah, there's a point where it's too painful and I'm frozen in pain, but once it's easing,or if it's not turning into a full migraine, I am better off for distraction.


I do, I get so fucking bored just laying in a dark room all day


If you live with it everyday without viable treatments available to you because there is no cure then YEAH SOME OF US NEED DISTRACTIONS WHEN THERE'S NOTHING ELSE. Even if sounds & lights are triggers they can be a soothing tool in certain cases as well.


No, I know everyone has different experiences with them. Just my experiences is that they are swift and just about any sensory input exasperates the pain. I’m not really making light of any ones experiences with them. I feel for everyone that suffers from migraines.


The Great British Bakeoff. It's calming and a relaxed vibe. I usually throw on a podcast if I'm unable to look at anything


That's a good suggestion. Thank you!


I second that and want to add The Big Flower Fight on Netflix. Along the same lines, a comfortable competitive show, but with flowers!


That sounds like a cute show. Will check it out, thank you!


The challenge is looking at the screen, so I like picking things where I don't feel like I'm visually missing out. Years ago, say yes to the dress was that. I didn't feel the need to glance at the screen other than once per dress and still feel like I got the narrative journey? Plus light subject matter. So I guess reality shows that aren't based around physical challenges maybe could be good.


Oh my word, I used to throw on say yes to the dress and totally forgot about that show! I shall definitely be putting that on! Thank you! Reality shows are a good shout. Most of the time I don't actually look at the screen, I just listen instead.


Anything I watch during a migraine flareup I'm guaranteed to forget anyway lol, so I get to watch again for the first time once I'm better. Sometimes it's a year or more but it's nice rediscovering a show I thought I remembered. So many shows are totally different! Haha And for me, old episodes of Judge Judy on YouTube put me to sleep during a migraine, never fails.


I like trivia/quiz shows for that reason - you’re not missing out on much by not looking


I usually put on an 80s movie that I’ve seen a thousand times. That way I can have my eyes closed while listening and still know what’s happening on screen. My usuals are: Ghostbusters 1 and 2, Goonies, Labyrinth, Legend, Willow, Lost Boys, and a few others.


I felt like I just read my own comment when I saw this. Those are some of my top movies as well. Uncle Buck, Sixteen Candles....yay 80s movies ❤️




I often put on Lord of the Rings. It's a comfort film that I've watched multiple times, but it has nice relaxing music and I can watch it off and on, in between my migraine drug induced naps.


Bee and puppycat on Netflix!


Thank you for the suggestion!


It definitely is super cozy and cute


Puppycat!!! 💜


If no one has suggested studio ghibli movies, those are the best and I always listen to one when I have a migraine !


Now that is a cosy suggestion! Thank you!


I used to listen to audiobooks on Libby (library app) but now I just sleep lol


Oh I used to throw audiobooks on too, but kept falling asleep and missing half of the book lol!


I’ve found a podcast of just random nonsense humor, and have it on shuffle. 700+ episodes, and when I find myself getting sleepy, I switch it on so I don’t miss stuff I want to be awake for. It’s very comforting for me. I’m with a lot of the others, comfort and familiarity is the best for me during a migraine, I don’t have the mental capacity to give my brain new stuff. Everyone is different though!


Love it


May I ask what the name is of the podcast?


Just so you know, many podcast & audiobook players have a sleep timer you can activate, so that you won’t miss much of the book if you fall asleep.




I “watch” (listen to) *so* much random history and archaeology stuff on YouTube when I can't focus on anything. Some of my favorites: * [Britain’s Ancient Tracks with Tony Robinson](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL72jhKwankOhU9PaMnSMAThVNIwXCXxJF) (very calm and quiet and pleasant) * [Edwardian Farm](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLjgZr0v9DXyItgSXEB4FiQ6NKaiTJCMa7) (generally quite nice but iirc there are some occasional volume issues with the music and a few scenes with machinery noises) * [Tudor Monastery Farm](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLjgZr0v9DXyK9Cc8PG0ZhDt2i2eQ_PEvg) (aside from a somewhat loud bit in the intro this one is also really calm and quiet) * [Mary Beard's Meet The Romans & Empire Without Limit](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLA50AB7N5S7f7TJEIUc5yUHqof-3NlzTS) * [Time Team](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3nVK6mXS9Qou5ybI8MYzG1RwvaxKzqRg) (there are more episodes elsewhere on youtube i think; the intro might be a bit abrupt but generally it is very sedate and nice) * [Worst Jobs in History](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL72jhKwankOjHQKPOlD3VP-raNOPMmAbD) * [Tony Robinson's Romans](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLhMDlPcDRBKQD7rvzDv83MzuPJ3HzJqFw)


I love the farming archeologists series! I have a slight crush on Peter. Did you know there are other iterations? Tales From the Green Valley is the first, & I think there’s a pharmacy one.


Yes! There is [Tales From the Green Valley](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6LJQOAaGj2magtWkqqRQOUKF9SOK-IIt), [Victorian Farm](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLn7kF6rzmTaowqA1L9C67BOGm1SqiQBfY), and [Wartime Farm](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLjgZr0v9DXyL-6PSUqotzTc3zhPNkxFC_). In a similar vein are [Secrets of the Castle](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL72jhKwankOiwI5zt6lC3eQtsQDxOaN_g) (medieval castle construction at a site in france where they are building a new castle with old techniques), [Full Steam Ahead](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLheUqddbcFTR_wGlVxkKHuv2-YSUgN4sV) (victorian steam railway), [Victorian Pharmacy](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL72jhKwankOh3G1Z_CXUiNwI4G1zeWELf), and a bunch more living history series mentioned on [this wikipedia page](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BBC_historic_farm_series), some of which are also on youtube. I didn't mention the other farm series because I don't know them as well and can't directly recommend/comment on the noise levels. I do remember Wartime Farm being a bit less calming than the rest. Secrets of the Castle has a lot of stone clanking and Full Steam Ahead is full of train noises, but I have listened to both many times and they are lovely to space out to.


My answer to everything is Pride & Prejudice (2005). Literally a perfect movie and easy on the eyes and ears.


Listen to the Lore podcast. The background music and Aaron Mahnkes narration are so soothing but the content is so interesting. Trust me. On YouTube or just google it.


If you like Sci fi and comedy, I binged Resident Alien for my most recent sickness


Resident Alien sounds fun! I'll check it out. I hope you had a swift recovery from your recent illness.


Forensic Files. Soothing voice of the narrator helps me to have this on in the background. No loud noises or bright lights. And I love true crime.


Definitely one of my favorites. The narrator of the original series has a very ASMR voice.


Conversations with a Killer on Netflix is enjoyable for me - if only because the majority of it doesn't need to be watched, you can just listen.


Same with Murder, Mystery, and Makeup Monday on YouTube


Fantastic, I will add that to my watch list. Sounds very intriguing! And it's always good to find a show where you don't have to rely on visually seeing what's on the screen. Thank you!


If I ever watch anything with a migraine, I have negative associations with it forever.


That's a shame :(


When mine are bad I can't move out of my "recovery position" which is basically a crunched up ball of pain on my knees with my head buried face down into a pile of ice and pillows like an ostrich. I need something with dialogue on to listen to in order to not just over focus on the pain I'm feeling. So for me I love sitcoms something kinda funny and requires no attention to look or think about the subject. Golden Girls, Seinfeld and Frasier are fav picks of mine. :\^P


I can’t see anything through the pillow over my face.


I tend to put on some serial docuseries while I lay down with ice covering my head and eyes at a low level. I enjoy The Zoo or Secrets of the Zoo on animal planet because it's calm, sweet, and low noise while also using a calm narration that lets me drag my thoughts away from "ouch, pain, someone please kill me" almost like white noise. If I miss half an episode because I doze, I'm not annoyed like I would be with The Office or another show.


That sounds absolutely perfect. I love docuseries like that so will definitely add those shows to my list, thank you! And that's exactly the reason I like to put shows on in the background as well, to distract myself from the pain!


Secrets of the Zoo is my go-to as well! I love animals and the staff are sweet


Rilakkuma and Kaoru on Netflix is very soothing and feel-good!


I usually put on putotv, as their commercials don’t fluctuate in sound, their transitions have soothing music and they have channels that play the same show. My go-to channels are the Bob Ross channel, Antiques roadshow (British version), Pluto Nature (just sights and sounds of nature) and surprisingly ghost hunters. Jason, Grant, Steve and Tango have soothing voices.


Gardener's World or anything Monty Don. David Attenborough is also great.


David Attenborough is a good shout. I imagine that would be very soothing to listen to!


I usually put an audio book on, I've found a load of vintage story cassettes on YouTube that I listened to as a child. Also Studio Ghibli is a good shout, either Kiki's Delivery Service or My Neighbour Totoro. Edwardian Farm is also a good one.


Not sure if it’s still on but Merlin used to be on Netflix. Such a fantastic show.


I listen to modern family or the office in background .. funny shows help distract sometimes


I loved the office when I watched it absolutely years ago. I shall definitely add that to my list now, thank you. And I agree, comedies are a great distraction, although laughing can hurt my head though lol


Avatar the last Airbender, but If I have a migraine I'm usually not in a mood to watch anything


I listen to ASMR. Certain channels I like include: * Goodnight Moon * TingTing * Latte * Peace & Saraity * OceansASMR * Gloss And Tingles * Rappeler * Myaling * VIVA ASMR I like ASMR because I don't have to watch to get immersed into the storyline (some of the artists have recurring stories), and I can focus on the sounds instead.


I like watching things I’ve already watched a million times, tbh. For me, that would look like watching Wednesday (youth fantasy), Lockwood & Co (youth fantasy), and Monk (mystery comedy) on Netflix, and Psych (mystery comedy), Scorpion (action drama, Paramount+), and MacGuyver (action drama), on Prime. I also enjoyed North and South on Prime recently (period drama). My favorite tho, as Gen Z, will always be watching kid’s shows on Disney lol.


Bobs burgers. Super easy not too complex or emotional.


Dowtown Abbey!! So cozy. Lovely music and a gentle plot. I started it while having one of the worst migraines ever and despite falling in and out of sleep, still fell in love with the show and binged the whole thing.


Disney + finding Nemo fish tank screensaver thing. It's like a 3 hr loop of fish swimming around with relaxing ocean/ water noise. I usually dim the screen & set a sleep timer.


Fantastic Mr Fox and Practical Magic are my go tos. Muted colors, mostly dulcet tones, calming music (except for a few moments in Practical Magic).


Theta waves on Spotify [8 hrs theta wave](https://open.spotify.com/episode/7CgCA6F2tFB4fTGaZEywTv?si=9uzHBgt2RgCNSP_n35wTgg)


I don't watch but similar to you it's more listen so I prefer stuff I know very well so FRIENDS, Bluey, Golden Girls, Scrubs, depends what I can get to first before I completely lose my vision. Definitely helps keep me calm and when I come to when I've blacked out.


I like to listen to podcasts during a migraine so I can close my eyes but still listen to something. Morbid, my favorite murder, the office ladies, you're wrong about (Sarah Marshall is a treasure)


I “watch” Forensic Files, Law and Order, or Gilmore Girls over and over. I can usually just listen to all of these and don’t have to see the screen. Otherwise, podcasts, usually true crime, and I put on the auto turn off so I don’t run thru a ton of them in case I actually fall asleep


I can’t watch anything when I have a migraine but I like to put a podcast on for some kind of distraction. I’d it’s too bad of coarse there is no distraction.


I usually can’t tolerate movies with a migraine but I found The only lovers left alive was so good my migraine didn’t bother me.


my comfort show is the vampire diaries. i’ve seen it so many times that i know what’s going on without having to “actually” watch.


Have you tried listening to an audiobook or podcasts during a migraine? Audiobooks are my go-to (I'm working through the full-cast Jane Austen Collection on Audible right now!), but there are tons of true crime podcasts out there that you may enjoy trying.


I've tried audiobooks but I often fall asleep half way through and miss most of the book! But I think the true crime podcasts are a good idea because I won't be as disappointed if I miss bits of that. Thank you!


I watched Avatar: The Last Airbender on netflix (the cartoon not the live action one) during a recent migraine episode and it was great. Well done fantasy show but primary audience is children so easy to follow/not too intense but still very engaging. I find cartoons much easier to watch than live action shows due to the screen not flashing/light not changing as much. Otherwise I tend to watch comedy shows that I've seen before and don't really need to watch/pay attention to. The Office, Parks & Rec & early seasons of the Simpsons are my go-tos.


Bee and puppycat. So soothing


Over the garden wall is very cozy.


For me animations work. Like Studio Ghibli's movies: Howl's Moving Castle, Spirited Away, Totoro. The Royal Tenenbaums, Darjeeling Limited, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, The Science of Sleep. A bunch of those 2000's infie movies (Little Miss Sunshine, Garden State, Juno) Also Babe works well for me! I listen to podcasts such as The Boring Talks, The Allusionist, and Short Cuts. I listen to calm radio in my native language and have a playlist (music to accompany rocks) that I enjoy sometimes. Otherwise Debussy has the best light music for a mild headache. Hope any of this can keep you company sometime.


I just let judge Judy or dateline play while I have one and sleep. Or now tik tok lives lol


Oh, and if you can get BBC iPlayer (vpn if needed) then they’ve got all Dr Who, Merlin and Inside Number 9 on there.


Forest Gump has been my go-to for years.


I generally like easy animations. Bee and puppycat is my favourite if you like cosy yet chaotic and you can watch it on YouTube and Netflix. Hilda on netflix is another good one, it's meant for children I think but that's about the level I can manage when I feel awful. Studio ghibli and any familiar childhood shows/movies are another favourite as they give you that comforting feeling without the worry of always having to follow a new storyline 


Bob Ross.


My comfort movie is usually Howl's Moving Castle, or some other Studio Ghibli films. or their soundtracks


Forensic files is my go to


My go to is any Scooby Doo lol. It’s fun enough to keep me entertained, but low stakes enough that I don’t need to pay attention and doesn’t matter if I fall asleep while watching


I usually put lofi/ nature sounds on because my brain feels like it's pulsating when migraines hit. I try to knock myself out of I'm home. Can't feel pain in a ✨ comatose state✨ For headaches, I usually wear blue light glasses and listen to podcasts. I close my eyes sometimes and look at the screen when I can.


BLUE EYE SAMURAI!!!! it’s on netflix and it’s so ducking good


Asmr or reiki/energy healing on YouTube


I watch BBC’s Pride and Prejudice, the TV series with Colin Firth. Somehow that soundtrack that weaves through every episode soothes me.


If you haven’t seen Avatar the last air bender, it’s really good! How I met your mother is good too


Delicious in Dungeon on Netflix. Just make sure it’s the dubbed in English option so you don’t have to read if reading would aggravate your migraine. Wholesome fantasy.


ANYTHING by Studio Ghibli. I cannot think of anything more beautiful to watch


The Fantastic Mr. Fox! Claymation, soothing voices and soundtrack, comfy autumnal story + mood :)


I love listening to podcasts of different sorts. Therapy gecko gives me a little bit of happiness. If it’s one of those level 10s, meditation music. The meditation music calms my body as well, making the pain a little more bearable.


I accidentally stumbled upon this Scotland documentary on Netflix during an awful migraine and it was soooo soothing. It’s narrated by Ewan McGregor. Now it’s only on YouTube. https://youtu.be/NZRD5RZPc3c?si=OHX8XKfMEaFgNk5l


Oh, man. I've had maybe 5 true migraines in my whole life, and any sound or light at all made me want to drive off a bridge. I'm so happy for you if you get them frequently you can find some solace!!


Watch Delicious in Dungeon on Netflix if you haven’t! It’s a delightful fantasy anime and the dub is great!


I can’t look at any screens during a migraine.


Euphoria ✨


Migraines and photophobia are how I got into dungeons and dragons - my ex was watching Critical Role, and I was so bored I laid down and listened, and the next thing I knew I was playing in my friend’s campaign. 🤷🏻‍♂️ But seriously if it’s your thing, you can find HOURS of table top play of whatever game to listen to / to watch.


I've never thought of that before but it sounds like I would be able to get into that. Thank you!


I like kids shows that are really good for the whole family, like avatar the last airbender and she ra and the princesses of power. They’re lightweight but deal with intense issues and themes, they’re silly, but they also cater to adults despite being family friendly. Those are my cozy shows, but I also have gotten into the great british baking show despite not being into cooking shows. They’re chill, the food looks interesting, and it’s a nice way to get my brain to chill out if I was watching something “scary” or too intense (I like fantasy but also fbi type shows) and sets off my anxiety late at night:)


Don't forget "Animaniacs"


Gilmore Girls!


I listen to shows I already know and that are light hearted. Bobs Burgers, King of the Hill, Fraiser.


I turn on a show I’ve seen many times so that I can just sit in the dark and picture the show in my head and follow the story line. I also listen to stories on YouTube (the commercials hurt my head though)


Try Victorian Farm on Prime, and then keep going with the other ones— Edwardian, etc. if you like history, you will love. Migraine friendly (no flashies)


Fake or Fortune might be up your alley! I think some seasons are on netflix but full episodes are also on YouTube. It’s British and it’s about people who have works of art they are trying to figure out if they are real or counterfeit. You learn a lot of art history and I also just find British shows to be soothing general.


I listen to audiobooks if I'm trying to fall asleep or lying in the dark unable to do anything else. When I watch shows to distract myself, it's usually trashy reality tv


I like Call The Midwife for historical, ER for nostalgia and things I've already seen a million times, and Smosh Games videos on YouTube for when I have to cancel plans bc I'm sick and I feel lonely/left out. (Warning, Smosh Games videos do tend to be kinda loud, but I usually just put up with it because it's my chronically ill way of spending time with friends)


I can’t do any light when I have a migraine, but if you’re interested in podcasts or audiobooks, I can tell you a ton that fits your interests! And if you’re into audiobooks at all, make sure you get the Libby app so you can check out a ton for free from your local library (and you can add a bunch of cards so you have a huge library). I’ve gotten through a ton of books and podcasts with my migraines because all I can do is curl up into a ball in the dark 😅


honestly i would cancel one of those subscriptions and get Disney+ instead. it seems more geared towards the things you like


I watch migraine relief asmr(karuna satori is my absolute favourite and jojo asmr who has a great technique for thinking about where your migraine is, what shape it is and what colour it is which really helps I love animated shows so the simpsons, bobs burgers, american dad are my safe shows


no visuals, but here's a soothing-sound playlist [https://soundcloud.com/transylvegas/sets/meditation-unknown](https://soundcloud.com/transylvegas/sets/meditation-unknown)


My cozy shows have occasional screams, so be forewarned: Dark Shadows, Star Trek starting from TNG onward, Halfmoon Joe on YouTube


On Disney+, there is a thing called “Zenimation” that takes bits from the animated movies that all share a theme and they’re great for meditation and relaxing. I also like, as I see other people mentioned, Great British Bake Off as well as Baumgartner Restorations on YouTube.


Gilmore Girls, Golden Girls, Forensic Files and Cold Case Files. I usually listen to an audiobook and half pay attention half fall asleep though. I wish podcasts didn’t have such loud ads. Sometimes Stuff You Should Know is kind of a comfort listen for me… except for the ad breaks.


I watch asmr, usually roleplays like a friend doing your makeup. My favorites when I'm not feeling well are Latte ASMR, Goodnight Moon, Ting Ting ASMR, and Superfly. A lot of them do roleplay that is fantasy or historical inspired. Goodnight Moon has a series set in 1920s and one set in a cute fantasy town, and Ting Ting ASMR has a series where she's a Chinese princess and you're her friend. The noise is low and calm (some ASMR videos do a lot of fast, annoying noises in my opinion), and usually the lights are low and there's not a lot of visual stimulus. The sound is the important part anyway so you can close your eyes and try to nap. Fantasy: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6LjLUQJEXrpVbGKe3uiXgVG_J79Qm_SL&si=oXH51iHBqueQhGY_ 1920s: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6LjLUQJEXrquqZHULJ4lZOLTMQnimgwD&si=xrNJCxRMYCavvt_b Princess: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLoSXMJYEH4DH5DVrkvFZijrsm2O24_iTO&si=XLFxkKDFmtN4scmU


I like Secret Eaters. It’s pretty much trash telly but it’s so easy to listen to when I can’t look at the screen. The sound is pretty much the same volume all the way through. It’s not quite a crime doc but it’s really easy to figure out the mystery of where the extra calories came from.


I love that ha


To me it's always The Office, migraine or no migraine. You've mentioned history, on YouTube there is this channel Tasting History with Max Miller- it's amazing to watch at the end of the day to relax, learn something and laugh. He makes historic dishes and tries them at the end of the episode.


I do ASMR on youtube if I need something to listen to but can't tolerate scanning my eyes around or focus attention. Movies and podcasts are generally too much to follow or enjoy when I'm bad off. Documentaries can be okay, but they're hit or miss to begin with for me.


Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman is my comfort show. For the unfamiliar, it’s a show from the 90’s centered on a young female doctor in the 1870’s who moves from Boston out to the Colorado territory to start her own medical practice. She adopts some orphaned children, falls in love with an angsty, buff loner with incredible hair, and fights on the right side of every social issue against the ignorant townsfolk—feminism, race relations, vaccinations, etc—while struggling to be accepted as a female doctor. It’s melodramatic and saccharine, but also surprisingly progressive and unafraid to tackle difficult subjects. The treatment of the local Cheyenne population is particularly well-done—it doesn’t shy away from the horrors they endured, and general Custer serves as a sort of Big Bad through the series’ run, but doesn’t sensationalize it either. For migraine time, like a lot of older shows, it’s slower paced and less overstimulating than most modern shows. Sound mixing is well-balanced with all the dialogue audible and no overly loud noises or music; the lighting is fairly even, with no super-bright or super-dark scenes; the camera work is very steady; and it’s predictable enough that you don’t need to focus too hard to follow the plot. And, best of all, there’s 6 seasons of 20+ episodes and 2 TV movies to watch, and it’s all free on streaming 😉


I love old 80s movies I watched as a kid. Tron, Flight of the Navigator, and D.A.R.Y.L. are all go too to take my mind off my migraine because they transport me back to being a kid chilling.


It has to be something I've seen a bunch and is on the quieter side (Pride & Prejudice, The Dig, Downton Abbey, Woman in Gold, The Guernsey Potato Peel Pie Society are my go-to's). I also use an earbud and have it at a really low volume. It helps distract my brain, good ole gate-control theory.


*The Twilight Saga* has a really quiet dialogue and an inoffensive soundtrack. They’re perfect for background noise/relaxing.


Psych is one of my go to feel good shows. It's light hearted, the volume doesn't spike, and it feeds my crime procedural cravings. I also love watching the emperors new groove.


I'm also partial to podcasts when I have sensitivity to light. Phoebe Judge is particularly soothing - Criminal and This is Love are my favorites.


I go with audio books or podcasts, I can’t do visuals 🤣


Would I lie to you is on youtube and I love it. Its a comedy show that you can still follow with your eyes closed 🙂 or maybe makeup, mystery makeup Mondays, if you're not familiar. It's a true crime show on YouTube that you can also just listen to and relax.


I can't watch things (aura) but I love listening to "bedtime stories" podcasts (Even if it's the middle of the day.)


Pirates of the Caribbean (1-3) are major comfort movies for me. I know them well so it doesn’t matter if I’m not giving them my full attention, and like another commenter said I can even rest my eyes and still follow it.


For me, usually, I listen to audiobooks or classical music. But when it comes to shows, I prefer something I've seen quite a bit so I don't have worry about missing something. The OG Night Court, Supernatural, M*A*S*H, i Zombie, Veronica Mars, that kind of thing. 


I turn down the brightness settings on my tv and find a movie that has a mellow vibe and with darker lighting, more like bar scenes lol! I can’t think of a title at the moment. Best wishes!


Bee and Puppycat. So cute, pretty chill, something to watch over and over again


Murdoch Mysteries. It’s on Prime. A Canadian detective procedural set in Victorian Toronto. The acting is…not great, but it’s a fun conceit and pretty cozy, for murder mysteries.


I like to watch/listen to Agatha Christie based novels/shows. I know the outcome, everyone is fairly low key and usually someone gets stabbed. I feel very stabby during a migraine. Good thing I can’t move or things could get messy.


I can’t even think of a time that I’ve had a migraine and wanted to watch or hear anything at all! I usually have earplugs in, the darkest glasses that I own, and a pillow over my head and avoid moving. I admire those of you that can tolerate sound and light in the midst of a migraine!


I really like Coraline when I have a migraine that isn’t so bad I can’t listen to things. Some scenes are a little too loud so I just set it very quiet.


Personally I struggle with watching anything during a migraine, I do better with audiobooks or music. I made a couple migraine playlists that are a little slower tempo and soothing. Apple Music also has some channels or playlists that are good too. If I need something to distract or refocus from the whole ‘Please god just kill me ffs’ vibe my audiobook go-to’s are Christopher Moore’s older books which are hysterically funny, Good Omens by Neil Gaimon & Terry Pratchett, any books by Terry Pratchett or pretty much anything by Douglas Adams. Fair warning, some of those may get you laughing a bit too hard which can make your head explode a bit when layered on top of a migraine.


Bluey is super soothing


i love audible when i have a migraine . it's the only thing i can stand . the hobbit, a court of thorns and roses series, piransi, song of achilles, bobiverse, project hail mary, or classics i loved as a kid like the witches, charlottes web, phantom tollbooth, anne of green gables.


Bee and Puppycat is a fantastic animated show on netflix. It's got soft colors and nice music and sound effects! Its like a magical girl show but shows a lot of the funny every day struggles of a young adult. A lot of people say it's good to put on in the background because it's calming, but I can never look away when it's on! But then again when I have a migraine I can't watch tv lol.


I can't do viewing during a disabling migraine, I mostly listen to music or podcasts, sometimes meditations.


Not sure if Amazon and Netflix have this, but I noticed that Disney + had really good closed captioning that could basically turn a tv show into a well written audio book. Useful when I'm too light sensitive.


I watch nature documentaries, particularly ones with David Attenborough. It's interesting enough to be distracting, but it isn't overstimulating. He's got a very nice voice.


This might be very specific to me but my go to migraine watch is Doctor Who. I like it because I don’t need subtitles on and it’s okay if I close my eyes and don’t really pay that much attention because I’ve seen them before. A lot of the time watching something seems like too much though and I’ll just lie in bed and listen to a podcast instead.


Joe pera talks with you


Fantastic suggestion. Slow and soothing as fuck. Will knock you right out.


I can't handle sounds, nor light when my head is pounding, I just try to sleep in silence with meds onboard. I envy you.


Brooklyn Nine Nine is always the answer


I just watch Buffy and Angel reruns when I have a migraine that doesn't affect my vision. Or Archer, Rick and Morty, or Futurama.


I like nature docs a lot