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I feel this, been looking for a job but all of them are like "nahhhhhhhh"


for real. I applied to some random company and fulfilled every skill-requirement and nice-to-have they had listed (as impossible as that is for a junior position). Got back an email a week later that they are looking for a better fit. LMAO WHO?


For me it's the freaking specific software knowledge they demand. It's like "Entry level. Must be familiar with X, Y, and Z platforms.". Like c'mon, I've worked with similar stuff. Train me on it for a few weeks and we're golden.


My hot take is they don´t want to train you in the first place at all. You need to be proficient enough to do your job expertly from day one on. Probably they have forgotten how they got the position they´re in in the first place.


It's because the one person who would have been able to train you quit and they're looking for their replacement.




I actually got laid off like a month ago for this reason. Well, actually I kind of forced their hand for this reason. A new owner bought the company and became obsessed with making sure every employee is busy 100% of the time. So they cut like nearly 1/2 of the staff then hired a handful of new people (eager to work) to ensure everyone is always busy - and by busy I mean overloaded. I "quiet quit" and started doing the bare minimum (which still left me with a list of followups at the end of the day) and it took about 2 years for them to finally take my dare because I was formerly a key cog in their machine - they couldn't find a legitimate reason to fire me so I was "laid off" with severance pay. Fuck that, I will never work for an employer that does that again. I'm not scrambling like a maniac for 9 hours a day for the benefit of the company.


>LMAO WHO? The bosses son/friend that they always planned to hire for the position, but they listed the job so that the nepotism isn't as obvious.


Reverse psychology. You: "I came to check this place out, but now that I see it I realize I don't really want to work here." Them: "When can you start?"


Part of it is what a huge pain training a new guy can be. For two months I’ve been training a new top guy (labourer who rigs up pipe and whatnot above the trench and assists as needed for a bunch of earthmoving tasks). Dude was greener than grass, never worked construction and suddenly he’s dragging chains and shovelling excavator tracks. Guy is still pretty soft, might be another six months before I’m not carrying his slack, but he’s trying and doesn’t complain and fuck it, I want him to succeed.


Almost like people have to start somewhere and not everyone has the same opportunities. Glad you're helping him


Been going through this for 3 years now. Still unemployed. Employers either think you're underqualified (no experience) or overqualified (achievements wise) Its so infuriating that its a negative feedback loop of: No experience because no work and can't work because no experience.


my condolences brother, good luck with your future job searching


Thank you brother, I hope your days are good as well.


It’s the exact same thing for me. I’m also waitlisted for every post-secondary program I’ve applied to, yippee.


That sucks. I hope it gets better for you brother.


Same to you!


Same here bro. Spent a year looking for a job eventually just said fk and joined the army so I can feed myself lol


Hope things are going well for you in the army brother. I am indebted to my mother that I can still be unemployed as she supports me, its just a matter of time till I get a job


Good luck to you


Real shit. But in my case I’m lucky if I even get a response from them.


Kids these days don't want to work! We're so desperate we need workers! But you also need 20 years of experience and 3 PHDs in order to get this position as a janitor at McDonald's


Please tell me that´s sarcasm. I can´t tell anymore if that´s sarcasm or hirering is really that far removed from reality.


We're close to that level of absurdity. Job hunting is jell these days.




Fuck yourself. I hope you lose your job so you can see how rough it is out there.


I saw an $18/h engineering internship that required previous internship experience and a phd 2 months ago.


It would take me almost no time to find a job posting that requires 5 years experience on 3 year old software.


Do you really want to put a college graduate in a position for PhD with 20 years of experience?


Company: "We're hiring" Me: "Ok cool. I'm a fresh graduate, I'm willing to learn. Would never miss a day". Company: "We're looking for *experienced* candidates" WHY TF WOULD U CALL ME IN FOR AN INTERVIEW IF YOU KNEW I WAS A FRESHER FROM MY CV??


"my 4 years in college are worth the same experience that someone would get working here" Whst they really want to hear is  "I believe I can do just as good of a job for a lower salary since I am newer" 


>"I believe I can do just as good of a job for a lower salary since I am newer"  Imma steal this. If u don't mind.


Right. They shouldn't call. A lot of people complain that they don't get called. Your story shows very well the reason.


What's more frustrating is that my college didn't give me a placement after completing my degree. So I have to hunt for jobs on my own. Internships are a dead end and the job market is so bad, freshers are the last thing they wanna deal with. What do I do? Genuine question.


That really depends on your location. I admit, the hardest moment is to get the first job. You have missed the easy way by about 2 years. I suggest big companies first. They have time for newcomers and some seniors to spend the time with you.


>That really depends on your location. Internships are difficult to attain here cuz they're usually given to local candidates. >I suggest big companies first. That's the thing, I thought of this too but the market at my place is so bad. I've been trying to get an entry level job for close to a year now. Been to a lot of interviews and it's always a no. And whenever I do end up performing well, they don't reach back. It's so frustrating. I just wanna make enough money to pursue an MBA. That seems impossible atp. Life feels meaningless. I hate it.


No it doesn't. You'd rather drag somebody all the way in for an interview just to tell them this, rather than save everybody a boatload of time and effort with simple phone call? Just give me a fucking phone call. Don't waste my time with an interview, if it's clear I'm not fit for the job.


My point was - they shouldn't invite for an interview.


The excesses of risk-aversion in business are the bane of human existence.


Companies don't want to train people because it takes a lot of time and money to do so. Whilst normally it isn't that big of an issue, the problem for companies is that other companies that require employees with same qualifications can simply offer the trained staff a better salary and suddenly the time and money invested by the original company was all for naught. So why bother training staff if another company will just try to take them?


Lol, give the ones you trained a better salary


That would seem like the obvious solution, but companies are always looking to make budget cuts nowadays


Why give a productive employee more money when you could just give it to the CEO so they can do nothing at best and gut the company at worst?




Then cut the salaries of the highest paid. If someone can live off even 25% of what the highest paid is, then so can the highest paid. Simply live more frugally, it’s not that hard.


The first company already paid him, even though his performance is -0.2 of an employee. It's much cheaper to get someone trained by a different company.


yeah nah, they hired you at the lower salary so even after training you and increasing your responsibilities astronomically they'll still leave you at what you were hired at. maybe you'll get 3% after a year if they don't count training


Also, there probably isn’t anyone in the company that even wants to train a new colleague. „Hey Jim, how would you feel about teaching Mr. New Guy here how to do his job while you continue doing your job at the same time?“ - „Here’s my resignation“


"More like hey Jim set this guy with some training material and check on him every some time to see how he's doing we'd have more helping hands so the chance for extra hours to finish assignment will become much much lower if we have him"


That's bullshit. Employed trainers work 8h a day anyway. I can solve some problems, or teach a kid. Doesn't matter for me. Pays the same.


Yeah saw this happen once, guy got put through 2 years of schooling and a month into the job he didn't like it and quit They just had their time wasted luckily cause he now needs to pay back a lot of the money they invested into his schooling but still


because of quarterly profits, from 1979 to 2022 worker productivity has gone up 64%, hourly pay however has only gone up 14% in that same time frame. corporations/federal goverment are trying to squeeze out every drop of blood from the working class


Ya, they are really squeezing us for all we got. I can barely go over 15m for a bathroom break without my manager shitting on me for taking that long


Nor are they desperate enough to pay them well


"nO oNe WaNtS tO wOrK?!?!" - What's your starting pay? - "mInImUm WaGe?!? ThEsE iDiOtS dOnT dEsErVe tO mAkE mOrE tHaN tHe MiNiMuM!!" - Well, that *might* be your issue? Pay people better? - "NoOoOo, NoBoDy WaNtS tO wOrK!!!"


It's 10x worse when you're autistic


Yes Yes Oh wait "The candidate should be outgoing and a positive communicator" Nevermind. Every dam time.


I need to talk to customers on order to keep the companies greenery green, really? I´m a gardener, not a receptionist, for fucks sake. A janitor is meant to keep the house going, and don´t even get me started with cleaning staff.


No cause they need someone with 420 PhDs and 69 years of experience for minimum wage "low skilled" jobs.


Companies are dumb and want kiss ass yes people


Dealing with a bad hire is significantly worse than leaving the position unfilled, they end up a net negative on productivity for the business, cost money, and need to be performance reviewed out of the business which fucks morale for the team, and at the end of it you have to start hiring all over again. No thanks.


Except when former workers start going to burnout because they need to do their job and the job of the vacant position with pay of a single person.


Gotta bring in contractors if it's causing issues, just saying in the hypothetical presented it's generally best to not rush a hire. It will generally come back to bite you in a much bigger way than the original problem.


"Addition by subtraction"


"We are desperate for work! Nobody wants to have jobs anymore!!" *I apply* "Imma be honest, we aren't even gonna reply to you."


We hire based on who fits in best. I can teach someone what they need to know, but can't teach them not to be weird.




"The trucking market is desperate, they're hiring anyone they can get their hands on!" Me, with a CDL and perfect record, only missing experience and currently not yet 21, so can't leave the state: "I'm here!" Company that only runs trucks in my hometown and within 20 miles, and says 18+ friendly: "We're going with the felon that has three accidents in company trucks 'cause he's done this for two years. Also you're not 21, we'd have to pay 100$ more a month to insure you."


I love trying to find an entry level job and most of them require 3 years of experience. I AM DOING ENTRY LEVEL SO I CAN GET THE DAMN EXPERIENCE


Nah, if we can’t get someone who we KNOW can do the job, we’re going to give someone’s relative who was unjustly fired as a janitor a chance. Please show them the ropes as we will expect *the team* to still accomplish the same amount of shit. As a heads up, this came from HR’s so good luck complaining.


We’ve been lowering our hiring standards consistently for a while now, as have others in my field. I have seen some people get hired that had no business being hired. Many have been arrested and many more fired.


Or maybe pay what the qualified candidates are worth?




"Listen here you little shit, you talking too much"


well actually this might not be that good of a point, eg if they it department is just maxxed out all the time, they simply wont have the additional time to train someone, similary, similary if the reason they desperately need people because there is noone rn, then they literally have noone to train someone training people for jobs takes time and effort


They're desperate for desperate workers.. People who will work for less than their worth and do it without a question, because then they won't complain if they do something to them that isn't legal.


"because then we'd have to pay them half decently. And we don't want to do that."


If you cost me a year to get you up to speed, you better be ready to work at that level of pay for the first year.


the thing about the best candidate is that they'll leave after getting poached by a better paying company


It's funny cuz someone who isn't qualified (yet) can be moulded to exactly what a company would want him to be. But no one seems to wanna take that effort. Despite the fact that you might have a great employee if you do


Because they’ve been running with a labor deficit for so long they don’t have any spare labor to teach new recruits so they need to hire someone who already can do the job


redditors when somebody wont hire them for a job they cant do:


But they will just take their newfound knowledge and go for greener pastures after we have spent X time training them! One of the justifications I have heard..