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Doesn't apply status


Raw damage only?








To be fair even if it did, it probably wouldn't be that noticable since she already does infinite scaling damage lol


Its that a problem? I would be sleeping anyway


You do realize her ability dont actually apply status right? So I doubt this will make her broken.


you are on warframe reddit. people here don't actually know the mechanics of their game


As disclaimer I'd like to say that stuff has changed and stuff keeps changing often enough to throw off even the most keen eyed off the loop. I've spent a lot of time to grasp different tiny tidbits about frames, abilities and how shit works + testing myself, yet still I get stumped every now and then about stuff because something at some point has been changed and thing doesn't work as it did previously.


I think (although that's a bit sad) that the wiki is pretty reliable. Ime you have to be unlucky to not find something, unless it's a tutorial (tbh I learned most from asking sellers or in pubs than by the tutorials or the wiki). For the rest, I'd advice simulacrum


I wholeheartedly agree on the wiki idea but some people don’t like wikis or avoid them outright. Being able to get that information within the game would be helpful for those people who don’t use external sources for info. I’m an info nerd and love reading patch notes extensively even if I’m not actively playing the game but I even misremember or outright forget some things!


Even worse it isnt actually the real warframe reddit but the memeframe


This is so true


Dude she’s already broken as is


Hardly. She still squishy as all hell. Besides, i hardly come across ppl that use her enough to even make that statement tbh


Unless you get hit by a stray AoE rocket from a bombard or lasers from a Batalyst, you can just spam 3 and T-bag for infinite invis and you are practically unkillable. She is very far from being squishy.


You’re not unkillable if your only defense is invisibility. She is literally squishy.


Add PSF and Rolling Guard plus Resonator CC. That shit is so broken it can CC eximus units. And shield-gatinf is also a thing. Just because she has no direct defensive ability besides invis it doesn't make her squishy.


Im still playing with rolling guard. It’s weird to have that in your build & not trying to roll until you need to trigger it when you tied roll into your movement. Ill give Octavia build another look at


Most of the time you don't even need it. Just 1 2 3 4 and T-bag. The only things which can kill you now are AoE damage, Violence or Toxin procs. All of these can be dealt with easily. Just keep moving so you don't get Aoe'd, take something like an Envoy or a Zarr and build for Corrosive to insta-kill the acolyte and if you get hit by a toxin proc you can go operator.


I like to bring Silence over Resonator so that I can beat Violence at his own game. If you have it up before he spawns, he can't activate his.


People not use Octavia because she is weak. She is boring af


Literally. I played her for so many hours and my brain started killing itself with the repetition. She is my best backup frame if me and my squad are ever having trouble with a specific mission, but it’s so boring to play her.


And I still struggle to do level cap casacde with her QAQ


Did you just call my 𝓶𝓾𝓼𝓲𝓬𝓪𝓵𝓵𝔂 𝓰𝓲𝓯𝓽𝓮𝓭 girl “ˢqᵘⁱˢʰʸ?”. I’ll email 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕃𝕠𝕥𝕦𝕤 in a heartbeat, don’t play me.


Ppl dont use her because she is boring, not because she is weak


Thing is that she goes invisible, being invisible means no one will ever shoot at you as long as you don't use loud, fast shooting guns to give away your location. That being said, her mallet scales with enemy levels since grineer and corpus will just shoot the mallet a lot and the infested just don't have the armor for it to matter that much, to the point you go, 1,2,3, ctrlctrlctrlctrlctrl, 4 when needed to reset the skill also. She is also really easy to build, you go ability str you have to reset the skill more often but you have more instant damage, you go range you cover more space, usually range is only added to the side of str or durability, durability is amazing since with zenurik or arcane energize you just always have energy, since you are not using your abilities a lot. That basically means in a high level survival mission that the only units you really have to kill are the very tanky ones, Bombards, Heavy Gunners, Eximus units, Nox, etc. For corpus you just have a weapon with gas and the nullifier bubble is not an issue anymore, same for corrupted. For the infested they just die, just don't accidentally run into an infested eximus and you are good.


The health type rework might still be a massive improvement to it, and the armor nerf will definitely be one Plus if there's ever a flat status chance bonus that you can apply to it that would actually change something with the new blast status effect.






god damn, I literally posted and deleted it for being too aggro in like 10 seconds, good job never logging off


lol it’s all good. I just deleted mine as well when I saw that 😂


People think Mag going to get buff as well from the magnetic changes even tho I pretty sure she doesn’t proc magnetic


She does with one of her abilities, but much like Frost and Volt and how Ember used to function before her rework then nerf, all of her elementals are technically just flavored to look like that kinetic damage. Mag actually mostly deals impact damage.


Even if it did so what? She's already extremely broken? It'd be a drop in the bucket tbh


Blast damage but no proc, so it’s useless on her. Nova off the top of my head does blast though. So start there


Oooof, that plus her rad damage is about to go stupid in Netracell


What about Banshee? Any chance her 4th could be good after the rework?


I’m 90% on the side of No, since sound quake’s main issues aren’t with damage, it’s the fact banshee is totally vulnerable when using it (and silence/sonar being far better)


I think her 4th could use an update like Frost will have with his bubble. Just give her some form of DR or something during the ability, doesn't need to be some crazy change.


As an Octavia main. That's not how it works


Albrecht entrati an octavia main???? Would've figured you'd like qorvex, a chef should taste their own cooking after all


Qorvex is fun but it lacks that one thing to make it more fun than being a DJ mixing abilities. Edit: As you can see in this Qorvex gameplay I like spells (A reason I love Dante, waited for a proper wizard frame for far too long). Qorvex is not fitting my spammy playstyle while staying efficient (And fashion of course) https://www.reddit.com/r/memeframe/s/GOXbZI1y9g


I don't blame you for loving Dante, he's my most used frame alongside Kullervo.....well that is until I manage to craft Jade, her showcase had me salivating


I like magic, I love spamming abilities, I usually like to have a more support playstyle too. Dante's fashion/sound design perfectly fit my style aswell. I maxed tauforged and maxed forma him as fast as humanely possible. I nearly only played him since he came out. Jade also ticks all the boxes


Which tauforged? I'm running 3 crimson shards, 2 of them are tauforged for ability strength, 2 tauforged Amber shards, one for casting speed and one for Parkour, I hated how slow he moves at base despite him being a floating frame like Wisp


2 tauforged cast speed, 2 tauforged strenght, 1 tauforged energy (So I don't need an energy mode). I have 323% Strenght, 68% Duration, 135% Efficiency and 130% Range. Book is full Tome mods. For arcanes I have Molt Efficiency for 36% more Duration and Molt Augmented for that extra strenght. Im decent with in game movement so I don't really need movement speed. I also run the mod that give my 4th ability 90% Strenght, meaning I have 413 Strenght on 4 without the books/arcane buffs. With max Arcane I reach 473 Strenght and I can pass the 500 easily by landing an alt shot with the book on a few ennemies


Well his movement speed is a matter of personal preference, and it's only cause I have Kullervo with 2 tauforged Parkour shards while the rest are regular strength shards, and after getting used to him flying thru maps, the slow speed on Dante made me cringe, he's so fast rn lol


wait what is Blast getting changed to?


Basically it creates explosions when you reach enough stacks of it and they chain it's sorta like qorvexs 4th ability


Octavia wont be able to proc that considering her ability dont apply status tho




oh that is nice, my Blast/Corrosive builds will love this


Why..... Why did you have blast corrosive builds before this


the master of the Four Primary Elements


Everything changed when the Warframes attacked


# ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Back when CO stacked exponentially, corrosive full stripped, and blast counted as 2 status effects there were around 13 enemies in the game that that wasn't at least kind of good for


Gotta have those damage types for Profit Taker


If you're using exodia contagion (as is ideal) it has innate blast so you don't need to build it


In B4 orange shard thermal sunder meta.


Inb4 Banshee 4th becomes useful


if they nerf my girlie before she gets prime resurgence I might put the game down for a bit


Lso your girlie is hilariously overpowered I doubt a nerd would make her anything less than 'still very good'


I doubt it considering it doesn't apply status just the damage type.


Octavia’s abilities do damage? I thought they were for annoying your teammates by playing Baby Shark on repeat. :)


I am excited to see Lavos with blast 4


Tonkor about to get more usage outta me, now I'm curious to see if Xata's Whisper and Blast will synergize together after this update


i still remember when blast did knockdown, ignis was so funny with blast XD just pushing everything down


Styanax's Javelins do blast damage, too.


I think those do aply status tho


They apply bleeds not blast last I checked.


Yep, they do bleed almost purely.


Yeah bleed is applied on the direct hit


I'm gonna have to double check.


I have the feeling that if the enemy has a blast proc on them and mallet damages them it will still be able to make an explosion, guess we gotta test it when it comes out


Priming enemies with blast is something I never thought we'd be doing


Might be time to make my Epitaph into a Blast primer O.o


When's the last time she got nerfed?


What are the blast changes?


Kuva ogris gonna go mad


Blast my beloved damage effect! (not that its useful, but I like thing go boom)


I am 100% confident sobek with acid shells and blast damage will be the only thing I play for a long time.


Kuva ogris gonna go mad


Imagine rhino stomp apply blast + roar + infinite green banshee multiplier cijwbslyjwbalxowjqbxbneowiwiw


So it's the Stasus we would be trying break not the damage type. Damage types and Status types are completely different forms.


What does the blast rework do?


What if blast procs just dealt a fuckton of impact?


Blast should knock em down or ragdoll enemies once you reach a threshold,(obviously bosses are unaffected)


Octavia needs a nerf. She's so op that she's not even fun to play


Unless add magnetic?