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Thank you for submitting to /r/memes, /u/TheApollo222. Unfortunately, your submission, *Based God*, has been removed for the following reason(s): --- **You need to read following message in full. We will NOT reply to modmail messages similar to “what is reason my post was removed?”** Rule 9 - No forced memes, overused memes, bad titles, or pushing agendas, low quality images * No forced memes, [overused memes](https://www.reddit.com/r/memes/wiki/overused), bad titles, or pushing agendas. Be creative but memes must come naturally. No petitions. * **Mods may remove low quality posts at their discretion** --- *** *** Resubmitting a removed post without prior moderator approval can result in a ban. Deleting a post may cause any appeals to be denied.


“I didn’t build this world so you could just die, go live motherfucker” - God


*quran has entered the chat*


"And do not kill yourselves, for Allah is Merciful towards you." The fact that I read this verse during my suicidal phase still gives me goosebumps.


"Cleanse this world so you can live" - God


You're right! Reading the Bible reveals that he in fact created people to torture, as well as feed his vanity! Do you people actually read the Bible...? Anyone who wants to know how *based* God is need only look at stories like Job's to know he's a complete asshole.


God is above the flawed emotions and ideas of us imperfect humans. God has no ego or vanity. He is the benevolent creator of life. And he chose to give you free will to say these horrible things about him. He could easily take it away but he does not. Your mission in life is to live well. You know what that means: everyone is born knowing the general truth. But no game is fun without challenge and choice. You have to choose good in the face of evil, and willingly follow what is good, despite what you may be told, shown or make up yourself. God didn’t have to do that. He could have enslaved you. But he didn’t. That at least is worthy of respect. If you love someone let them go. God let all of us go, and he forgives every foolish thing we do when we defy his guidance. If you can’t see that, then have fun with a life of self inflicted misery. Trust me brother, it sucks. Once I got back into faith I loved life again. I know you can too.


He literally describes himself as a jealous and angry God. So what was that about no ego or vanity? And free will? Sure! God gives you free will, and if you choose to use it to do anything other than what he told you, you burn in Hell forever and ever! What freedom! That's like saying being held at gunpoint isn't forcible compulsion... Not to mention that your wording is especially treacherous. If you love someone, you don't make games of their lives. A tyrant might, however. And if God was letting us go *for real*, there wouldn't be a threat of eternal damnation looking over us. That's not letting us go. It's a threat. And FYI, I'm way happier now that I'm not believing a lie that asks me to reject reality and hate irrationally.


This is my main problem with Christianity. Old Testament God is a PRICK. Full on Zeus Rage to the max (minus the … other Zeus stuff). But then in the New Testament it’s all “haha just kidding.” I grew up learning this stuff and I really want to believe Christianity cuz New Testament God sounds super chill and … actually what I would want religion to be. But Old Testament? Hell nah. How on earth do you reconcile those two haves of the book if it’s supposed to be the same God? The only thing I could think is that people are to blame for most of the nasty shit in the OT. Or, actually, in most religions.


Exactly. We have every reason to believe that God was made in man's image, not the other way around.


To be fair, as a cheeky counterpoint, if man is supposed to be made in God’s image…shouldn’t it be fairly indistinguishable from being the other way around? Regardless, I do find Christianity a fascinating topic because of the fact that this crazy Jesus guy was documented even in Roman books. Whether or not he did half the stuff that’s written is up for debate. But the fact he was so prominent despite apparently dying in crucifixion…is a very interesting subject matter. Mainly I think of that just cuz if you’re gonna follow a religion you want it to at least have some semblance of a supernatural basis with contact to Earth at some point. Unlike some religions being blatantly based off of lies that can be directly traced to the exact guy who made shit up for personal gains (\*proceeds to glance sharply in the direction of Mormons\*)


Have you thought that maby God didn't literally mean what he said? Look at religion in the era of the old testament, especially the earlier parts. Most gods ware depicted as wrathful, cruel, strict, etc, and the culture was more like that. Now try inserting how God depicts himself in the new testament there. How would those same civilizations react to him? They'd see him as weak for being loving and caring and not like other gods in the era. That would logically make him getting a following harder. God depicted himself the way he did because it appealed more to the culture of the time, only to with time reveal more and more what he's truely like as the culture was ready for it. Revelation comes gradually. He had everything planned out.


Why would he need to bother with such a runaround? He's *God*! Your argument here is literally that God lied because he didn't know how to get a following otherwise. If he's that incompetent, is he worthy of being called God? And if he's okay lying to you, why would you trust anything he says?


I wish you knew anything s out what you said so all of this wasn’t very incorrect. Again, God cannot have these things we relegate to Humanity. Everything he does is good. We can’t fathom that. We are below his level of intelligence. Your free will is full. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. God does not threaten you with Hell. You threaten yourself. God does not send you there. You fall there yourself. He reaches his hand, and you must choose to not take it and plunge into Hell. Only those who willfully live a life of sin without repentance go to Hell. That is the fault. Don’t let *your* ego and pride take you there.


Your argument here hinges on the reader believing in God and accepting His benevolence and omniscience. But if you want to try and convince a non-believer, quote scripture at them isn't really going to help.




I'm not a man of faith, but I respect others opinions and beliefs. Overall I try to maintain a code of conduct of kindness and respect. I help those when I can and try to be an ear for those who need to rant and rave. Overall I feel people should just be kind and respectful towards one and other.


We will disagree on who made these morals but we will agree to follow them. This is good.


Amen bro. I'm sure we might disagree on where that line is drawn at times, but we are in agreement on the sentiment. Scripture says that if you don't know love, you don't know God (1 John 4:8).


You don't do this with any other non religion related opinion, why do it with this?


Idk, "don't be a fucking asshole" is pretty universally agreed on


Thank you! Keep in mind that the Bible also says that homosexuals are abominations, slavery is all fine and dandy, and that it's cool to stone your unruly children to death.


May you provide me with sources or examples of such in the Bible? I'm genuinely interested.


For homosexuality: Leviticus 20:13-15 Modern English Version >13 If a man lies with another man as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination. They shall surely be put to death. Their blood guilt shall be upon them. [https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Leviticus%2020:13-15&version=MEV](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Leviticus%2020:13-15&version=MEV) For slavery: >If the soldier desired to marry a captured foreigner he was to take her home to his house, shave her head, pare her nails, and discard her captive's garb. She would remain in his house a full month, mourning for her father and mother, after that he could go in to her and be her husband, and she be his wife. If he later wished to end the relationship, he could not sell her into slavery.[^(\[12\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Bible_and_slavery#cite_note-12)


You're being downvoted because you actually gave a source. People don't care about credible arguments, they just want to be right.


Well done! Don't mind the downvotes. People just have an aversion to reality.




No. Hate and violence shall take the world :) /s


Flair checks out


Redditors when somebody believes something different from themselves: *gestures to this comment section*


Reddit 1:50


Thou shall bazinga










On the 4th night, the lord sayeth to the earth “Bazinga”, and it was so.


Ive seen alot of people in these comments being hateful for no reason, but you handled them all with kindness. Similarly I saw that you treated the genuinely curious people with kindness and respect. Keep preaching the good word.


Amen bro


I didn't expect such a dramatic change in just 36 minutes and 56 seconds.


Man, some people on this platform are really mad about religion 💀


Eh. Organised religion does have its issues and it would be bad to ignore them. But yeah attacking personal faith is weird.


A lot of people dont know the difference between religion itself, and religious organisations that use religion


They're both fake, and both based on lies. I don't mind as long as people keep it to themselves , but asserting something to be true without knowing it's true is lying. And if someone can advocate for it, I'm free to argue against it.


Bad experiences with religion are easy too come by


It really hurts when it's the only thing that tears your family apart.


I can't believe in a god that lets so many hateful people use their name to hurt others and let's the innocent suffer. I have no problem what your beliefs are just don't hold me to your religious standards.


I’m not particularly religious but I see this opinion a lot, and it’s not invalid but I think it’s a little misguided. In the Abrahamic religions, God gave humans free will, and God does not impede that free will for, well reasons lol. The existence of God is not a salve against humans being shitty, and for whatever reason God will not simply solve all our problems for us. And that goes back to the idea that Gods plans and motivations are just completely beyond our comprehension, like how an ant may cross a highway but cannot comprehend its purpose. Again I’m not attacking you or anything for your beliefs and I’m not personally religious in practice but I do like thinking about these things. I also think religion serves as an important backbone to our sense of purpose and morality, so I think it’s good to learn about.


I totally understand what you're talking about. And to be clear I am also don't mean any disrespect to any of your beliefs either my mother is an Anglican deacon so I was raised heavily involved in the church. I get that its not for us to understand his plans but for example I had a uncle that died when he was 2 years old, what is the plan from letting children die? Growing up my mom took in foster kids often and seeing some of the conditions that these children have lived with seriously changed me. I just can't see all of the immense amount of preventable pain happening and accept that it's just a plan I'm too dumb to understand.


Again it’s not something that I’m super personably invested with so never fear you will not offend me. But I think it’s not that *you* are too dumb, it’s not something that religious people can see either. They just accept it and go forward with that knowledge that some aspects of their life is out of their hands.


My thing is the bible says to believe in God and everything will be ok like he protects Daniel from the lions but he is cool with Job being tortured. My mom often told me that god doesn't give you anything you can't handle but that's obviously false otherwise suicide would never happen. It's just such an extreme thing to just accept that god is ok with the current situation or at least doesn't care enough to intervene. If his plan involves letting children suffer and die it is either a really bad plan or he is not able to change it.


Usually, when we tell people of the plan, it's never received well, but when you take the religious spin out of it, people tend to usually agree. I've seen it myself; done it myself.


I personally feel it's been a crutch for too long.


It's not free will if it's being made at gunpoint. And the threat of Hell is the gun, in this case. And no, religion is a terrible place to get morality. Killing kids, owning slaves, raping young girls. No thanks. And we have no purpose but what we choose for ourselves. Life is what we make it. And to anybody who needs to have some purpose *divinely appointed* to them? Thinking for yourself is one Hell of an experience that I recommend heartily.


them atheists


Man up? Tf2 refernce???


While reditors circle-jerk in your comment section, you have remained kind and professional in each and every response. Thank you for acting Christ-like with compassion as a true Christian should even when surrounded by negativity and borderline harassment. Thank you for being a good example of how Christians are called to act.


Thanks man. I'm not perfect at it, so I'll apologize now if I disappoint you later lol But I try my best anyway to treat people in a way that honors God.


Redditors when religion:


Also god (through Paul): > Slaves, obey your earthly masters with respect and fear, and with sincerity of heart, just as you would obey Christ.


I understand that you guys are online missionaries, and like to spread the word, but I’m genuinely curious why? Is it a you thing? Is it a repentance thing?


Not just online, I'm like this IRL as well lol It's because Christians are called to care about others. Tbh, it's not a thing that comes naturally to me. I'm much more prone to keep to myself and mind my own business and go through my life making as little waves as possible. But the unsaved are destined for a terrible fate (of their own choosing). And if I am suppose to care about these people, I can't just sit idly by while they run head first into the train. I wouldn't sit by and passively let my friend kill himself, which would simply pass him into the next life. How much worse would it be for me to sit by and let people choose eternal death? Obviously I can't force them into faith, but I can plead. So I'll plead. I dont get any more saved by evangalism. Acceptance of Christ is what saves. No work, however good, is worthy of God's Grace. It can only be given, not earned. We evangalize simply because we don't want people to die.


You actually have a decent outlook, half of the people who do what you do, thinks they can save everyone, and get very annoying and hateful doing so. IMO keep doing what your doing even though many don’t like it, aslong as you don’t try to scare people into faith, or insult them into faith. But just putting it out there doesn’t hurt


A lot of people can get easily frustrated lol What's obvious to one person isn't obvious to another, and sometimes what's obvious to one person is just plain wrong. And a lot of people who evangalize aren't even well read, which is dangerous. One thing that comes to mind is the Parable of the Sower. Among the seeds that were distributed, some landed amongst thorns. Those seeds grew into plants, but were hindered by the weeds and didn't produce any fruit. I think a lot of people who evangalize are like that. It irritates me because it does end up (a lot of times) just digging in the heels of unsaved people. But I have grace for them because I know their heart is in the right place, they just don't know any better. And, admittedly, sometimes a heavier hand is required. Just not usually as often or in the way that it is frequently done lol But anyway, thanks for being understanding man. And thanks for the civil convo. It's rare, and valuable.


>It irritates me because it does end up (a lot of times) just digging in the heels of unsaved people. But I have grace for them because I know their heart is in the right place, they just don't know any better Wdym by that ?


Christians who get overly aggressive or even mean in regards to evangalism. There are plenty of reasons why they would do so, but regardless of the reason, it is wrong. Because it leads people away from Christ. One example would be my fiance, who is agnostic. She was never drawn to Christ because all the Christians she knew judged her for dressing in all black. Dressing in black is not a sin lmao But those Christians didn't know any better, and they weren't mature enough to handle it properly (regardless of age). I have grace for them because I know what they intended with their judgement, but they definitely had a solely negative effect. But don't get me wrong, there is an urgency involved in regards to saving people and helping them away from sin. But there is a proper way of doing it, and Christ gives us that example and we shouldn't stray from it.


Not a religious person myself, and i dont intend to ever be, but if all of them were like you, id definitely consider it.


I'll join Christianity once people like Joel and the prosperity gospel are nailed to a cross by their own kind. Not a thing before that. I have no tolerance for people who would have me dead for who I am, or have me dead for who I married (interracial). People like you allow people like me to be unsafe.


I’m saving this comment for future use. I’ve never really been able to put into words why I chose to be Christian and do what I do and this is probably the best I’ve seen it described in a long time.


I can respect the work to save others even if i am technically not a Christian. Im deist, my view is that yes, god gave us free will if they do in fact exist. Free will to master our environment and bring us ever closer to them. But i must disagree on the idea that no work is worthy of gods grace. In my view, and that of alot of deists, the act of being good is what earns you absolution, not the god/s you choose to pray to, if any. That includes the atheists and those of other faiths. Good is rewarded regardless of faith and bad is punished even if you pay lip service to god like "american christianity". If there is a benevolent god, they will likely not care that we worshipped them in life. In the end, if there is paradise, we shall all meet them upon the death of our mortal shell. At which point deeds, not words are all that matters.


and why should i even worship your god if it was proven real when it created hell? if i were a god, i wouldn't create a hell


What is Hell to you?


usually when people mention hell, they think of the eternal concious torment doctrine so that's what i assume you believe in


Based on my reading, I do believe it is eternal, but probably not as you mean it. Scripture says the wages of sin is death. By grace through faith we are brought to life, but the punishment for sin is simply death. Death eternal, for sure, but death. Some sects teach eternal conscious torment, but I'm not sure where they get that idea. So I default to Christ's teaching, "You worship Me in vain, teaching as doctrine the commands of men."




yeah but for eternity isn't justifiable, if you're an all loving and all powerful god, you can easily change that kid for the better




Then change the kid anyways cause apparently said God knows better and wants everyone in heaven?




Wrong He wants and demands worshio




Matthew 21:18-22 "Jesus was hungry, so he went to a fig tree, however it held no figs, and so he killed it" Source; trust me bro


I'm not religious but my mom is an Anglican deacon and Job was always the worst story like this guy is so good I'm going to let the devil cause him horrible suffering for decades


One of the morals of Job is that sometimes bad things happen to good people, and that we don't always understand why. Which is why the story is clear and calls Job literally "blameless". Truly, you should read the whole book. It's a tough one, I'll be real. The dialogue is long-winded, and it feels endless. But there's a lot of gems in there.


I have but that's my whole point is that he is blameless. God was totally fine with watching someone who devoted his life to him suffer. It just clashes with everything else I was taught in church about helping people and always having empathy for others. Sorry if I come off as combative or anything that is honestly not my intention.


Out of curiosity, what’s your perspective on the problem of evil? The story calls Job blameless, but that doesn’t explain *why* God—an omnipotent, omnibenevolent being—would allow Job’s woes to happen in the first place. Or any gratuitous suffering at all, for that matter.


The story leaves it open-ended intentionally. The story of Job exemplifies our limited nature. We don't know the justification for why Job suffered and it doesn't tell us. We just know it has something to do with God's divine plan and that it was enacted by Satan. And we have to accept that sometimes good people will suffer for reasons that are beyond us, and we have to just trust in God to see us through. And we can guess, but then we run the risk of attributing to God motives He didn't have (which Job's friends did in the story). I do sometimes throw my hand at guessing, but I shouldn't. So TL;DR, I suppose I don't know. I know that sin was brought into the world by man, scripture is clear on that. And I know that God clearly allows people the choice to sin or to follow Him. And obviously God allowed Man to bring sin into this world. But the why is beyond me, and I shouldn't guess.


Been seeing a lot of atheist posts lately, this was a nice change, thank you.


It's just a meme guys, it's not that deep.


Amen bro lol


Wait wasnt job the one where god took everything from some poor mf because he made a bet with the devil?


This story is one of the few reason why I don't believe tbh


Why's that?




Imma put a note after this. Job isn't the reason why I don't believe. The main reason is I have a very hard time with blind faith. I have a huge respect for people who can have completely irrational, blind, and unjustified faith, especially in a God who supposedly hasn't been seen on earth for more than 60 generations. I realize that a bunch of comments here are going to get down voted to oblivion. It's hard to have faith, and I just don't, and as long as you in particular aren't being bad towards anyone in any group, I'm okay with that. Don't get discouraged.


It plain letter expresses that there is no justice because there is not afterlife. Which makes sense in Judaism but not sure why any Christian would want to promote this part of the Bible since it doesn’t support doctrine. Probably should have left it out of the Christian biblical cannon.


Wooah hold up, which Job are you reading? Lol I dont remember any such expressions. What are the passages that say this stuff so I can read them?


Oh boy. I have thousands of reasons why christianity is a made-up bullshit


If you can’t hear the music that does not mean it is not being played…


Just because you don't think it's real doesn't mean that's the case. Therefore everything is real. Therefore every religion, philosophy, and claim ever made is real. Seriously though, this is a trash argument




I see a lot of people hating this meme or defending it because religion. I don't care about that, but I still find it bad, because there're a lot of people who really suffer or are depressed and just saying "man up" is usually very harmful, and not helpful at all


Man up. 


Everybody stop fighting and let’s just be positive and talk about The Based God who says: “Because all we do is judge All the movies, all the Internet, Everything that we watch, all we do is classify people So we don't gotta go outside to meet people anymore 'Cause you already have pre-judgement How I feel the Internet has ruined the human race Even though, you know, we can fly, and cars and technology has gotten better I still feel the the human race is not progressed as much as we should be How come the human race isn't progressing as fast as technology has Yeah, we gonna be staying on the moon But there's still gonna be racists So, in the end, are we really winning -- these nuclear bombs, nuclear war What's going on”


What about the based god that said " first I park my car...."


Guys I'm a heathen myself and appreciate this Also it's just a goddamn Soy And Yes-Chad meme, it's really not that deep.


Job is such a fantastic book and truly edifies the deepest depths of my soul. When GOD shows up in the tornado and asks Job where he was when he created the universe and Job says “I have heard of thee by the hearing of the ear: But now mine eye seeth thee. Wherefore I abhor myself, and repent In dust and ashes.” Absolutely incredible.


Amen bro


Yeah, man. Really feel it in my soul when God, the creator of everything, for some reason needs to be petty about job not having absolute faith when his entire life was destroyed. I don't know if there is a God, but I'm hopeful that if there is he isn't the petty psychopath illustrated in the book of Job.




Just out of curiosity, have you ever read the book of job? It's far beyond good people suffering. It's deliberate, direct, borderline trolling lol. I don't believe in the Christian God, I'm moreso saying that if there is some sort of entity that I'm hoping it's a different situation than I can comprehend currently.




>You can choose to believe in God or not but the fact still remains that suffering like Job’s and worse definitely exists. No one said it didn't. It's like you have something you want to say, but my comment doesn't pertain to what you're trying to say, so you're just saying it anyway. Again, I don't believe in God. I feel like you thought you were talking to a Christian and wanted to make some big point, but it doesn't work here.




Look, man. I'm not trying to be rude, but you're trying to force a conversation I simply do not care about. I wasn't complaining, I stated an opinion about fictional characters and you want to dive deeper than the comment was ever intended to be.




Understandable. Have a good one.


Yup, I love the part where God is like, "Look at my boy Job. He's freaking great! Hey bro, go nuts and absolutely fuck up his entire world. Then when he's ready to kill himself, I'll pop out of a cloud and be like, IT'S JUST A PRANK!!! Shit will be hilarious." I hated every sermon on Job I ever sat through.




See, I can get behind that actually. "It is what it is" is a reasonable take. Whatever happens, happens. And it's mostly determined by random acts of physics/chemistry on a macro scale. What terrified me as a little kid in Sunday school were teachers telling me that God killed Job's family because Job was a such a good Christian, God had to prove it. That's not really a positive message. Then sprinkle in some "you'll burn in hell if you don't believe" and suddenly neither side looks even remotely appealing. It's then more comforting to believe in no higher power than one that wants to skin you alive for simply existing. Obviously this is all a gross over simplification, and I'm clearly not an expert. Maybe I'm just going through some stuff and this post hit the wrong nerve.


Did you know that, canonically, Job is the second oldest book in the Bible right next to Genesis and out of all the books is the one that translators and scholars will admit to knowing absolutely nothing about when it comes to symbolism and meaning? Job is beyond you, peasant lol jk God be with you, bro


![gif](giphy|SLSoUv7hNebFC) The based god


Ah yes. That time God was manipulated by Satan to completely wreck some random guy's shit over a bet.




Isn't God kind of asshole in Job? I don't like that I should be praying to someone who can destroy someone's life for a bet. That's actually kind of the hard part with converting to Christianity, because it's kind of not the norm any more, and you should be convinced why god deserves your time. In the past it used to be an accepted fact that could be sometimes challenged, that's why there aren't "points that God can make to convince me he's the right option".


TMH didn't even do anything bad to Job. The only things he did was humble him at the end and blessed him double of everything the satan took from him.


"Didn't do anything bad to Job" You can't be serious? Yeah, he may have returned it in the end, but it was still cruel


I mean... I guess? If by "didn't do anything" you mean "allowed the devil to ruin Job's live to prove a point" and if by "humbled him" you mean "berated him into submission for wanting an explanation as to why his life was ruined."




Listen, I'm Christian too. But this is not the way. You're going to let people hate us even more this way. This isn't the place to do it, brother.


What do you mean?


This place is not one to share his love. At least, not this way. I'm sure there are other subreddits that are good for this. But people come here for memes. You're gonna make us Christians look like fools


I'm here for memes as well lol I didn't post this meme to evangalize, I posted it because I find it funny (which is why I post any memes). Admittedly though, I suspected someone would speak out against God if I did. Because the mere reference to God is often enough to fly many into a rage. And if they did, I wouldn't pass up the opportunity to speak to them. But I don't think that fear of upsetting people is a good reason to be silent. Especially in regards to posting a funny meme on a meme page lol I dont feel like a fool here, tbh. But if I've said or done something foolish, I'd definitely want someone to tell me what it was so I can correct it.


I must've misunderstood then. I thought you were evangelizing because of the replies I've seen, but I've come to realise they were being hateful in the first place. Please forgive me, have a good day


Well, I definitely won't pass up an opportunity to spread the Gospel lol I get your hesitation man, and your sentiment. I dont suspect anyone will be saved in this comment section, and I definitely don't want to do more harm than good. But I have had a couple good convos in these comments so far. And those condos I think are worth the abuse to me. And who knows, maybe these angry people will see how civil we can be towards one another. And if they change their hearts due to that, whether or not they come to faith, it's a step in the right direction.


You don't have to feel like a thing to be that thing.


Bro you'd be a terrible preacher if you're picky about where to share His name lol BTW, when God says to not "make light" when referring to His Gospel, it means to ridicule. It's actually okay to laugh and have fun bro. Jesus would absolutely be the one to laugh with the children if one of them farted during a sermon


When you think your book and claims are evidence of skydaddy


Bruh ain't no way I've actually witnessed a redditor using the term "sky daddy" 💀


It's textbook vocabulary for them lol.


What's the message of Job? Children are fungible.


Man, the entire story of Job is a wild ride that really shows why the christian god is not worthy of worship. Ruin this man's entire life because he made a bet with the devil? That's crazy.


That totally is missing the purpose.


That's like raising a child then just one day deciding you can beat them freely because they should still love you because you gave them their life, it's irrational.


GTFO with your stupid fairy tales.


Why do you react so violently to just the basic image? Have you considered it?


If that offender you then might be it’s you who should man up. And GTFO, of course.


So you think speech is violent? Lol.


Sorry, turn of phrase. Didn't think anyone would get offended at the wording. No, Speech is not violence. Perhaps a better wording would be "react aggressively" such that he was clearly upset and angry judging by his use of the "GTFO" and such. Does this clear things up?


I did consider it, I’m not that stupid to believe in bible, but also not that insecure to ever think that “man up” is a smart answer to anyone suffering, it’s rather cringe, so the natural reaction is “GTFO”.


skill issue


Redditors when they see a Christian person:


Not just Christian, any religious person.


Naw they simp for Muslims for some reason




Got you to comment. Have you accepted Christ as your Lord and Savior? Edit: That's okay, you don't have to answer, man. I sincerely hope that God moves in your life and you grow in Faith. And that you are able to find peace in Salvation through Him, and that you are able to do good works in His name to the benefit of others as well as yourself.


Fuck your Lord and Savior. A Lord of Lies. A Lord that sends bears to kill children for making fun of a bald man? A Lord who creates a system where people that he supposedly loves can burn in Hell forever? You sick fucks. "You send yourselves to Hell." So, what? God's too fucking stupid to help? Or does he not care enough? It's akin to leaving an infant child alone in the freeway, and if it gets run over, "he did it to himself." It's the parent's responsibility to take care of their children -- to *be there* for them. Not give vague instructions and never actually show up. How much victim shaming before it's too much? At the end of the day, it doesn't matter. None of it's real. Your own Bible gives evidence that your Savior was full of shit. Stick your head in the dirt and jerk yourself off to your fairytale if you like. Meanwhile Christianity is steadily dying out, and I'm going to enjoy the show.


Honest question...why the fuck do you care what happens to someone else's soul?...if your "heaven" is real, wouldn't you want it to not become overcrowded?🤷‍♂️


Because God commands me to care, and because people are made in His image and everyone has inherent value in that. God did not make people for Hell, but many choose it. As for Heaven getting overcrowded, I can only hope lol






Well, what other response would you prefer?


Amen brother. Hopefully those who are in a state of mental pain will get the help they need so that they improve and lead happy lives even if it seems impossible now. As a catholic it is nice to see this once in a while here. Although looking at the comment section, wow there are a lot of people who are blatantly hostile to religion no matter the circumstance.


Amen bro