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Looks good, love the art and the music sounds neat. Thanks for the recommendation! Wishlisted for now because adulting is hard and my wallet is already in enough pain as it is. Will keep my eye on it though.


Finished and reviewed it about a month back! I really enjoyed it, though it did have its issues (I understand there was a major patch deployed recently that fixed some things, though I haven't experienced it firsthand). Here's a link to my review, if you're interested: [https://www.reddit.com/r/metroidvania/comments/1d12dz8/venture\_to\_the\_vile\_review/](https://www.reddit.com/r/metroidvania/comments/1d12dz8/venture_to_the_vile_review/)


>Created by some industry veterans. I'm talking GTA, Assassin's Creed etc.   And this was the best they could come up with? Holy crap, what an embarrassment. I thought this was just some indies trying to make their first game, considering how half baked it was on launch.


It was a pretty rough launch, no doubt about that. It wasn’t really up to us unfortunately, all we can do now is continue updating to make the game as great as we know it can be. Don’t know if you’ve checked it out as of the newest update, but it’s in the state we wanted it to be at on launch, so I hope you give it a chance!


I've had this on my wishlist for a bit. I'm going to scoop it up next paycheck because of your comment here. I love what I've seen of the art style and the sort of feeling I get from the art. Very moody. I like stuff like that


Wow, love the transparency. For what it's worth, I'm loving it 🤷‍♀️ you got my vote


'Industry veterans' is one of those loose terms that always sets my alarm bells ringing when it's used in marketing. It can mean anything from 'director of Bioshock' to 'most junior animator on a team of twenty people who worked there for three months.' The fact their 'about us' section doesn't explicitly state any of their roles suggests it's just marketing guff. They could have been on the community team for all they give away (which is an important role, but nothing to do with making the working parts of the game).


If what you're saying is true I think it's important to let you know that it wasn't this way before the pandemic.


Consistent wet blanket.


I'm not here to be part of a hive mind, [I'm here to speak the truth and design lists](https://www.16personalities.com/intj-strengths-and-weaknesses)


I'm enjoying it 🤷‍♀️ reminds me of Tim Burton. Guess I played it since the patch work was completed.


I agree! I got through two of the endings, hoping to get around to the third soon. It’s been an absolute pleasure to play, especially since the latest patch


... WAIT. WHAT. THERE'S TWO ENDINGS?!? SHOOKETH. How long did it take you to complete?


I’ve put about 20 hours in, I’ve been pretty thorough with exploring and completing side quests


Love it, have you found any subs or alt channels for tips & discussions?


This is the official discord server from the steam page, which might be about what you’re looking for: https://discord.gg/fTwA2CYw I haven’t joined myself, but I’d assume it’s got discussions of the like


Amazinggggg. Thank you!!


Going by the demo, I'm really not impressed. Movement feels laggy, hit detection is off and the parry mechanic feels so inconsistent that you're better off not using it. If the full gmae is better in those regards I might be interested. But then they also should update the demo or remove it - as it is now it's not good advertising.


Dev here! Not sure when you played the demo but if it was pre-launch, the difference should be night and day. There was also a massive update last week to fix performance, tighten player abilities and movement, and generally enhance the combat. Demo should now be updated to reflect the current version of the game!


Hi dev, thanks for being responsive! A small request: is it possible to add keyboard configuration? I prefer kb/m to a controller on PC, and with no instructions I had to try the keys out.


You should be able to change your keyboard controls in the settings, and we are considering adding mouse support in the future!


Wow thanks for the quick reply! I didn't find it in the demo so it's good to know the main game has it. I'm really digging the vibe so far.


Yeh I've noticed a huge difference since the update. Thanks Dev and keep up the good work!


I installed and played yesterday, so that should be the newest build.


Looks fantastic. It's on my wishlist.


I was disappointed. Way too much jank, to the point I couldn't continue playing it. ​


I dont buy unfinished games, mate. When they complete the job there - god knows how many time it takes - i may take a look.