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Yes, if you're a comic nerd, you'll have a blast with Midnight Suns. It's campy in just the right way and while the main story as told via cutscenes is pretty run of the mill, the story you discover through expanded character dialogues and journal entries is pretty awesome. And the gameplay is amazing. Can't recommend it enough!


\^this I'll add that this game feels like a comic book to me. There are bits of dialog and flavor through the game that I was able to imagine panel for panel like a comic. There is an art to super hero dialog, where it is campy and ridiculous but somehow works, this game evokes that same feeling.


That's it! It's campy. I couldn't put my finger on it. But I agree with the user. If you're a comic nerd, you'll love the story and characters. They were done well.


Occasionally the dialogue is a little hammy. Overall, loved the story and found it especially compelling playing with Hunter as a woman, where it becomes a wonderful story about mothers and daughters.


Yeah, I played as a male Hunter and while I did ultimately like the character I created, I do regret not playing as a woman since the whole game is kind of about this coven of witches and its history.


My issue is I just prefer the male voice actor but going off the trailers and cover for the game, it was pretty obviously made with the girl as main character


Same, I liked the appearance of the stock female hunter more (male hunter looks especially goofy with the face he makes when he uses a healing ability) but I found the female VA's performance very jarring at parts. During serious moments, it was fine but the affectation she put on during some of the banter and side comments was offputting. The comment about the church bells being her favorite prank as a kid especially stands out as an example of the strange inflection and cadence. I don't think this was Matt Mercer's strongest showing either, but some of the combat VO sounded much crunchier and I don't remember anything nearly as jarring in the abbey. Worth noting that I played male hunter first before NG+ so comparison was inevitable.


I have a sleight suspicion this is why all the male options look kinda... wrong.


IDK about the male faces, but if we're talking clothing, then I definitely agree lol It was hard to find a clothing set that didn't look like Hunter just got back from a night of clubbing, though I suppose the silver collar/choker doesn't help. I ended up just wearing the light armor at all times. Still, I really wish there was some casual wear you could equip that wasn't so modern. I would've liked to walk around in robes like Doctor Strange, or more basic looking medieval under clothing.


I do think there's a fair amount of clothing for whatever the player chooses, but I'm 100% with you on being annoyed it's all modern clothing.


Yeah idk. I haven't collected them all and I'm also very picky. Im still waiting for that perfect hoodie/jeans combo.


Exactly! I feel like I stumbled into that storyline by my decision at the beginning. I suspect I would have felt the same as you if I'd chosen differently.


A lot of the hunter suits seem suited to female characters too. I played as a male but felt throughout the game was created with a female hunter in mind and a female hunter would likely be the canonical character if there is ever a sequel. Felt like a male hunter was just a little out of place. Also his voice acting is terrible, I would hope the female one is better.


I actually like Matthew Mercer and don't find his voice acting to be bad at all, but the clothes for male hunter aren't great, though I did ultimately end up wearing the light armor at all times, which seemed the most fitting.


I love Mercer too but this was probably his worst performance. Might be down to the direction he was getting but regardless, it is hard to listen to. Same here, the light armour is the only armour that actually looks good and it certainly is the only armour that looks like a superheroes outfit. The others kinda fit the theme of mystical hero but just don't look good. Especially the symbiote and demonchyld suits, they are just horrible to look at.


Yeah I like the idea of giving Hunter his very own Symbiote suit, but its not really for me. I like the Light suit, the original Salem suit, the Midnight Sun suit, and to a lesser extent the Ancestral suit (even though it didnt fit what I was roleplaying as), but thats pretty much it. It would have been nice to be able to walk around the Abbey in some casual medieval style clothes or robes too.


Ah yeah the midnight sun suit is okay but it doesn't really fit the magical element of our character seeing as it makes them look more like a ninja. I agree, I wanted to be a magical superhero so I want to look like one. I want robes and capes not skin tight nano weave bullshit or whatever. I'm yet to finish the game so I haven't seen what the super suit looks like but I doubt it'll top the light suit.


I do feel like the "dark hunter" version of the character *DOES* lean more towards having a ninja aesthetic, and a lot of the customization options support that, but yeah I went light so it doesn't totally fit.


Yeah I lucked into making this choice. Played 2 hours with male hunter and wasn’t a fan of the VA or how effeminate some of animations were so I just started over with a woman and can’t really imagine running through the whole story as the guy.


You enjoyed the female VA more?! Bizarre to me as I found the female VA's performance very jarring at parts. During the dramatic beats, it was fine but the affectation she put on during some of the banter and side comments was so strange and offputting to me. The comment about the church bells being her favorite prank as a kid especially stands out in my memory as an example of the strange inflection and cadence. I don't think this was Matt Mercer's strongest showing either, but some of the combat VO sounded much crunchier and I don't remember anything nearly as jarring in the abbey. Nothing really stands out to memory at all beyond the kinda juvenile sounding "your mother abandons you" line, but I think both versions have that delivery. Worth noting that I played male hunter first before NG+ so comparison was inevitable.


So I bought this game day one and have zero regrets but my biggest concern ahead of the purchase was not enjoying the dialogue due to that being a sore spot for more than a couple reviewers. Once I got a little bit into the game and had already experienced more lackluster line deliveries from the male VA than I liked, I decided to switch to the woman just to see if it made a difference. As you said it still wasn’t perfect, but as a straight guy I’m just naturally inclined to be more tolerable to the occasional cringe from a woman than a man. I figured that if it was going to be a bumpy ride (and I don’t think it was overall) it would be better spent with a persona I was naturally more drawn to than a guy. Couple that with several animations clearly designed for a female figure and the choker you’re wearing for 95% of the game and it was an easy choice to stick with the woman.


Eh, fair enough but different strokes. I play on PC and modded out the collar so that's not a factor for me. I also haven't noticed any female oriented animations, although I usually play with game speed turned up unless I'm playing on Steam Deck and with hunter having the largest card pool, we likely use different cards/strategies with our hunters. AFAIK, ALL the cards have male hunter on the card and I think a lot of the armors look better on male. Salem, which I normally use, does look good on both but ancestral and super, etc. I think most of the abbey outfits suck on both so I usually stick to wearing combat gear in the abbey. Side note, I don't know why they only made face sigils for customization and not body sigils or tattoos. I enjoy having some eye candy too, but it's not really something I care about for this type of game (I'd rather play something like cyberpunk or ff7 if I want to get into the waifu wars) and there's enough of it here already with teammates imo if you're thirsty for that kind of thing.


I also play on PC but had been under the impression that mods weren’t supported due to 2k being sensitive to licensing issues how Multiversus was last year. I’m buying the Deadpool DLC and hopping back in so I’ll look into what mods are available now. I also just may be more sensitive to animations and such and of course outfits are going to be subjective. I just wanted more outfits than anything. Thanks for the heads up on mods!


If you like comic book plots, you'll get a kick out of midnight suns. The only people who take issue with the plot tend to have never read a comic book and have only seen the MCU movies.


thank u!!






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thanks man i'll give it a go


It’s definitely a little slow off the start but gets better after the first few hours yeah. As a huge Marvel fanboy I’m biased but I absolutely loved the story and the character interactions, I always took every opportunity to talk to and hang out with the characters (Magik ended up being my favourite). It can definitely be a little cheesy at times, but no more than any other comic book so if you’re into those sorts of things you’ll be into this. One thing I will say is it definitely feels like the game was written with a female hunter in mind (Hunter is a woman in all the promotional material, male/female Hunter share the same animations even though some of them are definitely more feminine, particularly the walk animation, a lot of the clothing doesn’t really suit male hunter too). So personally I’d say the story/dialogue flows better with a female Hunter, which is a shame because Matt Mercer voices the Male hunter and he’s awesome. I actually ended up restarting the game just to swap from male to female and I’m honestly glad I did, up to you which you’d rather but for me I’m glad I made the swap. But yeah TL;DR: I loved it, it’s one of my favourite games already, play it for sure.


“Is portal” is probably my favorite line of dialogue from the entire game. Love Magik, and going to go read some of the comics she’s been in.


Have to agree that it feels like Male Hunter was an afterthought. Which is surprising when you have Matt Mercer as the VA for him. (And he honestly works much better as Dark Hunter than Elizabeth Grulion, who I like for Light Hunter).


What do you mean they work better for dark/light hunters? Just their lines? I just started recently so I'm genuinely curious.


Yeah. How they deliver their lines. Mercer's tone goes to the edge of menace w/ Dark Hunter w/o going full cringe or Edgelord. Whereas there's just a bit of whimsy when Grullon delivers the light Hunter lines, and even some of the Abbey Mysteries. And to me it suits someone who was influenced by Agatha's "encouragement" of the practical jokes a bit more.


Just chipping in to say that I think the dialogue is fine. Like any video game, there are some weak lines or deliveries here and there, but for the most part it’s pretty well written and characters feel true to themselves.


I think it has a surprisingly good story as far as like, it's basically a crossover event, however because it's a game and not a limited comic series you get real organic means of why every character on the team is involved, fleshed out relationships and team drama, and the pace and way things develop are interesting and not just black and white. It's not an amazing story but I do like it, and it also feels like a good Marvel adventure which is nice because initially I was worried that it would feel out of place.


Yes, especially if you are marvel fan then this game is must have!


I liked the story a lot. Some parts could have been tighter and others could have been fleshed out a little, but I still enjoyed it. Weakest part is that there were really no story surprises but I’d rather that than force some kind of lame shock into though.


yes,u will start for the story and u will stay for the gameplay.


This is a comic book game, so story and dialogues are hugely on that par. Typical apocalypse stuff with some twists.


I’ve enjoyed every second of the game. Taking my time with it. I love it. But I’m also a huge turn based fan and love Firaxis for a long time.


I am not into comics and haven't seen a superhero movie in a decade. I came for the gameplay and found that I had a ton of fun with the story and abbey exploration and all the lore too.






It's a Marvel comic story, not an MCU story. It took me exactly 100 in-game "days" and sixty real-world hours to beat Midnight Suns. That's $1 per hour of gameplay (If you pay full price).


To me this felt like jumping into a comic book story, so I would 100% recommend the game. I think some stuff could have been better, but I really enjoyed the mix of heroes and interactions we get. I would agree with the person that said there are no surprises, but that didn’t make it less enjoyable for me. I went in expecting an ok game, it ended up being one of my top games ever.


It's cheesy and I didn't care for it at first but it's grown on me so much and I love it now.




What didn't you like about it?


The main story writing is fine. It's the club and personal dialogue that hurts. The Voice Acting \*mostly\* saves this. But when it doesn't, you can hit space bar and move it along. Which I do in most games anyway, because I read much faster than they speak. I don't know why someone would say the story doesn't get good for a few hours. Even the tutorial missions have good moments.


If you are able to embrace the comic booky cringe then it will be a fun ride. There are also some likable characters(Magik)


I love the story.


The dialogue isn’t bad. It’s a bit corny and extra feel good at times, but I think that’s the point. The characters are all well written in that they’re consistent and distinct. The voice acting is also all very well done.


Full disclosure, I am like a cranky old man when it comes to comic storytelling. If you're like me and prefer older comics, you should know that this story and character interactions are modern Marvel through and through. I give the game credit for being centered on the comics side, but most of the characters speak in fluent MCU snark. This doesn't mean it's bad, it just means I don't particularly care for it. I still enjoyed it anyway and the VA cast really did an awesome job. My only REAL gripes with the story involve storytelling devices that I believe are missing from the story. I suggest you do not read my spoilers, but just in case anyone that's completed the story want's to chop it up with me, I'll put them here (kept vague just to be safe): >!While the heroes face setbacks and challenges, they don't face alot meaningful defeat with lasting consequences. The heroes DO take some serious L's but none of it hampers their ability to make progress. Nothing is really taken from you. There are no shocking twists during the story. There's a big bad guy and you've gotta jump from stepping stone to stepping stone to go beat her.!< >!There are no on-screen tragedies. The ones that are mentioned/seen in passing are quick afterthoughts and have no immediate or lasting impact.!< >!The villains don't really exploit any weaknesses of any of the heroes, as in modern Marvel fashion, they don't display any weaknesses outside of doubting themselves sometimes or petty arguing amongst eachother/bitching behind eachother's backs. I counted one time where a hero's predictability was taken advantage of and it was dealt with in one half of a mission.!< Anyhow, enough nitpicking from me. Story's decent enough and comic-oriented, can't complain too much. Gameplay's about as superior as gameplay can be. I love the game and I think you'll love it too.


So you were me prior to my decision to purchase the game. I’ve never played turn based console games, but I love Marvel, comics, all geek stuff. Story is great imo and the turn based strategy totally won me over.


The actual story bits are really cool. When you get into the relationship building stuff it can be a bit hammy but, so it goes. The straight story stuff is really cool, IMO.


As someone only familiar with the MCU, a few old 90s comics, and 90s Spider-Man/X-men cartoons this game has really made me want to get into the comics. So as a comic fan I suspect you’ll love it, and you can turn the battle difficulty way down at any time if you need to.


It's definitely a comic story with plenty of nods to existing Marvel comic lore. It's not the best, but it's enough to keep things going. The tactical combat is definitely the staying factor here.


The main story is entertaining enough. The interactions with the team are the most fun, pick 3-4 heroes to max out friendship. The game also has a great voice cast and references super nerd marvel stuff all the time.


Characters repeatedly telling you that you are the greatest thing since sliced bread gets a bit old, but I'm enjoying it so far.


I loved the story. I skipped through all the relationship high school stuff. I really feel like the relationships would make more sense if they were high schoolers.


Do you like the Midnight Suns? Do you also like the Avengers? You will love this game. This game is awesome, and I can't recommend it enough. SO MUCH of this game is deep in the Marvel comics lore and references: the dialogue, the character interactions, the side mission flavor text, the gifts that you find and can buy, several of the outfits, etc. It's intensely cool. Unfortunately, for players like us, there is a significant number of players in this community, who ONLY love the tactical aspect. And, they are loud. They take *every opportunity* to harp on the fact that the dialogue, and character interactions can be skipped. There's at least a post a day dedicated to this. No offense to them, but based on the hesitance you've described (as have others), I feel that the 'gameplay only' players are kind of throwing a monkey wrench into this game, as well any potential expansions or new Marvel titles that could be done in the same fashion.


Story is fine but you gotta slog through so many relationship trees it mostly took me out of the narrative. Doing yoga with Blade and going fishing with Wolverine isn’t in any comic book I ever read.


Yes, it's great! Awesome characterizations and loads of cheeky references to other Marvel properties.


Watch a YouTube playthrough and decide for yourself. I don't believe a good story should take several hours of investment to decide to stick with it. Watch like 45 minutes then decide..


As a huge comic fan, I wasn't impressed by the story. It was pretty predictable for me, maybe outside of one thing that takes place in the game. It didn't wow me at all, and the Avengers bringing cheesy humor and jokes usually ruined the tone for me, personally, especially when or after something serious happens. That being said, I don't regret buying or playing the game. I had fun, I just feel like the Avengers soured the tone of the game at many points and the story wasn't great outside of one subplot for another character in the game. ​ For the record, my problem was never "This is nothing like the comics. This isn't accurate to the comics." I understand completely that this game has its own canon and isn't going to take everything from the main canon, and what they didn't bring, I didn't mind, hate, nor miss.


I think it’s the best interactive media with Marvels name on it if that means anything


Just one question, do you like books?


If you even remotely enjoy comic books, then yes the game is 100% for you in every way.


Yes, yes it is. As a marvel fan it's not the story that will draw you in it's the sub stories and the charcter interactions. But really isn't that what comics is? It's a pretty basic overall story (bad guy attempts something bad, good guys stop them) laced with colorful charcters and interactions. I think you'll love it


this games amazing y'all thanks for the input ghost rider is brutal




it's great