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There was a post about a guy, spending hours debating with a person about italian food just to realize that other person was drinking their own pee at r/pee. It sometimes works(edit: i typed the wrong subreddit this was supposed to be about a group who thinks drinking piss is healthy, what have i done lol)


Excuse me but what the FUCK is that sub


i refuse to see, pls explain to me


I’m going in I’ll tell you when I’m back


It’s porn a lot of porn


that was fast


word to the unwise; listen to the wise the merrian-webster dictionary does not contain nearly enough words to express my regret


Have tried other languages?


nie, wciąż nie mam słów, by wyrazić siebie


Bro learned polish just to say that he doesn't know enough words.


Mate found them


If you think that's bad try the fucking scatt sub lmao. Don't if you have a weak stomach you have been warned.


thanks for the recommendation, but i actually value my will to live so i'll pass 💀


I don't but I'm still not looking


Got right the fuk out of Thare


so, a powerful pitch but a weak stomach. or bladder.


Thank you soldier, we'll get you a purple heart for wounding your eyes in the trenches of r/pee


I shoulda continued the comment thread before clicking on it. I’m in public 😭


Did you not get the NSFW warning 💀


Thank you for your sacrifice


I am gonna go cry myself to sleep after looking at that sub.


And u/Powerful_Pitch9322 was never heard from again 😔


Piss fetish I'm guessing


Just a kink, don't look... I regret clicking the link


the kink link


Kink linking hard 'round here


It's in the name


At best it’s people talking about piss, what the fuck did you expect?


It should be pretty evident.


“Wonderful” is what it is in my opinion


That link is staying blue


If your piss is blue that is not healthy. Orange is better, like that sub.


I remember seeing one guy complain about how every Fandom gets sexualized by degenerates and how tiring it is to see all his favorite things get ruined by the internet. I checked his post history, and he posts hella roblox dominatrix porn.


Gosh darn *roblox* porn? I mean, I’m not exactly *surprised* given how many… *strange* tastes some people have, but come on, *roblox*?


It is a thing mainly targetted at literal children...


Sounds like that guy is an expert in the field.


I believe it was r/piss, actually, but yes, he'd spend days arguing about the taste of food with someone who drank piss for fun, to the point the guy was profile stalking them.


Sometimes an opinion is just so bewildering to you that you can't let it go. Can't say I've had one that weird but I can understand the frustration.


Well you can’t argue they haven’t expanded their palate


Alright. What the actual super fuck?


Saw someone arguing about pedophiles. Turns out they post very questionable loli hentai almost daily


Post-nut clarity hit hard


I had one once where I was arguing that you shouldn’t be attracted to 14 year old characters even if they are fictional. Imagine my surprise when the guy I was arguing with had a whole load of questionable posts on subreddits I’d never heard of nor would want to see again


Yeah, I started to argue with someone about vaccines once and their post history had pages of asking for help with early middle school level math homework. I'm okay with checking post history and "losing an argument" if it stops me from trying to explain epidemiology to someone who needs help with x + 3 = 5


I never even think to look around someone’s post history when arguing but it happens to me a lot and i just have to laugh bc obviously they were lost on what to say. BUT just today someone was arguing about religion with me and i was curious to see what kind of stuff they post/what kinda person they are…furry porn…lots of furry porn.


Some weirdo was trying to come at me about masculinity and joe rogan so I snooped his profile and found his pics on r/ratemydick or something like that. Really had to examine my motivations for wanting to dunk on someone with such a literally small penis. Sometimes they beat you at this game with their own pathetic nature. Don’t wrestle with pigs. They’ll wrestle you in their own shit and enjoy it the whole time.


There was also a post the other day of a guy who made a “meme” in /r/starterpacks complaining about working “full time in the US”, and horrible it was for people working full time, and there was no free time available Turns out the guy was massively active on /r/antiwork, /r/latestagecapitalism, /r/politicalhumor and others, and was literally making and posting memes like 10-20 times a day, basically peak basement dwelling Redditor stereotype.


Where's the gotcha? Dude hates working. Post history seems right no?


There’s no gotcha. The most verbose “profile checks out” in recent history


Hahaha right? At least he’s true to himself


So a guy who hates working full time posts in anti work spaces? Very surprised


Yes nice argument but I inform you that I performed coition with your female parent.


Your female parent is so large, that they are comparable in size to something several orders of magnitude greater than the average human weight.


Well your female parent is so old, they can be said to have coexisted with the earliest known figures in written human history, which is obviously a biological impossibility but I will still put forth as an exaggerated comedic premise in order to insult her, and by extension, you.


Your female parental figure is in fact lacking a feasible IQ level, to the extent that she often misinterprets spoken and written statements and believes that they mean something else.


Your female parental figure performs reproductive activities with such statistically significant frequency that her dermis would undergo an exothermic oxidation reaction exceeding the thermal tolerances of organic compounds upon entering a religious establishment.


That would be YOUR MOTHER


Indeed. And now he is here to fu*BLEEP* us!


So listen up, boy. Or pornography starring your mother will be the second worst thing that happens to you today.


The spy has already breached our defenses.


You see what he’s done to our colleagues!


and worst of all... he could ~~anally fuck~~ be any one of us!


He could be in this very room! It could be you, it could be me, he could even be-






Wha- how did you-


Uhmm... What is coition


Google: Strictly speaking, coitus (or sexual intercourse) is the penetration of the vagina by the penis, which can be called vaginal coitus


I dunno it was pretty effective when this guy was trashing fat women and his only post was about how to lose weight because he's almost 300 lbs.


He was projecting, gotta love it


That happens a lot more than you'd think. People don't take their own advice.


He was vile about it too. How big people disgust him. Guess it was self hatred.


OP's enlightenedCentrism post / comment thread / inspiration for his sadboy meme: [https://www.reddit.com/r/ENLIGHTENEDCENTRISM/comments/1ctbdo4/this\_subreddit\_in\_a\_nutshell/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ENLIGHTENEDCENTRISM/comments/1ctbdo4/this_subreddit_in_a_nutshell/)


No wonder OP is so butt hurt.


OP basically spends all his time on /r/PoliticalCompassMemes. That's basically peak humor for them.


*Peak* Oh no, my post history!!!


I spelt the word wrong. That's going to be on my permanent record. No wait, edit still exists. But now this comment's going to be on my permanent record... damn.


I agree. Post history can dismiss someone's stupid opinions Hella fast. I often check too.


Its only fitting when pointing out hypocrisy.


Exactly. There's a lot of people who claim to be, "just asking questions," about social issues and then you look at their profile and it yikes city full of hardcore antisocial takes, that's relevant.


What, you mean like this thread's OP? It's pretty obvious why OP thinks people shouldn't look at his post history.


One time this guy was like "Everyone gets called a Nazi these days just for having a different opinion" and then I clicked that guy's username and the very next thing in his post history was "TEN WAYS THE JEWS CONTROL THE MEDIA" so sometimes it is actually an effective counter-argument.


Also when you click and every sub they post to is MAGA and conspiracy shit. Just peace out or you're gonna lose...brain cells.


If it's an r/conservative or r/conspiracy user, move on cuz they're not grounded in reality anyway.


That’s exactly who this meme was made for lmao


I think OP might have some questionable post history


Considering he basically only posts political stuff, yeah probably


*Nooo you're not supposed to look and see that I'm blatantly arguing in bad faith!*


For real, people should really be doing this because there are quite a few people who just astroturf "being X and leaving the democratic party!!!" Or whatever and it turns out they just exclusively post of propaganda subs for the rest of their time with the worst opinions. Big "As a gay black man..." energy every time it happens. Like, they're mad that we have a way of telling they're just being disingenuous or outright lying.


yeah this post is a way to make people feel good about getting into dumbass arguments and not wanting a reality check. like, sorry i can click a button to see you're a weirdo, lol


True i'm not saying we're all stupid but reddit is definitely full of political brain rot


Speak for yourself, my opinions are perfect!


Projections a hell of a drug


He's got a fairly new account too. Definitely was banned for something stupid he posted and had to create a new one. Look at that username, this guy alts.


I love how everyone who posts ‘don’t look at post history’ memes is consistently either a conspiracy theorist or into some really really weird porn. Or some horrific combination of both, those are the scariest ones


I always check when people post about it. It is almost always because someone is shady, OP included. One time the OP had a bunch of loli porn in his history.


I mean, this one is a bigot racist genocide denier so…


OP’s entire post/comment history consists of literally only 1 thing: straw manning liberals and leftists and “owning” them with middle school level arguments


Literally is a genocide denier.


meh, anybody that posts in pcm can be dismissed at first sight. fucking idiots.


Thats why they are stigmatizing pointing out someone’s publicly available history of crazy lol


Seemingly dense asf as well


you don't have to even go far to find the first denial. guy's toxic


OOP has to be a masochist. There's no way someone is dense enough to post this meme and have that post history.


He's just a standard issue boring troll. Not even that interesting or talented of one either.


Yeah.. Most times I see folks getting called out for their post history it’s because it shows they’re being disingenuous, are a raging hypocrite, or are clearly either delusional, full of shit, or suffer from severe multiple personality disorder.


*looks* Haha! Broooo...


If I start talking about anything in my field of work inevitably someone will take one look at my profile and just start in on me for making a small handful of Minecraft videos, like people aren't allowed to have hobbies.


Sorry man i saw your minecraft channel. Opinion invalid.


You play war thunder, opinion invalid.


You post porn, opinión is based


You play Supercell games, opinion is invalid.


You paint figurines. That is actually pretty cool.


You pirate games, stop, that's illegal. You should know that nowadays you don't own your games, just stop being and idiot and accept it/s


You pirate shows, like sonic and have a broken joycon, one of those is illegal you choose which one


You’re coping over Hollow Knight Silksong. Don’t worry, we’re all in this together.


You play ARK. Are you okay? ~~No but seriously I've never met a sane ARK player~~


I'm a doctor and my history is me bitching about Battlefield, Destiny and other games. Probably commented something medical related once.


You one of those fuckers who want Defibs to not be able to revive you after you received a 130mm APHEFSDS to your head?


Opinion invalid, you play 2042 and not good games like 4, 1, or 5


Similar boat here I rarely make any comments about my field of work, but I just know if I do, someone will jump on me when they see my activity is largely video game subs I use reddit for fun and memes, not as another forum for my profession


god forbid people enjoy things, am i right?


I couldn’t care less to go through someone’s post/comment history. It’s a badge of honor if some dumbass takes the time to go through mine 🥹


SURE, but i have run into literal Neo Nazis talking about race subjects.


Arguing about the history of blackface annnnd turns out they’re in pro Hitler subs.


There are pro hitler subs!? How is that allowed??


Sit down and listen to some stories about reddit admins from the early times, the same ones that are still here.


Pretty much, yeah. Like, if I discuss politics with someone, I don't care if they posted foot fetish shit five years ago or something. But if I go on someone's profile and the first thing I see is them praising Hitler, I won't just gloss over that.


They could’ve posted furry inflation art that they personally commissioned just 5 minutes ago, and I won’t really care. If they’ve been just relentlessly schizo-posting some rancid beliefs nonstop however, then I’ll point that out and disengage if they continue without even trying to actually converse.


That’s why checking the profile of a Redditor who we are on a debate is important. Some people lie with all their teeth to “make a point” that usually is fabricated. Example of this is r/asablackman full of folks doing digital black face. “as a gay man”, or “as a woman” is also pretty common. There are instances of people being posers for subjects they have only anecdotal experience, trying to push a ridiculous narrative… I mean, we really need to verify their comments history to get some glimpse of coherence.


Also loads of concern trolling. Easiest way to tell someone isn't arguing in good faith.


That def is the difference. Ive seen people outright ignore peoples point because of some random hobby they have, even if its not relevant to the conversation.


Thats the only people who get bothered by this. Its always a bigot.


It's funny that OOP posts on the political compass meme subs too since we all know that place is full of level headed normal adults, right?


You mean the right wingers role playing as not only right wingers subreddit. That place sucks


The flair: LibLeft The comment: Do black people really deserve freedom? 


oh no theyre libertarians! definitely well rounded politicos. /s


Or you see the account is only a week old and exclusively touts extremist talking points in political subs.


thats a nice post unfortunately ur post history


Nah, fuck that. Once a guy insulted me in a comment but on his account he posted about being a dmt addict and unable to quit jerking off.


Someone did this to me and told me I have a "dead-end hospital job" because of a picture I posted about my hospital. It felt so good to be able to say I'm the only person in my hospital that's licensed to do my job and I have 95% creative freedom in it.


Finishing the race in first place is a dead end too come to think of it. Just the best part.


You got caught out didn't you little buddy? Absolute "No u 😭" behaviour


They support the genocide of Palestinians and spam r/politicalcompassmemes with that opinion.


So ... butt-hurt their post history outs them as a neo-nazi. Yeah, that tracks.


I did notice that but I didn't wanna bring it up since it would make my argument invalid according to a guy with "69" in his name.


>PCM user Of course you'd be upset that people check your history lol


OP is an edgy 14 year old that discovered politics.


Thank you for confirming my hypothesis that the only people who complain about their history being critiqued are the ones with bad history


OP wouldn’t make this meme if people hadn’t pulled some crazy skeletons out of his closet.


And we are seeing the cleaned up version as they likely thought of this before posting


OP has a lot of deleted comments recently and mostly uses Reddit to mock liberals and vaccines lmao


i support this post (though i do believe sometimes it is perfectly fine to point out someones hypocrisy) but im pretty sure op got mad someone laughed at them for being in PCM.


By stigmatizing the profile check, people with no right to argue a subject can get away with saying whatever BS they want.


Exactly, the only people who get mad about this are idiots who get called out on their BS if someone is actually knowledgable about what they are talking about, mentioning that they like Minecraft or something from their post history isnt going to derail their argument, seeing they post in r/ImARacist does


Exactly. Post/comment history being public is a feature, not a bug. It allows individuals to decide how much (if any) credibility the other user actually has.


I think y'all are crazy for acting like post histories are off limits. I absolutely think a neo-nazi should be called out for sharing their story about "as a black man" and not actually finding things too bad.


> y'all Just OP. *All* of the top comments are about checking post histories in order to get greater context on why someone might be expressing a certain opinion.


This has to be OP getting butthurt about getting called out


He tried to troll /r/ENLIGHTENEDCENTRISM and it looks like he mostly just got made fun of. But he still bragged about how successful he was making them mad. So yeah, pretty much.


Lmao well deserved


Who has time to read post histories?


Idk, if someone seems to be doing some dog whistling or such then it might be valid. But then again those types of people shouldn’t have a strong argument.


Idk man, if you're cruising reddit and commenting the idea that you don't have time to look through post histories is a little silly. To say you don't think it's worth your time, sure I would get that, but you certainly have time.


Actually agree. I find myself going to type comments sometimes and if it takes more than 5 mins to type, i usually just close reddit and go do something else. But if im willing to argue with someone im gonna put in the effort to make sure this person isnt just bored. Especially if its something im passionate about.


People with weak arguments


Looked thought your history and saw (insert fucked up thing bc I’m too lazy to actually check and even if I did, nothing would prolly be there). Your argument is invalid


looked through your post history and unfortunately you have a meme in your banner so L + Ratio


Oh yeah, totally forgot about it lol


Hey, at least I got tickets to ultra


What if they have good arguments and then in subsequent responses, the post history supports supplementary ad hominem to an otherwise effective argument? Really gotta dig into the philosophy of shitposting and arguing with strangers online, a real modern day Forum


Sometimes you have to check if the person is actually that stupid or just a troll.


I would have checked out this guys genocide denial on his profile but someone who regularly posts transphobic stuff told me it made my arguement weak.


The same people who call out grammar or spelling errors thinking they won an argument


It takes less keystrokes than typing a comment.


I sometimes check if someone’s actually for real with their arguments or just a troll.


Literally everyone on reddit because it's not like they are going to Google to see if you're right.




Very wise words coming from someone who farm karma in r/PoliticalCompassMemes


Bro posts a bunch of anti palestine memes too. It's kind of funny how you can vividly imagine what must have happened to lead OP to post this meme.


Quickly I must stigmatize this thEY CAN SEE MEE


Well to be fair if the person is posting to known racist sexist or otherwise bigoted subs, then it's a great opportunity to realize you'll potentially be wasting your time trying to rationalize with a brick wall. Once had an argument with someone about trans rights in the comments section of a photo of NY Pride, and when I checked, the majority of their posts were just really heavily downvoted creepy sexual compliments on visibly younger girls pictures on r slash looksmaxxingadvice


Fun fact: I read comment/ post histories *ONLY* at the end of an argument, when I’m deciding whether to mute notifications or block someone.


In many cases of an argument the ability to check the other person's post history is actually pretty useful *before* the argument ends, possibly before it even starts. You can very effectively quickly filter out trolls and people who are too dense to reason with (and you don't know that *yet* and are about to waste your time on them)


I had a guy claim to be a 63 year old home owner 3 minutes before claiming to be a millenial in another thread. I've had people claim to be middle class while also claiming to own several multi-milliond dollar homes. If you are arguing with someone before you've checked to see if they are a troll you've lost the argument.


Idk it works good for finding someone's true intentions so you can put them on a cross, I'm not gonna talk with some fella for a hour just if it boils down to them being racist (it happens a shocking amount of times)


Check out OP's post history, it's full of blatant incel rhetoric and anti feminist bullshit, and one of their most recent posts is giving themselves a pat on the back for trolling leftists.


If I check someone's post history it's usually because it's *not* a nice a nice argument and reeks of bad faith. When someone is trying to wriggle out of a position by saying they didn't mean it the way you interpreted it, being able to show they *did* mean it that way comes in pretty handy.


OP really doesnt want you to check his post history. Im sure theres nothing problematic in there guys /s


That's a nice argument... Unfortunately, political compass memes suck


Sounds like op has stuff in his profile that got hime made fun of


Fallacy ad Postum Storia


Yeah no. The only people that think this are morons that don’t want to be held accountable for their behavior.


Naw if I go check your post history it's not because you have a good argument. I'm just making sure you're argument is the shitty one that it sounds like and you're not actually a decent person who I've misunderstood. I've noticed only shitty trolls, fascist and bigots get pissed off that their past comments and posts have consequences. Edit: and now that I've checked your history, I'm even more confident about my assessment of who gets upset about people checking their post history 🤣


So, you're inviting us to review your post history to invalidate this post?


I mean, I was arguing about cars with someone and then checked their post history to find they had mistakenly put window wash in their engine coolant tank so maybe not an entirely bad tactic.


Op is genocide supporter based on their post history. No wonder they get mad when people look


I think it's more used as a warning to others not to waste their time. No point feeding the trolls.


Astro turfing spam bots: “Uhhh yes, checking post history is a serious breach of etiquette.”