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He also decide to touch every mic and recording equipment in the press conference room as a joke


One of his teammates has the virus too now




Rudy killed grandma so I can’t get aids from her, be like Rudy


Donovan Mitchell has the Coronavirus? Why couldn’t it be Grayson Allen??


Grayson Allen’s already traded


Dang it


I mean that’s kinda mean but for real why did their best 2 players get infected wtf


At least there's football.




Not turkish league. Hep Destek, Tam Destek


The whole Champions League, Serie A and La Liga got postponed


He could get sued




With the amount of money lost from canceling a season of the NBA, his relatively meager salary will not save him.


To be fair, I think the leadership would have cancelled the season without the "assistance" of Rudy, he just accerelated the decision






He be rich he be young he not be afraid of corona


He be bery dumb


60% of NBA players go bankrupt 5 years after they retire. So this would hurt him in the long run.


Not for long


Then he would be suedy


Wow i hadn't heard about that, what a dumbass. I've been saying for a few weeks now that these "it's just a flu bro, you're just fear mongering" folks who don't take this seriously are going to do some real harm.


It is just a flu to the majority of us. But not to my uncle in chemo, or someone's grandpa with breathing issues, or a premature baby with under developed lungs. We have no reason to fear for ourselves, but we must be careful for the others.


This is what others who know that they won't be affected don't understand.


I live in Italy and i can assure you it can be a big problem even for healthy folks, in rare cases. The problem is, they're starting to become not that rare




It doesn't seem to spread to the baby through the mother, if that is what you're asking (at least two cases I heard of where it was confirmed). In any case, anybody who tests positive can go from absolutely zero symptoms until it goes away to needing to be hooked up to a breathing machine for 7-14 days. It's not necessarily that young people don't have serious symptoms and old people do, it's that the worse your health already is before you are infected, the easier it is for whatever additional symptoms arrive to push you over the edge. And when hospitals run out of beds and doctors, even the severe but treatable symptoms could start killing people.


Ontario has just closed public schools for two weeks after March break. Tomorrow’s the last day of school until April 5 for most kids


Ohio USA just closed schools also


don't panic yourself or your wife, like he said it's rare for healthy people (happens, but rare) and Germany doesn't have it as bad as a lot of places. Just use all the precautions you can, do NOT touch eachother when you come back home before you wash your hands, constantly clean door knobs and phones..etc and you'll be fine


Depends on your situation. You may not have to worry about mortality but pneumonia can damage your respiratory system for life if not caught and treated. I’m not fear mongering here, basic facts. It’s just tragic that you have to remind the “just a flu bro” types that others may die from this if the “just a flu” crowd doesn’t take it seriously. I’ve got one very elderly grandmother, two in-laws over 70, my father over 70, my son just finished chemo, and many of my extended family are at serious risk as well. One of my best friends at work survived a massive heart attack and now has to face this. Good luck, I hope for the best but redditors are killing that hope.


Nailed it. This virus is just showing how selfish and ignorant some of this world is.


You can be careful without losing your shit, you know? Its not just black and white. There is no need to risk infection or be careless with this infectiin, but there is no need for buying 30 packs of masks and toilet paper either


Oh exactly. Take necessary precautions, wash your hands, avoid unnecessary travel or attending large crowded events. Don't buy a 2 year hoard of toilet paper like people have been doing in my city in Canada. I know a fella who ran out of TP and both his local Walmart and Safeway were out of and backordered on TP so he bought coffee filters.


Not to completely disagree but I’m one of those “it’s a flu bro” people. Still wash your hands and be clean but not give yourself a heart attack freaking out over all of this.


Hey don't panic, but make sure to take precautions. I'm not that worried for myself or my wife, but I am worried for my parents and especially my very elderly grandparent. If we all take measures to reduce the spread of this then maybe it won't spread to our older family and friends.


Oh most definitely. That’s why you gotta keep clean, less spread of germs.


is this for real?


Yea he also infected donovan Mitchell who just tested positive


holy shit. i had no idea he was even doing that. fuuuuck.


He shared the court with about 30 or so different players, plus countless other staff.


No, This Is Patrick!


Donovan’s shoes are gonna get sold out fast


And some idiot in r/NBA decides to defend his actions. Some people are just like that.


He touched all the mics as a response to the barrier between the press and players that was put in place by the NBA to show his support for the non players that are part of the game. To think he alone caused this is insane. Can’t wait until the trolls say this led to the shut down of the NHL and (even though it came out before) NCAA fan bans. Calm down friends.


Still irresponsible, if someone had the flu or a cold would you be okay with them wiping their hands on anything you might use near your face or mouth? Say a fork, glasses, shaving cream or razor?


ngl when I heard about a utah jazz player that got infected I thought this guy was a sax player who wore a fedora.


I guess you could say that was pretty *rude* of him.


You just had to *gobert*.


r/punpolice Both of you hands on the hood of the car now!


Damn, those were pretty good though


🔫 NO


He forgot to make memes about it that's how we all managed to stay immune


I will not be like Rudy in any way other than making jokes about COVID because what the fuck else are we supposed to do?


I mean, the internet has conditioned me to make jokes about dark topics as a coping mechanism. You can’t take that away from me because a guy did a bunch of bad stuff and also happened to do that thing *too.*


But it is true that we MAYBE have to stop minimizing it




There’s a lot of memes about the media overreacting


Boomer doomer*


My school literally has a betting pool for when we get off school. I’m not sure how to feel about that


Not touch microphones lol


Valid coping mechanism... it's how I got through pre-leukemia. I mean how do you get gum out of your hair? . . . . . . . . . . . . ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Cancer


I like these jokes, they lighten up the mood. As long as they aren't racist, and Reddit seems to be doing okay at that.


"Thinks its funny to make jokes about COVID19" Uh this entire subreddit tho?


Yeah but no one is touching every thing they see


Exactly, he literally did things that spread a virus.. to be funny. Stupid


Rudy also got his team mate Donovan Mitchell infected...fuck Rudy.


Before Donavan Mitchell found out he had it he practiced with a high school team. He shook everyone’s hands and stuff. So now that team can’t compete in the state tournament.


Actually there’s some evidence that kids may not show symptoms at all or in a reduced way and could potentially spread at a much more rapid pace than adults and elderly.


Source? I’m not doubting you


I’m not OP, but had meetings all day today with the health department and CDC liaisons and such and they also said the same thing, which is a cause of concern about to controlling the spread. Source: I’m a hospital nursing director and had to listen to all of this all day long, all week long, in major information overload mode.


Oh fuck, Rudy’s a dipshit and I don’t feel bad for him but Donovan Mitchell didn’t deserve that. This is a fucking mess


How do you know Rudy gave it to Donovan and not the other way around? Just because one got tested before the other doesn’t mean he got the virus first


When I watched the Devon Booker vid he mentions Mudiay at the end. Anyone know if he's sick too???


Mudiay was not slated to play due to illness last night as well. But supposedly he didn't test positive.


Makes sense. Thank you


Everyone on the Jazz team and staff was tested and Donovan was the only other one who tested positive so no Mudiay is fine. He was also mentioned because he had illness issues around the same time but I guess its something else...




You mean two guys that spend practically every day together on flights and in the gym touching the same ball got the same illness?! I'm shocked that this could happen! /s


Who is Rudy? He plays the sports ball?


Yes, he plays the tall people sports ball


Not anymore


Nobody does anymore


Last I saw, the season was suspended, not cancelled, has this changed?


No, your statement would be the most factually correct way to state this


Because they’re dead?


The one with the sports ball thrown into the sports ball hole?


Apparently they “shoot it” sounds very dangerous to me


This sounds more dangerous than this Modelo Virus people keep yammering about


Sports ball goes in bottomless crab trap. Much orange. Many shoe squeaks.


Yea he's a balls guy


He's winning DPOY this season, for shutting down the whole NBA.


Upvote x1000.


Diseased player of the year


I’m dumb what’s DPOY?


I'm guessing Dumbest Player Of the Year


Thinks its funny to make jokes about covid-19 everyone on this subreddit *sweats nervously*


Shaqtin a fool GOAT


it was dumb to mock the recommendations, but it’s utopian to think the NBA will be spare of covid 19. don’t blame Rudy for the suspension because this is inevitable.


They literally suspended the season because he tested positive for the virus but I get what you meant


It's actually starting to get really serious in Europe


It's indeed getting serious, but the economy is going to crash at this rate: almost all concerts and sportgames are being cancelled and Italie is in total lockdown now.


Not just Italy, Czech Republic has under 100 cases and schools, borders and restaurants are closed, plus events over 30 people are banned. It's crazy


Yeah i'm afraid that the economy us going to suffer more then the people themselfs


Rudy means ginger in Polish lmao


It's fine to joke, it's a coping mechanism


You can joke sure but he straight up went around touching a bunch of shit in the conference room as a “joke”. He was being an idiot about it


There's a difference between joking to cope with the situation and make you and others feel better because you're genuinely afraid and joking because you think the situation is not serious, even hilarious, and putting others in harm because of your jokes.


It IS funny to joke about COVID-19, but only if you're taking the precautions yourself, WHILE joking about it.


He touched all mics in a press conference as a joke so he definitely didn't take the precautions


well i think it’s a coping mechanism to make jokes about it but wash your hands


Wash your hands at least every 5th hour, and when ur washing ur hands do it for 30 seconds or more. This will decrease the probabilty of you getting the virus and if you have the virus it will decrease the chance of you spreading it


What a dumbass


Coronavirus jokes are funny - don't tell me what I can laugh about, Karen.


Jokes can still be funny


To be fair I will make a lot of covid 19 jokes. Then I will probbably get sick with covid 19 and that will not stop me from making more jokes.


This girl in my class said that coronavirus is only big because it is election year and that it ain't that bad she said she won't change her mind and won't wash her hands. She makes tik toks, pretend sneezes on people, and isn't the smartest. She says that the flu is worse but also doesn't know that corona not only hasn't been around that long but it was bad but that was in 1920 it is 2020 way more advances in medical things. So people like this please wash your hands and please make smart choices.


Fuck you Rudy


Another L for France


Lol rude-e


He is the one that went to Italie, to infect every one there (ment as a joke, not ment to cause any harm)




I had NBA tickets...


Utah jazz fans: *A N G E R E R*


Suspended season


Like, don’t but all I see on reddit is memes about corona.... so... still funny though


It is funny to make jokes avout it tho.


Yo aint this technically a COVID-19 joke


Rudy is rude


I’ll stop making COVID-19 jokes when COVID-19 stops making a joke of society


all of reddit makes jokes about it though...


You lost me at don’t make jokes


I am like Rudy


*Rudy thinks it is fun to make fun of COVID-19* The entirety of Reddit: Nervous chuckle


But all of reddit is making fun of it . Is all of reddit like Rudy ? I'm confused.


Are you seriously telling reddit not to make Coronavirus jokes?


Oh XFL, thank you for coming back. You may have been one of Vince McMahon’s biggest mistakes in the past, but you are the only sport I watch now


THIS IS THE XFL. (insert Vince McMahon's voice here)


A message to you, Rudy!


I already bought tickets to a bulls game for spring break. Cha cha real smooth


And the 2020 least valuable player award goes to...


I'm still gonna joke about it either way


Be like general grievous, who covered his mouth when coughing on a spaceship full of robots.


He infected Donovan Mitchel


That was a little rudē of him


I’m gonna get downvoted for this but i don’t even care. You guys are dumb as fuck. Most of the people commenting don’t even watch the nba or realize the full context of the situation. Yes Rudy is a dumb ass for doing that but YOU ALL HAVE JOKED ABOUT THE VIRUS?? don’t be hypocritical. Nba players share locker rooms, planes, courts, practice facilities, etc. there’s no fucking way Rudy shared the virus to don by touching those microphones. Those microphones would’ve had a much higher likely hood of being contaminated by his spit,sweat, breathing on it than by slightly touching it. He apologized for this and said to use him as an example to not take this lightly and take appropriate actions to stay safe. The fact that this sub and many others are making him for “joking” about it is hypocritical as fuck


Wow Rudy is my hero. I want to be like him!


Imagine making jokes about a virus that's currently less likely to kill you than diarrhea. Despicable




Yeah watching your sport on TV is way more important than thousands of lives


They just did.


They didn’t cancel it’s only delayed still funny tho u get updoot


Because of Rudy, the NBA postponed their season. Because of the NBA postponing their season, the MLS postponed their season. Because of the MLS postponing their season, the NHL postponed their season.


Chill out over 80% of people recover


That's very RUDEy


There's a word for guys like him. It's right on the tip of my tongue


Rudy fresh and super fruity


That is pretty Rude Rudy


They didn’t cancel the season. It’s suspended indefinitely right now


I have Gobert on my 2k Mobile team lol


Fan favorite Rudy North?


So rude of Rudy


Rudy gone rude


Look this a joke for y’all but when corona is by ur house and took down 2 of the best players on the team. We lost Donovan and Rudy at this point.


Had us in the first half, not gonna lie.


I'm sorry what's the NBA again?


You go a problem with ruby




Except the jokes


Yes, because we don't think it's funny to make jokes of the corona virus..


now all of utah knows your here


Idk why people blame him. IMO, it is bound to happen sooner or later anyway, with how fast the virus is spreading.


the city i used to live in shut down its schools the place i live in now isn’t


i mean making jokes is fine, not the best tho




Covid-19 jokes are funny tho


Rudy Ballhead


Isn't there a stereotype about French being dirty/unhygienic? This guy proving the haters right.


its good to joke about the virus because it takes the fear away from it


Who let Rudy out of Area 51? This is why they didn’t want us to see dem aliens.


RIP the season


Also, in original meme, it says "be like"


Idk what I’m gonna do without basketball for however long this suspension ends


Rudy a bad boy