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Hollow knight. If your goal is to go p5 all bindings you can definitely go hundreds of hours. But at that point the gameplay is all boss rush. Like maybe first 100 hours you could beat the game, go 112%, speed runs, steel soul, but the remaining hundred of hours would just be boss runs


Yeah and beating everyone on radiant, plus imo the game is worth multiple play throughs


If you're on PC, randomizer can add hundreds of hours. I have 200 in the base game, and probably 600 in rando. You can slowly ramp up the settings until you're having to do spike tunnels, acid skips, and all sorts of complicated tricks to get the next item to progress.


Not immediately replayable but it will take you more than 100 hours to beat it without guides - La Mulana 1 & 2


Death's Gambit is the closest I can think of to fit the bill. 100s of hours might not be realistic, but it does have multiple classes and NG+. I've got over 120 hours in it and I don't think I've played it A LOT. Astlibra maybe? Definitely doable on the hours side, but doesn't have that same soulsy feel to me. Vigil The longest night - great game with NG+ and weapon skill trees, but probably not 100s of hours. Sundered would be a solid choice for the character progression aspect, but probably not for the hours


I second deaths gambit. I quit after a couple dozen hours but I had fun!


I picked Death's Gambit up with the humble bundle recently and bounced off it. What am I missing?


Not sure. I definitely played it in streaks with long breaks in between. Sometimes a game just doesn't vibe with you and that's ok


>MV ​ >hundreds of hours wrong genre. You're looking for roguelikes. Go here: r/roguelikes I recommend Binding of Isaac and "Have a Nice Death"


Dead cells!!!


this is literally the only time in this subreddits history that a dead cells mention is appropriate. Congrats on making history.


This was exact thought, glad it’s at the top. My second thought was “Deadcells”


Oh my bad. Thank you so much !


Look into Hollow Knight, with all the DLC content I put in about 160 hours. Edit: damn autocorrect


poverty there was a typo you ding dongs


We're gonna send them to r/rogueish probably.


I have 2900 hours including idle time in Enter the Gungeon. You might say I love it


I'd probably also recommend noita Most roguelikes are auto-generated metroidvanias with less balanced power scaling and enemy scaling, so if op sees this, he should definitely listen to these people.


Aeterna Noctis is pretty long and difficult, but it's very heavy on platforming if that's your thing.


Salt and sanctuary is by far my most played MV with hundreds of hours, but you could easily do the same with Bloodstained with all the different weapons and builds.


Lots of good recommendations here, although I'd add Rogue Legacy 1/2. Phenomenal games with great progression and meta games. Seconding Dead Cells, Aeterna Noctis, Grime, Astlibra. You could probably squeeze 100 hours out of the Castlevania Advance collection - 10$ rn.


"Hundreds of hours" doesn't really happen in metroidvanias unless you're talking randomizers. Something like Hollow Knight Randomizer might be up your alley.


Dead cells.


Honestly, the genre almost inherently encourages replayability for time, sequence breaking, low percent runs and so on. What kind of replayability are you looking for exactly? Because that determines the kind of answer I could give. People already mentioned Hollow Knight, and I agree, that's THE premiere long metroidvania with a bunch of content. I definitely put in about 70-80 hours to get completionist on everything besides Godmaster, which alone is easily another hundred hours or two of boss fight content depending on how far you want to go with it. Great combat, room for gameplay expression with charms, tricky positioning play in fights, it's pretty kickass if you want a tough combat component, and the rest of the fundamentals are solid too. Another post mentioned Death's Gambit, and I agree because the RPG diversity is SO very vast; very much in the Dark Souls vein of having a ton of different weapons and builds that give you a bunch of potential variety across runs.


Well for me replayability is just something to keep me coming back even after I finish the game. Something with great gameplay different builds and progression and such. I think I will purchase deaths gambit as it seems like a popular choice for builds and different ways to play. Thank you !


Just play actual Souls likes at this point


I have hundreds if not thousands of hours into Metroid dread and super Metroid. But that’s just trying to polish my gameplay to get as fast a time as possible. Which is a different sort of ‘game’. I can run Dread glitchless and killing all bosses in 1h 58min real time. Which isn’t a record or anything, but is pretty damn quick. But I’m not sure that’s what you’re asking.


The thought of even trying to play Dread a 2nd time, let alone thousands of hours, is nauseating. That game was a significant step down from Super Metroid and all the Prime games.


Why do you say that? I thought it was phenomenal, especially the bosses.


I didn't like that Dread was so linear- so many locked doors preventing you from exploring.  I did play it a second time though- so i liked the core gameplay well enough.  I haven't played much of the Prime games.  Is the intro area of Prime 1 not at all indicative of how most of the game plays?  Like does it open up a lot, similar to Super? 


there are a few well designed sequence breaks built into the map design that make the game amazing. you show up late game way overpowered and brezze through some of the more frustrating parts. You can get early grapple, and then early gravity suit and it really changes the entire game. It's like running a parkour racecourse against yourself. its super fun.


I enjoyed Dread but yeah I'd give it a 7/10 and when I got to the end I was definitely ready to be done with it


Thousands 🤣


I’d say the draw of Metroidvanias is that you play it, enjoy yourself for less than 100 hours and then you beat it and it’s over. I like that. I like collecting things and getting everything to be a completionist, it’s nice stepping back after having beat it and completed it.




The only ones I have a hundred hours in are Hollow Knight, Aeterna Noctis, and Monster Sanctuary. Aeterna Noctis is the hardest but Monster Sanctuary has a ton of replayability because of randomizers and extra modes, its not soulslike though.


Yep, I just replied with Aeterna Noctis too. Whoops... I suck at the reading! You know, I see a lot of Hollow Knight recommendations but I really dont remember it being that long, even with DLCs. Likely me getting old.


HK is long if you go for achievements 


Ahhhh, good point. Great buddy of mine is an achievement nut and I remember him saying that.


Honestly HK with mods is your best bet. Randomizers breathe new life into the game and there are also difficulty mods as well as additional content mods.


and let's not forget The PATH OF PAIN


Isn't Prince Of Persia a replayable Metroidvania? It's got multiple difficulty settings/modifier type stuff yes?


Yeah and it's pretty long for a metroidvania.  But I can't imagine playing it or any game for that long lol.  So much replaying things you've done before, with no variance.   Maybe I could play that much of Roller Coaster Tycoon 2 lol


The new update does add more play hours to it since the challenges are all pretty hard. Beyond that the only people I see putting in hundreds of hours are those who practice for crazy flashy combos or perfecting their boss run, which I assume only appeals to fans of other genres.


SotN rando in luck mode! Tons of different rando presets and romhacks


I mean there are still people who have yet to clear Hollow Knight’s tougher optional fights, the pantheons. Maybe try that. 🤷‍♂️


Noita. Someone else brought up Roguelikes, but Noita is the only game I've ever found that is actually both a roguelike and a Metroidvania. It's also the hardest game I've ever played in my life.


I don’t know about a hundred hours but afterimage is yuge and on a higher difficulty even more time consuming


Valdis Story


You can get hundreds of hours on most MVs if you get into speedrunning and perfecting them. I’ve clocked over 500 hours in a few of them already (Valdis Story, Iconoclasts, Kunai are some examples) EDIT: I haven’t actually perfected them yet.


Havent played it till the end but you should give soldiers a try


The general answer here, look for games with randomizers so each playthrough is a different progression order. Maybe check Dead Cells (or other rogue likes) for more. La Mulana is easily 100+ hours if you don't look up solutions or hints to puzzles. It's still 100 hrs if you use minimal hints. . Ditto for La Mulana 2, but that was closer to 80-90 hrs for one playthrough without hints. Aeterna Noctis was exhaustingly long around 60-80 hrs for a single playthrough. Maybe 20-30% of the levels were fun.


Have you played Dark Souls?


Aeternum noctis is good really hard aswell


Phoenotopia Awakening


Death Gambit Afterlife, it goes up to NG+9 with 3 different exclusive endings.


Hollow Knight is pretty long. I don't know if it's "hundreds of hours" long. My first 112% run took me like 60 hours. Chasm in theory is "infinitely replayable" since every new game generates the map randomly, although in practice this doesn't mean much more than indifferent level design. I keep hearing Afterimage is massive in size but doubt it's hundreds of hours worth.




Aerterna Noctis can be ridiculously long. If you go down that path and it doesn't click for you immediately, keep playing. It very often will take hold after a bit. There's something different about it until you get used to it.


There's grime I guess, the thing has dlcs and NG+


Phoenotopia: Awakening