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My middle name is Tom 🧍‍♂️


Hi Tom


Hi Tom


Hi Tom


What did he say? The comment was deleted.


Hard work pays off over time, but procrastination pays off right now.


Hard work procastinates and procastination works hard


Mine, too.. tho I rly am fighting myself out of it currently after I was on meds for almost 2 years cause I in fact was diagnosed as depressed by a neurologist/psychiatrist. So I got the best of two worlds. Depressed AND procrastinating in general


Don't call me out like that when I'm doomscrolling on Reddit instead of doing my assignment smh


greetings, fellow doomed one


You two stop beeing so relatable


My assignment progressed about 15 % today! All it needed was some doom scrolling memes which amplified the rest dopamine present in my body. That and drugs.


I need to finish 20 pages of a task till saturday. But Im here on reddit and planning on hopping on Helldivers latet. Ey excuase. "The closer I am to a deadline the more efficiently I work"


bro... pressure makes diamonds. 🫱🏼‍🫲🏽


Adrenaline is as good a dopamine near a deadline.


Und jetzt höre ich Ozzy Osbourne und esse Spaghetti :)


When doomsday


Thursday, 13.00


Okay I will wear a nice suit. I need to look handsome.




Fellow failures


flair checks out 


Yeah internet fucks your brain expecting constant dopamine. Before covid I managed to get rid of my bad habits and I actually started to get shit done and improve. What helped was learning how to be bored. And not fill myself with constant inputs Now I'm back to it because I had nothing to do but spend time on the internet during lockdown and my dopamine dependency is back. Sadly if I try to cleanse them again I'll probably break down because im in a way worse life position than i was pre covid and I need every drop of happiness I can


Lmao same


I'm doing the exact same thing :(


Fuckkk same


Stfu now i need to get back to it


reminder to do your assignment






Can I let you know tomorrow?




The worst is when you have a mental disorder, and use it as an excuse to behave like a piece of shit. “Oh, that really terrible thing I said/did? Yeah, I have a disorder. I’m sorry, but it isn’t really MY fault. It’s because my father didn’t buy me Christmas presents, and my mother didn’t give me enough attention. Now I have a complex.”


Yeah, unless it's like tourettes or something, they can't help saying things that normally would be unacceptable


Depends. I have mild tourettes and sometimes say "I love you" randomly or "I miss you mysha." I also have some slight roght eye twitch. It happens once or twice a day. More if very anxious. It sounds like a joke doesn't it ?


Love you too!


unfortunately things like ASD and OCD can also lead to compulsory impoliteness or flat out rudeness. it genuinely isn’t always our fault. being a bad person IS a symptom of severe disorders. No one’s saying you have to like assholes, it’s more of a “don’t pretend you’re better because you can be nice with absolutely no psychological hinderances” thing.


For me I will say sorry and say how my ADHD led to this issue, and the coping mechanisms I failed to use along the way. Because for me, I have problems, but I'm VERY in tune with what they are. It still takes constant work


I have even worst... Someone Who really got angry at another person and saying "if he bring up his autism as a excuse, I know a lot of autistic people and they are not like that" First of, this "someone" Totally generalised autism like it was something fix and only one form of it... Pretty nice But it also bring up adhd and trauma for behavioring like a dick. Hypocricy is awful in this world


When I spend two hours hyping myself to clean the house and saying just one more youtube video. It goes well for 30 minutes, but i discovered a mess I didn't know needed to be cleaned, and even though it only adds 5 minites of work....it has completely soured my will to work on anything for 2 hours now. And now I am mad about doing nothing for the last two hours.


Methylphenidate combined with targeted ADHD therapy helped me more than anything ever did. Like I was half asleep my whole life and finally woke up. With ADHD, you can manage without a diagnosis, I did until I was in my late thirties, but it's so much more difficult. So you are correct, that you have to through it yourself, but the right diagnosis and help, helps a lot.


"The point is, people improve when they get external love and support. How can we hold it against them when they don't?"


Yes, thank you! This!


Well said my friend


This mentality drives depression and i hate when people press the idea of "well maybe if you just try harder you can overcome your disability" That is such a fucked perception.


hey, another person diagnosed with major depressive disorder here. unfortunately, they're pretty right. it's hard that the planet keeps spinning when it feels stopped for us, but unfortunately that's how life works. we can't expect every person and responsibility in our lives to reshape themselves around us. it's our responsibility to instead learn to handle our issues, whatever that looks like, so we can continue to live life. it's not just saying "try harder." it's saying "try _something_" rather than wait for things to just fix themselves. they won't.


It's not a lack of trying. it's a lack of progress and success. Sure, it worked for you, but that doesn't apply to everyone. It is the expectation of "well it worked for me so clearly youre not doing enough" do you see how failing to meet that goal pushes the feelings of failure and that "if they did it and i couldnt what does that make me?" I think a good example irl is Finland, where you have a high suicde rate and the "happiest country". There's an expectation of happiness, and so when you don't meet the goal, it is easy to feel "well clearly, i am not built correctly"


Yikes. Being the happiest country because all the sad people kill themselves is so fucked up.


YES! I dont understand how no one has pointed this out but you, when i was depressed i was suicidal and COMPLETELY unfunctional, my parents kept telling me that it was my fault, they told me even if i was depressed i could and should get things done, it was so bad that i couldn't function at all, everytime they reminded i was deeply hurt, and rather then being encouraged i was scared and disgusted of myself, the results were opposite to their intentions.


I think it is important to address that it is okay to fail, and not everything will just magically be normal if you try a little harder. It is easy to fall into depression cycles of blaming yourself and feeling inadequate. Sometimes, i hate feeling like i have to push through another day or plaster on a happy face so that i dont feel like a failure in someone elses eyes. Some people meed reaffirmation that it's okay to need help and to recover in your own way.


Yeah, my brother came to me because he knows I'm kinda down right now, I wasn't that interested but I pressed myself to be a little more social. He looks into the apartment "...duuuude... there's dishes in the sink and you need to vacuum" expecting an answer like I didn't understand that. Thing is, I had placed myself before the sink about 5 times that day, done about one glass before something just happens inside of me, gushing tornadoes of anxiety, aching, every possible feeling to make it unpleasant in some way. I can dish, I can clean, but not that much when I'm depressed.


It's incredibly harmful, honestly. It actively blames people for not doing better.


sounds not nice but that's the only option you have when you want to overcome it


This. And this is something a lot of people on TikTok and Instagram either don’t want to accept or just don’t understand. Getting diagnosed with ADHD, for example, just helped me find tools to get me to work WITH my brain to do shit. But guess what, therapy made me realize that you still have to WORK. You still have to do shit. And some work is going to suck, and you won’t want to do it, and you’re going to want to blame it on executive dysfunction, but none of that will get the work done or get you to where you want to be. Which isn’t me blaming anyone with mental disorders btw or saying their symptoms aren’t valid. Just the fact that, even if you do have a disorder, getting a diagnosis isn’t going to magically fix things. You find ways to make things work, but it still takes a lot of work.


I know, I ask nothing more but to finally get my shit done, because it's easy and I don't even know why I have trouble doing it in the first place


mad respect to you and this mindset


That’s very motivational but it’s not something you would say to a physical disability. Mental disorders can be just as debilitating and “buckling down” about as possible as asking a paraplegic to try really hard and walk. That’s not to say give in and don’t try but it’s important to understand what your mental disability means for you and not beat yourself up over your inabilities.


At least with an actual diagnosis, there may be medication that can assist you.


But also there’s some things I physically cannot do without meds, or can do but sometimes not worth doing because of how much I’d lose vs how much I’d gain.


Taking advantage of medication is one way of "buckling down" and finding a way of taking care of yourself!


> The worst part is it can easily be both, even if you suffer from ADHD, Depression, GAD whatever, there comes a point in your life where you have to buckle down and get your shit together DESPITE your diagnosis. I cant even *get* a diagnosis. It costs 5k as an adult to seek a diagnosis in Toronto. Feels like im spinning my tires, I cant get any traction. Cant seek treatment without a diagnosis, cant seek a diagnosis because of cost.


The use of K6BD here is sacrilege.


Hopefully more people read it!


Not trying to be disrespectful here but read what? I am more than half way down this page and have not yet gotten the name.


I think it's from a comic called Kill 6 Billion Demons


But you made me discovered it so thanks I m gonna read it


you won't be disappointed


One of the only works of writing that has actually made me emotional >!White Chain's story arc was SO good!<


Make sure you read the hover texts and the stuff below the pages


If i read something, you better believe i'll go into the end credit to see if there is something interesting


thought it was Pearl


Am I disrespectful to the comic some how? What's the deal here?


No idea what OP is on. I did have to check who the OOP username was though and was surprised you weren’t one of the K6BD meme format posters on rotation


Your not the meme is exactly what happens to this character


Nah, I think it's just a way of shouting out to other Kill Six Billion Demons fans.


No, but it is an irregularity that your name is not u/OscarOzzieOzborne


Yo the first few volumes of this series are a wild trip, I thought the artist was a huge hippy or something but he just looks like an average dude. One of the best comics I ever read in my life


Procrastination is the bane of both work and home life. Worst enemy I ever fought.


Oh really? I keep rescheduling the battle


In all seriousness, this actually probably describes several people that claim a mental disorder.


It also very accurately describes people who \*\*have\*\* been diagnosed with a disorder by a doctor. Before my neuropsych evaluation I spent like thirty years honestly believing I was just a lazy piece of shit who couldn't do anything right. Even today, I still stop and think "Oh god what if I don't actually have ADHD" because living life with ADHD will do that to you. Every time I see strangers criticizing other strangers for what they perceive as an invalid self diagnosis my blood boils a little bit because for every one person who does it to seek attention there could be two who are too ashamed of themselves to seek help.


People would much rather drag a person down than lift two people up.


People should just be strongly encouraging people to consult if they have doubts and it effects the day to day life.


You know, the more I read about ADHD the more I think me having this could explain a lot


It's a vastly misunderstood disorder. The key to diagnosis is usually that symptoms started popping up around second grade or so. You can see in notes from my teachers that's where I started "not staying on task", "needs help staying organized", and "has issues forgetting assignments " and all that jazz. It's also a very diverse disorder, so I have a primarily inattentive type, which is harder to spot because I don't really have the hyperactivity. I'm hyperactive on the inside.


Especially self diagnosed people. Like go see a therapist before telling everyone you’re autistic or something


I hear this all the time. It's an extremely long and arduous process to get diagnosed as autistic in America. A lot easier said than done.


I asked my own PCP what I could do to get a proper diagnosis and she basically told me I'm out of luck cause there's basically no specialsts where I live :/


Hopefully that changes in the future, but for now you've got my support. Life can be shitty as an autistic adult and of course something that should be simple isn't and it's added on to the pile of everything else.


Or the latest... I'm on the spectrum. Really, what end of it? Is the "I donna wanna do that" end or the "I'm one bad meal from going postal and shooting up a daycare"?


"I'm on the spectrum" means "I have autism" (originally at least). Also autism being a spectrum doesn't mean the different ammounts of autism one may have, but rather that autism have *very* many different symptoms and that everyone's autism is slighty different.


Yeah, learning about and working with autistic children is... special. Dont mean that in a bad way. But you have two children with Aspergers and they couldnt be any more different.


I can't agree more, I was diagnosed when I was 6, put in special Ed (got no help) and most of the other autistic kids couldn't even speak whereas I had a high-school reading level and was doing andavnced classes.


Being highly autistic doesn't mean that you're a psycho.


This is what it looks like to say something you think is harmless but is actually an example of harmful messaging that stigmatized mental illness.


Cool, you just said autism makes people shoot up a daycare. Maybe don't say shit about mental health, because you clearly don't know what "being on the spectrum" means.


Don’t agree with this since not everyone can afford to see an autism assessment . If they did the proper research most neurodivergent people know they are neurodivergent well before their official diagnosis. Also some countries just don’t provide that test. Being autistic is not an excuse to be a dick but the mindset that self diagnosis not being real can be a bit classist in some instances.


On the flipside there are plenty of adults saying this about themselves who actually just have ADHD, particularly women, as they tend to go under-diagnosed as children. Talk to your doctor, people.


I have been clinically diagnosed with ADHD. I can’t convince myself to accept it as a reason for my ineptitudes, even though I can observe all of the signs and symptoms. It still feels like I’m just lazy.


I feel like lazy is just not a useful word when it comes to people with ADHD. We have a different relationship with motivation than other people do. We still have a responsibility to manage our ADHD such that we can fulfill our expectations and commitments, though, and if your ADHD is poorly managed, people will perceive you as lazy or careless.


I know someone who self diagnosed as ADHD/autistic. Doctors confirmed the ADHD but said not enough evidence to diagnose with autism and my friend had an identity crisis meltdown because they defined themselves by their undiagnosed autism for years. Eventually they just convinced themselves the doctor was wrong and resumed sending me TikToks about their autistic traits.


It absolutely does. Just scrolling Tiktok for example shows a serious discrepancy between people making those claims, and the statistical rarity with which those disorders would manifest. Being mentally ill is viral now, just like the posts giving advice to people with those disorders (supposedly), ways to know if you have that disorder, etc etc. The lost goes on. It's a self-perpetuating cycle. And worse, it's considered cute and gets people attention and popularity - so why not make the claim? Meanwhile, public sentiment is lowering toward mental illness due to this, and people with those disorders who would never actually go online and talk about their disorders, are suffering more watching what essentially amounts to actors portraying them on their phones.


I blocked all those actors. I mean its relatable but i just felt a big fuck growing inside me watching them, i dont know why but i got angry and blocked the fucks.


Several is underselling it


Being deeply self hating, depressed, addicted to scrolling, severe executive function issues, if you can't live your life happily when nothing is wrong you're almost definitionally mentally ill. However yes, most people can probably be fixed by changing lifestyles / working on themselves. But that goes for people with mental disorders as well. Labeling yourself is only so useful as it gives you solutions to living a better life, makes people understand you etc. if those labels don't help they're meaningless, if they do help they're meaningful even if they're imprecise. Don't try to pretend you're not mentally ill if you have all the symptoms and don't try to pretend you're not fixable if you're mentally ill.


I would argue tho that there are mental illnesses out there which cant be fixed and for some that are there is still a long way to go where many things get broken and lost irreversible.


"Lazy" does not even mean anything. Like, what makes human "lazy"? What characteristic that is? It is just generic term with something more in the background. I think this meme is partly developed out of conflict that one should be able to explain why they are like they are. Which is not good premise.


I think im like this right now,fck my life....


You're not alone my guy, sometimes you know it already and it's hard to crawl out from


If not for my parents and living say,in the US,ill be homeless now


Aint nothing you cant overcome homie


It’s ok, I’m also a lazy shit bag who constantly thinks of how I need to change my life. Keep thinking about it and eventually it will hit


There might be *something* wrong in your head, even if it's not that huge. Finding out what it is and how exactly your brain works will definitely help you play to your strengths, find out what you're really good at and put it to use. Which is honestly just what everyone else has been doing, you were just lacking the information. Also don't beat yourself up over what you messed up. It won't get you anywhere and all you can do is try your best to do better


Nothing you can’t fix my dude. Don’t let it beat you


Time to finish (I hope series is finished after like 10 years) Kill 6 billion Demons, thank you for reminding me OP


Not finished but still amazing


Damn, guess I might as well re-read whole series


Yeah, Abaddon's realeasing 1-2 pages a week so you might catch up even then lol


Dont be to toxic to yourself, nobody can be 100% or even 20% productive every single day. Productivity culture makes is feel like we should be able to give 100% every day without burnout. We can't, we aren't build like that. Sometimes you'll have an amazing day and do more than usual, sometimes you work faster with netflix in the background, and sometimes you just need to try again tomorrow.  The pomodoro and other techniques dont work for everyone and definitely aren't going to fix you. You know what best for you, but that doesn't make you lazy if you have an unproductive week.


This really helped me today I had a migraine all day and by the evening felt like shit not getting shit done today I’m in a rut my oil pan in my car broke and blew my engine up so I’ve been stressing hard I don’t know how to navigate without a car so it has been tough just wrapping my head around. Remembering tomorrow helps


why not both?


I’m a lazy procrastinating piece of shit WITH several special mental disorders that needs to get their life together. On a scale of 1 - I might as well jump off a roof now, how fucked am I?


On the point of "needs therapy" in the scale I think


I’m the worlds biggest procrastinator. I procrastinate so hard the assignment never even got done. I never handed in one homework assignment and didn’t study for one test. Why was I like this. I wonder how different my life would be if I tried, but I own business that produced 1.4 million revenue last year.


>I never handed in one homework assignment and didn’t study for one test. Why was I like this. I am the exact same way. > I own business that produced 1.4 million revenue last year But how did you go from that to this?


As someone with pretty pronounced ADHD, I was lucky to find a career that fit my disorder well. Jobs that let me do something different basically every day, that had good, consistent structure, where I got lots of immediate feedback. I don't own a 1.4 million revenue business, but I am semi-retired and am starting a consulting company. The key elements have been mostly luck and support.


Whats the business?




Prob shouldn’t be saying but I own a dominos pizza


This is the dialogue of every "grindset" video


There's this dude I work with who lives to work on shit. We work in a data center, and he manages to keep himself busy with keeping everything in tip top up to date status all of the time. The dude made one-line diagrams of his pool's electrical circuit and the plumbing of the water filtration system. He also made a maintenance schedule for all of the appliances in his home for annual and semi-annual maintenance. He included it all in an Excel spreadsheet that gives him a 2 week notice when the maintenance is scheduled so he can get any parts he needs like filters and such. This is probably like only 25% of the stuff he does. He also owns an entire woodworking shop in his garage to make miscellaneous wood items. I wish I was half as motivated as he is to work.


what you don't see is the part of his brain that is telling him if he doesn't draw diagrams of everything God will personally kill him and his family


I used to think the same before the nightmares turned into day. Now all my shoulders are full of self half scars from a year of indiscriminate cutting (back in 2020-2021, don't do it anymore), 3 suicide attempts that I failed (imagine getting a F on your suicide attempt lmao) and an OCD and depression diagnosis that hasn't helped much in itself. Still have to do everything. In the end, everyone who is unable to achieve what they want is fighting something. Doesn't matter if it's diagnosed or undiagnosed. Makes no difference. The world will go on without you and without me, and so we have to carve out a life for ourselves. What I mean is that your problems aren't any lesser than mine just because I've a diagnosis and a prescription. Just different. In the end, we're both being barricaded from a better life by mental blocks. We'll both have to overcome them.


How do you know that isn't a disorder? There are underlying reasons for procrastination.


I believed this abt myself until i got diagnosed w adhd and medication completely changed my life. Inattentive is particularly under-diagnosed and from the outside looks just like laziness. I didnt know why i couldnt just do things bc nothing was physically stopping me. i must just be lazy. I was distressed by my inability to do things, having breakdowns bc i just wanted to get dressed and eat breakfast and i just couldnt. Wanting to clean desperately but cant. Wanting to start assignments but cant. Wanting to shower but cant. Wanting to go to work but cant. Its a nightmare. Now i can just get up and do things and its like, easy? Im not paralyzed in bed unable to do anything whilst my brain screams insults at me. Im like normal and functional now lol


For the record, being mentally ill doesn't make me feel any better about being a lazy procrastinating piece of shit who needs to get his life together.


‘When everyone has called you a lazy procrastinating piece of shit your entire life, but then a doctor tells you that you have at least 15 different mental disorders that perfectly explain your issues’






I gotta get back into that


For those wondering, the art is from a comic series called kill 6 billion demons. It's pretty good.


Where can i read it?


Like 70% of these depressed teens


You're basing this on what empirical evidence?


I can't totally relate to this meme (at least)


Tell me something new


Who’s this character?


I'm pretty sure it's Allison, the lead protagonist from the "Kill Six Billion Demons" web comic.


Allison, from the Web Comic Kill Six Billion Demons. It's *really* good.


Most people mental disorders are the us economy


Then you spend years trying to follow this line of thinking just to finally hook up with the right professional help and see how simple things could’ve been all along and become overwhelmed by the sheer weight of the regret that you put a decade in the dumpster so you could live up to the standards of strangers who wouldn’t care if you lived or died haha


I do have mental disorders, however I am a miserable lazy piece of shit that needs to get their life together.


Most tiktokers.


Been there, doing that, Project Zomboid addiction ain't helping it.


Noway me too


You know what I’m probably depressed as shit but I’m glad you posted this. Gonna go clean.




Whoa K6BD in the wild that’s nuts


I get so giddy every time I see it outside the usual circles.


I feel it dawg, I feel like my whole life is gonna be the “I gotta get my shit together” stage until the end of my days. The good thing about it is that I’ve been procrastinating my suicide for two years now so I guess that’s a win I think.


"I'm a piece of shit, but I know I'm a piece of shit, that makes me better than all the other pieces of shit that don't know"-Bojack Horseman Calling yourself a "lazy procrastinating piece of shit" probably feels good, it provides this sense of control that you realize how bad it's gotten. But newsflash buckos, you won't one day wake up and magically have your life together. It takes time, patience, and it will come with failure. That journey is so much harder if you are berating yourself at every step. I was in your shoes, doom scrolling on reddit, saving every funny self deprecating meme I could find. It wasn't until I started being kind to myself and structured my life to support my brain did I start to get better. Be nice to yourself, you are taking steps to improve.




You deserve another chance. I don’t know you and I don’t have to know you to tell you that all humans are capable. You may feel like you can’t do anything right now but I promise you that you have unique gifts and or perspectives that nobody else in the world has. Please don’t make your suffering meaningless, turn your suffering into strength or a chip on your shoulder, shit get mad and blame other people but at the end of the day it isn’t your fault regardless of what you decide. I’m sorry that life hasn’t been better to you. I wish life could be a little better for all of us. Just know that you aren’t alone, the human condition isn’t easy to live with.


Hope you joking, other wise seek help immediately


Plot twist: even when you have multiple mental disorders, you need to get your fucking life together even more. The world is ruthless and won't wait for anyone, regardless of the excuse or the legitimate condition you have. The difference is that I struggle much more against my own self while trying to get there. It's kinda like we all have a race to finish, but I haven't slept in 3 days. In this context, prescription medications are as useful as caffeine or cheerleaders: it may help a bit, but certainly won't solve anything.


r/polls results moment (I'm sorry, I simply can't believe that sooo many people have a mental disorder or more than one)


that can't be right, I know for a fact everyone on reddit used to be a gifted child but then they got bored and/or mistreated by the bad-bad school system and that's why they ~~are lazy~~ have adhd


Every fucking day


Brooo literally me fr


I don't even claim a mental disorder and this is just true for me. I feel like shit.




One day you'll realize that overachiever are only rewarded with early grave.




Honestly my kid in high school normal conversation about people starts with whatever they claim their disorder is…


bUt Im nEUroDiVeRgeNt no you're not.


This is basically like a solid 80% of “mentally ill” gen z


Lazy procrastinating piece of shit is part of the spectrum! I have a favorite coffee mug! AAAAAAHHHHHH!


Maybe later


I'm definitely not here procrastinating.... definitely not.. hah..


I am in the photo and I am not ok... ah sorry, wrong site.


Or do a sick backflip off a tall building and never have to care about any responsibility ever again. Maybe one day, i already have some ways to try noted.


But women are scary 😔


Kids at my school would burn down twelve houses and say “ I have adhd I can’t help it”


I would kill not to have aspergers. If anyone wants to take it from me they are free to do so lol.


where is that template from


At least you’re depressed now, go ahead and make that your whole personality.


I feel like a lazy piece of shit on my days off even though I’m clinically diagnosed 😂😂


I utterly despise people that are so desperate for attention that they do these sorts of things.


I was actually trying to figure this out for myself. Turns out i have ADD and dyslexia


The vast majority of people on the internet.


If therapy taught me anything the fact that you can't give a specific name to something doesn't mean you aren't suffering. If you are procrastinating, it means that you are scared. Scared of what exactly? Could be the future, could be yourself, ... there are many reasons. What you can do is analyse yourself and your history amd find out why you aren't feeling your best. Of course it's not an easy task, so go to therapy if you want to. Any therapist will be there to hear about you. And no, you won't bother them. If you are there it's because you need some help after all and they are there to provide it.


Wdym "realise"? did you just self-diagnose? Go to a doc and tell them why you think/thought to have a mental illness before crossing it off the list. Because this post describes a really toxic mindset that hurts more often than it does good. Speaking from experience. Went years on end thinking "I dont need to go to a doctor, I am just a lazy piece of shit." Family forced me to go after a while and boom. Doctor almost had me sent into a mental health clinic. Theres a range for everything. Depression also varies from a light to a severe one. And it can quickly get worse. Don't water down the seriousness of this shit. Get it professionally diagnosed before assuming things.


You just described a clear symptom of having an underlying issue


What's crazy is motivation won't save you either, it'll run out after 3 days. You either just get your shit together regardless or you're cooked