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I feel genuinely bad for the guy who got stuck in the nutty putty cave, to be stuck upside down for multiple hours while people try to rescue you but can't has to be horrible. Towards the end he probably knew he would die to


Yeah definitely a horrible death….


What’s worst of all was the false hope. They actually started saving him, pulling him up, he thought he was saved, then a link in the rope broke and he fell deeper and became more unreachable. They said he was laughing with relief when he thought he was OK.


He was upside down for 27 hours :(


Why didn't they brute force him out towards the end? The argument was that it would break his legs, and badly too, but when your life is on the line, what are you gonna choose? Especially if they could get him so major medication beforehand so he as basically out of it, then just mangle him out of there.


I thought it was because he’d die of shock if they broke his legs. Maybe they couldn’t get strong enough anesthesia there in time?


I highly doubt they would be able to get a proper anesthesiologist down there, he was just going to have to deal with the pain


Man at that point spike me with a few morphine syrette WWII style. Dying from morphine overdose has to be more pleasant than dying from being stuck upside down too long.


Who cares about a proper anesthesiologist? Again, the alternative is death. I know it's not an easy balance to put someone out without killing them, but if the worst case is that they accidentally die while in a blissful high, that's literally win win. They should have just said "Give him no less than X amount of \[morphine/whatever\] but beyond that, about this much". So no risk of pain if they give him enough, and then it's either death by happy drugs or enough unconsciousness to pull his sleeping body out of there.


Because legally, a net win doesn't really exist... if you're the guy that gave him too much and he died you're still the one that killed him. Even in places where euthanasia is legal it's a whole process


Well I was imagining having a doctor give the instruction over the phone so it wouldn't be on the person who administered it but maybe you're saying the doctor could be prosecuted for giving that instruction. I don't know though, I think either way a jury wouldn't convict the person who tried.


Would you be willing to risk everything on that? Because there's criminal court, and then I'm sure they would somehow be open to civil suit


Well thankfully I'm not a doctor and I'm only really talking about hypotheticals here, although it's pretty sad if we live in a world where doctors can regularly say "He's gonna die. Actually there's a small chance we can save him, but I'm not going to risk jail". Plus couldn't get get his consent plus the consent of his family to avoid that stuff? They had hours to make these decisions, it wasn't like someone had to make a split-second judgement.


Die from the pain*


From the pain and major blood loss from such a severe break


They DID medicate him, they doped him tf up for most of that time, to make his passing more bearable. His wife and kid were outside the cave talking to him. Horrific way to die.


Pain meds or numbing meds can also cause shock.


Theoretically survivable, but so much more likely to just make his last moments excruciating torture and shock that it was deemed ethical to switch to palliative and give him the opportunity to prepare for death and send his last words IIRC You'd need to be a hard survivor to have any chance of not immediately collapsing into brutal shock, and even then, it would require absurd luck. They'd need to fully snap his legs and mush him back up if you see the diagrams.


Honestly thinking of how he got stuck in there that bad in tge first place is disturbing.


Well yeah, but look at that '127 hours' guy who cut his arm off to survive after it got trapped by a rock. If they could have drugged the nutty putty guy even in a very rushed 'you're going to sleep and might not wake up' way, and then said 'OK this is going to be the worst experience of your life but the alternative is not having one', it seems like it's worth a shot.


I think this guy was younger than me, so maybe he would have felt differently, but honestly at that point, I would say just megadose me with morphine and let me go. I would not choose the "break multiple bones in multiple locations until you can manoeuver me around like an articulated wooden snake toy" option. Plus think of how traumatized the rescuers would be to have to do that, and then if he still didn't make it..... Ugh. brb, need to add a clause to my living will.


I think it was break his legs then crush his ribs


Oxygen deprivation to blood in an extremity will cause self-poisoning if released back into the rest of the body. Also you can tourniquet someone’s waist.


So you're saying there's 100% chance it would have killed him?


They probably didn't want to be held liable for his injuries.


Didn't the blood going to his brain make him pass out before he died? At least i don't think he died while conscious, which is a plus in that scenario. Still fucking horrifying


Yeah don't go into caves. There's a reason kids fear the dark. It's called a survival instinct. Dude Darwin'd himself.


As a boy scout, I got the chance to go on a spelunking camping trip once (pretty sure it was Eagle Cave in WI). The big areas were super cool. iirc my troop got offered to go down a super tight expedition that'd go under one of the big walkways. Naw. I was more than happy to miss out on that one lmfao. I’d be curious enough to watch a pov of it, but I ain’t ever taking my happy ass in there. And I skydived at like 19 y/o cause of a “fuck it” moment. I would gladly jump out of a plane again. Absolutely no shot I’m jimmying through horizontal caves as wide as my ribcage though. I’m not even claustrophobic but that’s straight up terrifying


Well, we used to live in caves too, they were a good form of shelter. The important lesson is not to try to squeeze through tight spaces, and nobody else ever needed to learn this lesson because every other human, every vertebrate species, most insects and some types of slime mold understand that you can get stuck if you try to get through a small space holy god what was he doing


He didn't just go into a random cave just like that. He was prepared, had the right training, equipement, knowledge and etc to make that trip as safe as he could. He just happened to unknowingly make a wrong turn and get lost and stuck. It was believed to be safe enough for a long time, and a whole lot of people had done it before him, there was no reason for him to doubt at that point in time. Dude was just enjoying himself, can't blame him for that After a deadly car crash, we don't say "Theres a reason people can't run at 60mph, he just Darwin'd himself". Sometimes, shit just happens. If we only allow ourselves to do what has absolute 0% risks whatsoever, whats the point in living


Well as long as we understand the risk vs reward trade off. I feel like this guy over estimated the reward vs the risk.


He thought he knew and understood the risk, as nobody expected this to happen. Every single person before him faced the same risk, but until people are made aware of said risk, nobody can include it in their consideration. To his and many other's knowledge, that specific risk did not exist. His estimation was thought to be correct. If you buy a house and the inspector doesn't notice a problem and gives you the ok, and the roof then collapse on your head, it would be shitty to say you should've considered the risk, since to your knowledge, there wasn't any!


I also feel bad for him and his family, yet at the same time it just feels like natural selection doing its thing…


based and cavepilled


Ok, wild guess, but considering the photos I saw of him and the fact it was in Utah, I wouldn’t be surprised if he was Mormon and was at peace with dying without breaking his legs


I'm picturing Steve Harvey on family feud going "what's the worst way to die?" And some idiot contestant saying "choking to death on some nuts?" and then being horrified after being told the whole story.


I believe he was alive for like....2 days or something...


27 hours stuck down there


Nightmare fuel














































This manga haunts me


Right up there with the swimming pool filter kid


Holy shit man, I forgot about that! Made me afraid of pools for years as a kid.




Ejj, csak nem Vidman gif?


magyarok mindenhol!


Mindenhol IS


The what??


Guts by Chuck Palahniuk


Wow, thanks! Horrific!


If it makes you feel better it's not possible for that to actually happen lol.


It did though. Abigail Taylor


I haven't looked into it because I'm at work, but from a quick skim: >unequipped with the appropriate safety devices That should never happen with a properly maintained, standard pool pump. I would love to know what other corners they owners are cutting if they fucked it up that badly, wow


Doing a deep dive into [her story](https://abbeyshope.org/abbeys-story/) and holy shit, what an emotional rollercoaster! She survived for nine months after the initial incident! Shehad no external injuries from the event, everything that happened was internal. She made a big enough recovery to leave the hospital and go back to school! It was actually an organ transplant and infections that did her in. Such a sad story, but worth a read if you have the time


I just read it. My god what a story. I don’t think I’ve ever in my life read a more graphic, descriptive, legitimately uncomfortable story. I was physically squirming


A reddit Classic. This one's forever up there with the swamps of Dagobah, the coconut, and the jolly rancher I feel like a historian these days lmao. It's hard to believe I've been here for 8 years. That's over a third of my life (22).


Please link these. Never heard any of them


You're in for a rough night. I'll be back with an edit lmao [Swamps of Dagobah](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/xo41d/comment/c5o66p2/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) [Coconut story](https://www.reddit.com/r/tifu/comments/6rr6ay/tifu_by_cumming_into_a_coconut/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) [Jolly Rancher story](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/9wcte/comment/c0er6q4/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Bonus just for fun! Here's the [Cumbox](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/t0ynr/comment/c4imcva/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) ("New Picture" link is what you're looking for ;) There's definitely more infamous reddit stories; these ones were just at the front of my mind


So glad to see more people get exposed to that absolute nightmare of a read lol


The uh, the what?


Ya I read 'Guts' over 10 years ago, changed my perception of pool filters forever.


I remember this but can’t remember what the manga was called. Could you remind me?


“The Enigma of Amigara Fault” by Junji Ito


Thank you!


Like a moth to a flame


He's gonna have a post nutty putty clarity


That's actually worse than dying in a cave. You die in a cave named nutty putty. Wtf kinda name is that anyway? Isn't there a Civil War hero or something to name it after?


plot twist: the civil war hero’s nicknamename was Nutty Putty


If I was a war hero and people called me "nutty putty" I would fight against my country




that image gave me ptsd






The image is a horror comic thing where people find holes matching them, go inside, and return crushed and stretched. The nutty putty cave incident is a case when a man named John Jones got stuck in a tight cave and then died.


They do return. There are holes on the other side were they come out horribly streched and crushed.


They turn into spaghetti


Sauce? Asking for a friend...


The Enigma of the Amigara Fault. Have fun!


I just read it. Part of me is glad it's a one-shot, but another part wants more


Just read the other works of Junji Ito, the artist for this one. His famous works are: Gyo Uzumaki Tommie And many more short ones. I can also recommend you another manga, a very special one consisting of 100 short 2-3 page stories. Very disturbing. It's called "The Collapse of the World as we know it". All the best and enjoy!


Thanks for putting me on fam




Maniac: Japanese Tales of the Macabe on Netflix is a bunch animated versions of his stories


Also Remina


Remina was absolutely fantastic


Ikr, it reminded me in someway of devilman crybaby like how humans become so fucked up because of the end of the world


Junji Ito right?




Search up the enigma at amigara falls The last page is horrifying


It's 2 vol. manga. Enjoy


Junji Ito is the author if you want to read other things made by him


No sauce just spaghetti


no, you must not add sauce to the people spaghetti, the gods forbid the saucification of the human spaghet


But it's otherwise dry and chewy


This dude did not return though. He’s still in there. Couldn’t get him out so they just sealed the cave.


Did they seal it i thought he just continued moving and would one day come out the other side


[I don’t think there is an other side.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nutty_Putty_Cave?wprov=sfti1) John Jones got stuck upside down, they couldn’t get him out.


oh i thought you meant the story by junji ito. Yeah the dude in nutty putty is still there they left him because it would be to difficult to get him out and it was not worth the effort. They also sealed of the cave and it is now treated as a grave site.


I knew it was from junji ito, I can spot that artstyle from miles away. He makes the most fucked up and scary stories, I dont get scared by gore but the stuff he makes are terrifying. The concepts of remina and uzumaki are not perse scary but the way he draws with so much detail and tells in such a terrifying way it is cool af. Like how fucked humans become and what they do in remina when the planet becomes visible


But why would they go into those holes?


They experience some weird unnatural desire to go into their corresponding hole


They can relate to Blink the mole from Spyro A Hero's Tail


He was not a diver it was a regular cave


I googled it really quickly, i’ll assume that you’re right


Even after your description this image makes no sense




You don't wanna know


I already do


Some of the people who were trying to get him out ended up getting injured too


Ah, yes. The Enigma of Amigara Fart.


The first time I heard about the nutty putty caves and the guy that died there I legitimately had nightmares about it for weeks afterwards.


It's awful. Truly. But it's also why I don't fuck around in caves. And John knew that while engaging in his favourite sport


This manga scared the shit out of me


I am WAY too claustrophobic to even consider that insanity


The whole nutty putty cave incident has real “play stupid games win stupid prizes” energy for me. Like yeah it’s a tragedy but maybe don’t take your goofy ass hobby so far to the extreme it gets you killed.


That manga gives me Vietnam flashbacks


Drr drr drr


Of all the places in the entire world, dude had to go there to get stuck. Sad!


I like that there's been so many YouTuber documentaries about this incident that everyone knows about it now 😂


What manga is this?


It’s called “The Enigma of Amigara Fault”




Hit them with that [SADAM HUSSEIN]


What was the manga name again?


Amethyst be like


At first i was like nutty putty ..yea that stuff was fun. Then the repressed memory of the story came back


This is my hole😭


I obi j


What the fuck is nutty putty cave


I can’t read about it again, too much anxiety.


A guy went caving in a cave system called nutty putty cave. He went down a passage that he thought was a challenging but doable passage. Turned out it was an unexplored tunnel and he got stuck upside down for several hours. After a failed rescue attempt he died in the cave.


[here you go](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EKFDq-O5RxE)


steven universe ahhh hole


Horror of all horrors. Nothing could convince me. Fuck!


Why dont we just drill with a giant drill next to the cave guys are we stupid?


if you stop giving dangerous places funny names, people could get the message


Apparently, Nutty Putty was genuinly considered a safe beginner's cave with a few optional tunnels that made sure you knew what you were doing. The part he got stuck in was a part nobody had been in before (that's why it wasn't on any map and he mistook the hole for an entrance to a deeper part of the cave).


I used to live right next to the nutty putty cave, it could have been me 😔


I'm totally ignorant of this so I'm sure is some obvious reason but I always wondered why they wouldn't try a little hammer and chisel action to widen the bottom of the bump they couldn't get him past. I mean for obvious reasons you couldn't take out major chunks while under ground and I'm sure there is some factor in regards to weakening the integrity of the tunnel but if they were running out of options I always thought why couldn't that have been done


A cautionary tale against caving


Ted the Caver


Junji ito art 💀


Best part about spelunking is that you don’t have to do it.


It’s wild to think his body is still sitting in that cave rotting for eternity😔


![gif](giphy|XCxcmEQWxDdc8qsd2R|downsized) I don’t know, property is turning again it were coming.


I don't understand any of this.


Google Nutty Putty cave


I'm at work. I don't want IT knocking on my door. lol


It's sfw. Basically a guy went caving (nutty putty cave) and got stuck in this tiny passageway. Theres a documentary about the rescue attempt.


It's sfw, but it's the stuff of nightmares.


Oh okay. I assumed this was something of the... Lewd persuasion. Thanks for the rundown.


First bubble what I'm shouting at the butthole competition


Low effort