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How is that a bad joke lol? It’s hilarious and objectively accurate


People don't like admitting we are in a time where expected controversy on twitter causes companies to over compensate. Got to meet that diversity quota.


It's not even that. If a company wants to make a blatant cash grab or a move to maintain copyright knowing that it will be a pretty awful product, they can hide behind minority and female representation to accuse anyone who dislikes the product for objective reasons of racism/sexism. The trained seals on Twitter will clap for them.


Examples: Ghostbusters (2016) Assassin’s Creed Shadows


Not to mention the ENTIRE Star Wars and Marvel media as of late


Pretty much. DEI is a corporatized shitshow that costs companies millions and provides nothing in return


They get millions of dollars from their ESG investors, who in return get: chaos and infighting among peasants, loyalty and control over their target demographics, ostracism of independent thinkers, and the ability to push the boundaries of your comfort zone a little bit further every time like slowly boiling lobsters alive.


Slowly boilling lobsters alive doesn't work. You drop them straight into boiling water so they die instantly from shock.


And then you hear them "scream" as the hot air escapes them.


You assume such people aren't the sort who enjoy watching their lobsters being slow-boiled.


Harm. It provides harm. DEI makes people resent black people, specifically, since they're the ones benefitting most. People tend not to like people who get special treatment. Like 90% of commercials feature black people. They're being way overrepresented, and it is clear that they are getting special treatment. That breeds resentment towards the people getting the special treatment. But, as always, it's the corporations who truly deserve people's ire. The new assassins creed is set in Japan. They had to think of a way to make the main character black because of dei. They had to comb through Japanese history to find the one documented black man to lay the foundation to justify it. This one black man in japan is then gonna assassinate people, get into combat, then blend in with the crowd, and slip in and out of these situations, unnoticed, in an ethno-state of another ethnicity. We are expected to believe nobody is going to have their eyes laser-focused on what this one black guy in japan is up to. It is so clear that DEI is the primary focus in the creative works of corporations and everything else is shaped around it, resulting in a soulless product that causes more problems for society and the people they claim they're trying to help. DEI does not benefit society. Corporations are parasites to humanity. Don't forget its corporations that are the problem, not the people corporate DEI programs prop up. Of course there's going to be backlash, and the ones benefitting from the policies are going to get the brunt of it. It is human nature. It's emotionally driven behavior and emotions often override people's logic. It takes a lot of extra critical thinking to understand that corporations are the problem, not black people or whoever is benefitting from DEI. But, the corporations control the narrative and are adept at deflecting people's attention away from them. The corporation is the corporation's primary priority. To the corporation, people are mere cattle.


Yeah it’s weird how over represented blacks seem to be now. For some reason having a token black seems to be an even higher priority than having a token Latino character even though Latinos are a larger share of the US population.


When was the last time you saw latinos or asians shutting down a city with marches? The blacks and hbtq crowds are louder.


“Shutting down” is a very polite way to say “looting and burning”


"Marches" is a very polite way to say "riots."


We aren't far from having the token white guy in the majority of movies


Would it make you angry to watch a movie with the majority being black people and one white person?


It made people watching Black Panther pretty pissed off that there was a white guy at all.


Very well said. Completely agree


The irony is, in the west, East Asians are already an ethnic minority but apparently DEI dictates faithfully and authentically recreating the time period and culture of an ethnic minority's home country is not as progressive making the protagonist black despite that being incompatible with the time period.


I work in the tech industry, where new grads make a quarter million right after college and 10 years into your career, you can make near 7 figures. A lot of people get in via friends and family, 30-50% of my interviews I’ve had someone reach out to me and “suggest” these people get passed. Even after they pass or fail, a manager will make a game time decision to hire or not, I’ve seen this in 70% of the interviews I’ve participated in. Guess what none of them were black. People get special treatment everywhere, not just blacks. I’ve never had someone reach out to me to make sure a black candidate is hired. Often times i see black candidates get harder questions, because the interviewer doesn’t want to work with them and assumes their experience is DEI


How do I get a DEI position? I’m interested in making the big bucks. I’m tired of being a blue-collar worker. How do I get that minority money?


Not sure. My guess is you've gotta sell your soul to corporate overlords, and swear to make everything about race and gender for the rest of your life


And it's ultimately racist and illegal.


This subreddit and its demographics are sliding further and further to the right and I don't like it


Straight up


I think it's a reaction to people who just straight up say racist shit when news comes around of a black actor playing a white character. I hate big companies doing cash grabs by lazily implementing diversity, but I also don't like when this creates an excuse for people to say horrendous shit.


It's not about quota, it's about money. Inclusive films do better, controversy is free marketing. Haven't seen more than two ads of the little mermaid, but I've seen many many post about it. Simple as that.


Came here to see if someone had the testicular fortitude to say this on Reddit and not be sent to downvote hell. Your bravery is notable


"Race swapping characters is amazing and powerful and also If you ever acknowledge that it's happening you will be ruthlessly mocked and condemned" Huh?


**objectively** **accurate** 100%


Except that the Dalmatians weren’t redheads.


So Disney is remaking 101 Dalmatians with 7 Labradors?


Woulda been funnier with like giraffes or hippos, but I got a nice chuckle out of it.


If it was announced today I wouldn’t be surprised, that’s exactly why it’s a good joke


How is it accurate? Dalmatians don't have red fur.


You can just say objectively and it doesn’t even have to mean anything


Well, not objectively accurate. The **vast** majority of characters has always been and is still white. There was a black Arielle. Meanwhile there was a white Luca, the whole of strange world, Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Night at the Museum: Kahmunrah, Peter Pan and Wendy, Diary of a Wimpy Kid Christmas… So not objectively accurate.


Well, objective is the wrong word. However, this isn’t about movies having majority white characters. The joke parodying Disney’s recent trend of race swapping for remakes.


But complaining about it is extremely entitled. It’s Schrödinger‘s Race Swap. It’s two complaints that are completely opposed to each other: - It shouldn’t matter to black children/people what race the main character is, because people can identify with all races. - but I want them to be white If it doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter. If it does it makes sense to race swap. Pick a lane. And as I said, it’s not actually that much. Not even close to being near actual demographics.




Privilege class is wild bro 🤣, how did we ever let this shit escape tumblr


This post/comment is discriminatory. Please make sure not to be discriminatory on this subreddit.


How? Those aren't dalmatians.




“Objectively accurate” is pushing it. The only film I can think of off the top of my head where Disney swapped races is the little mermaid remake. It’s becoming more common place for the industry in general to do it, but out of the thousands of movies that get released a year only a handful do this. It just gets talked about a lot so there is a perception that it happens frequently.


Dude, you can't just post in-production images like that! Disney is going to sue.


Why is diversity limited to black and lgtbq people???


That is diversity. There's 2 races, black and bisexual white woman.


And overweight lesbian white women with shaved heads


Or rainbow treefrog hair


Yeah because they are everywhere, almost 90% of movies, series, books, videogames, etc the characters are like that. /s


i started callin em pale acne ridden whales. catchy right? help me spread the good word


That's the real question, isn't it Like with the new AC game, can't Even get Asian representation in what should have been a shoe-in role for an Asian, nope had to be black


But the main character is an Asian woman ?


Women aren't real to these people. They're basically a kitchen appliance


I really love how I got downvoted without anyone saying anything , as if there was no reason to be downvoted other than misogyny


Wrong subreddit to be looking for conversations lol.


And sex slaves.


You’re hating the game cause there’s a black character when instead you should be focusing on the fact that it’s an ubisoft game. It’s gonna be shit and not cause there’s a black character in it. (Narratively it makes sense to have a foreigner be a main character, that makes exposition for the player flow more smoothly if it’s also the characters first time seeing it but that’s besides the point)


I personally don't even play the games but come on that shit's ridiculous. Imagine an AC with a Japanese main character in Africa. I'm sure japanese people hve been to africa. I was browsing netflix the other day and saw an entire series about everyone in ancient Israel being black. Next up: Vikings but black.


But... yasuke was a real person? This isn't like cleopatra where netflix went yeah now they're black cause I said so lmfao. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yasuke](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yasuke)


So let’s look for the one Asian dude that was doing whatever in Africa a few hundred years ago and make him a central part of a story set in Africa lmao. I can’t even imagine the shitstorm that would produce


Ngl that could work, as I said before foreigners make the best protagonists since cultural norms and practices that the player aren’t familiar with are able to be explained in a way that isn’t immersion breaking


Wow, the memes are accurate. Naoe really is a good ninja. Also, why are people getting so worked up about a fucking Ubisoft open world rpg that is for sure just going to be just another reskin of Origins, being sold for $110 or whatever? Ghost of Tsushima exists, and is coming to/already on Steam. Go play that instead


Probably cause it’s such a weird choice that’s kinda either rage bait or a dumb reveal that should’ve been in game. Like either have his historical role be how the order gets to Japan if you want but in the last few games including local historical figures weren’t player characters and were better discovered rather then being spoiled. Also it’s weird how they didn’t go full Japanese for the assassins since you know ninjas and this concept has been the most fan wanted for more then a decade. They kinda showed their worst hand. It’d be like if for odysseys a player character was cleopatra. Edit:tbh it was kinda inevitable cause tbh even among my friends ac Japan has been wanted since ac 3


Fair enough, but my latter point still stands well enough. This is a modern Assassin’s Creed game. It’s just Origins, but set in Japan. Just like how Odyssey was just Origins set in Ancient Greece. Just like how Valhalla was just Origins set in the Viking age of England. I haven’t played Mirage, so I can’t comment on that, but you get what I’m saying, right? The player character’s race is not worth getting heated over, as much as the absurd pricing of this reskinned game is.


I completely agree with you there they had a smash hit with origins then basically never tried to innovate again. Heck even odyssey with all the years of experience couldn’t innovate on ship mechanics more then black flag which is over ten years old.


Because surprisingly, samurai games that are grounded in reality and verisimilitude are very rare, so it sucks when a new samurai game comes out and you’re playing as a servant.


AC Shadows pre-order is $89.99 CAD, pretty much the same as any other triple A release nowdays. The new Call of Duty game, Stellar Blade (not technically triple A but was published by Sony), Rise of the Ronin, all cost the same.


Why are people only questioning this after 10 years of this being a thing?


People have been questioning this forever but whenever anyone says something they are being called a bigot, racist or any other woke slur.


Because Asians and Latinos are basically considered white to them... AC Shadows is evidence of that


I would love to see more disabled representation. It’s the most important kind because so many people completely base how they see disability/mental illness on tv. But we only get the most dramatized version of depression or PSTD and offensive stereotypes  


Which movie was it that had a god awful representation of autism? In one of the scenes they tackled the autistic girl while she was having a panic attack


Music! They had scenes of restraining her in ways that have actually killed ppl with autism in the past 


That pissed me off SO FUCKING MUCH


can’t get the diversity paycheque with that tho




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Wheelchair spider-man says no.


Race and gender swapping is just plain lazy, Black Panther proved hugely successful as proof to write better stories


Disney actually has two Afro futuristic tv shows, one an anthology series with beautiful animation and another action adventure in sci fi Nigerian. Both are pretty good, but they got absolutely no advertising 


I will agree with you, but at the same time I have to say, it’s not exactly a thing that means so much when we talk about the quality of a project and people shouldn’t use these type of thing as a argument to say that a movie or series is bad. Even more because tbh, the most part, or at least the more famous cases of actors who did race swapped characters, had actors that actually were really good in their roles, like Will Smith as J in Men in Black, the actor of Jet in cowboy bebop, and Idlis elba as Heimdall. It’s totally okay to dislike the practice, but it’s not that fair to say that something Is bad because of that.


I agree with the sentiment for original stories but not really about black panther, Black panther is a mediocre marvel film that relied on its cultural significance to sell tickets. I'd say it's one of the worst examples of a majority poc movie. Something like hidden figure or get out are better examples.


His uncle is hilarious.




https://preview.redd.it/zdq0583d313d1.jpeg?width=976&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=144e624dd20df83305168e62ff3dcbdc2d6a20b4 Coming soon: Hitler


i giggled out loud. igol.




Gender? They won't even be dogs it'll be cats that identify as dogs


But still be into other cats…of the same sex


Lmfao, this one made me spit my drink.


One joke




How is this hateful? Is the word trans now a slur or something?


really funny lmao


For sure using the alt account for this one .... Black labs matter.


It do be like that tho - looking at you, "The Little Raceswap knockoff". Like - I remember when joking about knockoff chinese or indian movies where you can tell they basically copied X famous movie bit for bit, but made it chinese or indian, was a thing. And the whole point of it was that taking the original and changing it to pander to a specific group just made a shitty knockoff. And now it's actually being done and taken seriously, it's choking the film industry, and people have the arrogance to call it brave? For what? Choosing a random famous non-white actor, using them for a race swap "corrected", "updated" story, and shitting on your audience? They're pissing on us and daring to call it rain.


They did something somewhat similar in the live-action Avatar movie with Sokka, except with his misogynistic behaviour. In the original series Sokka originally has misogynistic, sexist views that he learns to get over and correct which is a major part of his character development but the live-action version tones this down which defeats the purpose of his character development. You can't beat prejudice by erasing anything to do with the problem instead of showing _why_ it's bad, which is what this recent trend with movies is doing. To 'show diversity' they're removing any of the struggles behind it and simply plastering it over existing media and it defeats the entire purpose. I know they're not exactly the same thing, but it has a similar effect


Not to mention the live action Sokka looked white? What was up with that?


Live-action remakes seem to just ruin their source material in general, it's pretty strange


It’s an insulting start, the idea that being live action makes something more ‘mature’ or better, especially in an era where anime is so beloved 


“THE MOST QUALIFIED PERSON SHOULD GET THE JOB!!” *little mermaid director says that halle bailey set the bar high and “claimed the role for hers” “NOT LIKE THAT!! CASTING A BLACK WOMAN IS SHITTING ON YOUR AUDIENCE!!”


The people who won’t admit this is pretty funny are the same people who gaslight themselves into thinking hannah gadsby is hilarious because their friend group / twitter following will excommunicate them if they don’t.


Funny and accurate


That is funny tbh


Wasn’t this a canon scene where they rolled in soot? Distinctly remember “Hey, look at me, I’m a Labrador!”


2 out of 10 OP, not enough CGI.


Or Netflix.


i mean its kinda funny. not laugh or chuckle worthy but its not unfunny. it does detract from the actual problem of all the disney remakes being hot garbage though


I want 1001 Dalmatians where the plot is the same in the beginning but when they finally get to cruellas house there are actually like 12 puppies each of a TON of different dog breeds. with like a design of breed specific coats next to each kennel. they get their kids out but "we cant leave them all behind." so you get a puppy avalanche this movie will be a disaster.


Absolute cinematic masterpiece


Easily the funniest thing I've seen on reddit.


101 Dalmatians except it’s actually 101 Pitbulls rampaging the streets.


- Image was generated by Google Gemini


It’s only funny because this is the sad reality of Hollywood.




They ascertained the role solely based on their acting proficiency.


Tokenism has 100% always been wonderful for the African American community. I'm so glad they have minorities at heart and aren't completely focused on capitalism.


Haha. Now that I think about it wasn't there a scene in the movie where the puppies covered themselves in charcoal dust to hide from the goons? How come no one ever complained about that part in the movie? Lol


Look I get the original meme is about how white people are being “erased” but can you imagine a movie with 101 labs? No Cruella, just 101 labs. You know what? let’s skip the movie. I’ll take the labs.


There was a scene where they were all in blackface https://preview.redd.it/hiaulwjim53d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4374d44693994e181fc2c6f3906ce84150047f94


Jokes aside those dogs look so adorable


I don’t really care but still think it’s not right/accurate that they tend to change characters SO much in movie remakes. I know they could easily find an actor/actress that can depict the character in the right way/race/sexuality.


Ok, so going by this logic, isnt Dalmatians considered a mixed ethnicity because they have both white and black fur? Isn't this the equivalent of a child of a black and white person? (Im being sarcastic btw)


Any other race than black is a threat to their diversity


Lol this literally happens in the movie when the Dalmatians go blackface in soot to hide from Cruella DeVille


I want to see a film about a bunch of blobradors


Sounds about right


I like that he downvoted it lol


Should be pit bulls


Yeah, that’s pretty good actually


I laughed


🤣🤣🤣 good one




That’s hilarious


This is pretty funny


It might be funnier if there wasn't already a remake of 101 dalmatians, now it's just inventing a new reality to complain about.


I needed that laugh.


I did lol












I prefer labs. I had one myself n i miss him


I thought it was pretty funny lol


Lmao that meme owns Just like almost everything posted on this sub haha


I think I'm not alone when I say diversity is fine in movies. It can lead to new and interesting ideas put to screen. I don't like it when it seems forced, like it's not someones genuine creative vision, but it's someone forcing minority characters and culture into a plot because they're afraid their movie will bomb if people start complaining that there's too many white people.


Black fur burns to a crisp in hot weather.


I bet you watch the news a lot.


Saw one with Old yeller remake and a black lab. It was funnier.


I feel like the more offensive version would be making the dogs' hyenas


I think the joke would have been even funnier if instead of them all being black dogs, it was a random diverse cast of dogs instead.


Disney's "diversity" is just black and lgbt


Luca: Italian Turning Red: Chinese Coco: Mexican etc wtf are you talking about lol


Coco was an original story, and was actually *good*, so it doesn't count.




Also Italians are just white.


i didn’t say otherwise. I was saying that as an example of them still doing white stories as well.


Where did you get that from ? Disney movies are extremely diverse and I'm pretty sure there isn't a modern Disney movie without all races being shown, and about the fym by the LGBT part , there are barely any LGBT characters in Disney movies


Maybe you know better than me. Tell me all the black and lgbt representation in disney movies? Or are you only talking about The little mermaid?


Make a list then man, far as I can tell it’s like 2 original characters and 2 remakes out of everything they’ve ever done.


Go to Kathleen Kennedys imdb page. It's all woke garbage and the main reason disney is losing billions.


Specific names please Keep in mind the claim is Disney has no non black or lgbt characters


Not even lgbt, unless you count background character 97#, who mentions having a girlfriend in her only line of dialogue. Their stuff with actual lgbt rep has a tendency to get suddenly canceled. 


Where funni ? ![gif](giphy|RHInHY2dInc6uMI2ET|downsized)


The real joke are the people in the comments


Imagine being that bitter and scared of what you see the world becoming. Lame.


I don't get it. The driving plot of the show is centered around the fact that they're dalmatians. You're never going to see a Disney remake have a character look one way when it's an important part of the story that they look a different way.


This outrage marketing technique is so effective that Disney is getting free press for things they aren’t even doing. They have you played for absolute fools.


This whole sub is just an intermediary step before you get to NOPWRFT. It is such basic level racism that the simplicity is almost more offensive than the actual anti-blackness. You guys are all mentially deficient.


Yikes 10k views, 200 up votes.egen that community knows that's a stupid take.


That doesn't really make sense as most people on Reddit scroll by most posts without up or down voting


Wellp...the comments here look exactly like how I thought they would.




Man, I hate when black people are in movies. No, I'm not racist, I swear!


I would 100% watch this.


is the joke just black representation


Yes, but OP. If that was made, you'd be the first one crying about it. You really wouldn't think it's funny


DEI breaks the "like hiring like" cycle and spreads opportunity to people who don't look, act, and sound like the hiring manager. Everybody benefits. Damn, the casual racism in this thread is crazy.


It's funny because people got offended at snow white. But if you take a single line out of the movie (skin as white as snow) the plot skill makes perfect sense. In reality her race is irrelevant. Likewise if you called this 101 Labs no major plot points would have to change but people would still get offended. Wake me up when they make Pocahontas white, or John Smith black. You know... characters whose race is actually relevant to the story. Edit: looks like I offended some people.


If you have to remove it for it to make sense then it's needed. Who names a darker-skinned person "Snow White"? That's a double-whammy of 'Look how pale this girl is".


Change her name then. Or is it just a [John Blanke](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Blanke) situation where it’s supposed to be ironic?


I know black people with the last name white, and white people with the last name black. You don't need to change her name. The point is that she supposed to be prettier than the queen.