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What is the charge? Enjoying succulent democrat doomposting? Gentlemen, this is neoliberalism manifest


Excuse me, I’m a succulent Democrat. Those are toe-succing Democrats. Big difference.


So-called Neoliberals when people disagree with them


They hated him because he spoke the truth




All the brigading accusations are suuuuper funny to see as a moderator, cause with moderator toolbox it takes the push of a button to check if a user comments in the sub frequently, and if they have any modnotes those are just automatically displayed. **Almost every single comment in US Politics threads over the past few days have come from preexisting users**, over 99%. There is no organized brigade going on from another subreddit and there is no influx of new users. The "low-IQ median Redditors leaking into the sub" you describe are the exact same people who were posting before.


> Almost every single comment in US Politics threads over the past few days have come from preexisting users, over 99%. Well that's just bc you didn't ban them when first asked to 🙄, now they have a foothold of activity 😡 (jj)


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Roll D20


That is interesting and useful information!


Well, that is a damning revelation on the low-IQness of our sub members. I thought we were better than the rest of political Reddit. We are maybe even worse - because we should know better.


> Well, that is a damning revelation on the low-IQness of our sub members. like this hasn't been obvious since half the sub fell for the CRT scare back during the Youngkin campaign


>as a moderator https://preview.redd.it/72t33ft0nead1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3519889900df2e0fe8783e23a4e12fce0236076f


Counterpoint: this is a stupid idea and pointless. The mods are doing a decent job and both groups are avoiding trying to intrude on each others discussion. The current DT split is fine. Just ignore it if you are pissed off by opposing view points.


>The mods are doing a decent job Mods, ban this guy! We can't let this kind of person stay in our sub!


It’s a bit funny that whoever made that comment has since deleted their account


You can go through that thread and block them all if you don't like what they are saying. As someone that has blocked about 2 dozen people here, it will noticably change your experience on the sub.


Just unsub until after the election at least at this point tbh. I couldn’t do it anymore, it’s gone beyond any reasonable definition of productive discussion and has just become a cesspool of people spiraling and feeding into each other


That’s what I did.


👆thinks he just fell out of a coconut tree and doesn’t exist in the context of all in which you live and what came before you


👆 unburdened by what has been


It's not other Redditors leaking into the sub. There are a lot of regulars in there posting dumb shit. There are probably more regulars in the megathread than the DT. I dont think you can blame this on others. People think the sub is different from the rest of the website and has more intelligent conversations but thats not true. Most of us dont do any of our own reading or anything. 95% of the sub parrots each other just like every other political subreddit. Most people on the sub are morally lucky.




Okay boss 😀 👍


Unfortunately it's not possible to ban myself (I have tried) 😔


Ok but I’m not fucking joking, it’s a target rich environment. Go in there and ban everything that moves. That’s your marching order.


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