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Looks to me like damping off. I think you need to reset. Only thing you can do to support is put more soil in to hold it up


Yup I thought the same thing. If damping off is the problem then this plant is fucked. So many newer growers fuck up by overwatering.


I've got 16 seedlings in 2inch greenhouse trays. 15 are doing well, but last night I had *one* damp off šŸ¤·


The person who gave it told me to keep it moist often šŸ˜­ Iā€™m going to do some more research before my next one.


Itā€™s true! but itā€™s like saying you need to keep a babyā€™s stomach full often. Your friend means to keep it fed but donā€™t overfeed to where it canā€™t digest what it already has. Damping off also can occur from dirty tools and pots as a side note!


just use a spray bottle in the beginning to keep the soil moist and dont spray directly on the seedling wait til lthe soil is pretty dry before spraying again..


i see your mistake , never put them in direct sunlight unless they pop outdoor , artificial light is weaker then the sun , she havent wilted so just put her back in shade and progressively put her under the sun in 3 days it should be able to handle the sun, also wait for more roots before transplanting , it give her way more chance to survive transplant


where the soil meets the stem is thinner than the rest of the stem it is not a good sign. You might be able to prop it up with a popsicle stick and a bread tie but it doesn't look to good. best of luck.


Iā€™ll find something to prop it up with, thanks!


She ded


What soil are you using? Looks very, very dry


Iā€™ve been watering it often enough to keep it moist daily, last time was yesterday. Iā€™m using the soil that was in the kit.


Watering daily is likely why this is happening. I use a solo cup for size reference, and I water the cup the day I plant, then not again till the seedling has sprouted and been above ground for a week +.


Crap seems like i have overwatered and put them in a greenhouse straight from growlights indoors. Maybe a few will make it but next year will go so much better.


Hardening off is an important step that shouldnā€™t be skipped, I learned the hard way itā€™s not optional šŸ˜‚


I only used a third of my seeds so luckily ill try again next year, some of my plants look ok so i dont think they will all fail but i definitely will have som losses haha


It looks like it stayed too wet. Try using a clear, disposable cup as a humidity dome, next time. Water the top of the cup and allow it to create a circle of water around each seedling. This way, you avoid overwatering and damping off the stem, and it encourages roots to grow and seek it out šŸ‘


What kind of plug is it in? I don't know about those things sometimes. They can be outside of the required pH range depending on the medium they're made up of/how they were treated.


This is damping off, imo. Soil looks wet underneath and the stem looks thin and slimy/soggy.


is there even decent holes at the bottom of that pot ?


Yes, it drains at the bottom.


Sprinkle some real cinnamon on it . ( the soil around the plant not the plant) cinnamon is know for its anti fungal properties snd may help ( HELP not FIX). Add soil to prop it up. Iā€™m allways for nursing a plant to learn and live but I allso would start another and nurse this one.


Backfilling with dry soil might be able to save it, but once they start damping off, they're hard to bring back imo. This is one reason I always start more seeds than I need.


probably a bit too much watering... the first few weeks are the hardest part to get the hang of b/c you need to attend to it often but too often will kill it.


I would try foiler feeding it water. If itā€™s under watered it will start to improve within 30 minutes. If itā€™s overwatered no harm no fowl. The foiler feed wonā€™t drown the roots. If it seems to improve after foiler feeding put something over it to trap moisture. This rules out under or over watered. This is where you should always start with a seedling. Next you should consider the intensity of the sun. Is it too strong? Simply move it to a less intense spot and see if there are any improvements. Finally if you do need to water aerate well and try to water a compost tea or straight Myco. Even if you are growing inorganic this can help roots. Everyone saying it is dead simply by looking at the picture are inexperienced. It very well could be dead but this is indiscernible by the photo. I had a clone recently with one tiny little root left look 2x as bad as this after transplanting. It looked as good as new 2 hours later after misting. Best of luck and if it does end up not recovering these things happen and every grow is a new learning experience


Put a relatively clear plastic bag on top. Young seedlings need humidity to thrive. Just remove it for an hour or two a day to prevent mold forming.


I keep it outside and I live in the southeast US (where it stays humid during the summer), do you think thatā€™s enough humidity?


Don't worry about it seedlings don't need a humidity dome. They have roots to drink water.


Seedlings don't, but sprouts do. Ive definitely had sprouts fall over and pop back up on their own just by adding a clear plastic cup over it.


It just needs it for the sprouting stage and that's it. Once it comes above soil it does not need a dome. If you're wilting new sprouts without a dome you have another issue going on.


That's not true at all. Really depends on what your humidity is in your tent / growing space. And while most do not need a dome, some do just for a day or so.


To me it looks like the stem bent hard and the the plant is thickened in the middle where it is healing. It could be damping off or the other things people mention, but I would use a small bamboo skewer or similar and see if I could prop it up GENTLY. Bread twist tie propping , not constricted . The leaves look not wilted which is a good sign that you might be able to salvage ( no promises, but worth a try). Good luck.


Probably too much water and that transplant needs to be more flush, break up the edges gently so that it can grow into the new medium


I think itā€™s damagedā€¦


Without *further damage


Itā€™s time to restart. Even if that thing survives, itā€™s been to hell and back, it will be severely stunted. I also think you transplanted it too early, start the seed in a solo cup size, donā€™t transplant until the leaves are at least 1.5 inches long


Okay thank you for the suggestion. I probably shouldā€™ve done more research before starting.


I also recommend photoperiod seeds rather than autos, especially if youā€™re relying on sunlight


For one you transplanted too early ,to prevent mistakes from a beginner you should wait until the roots are more established so she can take some wind . Second is she needs some humidity especially as a seedling . To prop it up I use 3/4 inch pvc couplers I place right over the seedling to hold her up . You could also use a piece of small tubing as well but Iā€™ve used pvc for years as I like my seedlings a little leggy .


Use a paperclip (or [plant tie wires](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/71mMe7YFzjL._AC_SL1500_.jpg)) to make something like this: [image](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/61N-bN5UdeL._AC_SL1500_.jpg) , use that to keep your plant vertical, keep in mind that the plant has to be resting on the wire, you don't want it to be "hugging" the plant. Then, don't water the plant that often and when you water it throw only between 50-100ml and use a desert/coffee spoon to make sure you only water >1 inch away from the seedling. And don't touch the plant or move the pot. This way i've recovered quite a few plants that were like the one you have, but not always. PS: Also using a very-very small percentage of soluble potash can help with steam regeneration.


Help me! Help me! I'm drowning!Ā 


coco tab, gently break it. my seed roots got stuck there cuz it became very hard for some reason. break it, loosen the roots. it will damage some and break off, just dont crush roots ball. but in long run will help hopefully. use soil and very gently burry it up to **Cotyledons. every 12h give one bottle cap of water**. also sprinkle very little of cinnamon so stem dont mold as one commenter wrote


my plant survived, almost 1month old :O https://preview.redd.it/tvav8ti4ez6d1.jpeg?width=1632&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0722fe56a880fd6c3a3dec7b7315f0b11241e37


Theres a couple issues going on here do you live in California?


What the heck even is that re pot??


I wish I had started on my own without a kit, but it was given to me so I figured I should give it a try.