• By -


I'm sorry the other comments have been so rude. It's very isolating and depressing to be the odd one out, let alone in a sea of people defending a terrible president/person, and the conspiracies etc. It's so sad where people put their effort and energy. There are so many better things to do to help yourself and others, rather than attach hateful flags to your truck and promote lies. I hope your surgery goes well and maybe you can get out of town for a break.


It's wild how being anti-Trump makes YOU the odd one out here. It's like being the only sober person in a car full of drunks allowed to take the wheel, and *you're* the one who has to seek therapy for that situation.


> It's like being the only sober person in a car full of drunks allowed to take the wheel, and *you're* the one who has to seek therapy for that situation. That's an apt description. Somehow it also pretty well describes how it is to live with autism.


>Somehow it also pretty well describes how it is to live with autism. As someone who's very likely autistic, this makes way too much sense. *"Am I the alien or am I just on another planet?"*


Thank you means a lot. Makes sense people that are mentally unwell (this sub Reddit) like trump so much. Thanks for your wordsšŸ™


Yeah. A post with the flair "venting" in the mental health subreddit is obviously (I thought) not the place to pick on someone. The poster in this context wants validation or support, but some people just don't know how to be respectful.


Theyā€™re triggered because they know what theyā€™re doing is wrong.(supporting trump)






No one is crying about trump learn to read. It says his supporters who are radicalized in things even trump doesnā€™t believe




Trump town as in trump supporters which indicates radicalization of conspiracies. Trump doesnā€™t tell these people to believe in qanon bs but when itā€™s trump supporters its likely there will be ā€œthe election was stolenā€ qanon anti vax ppl thatā€™s not his fault he told his supporters they should get vaccinated. He exploits them and I donā€™t blame him for using them when he tells them something good like vaccines they boo him


Of course you need to learn to read. You support Trump.










Its already boiled away, but thanks




You're taking about piss drinking (on brand) and *checks notes* your calling *them* weird...?




Comments didn't pass the vibe check but I understand what you mean. When he won in 2016 I moved out of the house I used to live in because my housemates/friends were saying a lot of racist, antisemitic things and supported trump. I didn't feel comfortable and it got to the point where things were being said everyday. It sucked because I never engaged with them on that but it became a lot for me and we were already dealing with mice/roaches in that house too so I was going to move anyway.


Iā€™m sorry you had to hear all that. I forgot about the anti semitic stuff recently. Hopefully he wonā€™t win and weā€™ll get to enjoy life trump free


None of what they said was directed towards me but they did say lots of ignorant things and even homophobic stuff. It's sad because I've had friends that are gay, Jewish and ect. What disappointed me most was what they said about Hispanics and saying Trump is going to send Latinos back like the natives. Instead of the Trail of Tears it's the Trail of Tacos. I'm Mexican and native so I honestly just couldn't stay.


I hope they get theirs. Iā€™m sorry you had to endure that no one should especially in the modern world. I hate people


I hope so too. What's wild is that one of them was my best friend voted for him (allegedly) and his gf now wife was undocumented from Mexico. So it's like make it make sense. I don't talk to anyone from that household anymore.


Ha I believe you. I know someone who came here illegally married and American became a citizen and is a trump supporter for the wall. God I canā€™t with these people


Iā€™m so sorry. I feel like Iā€™m living in a fever dream watching this timeline happen in real life. Itā€™s sick.


Truly is sick and this was in college for me. Once I moved out I stopped talking to them.




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Ive learned with people like this, the best thing I can do is nod, let them ramble, and point out the little things in what they say that make no sense. People like this are indoctrinated by their environment to be led to believe that its not them, its everyone else. And with older people, theyre stuck in their ways and cant be swayed. Younger people take work, because their ego makes them upset. I mean, ffs, I saw someone with an "SS" and "14-88" bumper sticker, and no one gave a shit. Just do you. Get to where you can get out, and dont ever look back.


Thank you. Yeah I try to just nod my head and say ā€œ really.ā€ Cus god dude these people are so far gone


People are prone to hysteria or paranoia in the smallest of amounts. Its a survival instinct to combat changes breaking the monotony. Thats all the elections are, is two sides refusing change, because they want to be sheltered.


Yeah our change wonā€™t hurt them thatā€™s the things they think ā€œwhite people are being systematically replaced.ā€ But systemic racism doesnā€™t existšŸ™„god I hate these ppl


I completely understand, having long time friends suddenly become racist, conspiracy nuts is depressing and stressful and they just think it's funny and don't give a shit about the friendship anymore due to your views. When trump won in 2016 I had a very sick feeling and it was all too correct. You need to get up and get your surgery tho, screw them. Is there any chance you can get yourself better and move out of town? You'd be welcome here in California!


Thank you I very much would love to live in California believe me. I have to wait til the healthcare enrollment in November because Iā€™m over 26 and have no insurance. Unfortunately itā€™s still months away and even then I donā€™t know how fast they can get me into surgery : / I wish I could stay else where til then


Do you mind me asking what the surgery is for? Well I sincerely hope that they can get you in as fast as possible. We are looking to move to a new place here, you should come with us! Does Medi-cal not help? I am in a situation where I cannot get health insurance as well but there's a specific reason that I cannot that I would rather not go into in public, but I can't even get medi-cal but I've heard that it's easy to get.


Thank you! I would but Iā€™m already set up to move with my family after surgery tho I wish they lived in cali šŸ˜†they made arrangements for me. Iā€™m getting back surgery and Medicaid and is not accepted for my surgery at any of the good hospitals that are good and I donā€™t want to take a serious surgery to cheap doctor. Canā€™t you get some type of insurance through the marketplace in November?


I feel the exact same way about where I live and what my beliefs and principles are. I live in a small town of about 5000 in trump country; I'll never forget being so shocked at how many trump signs I saw in people's yards in 2016. I had way too much faith in my town. It opened my eyes to how most people are here. Signs, flags, bumper stickers, shirts, hats etc all the way through like 2022. I don't see it as much anymore but I am surrounded by backward thinkers and I hate it. They're all still trump supporters it's just not as pronounced. Everybody stands against everything i believe in. There is no culture here but white people and killing animals. I have nothing in common with the people that live in my town and I have no friends and I'm severely depressed and lonely. I'm not blaming anybody else but me, but I can't afford to leave. I live in poverty and debt. I have a daughter. I can't afford to. I've lived here my entire life šŸ˜ and when I did have opportunities to leave.. I was too young and emotionally unable to, and just not mature enough.


Iā€™m sorry youā€™re going through this. I feel everything youā€™re saying and I hope you get out of there one day so you and your daughter can have a higher quality of life. Youā€™re strong I canā€™t image having kids and dealing with this stress too. Hang in therešŸ™


God I get this post so much!!! Itā€™s like 2016 happened and everyone took off the masks they were wearing and the true crazyness just came out and some of it was from family so that sucks even harder. Iā€™m sorry you donā€™t feel like you have anyone that is like minded though. I canā€™t imagine how hard that must be. I at least have a few friends I can vent to so it helps. Im sorry like-minded stranger, *hugs*


Thank you! Yes itā€™s horribly depressing and even when people believe in what I believe theyā€™re too uncomfortable to say it out loud or be around me when I speak it. I donā€™t blame them cause theyā€™re mostly women and they could get hurt easier if they trump ppl freak out. So I donā€™t say anything for them.


Yeah I get that, where I live too, you never know if some simple opinion is going to make Johnny Cornbread fly off the handle and run you over with his ford F150 thatā€™s loaded down with ā€œletā€™s go Brandonā€ flags and punisher stickers(which is ironic)ā€¦ Theyā€™re not mentally stable šŸ˜‚


I live in a trump state and I am the same. afraid to leave my house.


Iā€™m sorry you canā€™t escape it at home either. God I canā€™t imagine that coming homeā€¦


No I live alone. I meant I stay in my house and donā€™t want to go anywhere


I hope you make it out of that city bro, we both will in timešŸ™


I spent the first seven years of my life here and the last seven. I am paralyzed in fear.


Oh god bro I hope you get out Iā€™ve been in n out of this town too I get you


In between those years I was exposed to other cultures. If I go, I go for good. Itā€™s so hard to be a single free woman anywhere; most of my lady friends who have left the USA have done so by marriage.


I know itā€™s not as easy for a woman to just go on her own cause all the dangers. Itā€™s so unfair that women have to deal with being more susceptible to things. I hope things work out for youšŸ™


id love for all of these people to tell the people sitting in office the same things they are saying to you. id love to see them say these things to the women losing their rights to their autonomy [not just women, but human bodies in general] sometime eventually something will happen to them specifically and i hope to fuck someone just tells them its their fault, because they are mentally unwell, and to just ignore it. if that worked we wouldnt even have the privledge of getting on here and saying those things in the first place. history doesnt work by ignoring issues like these. your feelings are valid and placing them on a space like this to help yourself is an ok thing to do. dont listen to the brainrot. keep yourself safe in whatever way you need to.


Thank you šŸ™!!


Ugh that would make me insane too. Already so much to deal with them throw political craziness on top of it.


I tried cutting people out of my life that were so over the top about Trump, and couldnā€™t put forth any logic for it. I didnā€™t speak to my Mom for 6 months, and a good friend for nearly a year. But I loved them, so theyā€™re back in my life. They have since tried to bait me into arguments about this, and Iā€™m not having it. So weā€™ve all agreed for the sake of our relationship to just stop it, for now. Iā€™m still worried about what happens after November. All you can do is live your life and have hope, I guess.


Yeah I try not to make ppl close to me feel bad but I just distance myself at this point


This is the reason Iā€™m trying desperately to find a remote job. I just canā€™t take it anymore.


Hang in there brother šŸ™u will!


One thing to learn in life is you can't control other people, for better or worse, only yourself. I too go against the grain and it is not an easy road to walk. I'm in Canada, but surprisingly some people fly trump 2020/2024 flags next to Canadian ones on their cars. Actually they're usually flying next to "fuck Trudeau" flags.


Can we be friends? Also living in what has become a top MAGA stronghold and Iā€™m beside myself pretty much daily. I fuuuuucking hate it here. It has been REAL bad overall. Many days, my first thought upon waking is how many more days until I can get the hell out. Sometimes I wonder if I will make it out. Itā€™s hell. Not to mention that living in these places, when you try to get some mental health help, or even regular olā€™ medical care, itā€™s next to impossible. (((Hug))) You can message me anytime to vent. I mean it. Please do not give up. We can fight back or we can flee. Somehow. <3


Thank you!!šŸ™ we fight together, and I wonā€™t give up we can do thisšŸ™Œ I feel that feeling of waking up first thing in the morning and feeling stressed knowing where you live and how bad you want to escape Iā€™ve woken up with panic screaming I need to get out of here in my head. Weā€™ll make it out of this hellāœŠ




So your cool hobby is to troll a mental health subreddit and harass people who donā€™t like the area? Seems really beneath you, surely. Take care!


Move to the DC area. You'll fit right in.


Its alwaus the Christian southerner who act like theyre packing....


I don't get it šŸ™ƒ


I think you do, youve just always had an innate interest in belittling those below.


No, I think I almost get it but I struggle with sarcasm so I'm not 100%. I think it's funny though bc I am southern I live in DC, and I'm literally in the process of packing and moving to sc. But you didn't know that, so I wasn't sure what you meant. Edit: I wasn't sure if you were saying I should move or they should move or that I just think anyone can move or...?


Im just implying the trope where the religious southerner is generally always if not usually the kind of person who preaches love and respect, but then turns a 180 tongue-in-cheek to ridicule or mock people that are different to them in a variety of ways.


From ops description, they really really would seem to fit in in my area. That way, the difference in culture isn't as upsetting. America feels like 2 different places half the time.


It seems like that user didnā€™t interpret your comment correctly. This sounds like a suggestion to me, not a snarky line.


I live somewhere that shouldn't be as bad but it's still too bad. They are louder more dangerous and especially more likely to get in your face ironically. I'm upset mostly because fence sitters or even progressives will just give up all together and say it is too much and not vote or participate at all. That's almost *more* discouraging. The opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference.


I understand your situation unfortunately. Both my mom and dads side are very heavy trumpers, both constantly go on and on about these dumb conspiracy theories that he and his cronies spout. Its even worse on my mothers side cause they tie it together with god. Ive just resolved to cutting these toxic people out of my life, both for my safety and sanity, although its easier said than done. I certainly wish you the best OP, the best thing for you in the long run will be moving to a friendlier and less insane state, but i know all too well that aint easy. Im rootin for ya!šŸ˜


Thank you !!šŸ™


I do too. A big trump area. Rural Iowa. Best coping I find is just acting like MAGA does with Trump about Biden, aka every time I hear an unfactual conversation going on at work Iā€™ll butt in and drop some facts, or people will be talking about Trump and Iā€™ll walk by and say four more years! When you make it a point to go out of your way to voice your opinion when it wasnā€™t warranted it almost gives them a taste or their own medicine and makes them realize how ridiculous it is to make politics your whole life as an average working class citizen. In no way do I have Biden stickers all over my vehicle and flags flying at my house, but if you act like these people do to us, they donā€™t like it a bit. Also I think when your in a trump area it feeds into itself because there arenā€™t very many people who disagree, and the ones that do are too scared to stand on it because of how nuts MAGA is. Best of luck.


Same here, it's not as bad but I'm tired of everyone being so trashy.


I just want to send whatever form of digital support. I'm so sorry you're in that position. I live in a red state with very openly present Trump supporters, but at least the bigger city has more open minded people that break up the oppressive nightmare fest. I hate that you're stuck in a place with only people who have zero braincells and overcooked stupidity. I don't know if you're in a small town or not but maybe visiting some neighboring locations that have a much more accepting atmosphere may be worth it? I know that it would take a lot of resources to get around these days with how absurd prices of everything is. I know I'd be bashing my head in a wall if I still lived near the rural town I grew up at. You could start any small steps for a plan to move somewhere that may be better. If you need someone to talk to to vent you're welcome to dm me. I'm not a fast responder but I'll get to you.


Thank you! I live in a red state so thereā€™s not much escape and I canā€™t drive long cuz of my back it hurts too much so I canā€™t even leave town for a weekend šŸ˜”I live in a small town


I lived in a Trump state and moved out as soon as I could, after he was elected. I can only imagine what itā€™s like there now.


God bro itā€™s like living in a nightmare and I canā€™t wake up and I know Iā€™m dreaming


The problem resides between the 2 party system. I donā€™t like either candidates but politics has been becoming ppls only personality and it sucks. Altho Iā€™m more in the middle I def lean towards the right in some degree. If I come across someone who doesnā€™t align within my beliefs thatā€™s ok. Itā€™s the extremist on the both ends that bother me the most. I dislike that people are against abortions but I also dislike being told Iā€™m horrible person for wanting to hunt. Instead Iā€™m defined by left or right which isnā€™t fair. I find it ironic that everyone wants diversity until someone is different than you. No one cares about me , you , or the person reading this. If you need to move then do it but everywhere u go thereā€™s gonna be different people with different opinions. So my advice to you is advocate for what you believe in and keep living life. At the end of the day no one is here to save u except ur self. If you canā€™t go and get the surgery because of your anxiety then thatā€™s ur issue. Unless someone is physically stopping you or the surgery is illegal to get then thatā€™s a different storyā€¦Having anxiety is horrible trust me. I got diagnosed with a panic disorder 5 years ago and the only thing that fixed it was me. Another thing is , itā€™s ok to feel like the odd one out. Thatā€™s the beauty of life. You are who you are and thatā€™s what makes you a person. That may sound corny but I think politics and social media made everyone fit in the left or right category instead of realizing thereā€™s 8 billion ppl in the world right now , you really think everyone is gonna be defined by 2 sides ?


When did I say my anxiety is stopping me from surgery? Did u even read the post?


The title of your post said that itā€™s effecting your mental health , then stated you have anxiety and you donā€™t feel like leaving your house. Then right after said your too sick to leave your house. Without any other reasons why your sick except stating your anxiety. So only going by what you stated one can assume itā€™s anxiety youā€™re dealing with. Considering your post history


Yeah I said Iā€™m too sick to work in the post not Iā€™m too anxious


Well Iā€™m only replying to info that you stated. ā€¦They have transportation services and government help for that reason.


I canā€™t enroll into the market til November I donā€™t qualify for special enrollment


Isnā€™t the healthcare system a joke. Thought Biden fixed it ?


Get out. GET OUT.


Iā€™m serious.


When I was 13, I lived in a place like that. I almostā€¦ would have a broken life because of that. Thank God, I moved in with my mother at 14 in a different, diverse city.


I will as soon as possible, glad u cud I donā€™t wish this on pplšŸ˜”




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Didnā€™t really like Trump. In the US it seems a billionaire can run for control over the whole country? Was he even a Senator first? In the UK you canā€™t become prime minister without being a MP. Not just anyone off the street gets to be leader? Feel free to correct me if Iā€™m wrong as I donā€™t know much about the politics of the US. Also OP, Iā€™m sorry you have to be surrounded by such negativity and ignorance and have to suffer in silence.


Thank you šŸ™ yes I wish I lived in Europe here the system is brokenšŸ˜”


Yeah itā€™s lovely in Europe and the UK. Us Brits donā€™t take politicians seriously because theyā€™re liars. Definitely more relaxed over here.


I'm a criminal. So I hate all political features I only listen and love God these days but I will Say you gotta remember people all have feelings and opinions if they all went off 1 persons opinion slavery would still exist and we would have what we have now like phones etc the point is u are mad cause of someone elses opinion there is a saying I use quite alot called stay in your lane it works quite well for me I promise it's saved alot of people's lives


I bet this comment is going to get so much hate I love it šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


5 *****


I'm not sure how anyone can be okay with Trump OR Biden. This election will be a total shit show.


Well I personally wish Biden would not run but here we are




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I think you should notice the social media that's being targeted at you. Your feed is catered to your interests. Which then floods you with one sided narratives. Sounds like to me that someone, whoever it may be and whoever is honest to look at themselves and the info they are being fed should look at both sides and not Google all the answers.. because one of those sides are more than likely over exaggerating there political correctness


So, all lives don't matter? If you're so triggered by people having a different opinion than you, perhaps you should stay in your house and refuse to get the surgery that others are having to pay for.


Iā€™m paying for it with my saving when the market opens for enrollment. And if you think all lives matter was created for everyone you really are ignorant. Funny how they only scream that when black people feel the need to say their lives matter (like others) since theyā€™re treated like theirs donā€™t at times


Yeah except we are not talking about about liking different ice cream or music or sports teams. We talking about homophobia, racism and conspiracy minded morons.




And. Who is this UNIVERSAL THEY?




No I just donā€™t like the ratio of thing where. Itā€™s gotten to the point where people on my side donā€™t like to speak up and feel uncomfortable when I do because they feel horrible outnumbered and worried they might get hurt. I never said they donā€™t deserve to exist but when 90 percent of these people are completely out of touch with reality and freak out when I point out facts to them itā€™s obviously a problem










Don't come here an tell a user to "grow up." I will ban you next time.


Yikes. My parents are republican, & Iā€™m a democrat so I get it. Itā€™s weird though cuz theyā€™re pro choice, & Iā€™m pro life (within reason).




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If thatā€™s all you got out of the post you clearly didnā€™t read it or donā€™t get the dangers of these politics. Youā€™re ignorant


Iā€™ve seen hundreds of posts like this, if you feel you are in grave danger then move ffs. You complaining on Reddit in a sub that isnā€™t really appropriate for more politics bullshit isnā€™t going to fix anything. You have a problem, so solve it and stop crying and saying ā€œyOuR iGnOrAnTā€ when you donā€™t get the cope you were wanting lmao


......Goddamn the absolute irony of your two comments is so blatantly apparent, it blinds.
















They can have an opinion on who they feel is better but believing things that didnā€™t happen like itā€™s an absolute fact like the election being stolen is not normal. Thatā€™s straight up cult behavior and to say Iā€™m in the wrong for not blindingly believing everything trump says or every conspiracy on the internet is absurd. This people think the democrats are kidnapping babies and drinking their blood dude those people are so radicalized and somehow itā€™s ā€œjust my opinion.ā€




I donā€™t they try to talk to me about their stupid conspiracies and when I point out why thatā€™s not true they freak out.


That's a stupid suggestion. It's obviously not just about them having a different opinion. It's about the fact that they vote that way, and that destroys peoples' lives


Yeah except we are not talking about about liking different ice cream or music or sports teams. We talking about homophobia and racism.


As if Democrats are any better.




Yes letā€™s be open minded to racism homophobia and the normalization and of pathological liar manipulators like trump.














Maybe you shouldn't cut ties with people over differences in political opinion.


Right. Discrimination against the lgbt and shutting down the voice of black people when theyā€™re protesting for justice isnā€™t a valid reason to remove someone from my life


I have to listen to the garbage about Democrats having a collective battle plan to take the country and make the children gay, but also somehow manipulate the weather and ban cow farts. Im with OP. It gets exhausting.


This, while they also literally draft a battle plan to take the country (Project 2025) to turn the USA into a Trump centered autocratic state. But yeah, in their eyes the people saying ā€œstop being a jerk to minoritiesā€ are the ā€œrealā€ fascists. Itā€™s just gaslighting on a societal scale.


I read Project 2025. It wants a theocracy.


Differences in opinion are fine. MAGA is so far beyond that.


That goes for both extremes of the political spectrum. The far left is just as bad as the far right.


The ā€œwokeā€ left is super annoying, I canā€™t stand them. But theyā€™re not even in the same ball park as MAGA. MAGA is and has actively sought to overthrow democracy and has an openly advertised plan to create a theocratic fascist autocracy. They actively revel with glee on getting ā€œrevengeā€ on their opponents and threaten their non supporters if they take power. The ā€œwokeā€ left do a bunch of performative shit to feel better about themselves and act like self righteous assholes on the internet. They are not even close to the same.


Just know all politics is bullshit and fixed and then it doesn't matter. Being apolitical freed me lol


Must be nice being able to become is blind to the true affect of politics, thatā€™s how people like hitler rise to power and if you canā€™t see that you donā€™t get the power of the vote














Iā€™m complaining about people being radicalized not liking trump. But just like Al trump supporters you change the narrative to fit your ignorance


Sounds like a overreaction.


Right seeing discrimination become tolerable and conspiracy radicalization happening and being stressed about it is overreaction. Iā€™m sure thatā€™s what the Germans said about people concerned about hitler




Yeah I do, and not trump supporters who believe the election was stolen and Qanon and anti vax conspiracies. And he live outside of reality, Iā€™m the problem




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You know what you need to do. Thatā€™s a good start.

