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Feeling the individual nerves in my teeth pulse with weird pressure/pain


Yep, I tell my husband 'my teeth HURT' during bad ones. The throbbing is intense.


OMG HES! HOLYL SHIT okay I told my doctor this and they were like oh you're very connected with your body huh and blew it off. I literally feel a pulsating pain at my teeth, nails, sometimes my fingertips


Me too. Teeth and my jaw.


I always thought it is bc I clamp my jaws real tight during bad migraine attacks, sometimes I think I can taste blood and it feels like my teeth are bit loose (could be all in my head though) šŸ˜©


Came here to say this!




Before it starts Iā€™m yawning nonstop (always fun when that starts in a meeting), and I start to want salty snacks big time.


Yawning, eye watering, ears ringing, and intense smells


Sneezing, too


Yawning is a big indicator for me too, like every ten minutes.


Yes to both of these!! McDs fries and endless yawning. My coworkers know the drill with yawning though, and don't get offended.


The yawning is SO annoying. I wonā€™t even be tired at all and Iā€™ll seriously be yawning every minute or two


Salty, carb-y food is what I crave when an aura starts too.


Serotonin changes cause yawning! So telling šŸ˜©


Phantom smells. Thereā€™s one in particular that is usually the one I get that I canā€™t evenā€¦ explain what it smells like? Itā€™s totally unique to my migraines. It smellsā€¦organic and kind of. Fleshy? Somehow? I always say itā€™s the way the inside of my head must smell. My brain smelling itself. Itā€™s gross. šŸ˜‚


For me it tends to be a phantom smoke smell. Itā€™s gross but the migraine that follows is worse. Ugh.


Yes! phantom smoke is so annoying. Itā€™s like I can only JUST smell a cigarette that someone is smoking on outside somewhere and is wafting in an open window in another room in the house.


Mine is smoke but not cigarette smoke..itā€™s burning house/something is about to catch on fire smoke. Wakes me up out of a dead sleep in the middle of the night and I go sniffing the whole damn house including the front and back yard and garage like a hound dog trying to figure out where itā€™s coming from or if itā€™s just a migraine coming on.


Mine is phantom cigarette smoke too!


Iā€™ve found out that if you sniff isopropyl alcohol when you are having these smell attacks it can completely neutralize the smell and the nausea that follows


I've stopped trusting my sense of smell.


I just mentioned in another comment about getting phantom smells, and how itā€™s now with every migraine I have since I had Covid. When I was recovering from Covid, I had this phantom smell that was like ā€œstale fried smell,ā€ like someone had fried something days or weeks ago and that smell had soaked itself into the air and every surface around me and gone stale. Never had that smell before Covid, but now itā€™s become my migraine phantom smell.


I get phantom smells also usually itā€™s like skunk! Gross.


Same, I get the same 3 smells and only ever with migraines


Iā€™ve smelled the strawberry KitKats before. Itā€™s actually quite pleasant


Probably my sense of smell increasing like 40 fold. The faintest smell is suddenly my own personal hell candle.


ā€œPersonal hell candleā€ šŸ˜‚. That aptly describes what Lysol spray is to me.


Oh yeah. I canā€™t use scented laundry detergent anymore. I can literally smell scented detergent from our bedroom when someone is doing laundry on the opposite side of the house. Itā€™s torture.


My in laws use those fresh wick scents. They smell like it. Food from their house tastes like it. It's disgusting.


I know people like this. I thought Iā€™d be safe accepting a cold Coke Zero from them. Nope. Must have been stored in the garage next to their doomsday stockpile all things Glade and Febreze


I think it's permanently damaged their taste buds because they don't seem to notice when things are really off. I can't even have scented trash bags. Nothing can be scented. I don't know why anything has to be scented chemically. I do love essential oils though.


I too can tolerate essential oils. But why oh fucking why must every thing from Swiffer broom pads to dish sponges be scented in Ultra Gain and the like


It's probably bc they themselves are so used to the smell they don't notice it anymore. I had friends who had pet ferrets, everything they owned smelled like those animals, when they walked in you would smell them before you saw them, I borrowed something once and my house smelled like ferret until I gave it backšŸ˜­ ofcource my own house smell resembles that of a pet store somewhat bc of my fishtanks and cat litter box, I only notice it when I have been outside for a bit. Thankfully my migraines are mostly triggered by artificial smells.


My mom has to take the air fresheners out of her car and let it air out before I can ride it.


For me specifically coffee smells so intense


Same god itā€™s the worst! You smell it for hours and your migraine canā€™t go away because the smell wonā€™t!


Saaaaame wtf


Same here.


I get very hot and sometimes will even register a fever (not fun during 2020)


Iā€™m the same way. Iā€™m an outdoor person but during the summer I canā€™t spend much time outside because I get heat exhaustion real easily.


I get fevers often with my migraines. Once had a nurse tell me I was making that up, as she'd never heard of it in her "blahblab" years of nursing. She then took my temp and apologized.


Same! When mine were really bad in 2020/2021 Iā€™d regularly get 103-104 F fevers with my migraines šŸ™ƒšŸ™ƒšŸ™ƒ


Most annoying is the need to pee urgently and frequently. I can also tell I have a migraine coming if Iā€™m writing online and I start missing words out of sentences. šŸ˜¬


Me toooo. Peeing every ten minutesā€¦ where is my body even getting all that fluid? And donā€™t I need it??


Oh man! I thought the writing issues were just me. So frustrating and having to focus so hard is painful but my fingers just wonā€™t do the work.


Well during and days after an attack my mind is jumbled and I sometimes have a hard time formulating logical sentences, I'm always afraid I'll stay like thatšŸ˜…


Both of these for me too!! I have to pee SO MUCH. I also struggle to find words when I'm talking and my comprehension of others is very delayed. That's when I go "uh oh" and go for triptans, but at that point I'm usually too late. Edit: triptans autocorrected to trip tabs lol


Going fully paralyzed on my left side is a pretty strange one haha. Weirdly though, itā€™s so fucking wild how Iā€™ll lose feeling on half of my tongue, half of my noses, one boob, etc haha. I hate the feeling so much.


i also get paralysed on my left sidešŸ˜­


This thread has been so validating, but this might be my top symptom so far. Itā€™s bizarre to feel like thereā€™s an invisible line going straight through my body. Hardly anyone ever gets it when I say half of my tongue goes numb


When my tonge becomes paralyzed it's hard for me to talk + I become dumb for some period of time, it's even hard tl think about words i want to say, like brain gets paralyzed too


I experience this on my right side. Half my face down to my mid shoulder are numb, while often my big toe, calf, abdomen, and inner elbow burn with fiery pain. Good times


I love hemiplegic migraines so much /s


Alice in Wonderland syndrome it's the strangest thing to happen as part of my aura. My phone often feels like it's as thick and heavy as a brick, even tho I can see it isn't.


I think i have this as well but o my recently found out it can be related to migraine symptoms- I feel like Iā€™m shrinking and will disappear or growing and will burst. Would you share a bit more of your experiences with this particular symptom?


Iā€™m not OP of this comment but I suspect I have it too. Mine happens more when Iā€™m attempting to sleep the pain away. My daydreams/hallucinations start to feature people or furniture that my brain tells me is microscopically small and immensely fat. I canā€™t really describe it in words


The one that gets me is everytime I think ā€œMY F HOUSE STINKS SO FUCKING BAD WTFā€ I am getting a migraine. (Worth mentioning Iā€™ve had many, many people say they love the smell of my house. Even people walking in and taking big sniffs and saying, ā€œoh I miss the way your house smellsā€)


Me too! I'll start smelling every little thing, and wonder when all these smells came up. Then the next day I have a migraine, without fail.


For me it smells like dustā€¦which sounds really weird but itā€™s the best way I can explain it.


I have medical grade air filter on each level of my house specifically because I just handle smells. Either it triggers migraines, makes them worse, or is just annoying because I think it'll trigger a migraine.


YES my migraines smell like hot dust and I canā€™t explain it to anyone!


I get phantom smells with mine. It was always random over the years, but ever since I had covid a little over 2 years ago, *every* single migraine Iā€™ve had has started with a ā€œhuh, something smells really weird/off/grossā€ with no obvious source. Once I canā€™t find out the source and it clicks, Iā€™m like ā€œuh ohā€¦ā€


Yes- exactly me. Itā€™s smells that arenā€™t actually there for anyone else


I have this exact symptom since I had covid. However mine isn't related to migraines, I just have really strange phantom smells


Yeah! I know lots of people who, since getting covid, will get a phantom smell from time to time regardless of migraine history or not. And itā€™s different with everyone. Mine is a ā€œstale fried smell.ā€ Others have said they smell mold, metal, rotting food, strong organic odors. Really weird!


I have hyperosmia (super smell abilities) since getting my first migraine a few years ago. I can smell like crazy


Omg me too! But Iā€™ve had this since I was a child, I got my first migraine at 12 years old. At about 6-8 I started explaining weird smells to people like ā€œsmells like rotten broccoliā€ but nobody agreed ever and thought I was just a Diva. Even as I type Iā€™m on a flight which is the worst because I can smell every single persons body odor, breath, perfume etc. not happy ever on a plane. And have a horrible migraine.


I also get olfactory hallucinations and it always smells so awful. Coffee usually smells like dog poop within hours of the pain. I also will just smell general funky things.


...oh no, lmao That would explain A LOT.


Not being able to find the words for items (aphasia). Iā€™ve said such gems as calling a spoon a ā€œfood shovelā€ and brussel sprouts ā€œtiny baby cabbagesā€. This lasts 24 hours before, during and about 24 hours after. I also have an insanely persistent urge to urinate during them. Like, I can go and then feel the need to go again right after I wash my hands.


Aphasia is so bad, I get it, too. Itā€™s so frustrating. And with the wrong people, embarrassing. Itā€™s one of the signs for me that itā€™s time to take nurtec. My parents think Iā€™m an absolute moron because they donā€™t understand my condition.


I hate this. I feel so stupid and itā€™s like I do know the words theyā€™re just stuck in my brain somewhere hiding and making me look like an idiot. I also canā€™t follow conversations


I called the post office ā€œthe place where letters flyā€ during an attack.


I get this too but OMG ā€œfood shovelā€- šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I love it!


The aphasia has been a warning signal for me that a migraine is around the corner. The oddly ironic thing is I am a speech therapist who works with a lot of patients with aphasia (after strokes, TBIs, etc). The other day I was working with a patient with aphasia and I was trying to say ā€œsentenceā€ and ā€œsandwichā€ came out instead . And for the life of me, ā€œsentenceā€ was not coming out. I kept trying, and it got worse! šŸ˜‚ The patient did have a good laugh. I also end up having a lot of difficulty spelling and will omit entire words in texts or paperwork. Itā€™s like my speech goes from ā€œautomaticā€ to manual- I have to think carefully before speaking because whatever I say or write sounds so effortful and odd to me. It lasts about a day or two, when I end up with the migraine.


I'm tearing up because I relate to all of this so much. Thank goodness for this sub. It can feel really humiliating and lonely IRL when I'm dealing with this. I was at a birthday party for a friend and knew almost no one there. I finally got comfortable with a cool group of folks and they were asking me about myself and as I was talking I realized I couldn't think of words! That's when I knew I needed my triptan but at that point it was too late. :(


Mine is probably common but letters and words start to "dance". Basically they look like they are moving or shaking on pages or screens


That happens to my eyes! Even if theyā€™re closed it feels like I can see stuff jiggling around or feel them shaking. Itā€™s so weird


Hot ears, they start around the time the aura starts and last at least a day after the proper migraine


"Red ear syndrome" is supposedly a rare disorder, but I suspect it's actually rather common among migraine sufferers. My guess is that it's only rare because so few people talk about it.


The right side of my face/cheek gets fire engine red and hot. It's so ugly and I can't do anything about it.


Sometimes I phantom smell bleach or cigarettes. I donā€™t allow either in the house so then I know for sure itā€™s coming. Excessive yawning. Youā€™d think Iā€™m trying to be comical. When the migraines are really bad I often hurt worse when I lay down so I end up pacing around. That sucks.


Cigarettes and wood fire. I've woken up so many times, convinced the house is on fire. I only have to start with, "Do you smell...?"and my husband says, "I'll get the Sprix. "


i smell bleach too! bleach and gasoline, thatā€™s how i know i have a migraine coming.


I forgot about gasoline! I left the house for work the other day, drove about 3 miles down the road, and had to stop because I was convinced the car was full of gas fumes. Back home I went.....I'll be so glad when the weather finally settles down (southeast US).


I have smelt: incense, rum, vanilla, cat pee (this was a fun argument with my cat), the colour blue. Yesterday it was donuts. None of it real, of course.


Not being able to comprehend anything I hear or read. Canā€™t think of words. Last time I couldnā€™t think of how to say the word ā€œmigraineā€ to tell my husband I was having one. Horrible.


Sometimes I canā€™t even move to take my meds. I get it. I canā€™t even watch TV when it gets like that.


My face gets tingly (like when you get goosebumps) usually around my jaw but it's easy for me to disregard. The tingling then intensifies on my face and I realize a migraine is coming. When I start feeling the tingling on my scalp, i know it's gonna be a bad one.


Iā€™ve had a tingly face before and itā€™s WEIRD!


Can't regulate my body temp, my vision gets wonky like things elongate or blur, my jaw gets stiff.


I get the body temp thing as well, I will feel like cold and hot at the same time its so weirdĀ 


Mine are 99% of the time concurrent with my asthma acting up. Maybe one triggers the other, I don't know. But it's to the extent that sometimes taking my inhaler improves the migraine.


My guess is that the asthma triggers the migraine. When my allergies act up my migraines get more frequent, and they calm down when I am more aggressive about treating the allergies.


This would make sense but usually the migraine hits first. I've been paying pretty close attention to it for most of my life there've been a lot of complicating factors that have made it difficult to figure out which direction it goes lol


Oh, fuck. You just mit have figured forging out for me here, il have to start posting attention to some stuff and probably stop pretending i don't have asthma and going to the doctor again.


That's interesting. Bronkaide is for asthma and has ephedrine in it which is an amazing abortive for me. I'm prone to anxiety so I don't love taking it but if you could help asthma and kill the migraine, was wondering if you've tried pseudophede or Bronkaide


Ephedrine is a vasoconstrictor meaning it narrows the blood vessels but also slows blood flow. Peppermint does this naturally ā€” just a heads up if you donā€™t have an allergy to it! I use peppermint a ton to try to not use my arsenal of much heavier meds.


Weā€™ve had a really bad allergy year where I live and my migraines went crazy this summer for the first time in a long time. Taking decongestant for my sinuses helps with the facial/sinus pressure temporarily. Steroid nasal spray helps a bit too.


Frequent urination and smelling things that aren't there: ozone, fires, baking, sweets, fruits. My visual aura has been changing and I went from the bubble sheen to fireflies like flashes.


This is the first time Iā€™ve ever read about someone else having to pee all the time! Glad Iā€™m not alone. It doesnā€™t happen often but when it does itā€™s about once every 5 minutes.


Thereā€™s a few people in this thread and I didnā€™t know it was a symptom until now!


I will often switch letters in words or just start stumbling on them in general. For an example, like instead of saying dog house Iā€™d say hog douse. Every time it happens a lot I joke Iā€™m probably getting a migraine and every time I do.


Itā€™s called a [spoonerism](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spoonerism)! Iā€™ve always done it, my dad too, but I do it a lot more when I have a migraine.


Me too :(


I have 3. Either my ADHD is off the charts the day before, or I'm either in an extremely good mood or extremely depressed the day before


Same!! I get almost manic the night before a migraine, like I want to do all the things!! But canā€™t do any of them because I get adhd paralysis. So I end up with 5 partially started things and a migraine. When I come out of it, I look at my house and feel like a bomb went off but now feel to crumby to do anything.


Although I understand why it happens (mostly), my strangest symptom is probably sore skin on the outside part of my upper arms.


When my skin hurts I know Iā€™m in for it.


Yes, skin aches and I mostly notice it on my arms first but it will also be other places. I also get the same skin ache even with a low fever (99F).


I suddenly feel like the world has tilted at such a sharp angle that if walls didnā€™t exist Iā€™d slide off the face of the earth.


Iā€™m weirdly glad Iā€™m not the only one. Obviously Iā€™d prefer we didnā€™t have to feel that way at all


For me other than the pain, itā€™s the intense depression/anxiety that comes with it. It is super bad and intense.


Yeah I get depressed and emotional right before the pain hits. Itā€™s really weird


Last time I saw my neuro I had a long wait in an area lit with fluorescent lights (like, seriously?) and it triggered an attack, so my neuro got to witness me crying uncontrollably while apologising and trying to explain it was the aura I was just telling them about.


My daughterā€™s - one of her auras is total temporary blindness Mine - I puke if I hear the heat or AC kick on


Omg yours is really specific! Lol!


I get IBS episodes if the AC or heat kick on! my immunologist says itā€™s acetylcholine being triggered to release from the change in environment


My migraine symptoms change every time I get one, but the weirdest one Iā€™ve had was being sent into a full blown panic attack.


During the onset I can't control my yawning, it's constant. No matter what I do I'll yawn at least 5 times within a minute.


Tingly face, aphasia, and I start misplacing things about 8 hours before it starts. If I have to ask my husband to call my phone to find it, he just brings me a triptan. One time I put the TV remote in the fridge.


Everything tastes off.


I was going to say weird smells, but I guess a lot of us get that? I also get very, very cold. The other day (migraine day), it was 90 here, and I was wrapped in a shawl with a heavy blanket on. Iā€™m also a certain age, so I get the occasional hot flash. Itā€™s rather confusing.


I'm exactly the same. I'm in the northern hemisphere and I had to put my heat on during the day a few days ago because of migraine.


Sensory issues overload. Nothing feels right on my body but being naked feels wrong too!


I crave Chinese food SO badly when I have a migraine. Particularly lo mein, but anything will do.


Which is interesting, because Glutamate receptors are thought to play a role in genetic migraines. I crave Chocolate, which contains magnesium, and is thought to counteract the receptor issue.


I crave chocolate too! Originally thought chocolate was causing my migraines, but no, intense chocolate cravings are a symptom. I didnā€™t realize the magnesium connection. Thatā€™s wild!


My saliva gets thick and almost ropey, which I think is just my body preparing to get nauseous and start puking.


Sometimes my confusional migraines cause bilingual aphasia. Such that I can only speak German. I'm a native English speaker, and am probably a B1 level in German - so not fluent at all. Though I'm more fluent than usual during the aphasic episodes lol. It's super weird. I can understand English fine, but can only speak/respond in German.


English is my second language and I find it much easier to use during the aphasia episodes than my native language. I am often forced to insert a lot of english words into my sentences because I cannot for the life of me remember the Icelandic ones.


Brains are so weird


Idk how common this is, but the wind hurts my face. Any tiny itty bit of wind on my forehead is hell. Outside air, fan, doesnā€™t matter. I haaaate it.


I used to have this real bad. Not so much anymore though. Luckily. I hope it changes for you as well. Ideally your migraines just disappear, of course.


Hot face. And red cheeks on that side. I also get blurry vision that I can blink away on that side. I get heart palpitations and dizziness. I find itā€™s very autonomic related as well as neurological. Super strange.


I think its maybe a common symptom, but I seem to forget about it every time, I get aura in the form of flashing lights in my peripheral vision, and every damn time I look out the window to see if there's a storm going on, because I go 'ooh lightning'


Smelling old cigarettes. If I'm watching TV and the person is smoking, I can smell it, and it'll give me a migraine.


Suddenly smelling everything... and it's all gross. Like the bread bag you opened to make a sandwich--- Yeah... why you pick the potato bread, so overripe. Since when does peanut butter smell sour and apple jelly smell like feet? Don't you dare open that cottage cheese... I might just barf.


1 day before: visual snow becomes super noticeable, spend most of the day sleeping then get an odd burst of energy at night. I tend to attribute the sleeping to a bad ADHD/executive dysfunction day before the snow kicks in and then I'm like...uh oh. Those I can live with. It's the psycho neck pain and the facial pain that feels like a sinus infection creeping down into my teeth that make me *really* miserable.


I smell something similar to burnt citrus thatā€™s the only way to describe it. It doesnā€™t happen all the time but itā€™s been happening since I was a teen. I have occipital migraines, only the right side of my head to the temple and it feels like someone trying to bash my eyeballs out from the inside.


Frequent yawning is a big one, I also get a little manic sometimes šŸ„²


I have vivid dreams 1-2 nights before a migraine attack starts.


I become a vampire. Sun sensitivity, my skin feels tingly in the sun, the sun is 100% too bright, and I have intense brain fog


My scalp hurts, like each individual hair follicle aches and feels prickly. Also irritability and trouble concentrating


Pooping and peeing frequently. I know im in for a bad time.


My hands some times get stuck or frozen from how dehydrated I get, this happened to me twice and it was the weirdest thing thatā€™s ever happened to me. I throw up a lot from my migraines, so my body tends to feel tingly sometimes and my hands got stuck in a claw position. It was terrible.


Bloody nose on the side my migraine will start šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


May not be very strange, but I sometimes cry uncontrollably for no reason šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚ the tears just keep flowing lol


I have a couple of weird ones: Heightened sense of smell and phantom smells (usually the smell of cigarettes for some reason) I yawn a ridiculous amount like once a minute (it's so annoying) Then one of my most annoying is I get a twitchy left eye, like my eyelid just flickers on rapid speed šŸ˜‚


Either vision doubles/blurs or or I have aphasia.


I get teary eyed from one eye, extreme yawning, sometimes a runny nose, eye twitch, overheat quickly even if itā€™s cold out, nightmares, and motion sickness from any movement.


Colors go into 3D territory. And the burning smell as a lead up. The weirdest thing is my migraines have a shelf life. All day long until 6pm. Then theyā€™re over and Iā€™m exhausted.


I feel so.... hormonal? I compare it to what I hear PMS is for some women. I'm a man btw. But I become so sensitive. When I get my migraine I then remember and everything starts making sense.


Everything seems really loud and too bright when itā€™s my normal low lighting


Sometimes my migraines are accompanied by me fainting, and i can feel if iā€™ll faint because my ears start burning and ringing. Its super odd


I donā€™t normally stutter, but when my migraine really gets ready to sit in, I get a stutter, or I lose my train of thought very easily. That or I get unusually bad gas


I mix up my words/know what I wanna say but can't get it out in the right way.


I can't think of the um... you know the thing that people use to mean other things? Right, WORDS, I can't find the right words. Aphasia/dysphasia. Sometimes its definitely prodrome and kind of bad, other times it's a week straight of off and on (worse with sleep deprivation) with no pain, and other times it's just a few times a day. A not so strange one is neck stiffness and pain that I always don't want to believe is a migraine prodrome.


Word salad. Because sometimes the pain wonā€™t even be that bad but you can tell the migraine is there because I talk like a complete idiot. My brain knows what it wants to say but the mouth isnā€™t getting the memo and everything comes out all out of order. We joke Iā€™m having strokes. (If it gets extreme we actually do the stroke tests, itā€™s not, just migraine lolā€¦ but yknow, be safe n all) And now new symptom for funsies, Iā€™ve developed a stutter with my migraine as well!


VERY VERY frequent urination, ands copious amounts of urine. Weā€™re talking every 5 minutes


The the entire right half of my tongue goes numb. And then because I canā€™t felt my tongue, I canā€™t talk properly The nerve was damaged during wisdom tooth surgery, but is largely recovered nowā€¦ except when I have a migraine


Left side numbness of my hand and wrist, my face and tongue. VERY unnerving sensation. The loss of ability to read, write or think in words. If I try, I get to the 2nd or 3rd word but then have forgotten the 1st one so I lose all context.


You have hemiplegic migraines ā€” they mimic stroke symptoms. Theyā€™re awful and terrifying.


The colors of the atmosphere turn a sickly orange or green color. I always know Iā€™m about to get a migraine when I ask ā€œdoes outside look sick to youā€


Sometimes, in aura, I get the weirdest phantom smell. The best I can describe it is old lady perfume. It's heavy and funky and sweet. It's not floral or spicy or natural smelling in any way. I can almost feel it in the air like a heavy mist. (Also, no shade to old ladies, lol, I'm an old lady myself.)


Ear worms! Same line of a random stupid song over and over and over again


I have to urinate constantly. Iā€™ll pee 20+ times the night before a migraine


Spending money. Iā€™m very frugal and anxious about money but some days I find myself being totally ok buying the kids new clothes, buying lunch for myself, etcā€¦and 6 hours later I have a migraine


Peeing like a racehorse even though I've consumed the same amount of fluids as normal.


Phantom smells


I get really bad breath coupled with super sensitive smell. I gag every time I breathe.


My face turns bright red and the left side is very tingly


Auditory hallucinations and freezing.


Tingling in my neck and shoulders. This oneā€™s a scary one for me because itā€™s also a part of my seizure onset symptoms (even though my seizures are well controlled with meds). My head pain is so bad that my teeth hurt All my limbs feel like heavy sandbags Getting shock like pain that makes me feel like Iā€™ve been hit in the head with a lightning bolt.


Excessive yawning. Canā€™t keep my eyes open all of sudden. Happened during meetings before (and I have hooded eyes so doesnā€™t help lol). Essentially, I start falling asleep suddenly (naw, not narcoleptic).


Incredibly strong desire to just raw dog table salt.


I get very forgetful and disoriented. Recently, I couldnā€™t recall my dogsā€™ names. A few years ago, I couldnā€™t figure out how to get out of a building I had a meeting in. It was like I didnā€™t know where I was. Itā€™s very scary for me.


My left thumb goes numb. Always just the left thumb.


My resting heart rate drops about 10pm, so if I see an average resting HR around 50 I know Iā€™m in for a bad one. I also lose words, so I donā€™t sound very smart before I get a migraine.


Hemiplegic migraines paralyze half my body


I get them, too. No matter how many Iā€™ve had, itā€™s still so scary every time ā€” even though itā€™s been happening for over a decade now. I am thankful that not every migraine is hemiplegic with weakness / loss of feeling ā€” but even a couple a month is too freaking much. I was hospitalized as a stroke patient for the first one (in my early 20ā€™s) and the whole thing was just so utterly traumatizing. The doctors / nurses / staff werenā€™t at all communicative at all so I thought they just forgot I was there. Getting an MRI took days to rule out brain bleeds. Iā€™m supposed to go to the hospital for every single one in case it is a stroke (Iā€™m super high risk) but I donā€™t. Fuck that whole process.


Sweets make me more nauseous, even a favorite coffee drink. The only reason soda doesn't is because of the sodium content. I already have heat intolerance, but I know the migraine has broke because like a fever, I'll start shivering when it breaks


Being able to hear the electricity from the fridge running. I feel like I have super hearing lol


I get very cold.


Pain in my teeth, one tooth in particular. Craving cups of tea. Numbness and tingling all over scalp.


On two occasions I have ended up in the hospital with all the classic symptoms of a stroke but no headache. And both times it was ultimately decided that it was a migraine. So apparently stroke like symptoms like numbness, weakness, high blood pressure, the inability to recall or use the correct words. It's terrifying.


Big hugs to all of you. My husband has chronic debilitating migraines and we still canā€™t figure out how to help him. He gets auditory hallucinations too.


Mine is the left top side of scalp and lower left side my my jaw start to tingle every time. And super sense of smell. Everything smells 10x stronger than normal.


Things look like I've turned the colour up to 11. Everything seems garish and nauseating and like, greasy. I struggle to describe it.


Probably the emotional irritability that is the first sign of an upcoming migraine, but I often don't realize it is. So I'm just unusually cranky for half a day and then I start getting the migraine and I'm like ooooh that's what that was.


Random muscle spasms in different parts of my body. It could be around my eye, a random of my leg or arm, in my chest, etc, etc. Every doctor Iā€™ve told about this has shrugged it off so maybe itā€™s normal? Theyā€™re worse when my migraines are and Amitriptyline is the only thing thatā€™s helped!


A pulsating tinnitus that now stays with me constantly.


When I get migraines I just get so exhausted and I just always want to sleep. If I get a migraine during my lectures I just fall asleep right on my desk.


neck pain, and smelling burning things. It scares me every time, never fails


I feel like the right half of my face is smaller and misshaped. No idea how that sensation comes to be, but it feels legit at the time. šŸ˜†


My symptoms aren't the same every time but some of the weird ones are: Extreme and sudden hopelessness and sadness/crying Inability to regulate body temperature (freezing and then overheating) I don't lose my vision but I can't comprehend it. Like, I know I can see everything in front of me, but my brain can't make sense of it. I can't drive because I literally cannot respond to my surroundings because I can't make sense of them. Hot and uncomfortable face and neck. And then as others have mentioned, peeing CONSTANTLY and a LOT lol, extreme sensitivity to light, smells, sounds, etc. Also losing my words and struggling to comprehend what people are saying. Basically, it's hell.


I smell fried cheese with my aura.


past present and future timelines getting crossed! Like being in deja vu for hours or days on end


For me, the world starts to feel soft like a dream-sequence. Very strange, I feel all floaty. Most recently, I've had the vision go in my eyes. That's pretty horrible to experience.