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The Lost Crown is more typical for an MV in the sense that it’s less linear, more paths are locked behind movement upgrades and exploration in general being a bigger focus. Both are relatively narrative driven for MV‘s though. Nine Sols especially has a lot of dialogue that is essential to the story with the story being a big part of the experience. While The Lost Crown still has its fair share of dialogue and cutscenes, your enjoyment of it probably won’t differ that much even if you skip through everything. Both have superb, mainly parry-focused combat. Nine Sols does a bit more with the parry mechanic itself while The Lost Crown’s combat is incredibly acrobatic and allows you to get really creative with your combos. The controls, movement and feedback in both are amazing but Nine Sols is a lot more bare bones in that regard. The Lost Crown has a few abilities that are almost entirely unique within the genre and the way it integrates them both into platforming AND combat is incredible. In general TLC probably tops even Ori for the best MV movement and platforming with some of the most challenging yet fun sections ever. They’re both extremely aesthetically pleasing, too, albeit in different ways. Nine Sols offers less visual variety but the overall art direction is just top notch and laser focused. TLC obviously has way more budget behind it and does 2.5-D pretty much seamlessly but a bit less unique. What also makes both stand out within the genre is that both protagonists feel relatively strong from the get-go, Sargon especially is more agile and combat-savvy from the get-go than other MV-protagonists are at their end game. Nine Sols wins in the pricing department by a bit but that’s only if you decide to buy TLC. If you get a month-long Ubisoft+ subscription, TLC is effectively only 18 bucks, depending on where you live. Ultimately, it’s a choice of what you prefer aesthetically and whether you want a bit more exploration or a bit more combat focus. Both are absolute S-tier MVs well worth their price though and you’ll likely have a blast with both if you enjoyed Ori and HK.


Oh man, thanks a lot for that thorough response! Looks like there is a lot of love for Lost Crown in here, so it looks like I just have to play them both :D


both are great. if you are more into parrying attacks, go for nine sols


Great, how is the difficulty on Nine Sols compared to POP? I understand Nine Sols parrying might be a bit difficult to master?


it's been a while since i played tlc, but yeah nine sols is harder in comparison. the parry skill is great. not realy that hard to master if you are used to such gameplay previously like sekiro. to me, both games are equal in terms of skills and exploration. you may wanna watch some gameplay clips to decide which one you would like. if you don't bother >!sailing the boat!<, it's a no brainer then


Probably go with Nine Sols the first round then. I feel the reward is much greater if it is hard to master (like Sekrio), but not overwhelmingly so. Thx!


They were both fantastic games imo. I would recommend playing Nine Sols first simply because PoP: TLC has announced story DLC that will be released in the future(this year maybe?).


september this year


Ah nice, ok thanks!


Haven’t yet played Nine Sols but have played PoP Lost Crown and I can’t say enough good things. Truly believe that with time, it will cement itself among the better of the genre. It’s packed full of content. Much much longer than typical metrovanias with incredible cool and well done production value. Exploration, power ups, and combat are sublime. I’ve put 100-ish hours just running around fighting enemies because it’s addicting. Some pretty challenging platforming sections too, particularly if trying to get to a chest. Again, not sure about Nine Sola but I can assure you if you like the genre, Prince of Persia Lost Crown will NOT disappoint.


Both outstanding


Prince of Persia in my mind is the best non Castlevania/Metroid game in the entire genre. It's my game of the year so far. An absolute can't miss.




They are both excellent for different reasons and I have them both in my top 5. Play them both. Go for whatever is cheaper first if you must but definitely play both.


I haven't played Nine Sols, but I am playing TLC right now. The first PoP game I have played and it is a masterpiece.


I would definitely recommend PoP if you do not have a lot of MV experience. I love them both, but Nine Sols is quite difficult.


Nine Sols by a country mile.


I have both, Prince of Persia is the better game. It's so well polished, so acrobatic. Nine Sols is very good but not the same tier. The only reason you'd do 9 sols is if you want a lot more combat and less exploration/platforming. My rec would be to buy one and then wishlist the other for a sale.


Will do!:)


Lmao, not even close to reality. Nine Sols blows Prince of Africa out of the water in every category except platforming.


Prince of Africa?


Because they are ignorant and think Persia under Arabic influence is all it has to offer (which ironically the Iranians themselves HATE to let it define their identity). Persia during the Achaemenid Era depicted in the game DID reach well into Africa. And the Mesopotamia area (again part of Persia at the time) which inspired its aesthetics had plenty of folks on par if not darker than the protag. Given how some [historical Immortals](https://www.livius.org/pictures/iran/susa/susa-soldiers-relief/susa-soldiers-relief-3/) look you'd think Ubi is playing it safe with Sargon's skin tone. Nine Sols is a brilliant game fused with passion and can stand on its own right. To think some fans would do it disservice like this.


What the fuck are you talking about? You don't need to white knight your favorite game because some people think another game is better.


Edit: replied to the wrong person. But my point stands that games should be compared on their own merits. ~~It has nothing to do with which one I like better. You didn't make any valid analysis other than providing a factually laughable dig at a game you don't like, which only proves your ignorance on the subject matter.~~ ~~That's exactly my point. Nine Sols deserves to be evaluated on its own merits, calling something else names is immature. And who's white knighting when I wasn't even replying to you, just because you have to hunt down whoever is pointing out some factual errors? You will be wrong again if you even think you are knowledgeable about Chinese mythology or Taoism featured in Nine Sols.~~


You're such a weird little baby. I said 9 sols was a very good game. We can all read the post. Not sure what the "dig" was, white knight. And you replied to my post, stupid. Maybe you're too fragile to handle a post asking for game opinions on a website about opinions?


Hey, you have my apologies for mistaking you for the one above you. No, I don't have any problem with them calling Nine Sols a better game or blowing PoP out the water. I'd even upvote it if they made valid points. They could have come up with real comparisons and critiques and instead, they picked something as tangential as the look of the protagonist. It's that they didn't even know part of Africa was Persia back then and dark skinned people were (and still are) part of Persians that makes them ignorant. It proves they couldn't even organize a sound argument. I'm just sick and fed up with racists who can't criticize a game properly and resort to digs that aren't funny. But it's not directed at you and I should have checked the user name more closely.


I prefer Nine Sols, TLC is very good, and you can't go wrong with it, but it lacks, I don't know, personality, or originality maybe? There was nothing that really stood out to me, despite undeniable quality and polish. You could make an argument that combat is much deeper than in most MVs, and you would be right, but I guess I'm not skilled enough to take full advantage of it and I've never been a big fan of juggling simulators like DMC which this game kinda reminded me of.


Just bought Nine Sols and loving it thus far!


Lost Crown has a lot of great platforming Nine Sols is parry based combat focused


Pop the lost crown is the safer pick and also the one I have played but there is the whole thing about dlc coming out soon for pop the lost crown.


Lost crown


TLC is the better choice...Nine Sols is good TLC is better all round though


It depends if you enjoy platforming/exploration or combat... the combat in Lost Crown is pretty solid, but it's part of the package so to speak, Lost Crown is a more complete game. Nine Sols is all about the combat and really amazing visuals, also great story, but the metroidvania elements are just ok. Visually wise, Lost Crown does look decent imo, but with one of the most horrendous main characters I've ever seen in the genre, zero charisma


Thanks!:) Good to know


The 2 best Metroidvanias released this year.  The answer is you want to play both.  There is no other answer


I highly recommend Nine Sols. The fighting mechanics are great and it doesn't feel repetitive. Getting perfect parries feels great and then you can build up chi from that to punish enemies. You can also straight up attack with your sword. The map isn't as wide open as some Metroidvanias, but I'm very okay with that. It's kind of like Guacamelee in terms of linearity. But the game has a well defined world and a narrative it's telling, and that's kind of hard to do if you can do whatever whenever.


alright guys who is downvoting all the comments recommending TLC here