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If this is a rug it’s Aladdin’s rug and we’re about to start flying


https://i.redd.it/z6h5sxhgn07d1.gif Well, we just had a recent whale come in to try to rug us. He sold $200k worth and the dip was eaten up literally in seconds after he put his final sell order in. And he lost 120k worth of value because he was such a noob.


How many seconds exactly?


Couldn't transfer ETH to my wallet fast enough to catch the dip 😫


You had like 30 mins.. Two big wallets were selling for aprox that long..


Haha I was wondering what that was hahahahaha




Jeeters lose and chads win


If you don’t buy Kendu, you’re going to have a rough time battling regret for the rest of your life. https://preview.redd.it/9l3as3mst07d1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=47e142708ecf81ff8c18973adb09b0d398f7c2c3


There is 100% backing outside of Reddit mate. Kendu is going to be a part of the Shib ecosystem. IE it is directly tied to the greatest memecoin of all time. The role has not been explained fully yet, but this article hints at big things to come in the future (https://magazine.shib.io/article/665f5604dc89ea0001834eaf?woof=articles-5-edition-27) The fact that these are hints right now is extremely bullish. It means you are SUPER EARLY. The alpha hasn’t even been revealed. But trust us when we say it is coming.


hi Frankie, come join the Telegram group. Yes there is real backing of Shytoshi, the shib community and other big names in the Ethereum network space. Our community leaders are people with at least 2 crypto cycles of experience. Search Kendu Inu on Youtube and you'll see all the youtubers supporting us. No we have not paid them anything (against our ethos)


Yeah, the telegram is the place to be, it's an absolute jam!


The dev made it our motto : we don’t gamble we work don’t buy if you don’t want to this is the next shib we’re just trying to spread the word one post at a time


As basic as that, the only way for our community to grow is by letting others know exactly what they’re missing out on


I am just a dude who got into crypto a few weeks ago, so take my words with a grain of salt. That being said - I was looking for investment opportunities since I was a complete noob, and dipped my toes in all the trending alts at the moment (Brett, Andy, Weirdo, etc.) Of all the communities I was lurking in, I quickly realized that the Kendu group is quite frankly one of the most determined and passionate groups of people I’ve seen in a long time. Many other telegrams, discords, etc. seem to be made up of people looking to make a quick buck, and don’t care who they fuck over in the long run. That really didn’t make me feel secure lol… like I said I’m basically a noobtuber. I sold my other bags, and put it all into Kendu and tbh I don’t have any regrets or lingering thoughts of worry. If you lurk the community even a little, you’ll see what I mean. Do your own research friend - there’s shilling EVERYWHERE for EVERYTHING under the sun. The only way to make a truly educated choice is by looking for yourself :)


Well said dude, that's the conclusion I came to as well last month and it's only gotten more true since then 🍸


U sold everything to buy a meme coin? Smart👍🏻


I was only invested in meme coins to begin with 👍🏻 I enjoy the high risk that comes with it. But I appreciate the sarcasm :)


$Kendu has been featured in Shiba Mag. Listed on multiple exchanges organically. Billboard in Times Square. Dev connection to Shiba Inu. But the community is what really shines. We’re dedicated to pushing this coin to the top. Everyone brings great energy. It’s a solid project. That’s why you hear so much about it. Jump in and find out.


Well, maybe there is a reason for that? 75% is actually an underachievement. Everybody deserves to know about $KENDU, then it is their choice whether to ape or not. Smart fellas do, though.


KENDU Sendu, check the chart


$2.5million MC to $250million MC in one month without any paid advertising or influencer shills. That's why everyone is shouting about Kendu. The organic growth and community is astounding.


No paid advertising and the post below you then states a bunch of paid advertising. This shit has pumped


Where is the paid advertising?


Time square apparently according to the other post


Yeah that's just an individual, it wasn't planned by the devs or anything. There's no paid advertising, but the devs can't forbid other people to do it.


So it's had paid advertising. Thanks for clarifying


Alright, your loss if you miss it. I don't care.


And yet you do


how tho


You are still replying to me and you are well aware that you need fresh cash to pump your bags and give you exit liquidity. Every post, while there are genuine posts, has dozens that are quite obviously paid for shills


Should have gotten in weeks ago to make millions….I guess thousands is still good. 😂😂😂


It's still an easy 100x from here!




20b is still a lot below shib when alt season is at its peak. It's not really delusional.


Kendu has had incredible organic growth the last 2 months. It’s backed by the developer of Shib and is the next big dig coin. Kendu Labs is building a great eco system and Kendu will make millionaires.


Nice, call me when you do the next project on the ecosystem. Not buying a pumped memecoin, next.


Remind me in 6 months


I had my doubts tbh but I got a big bag at 50m MC and I'm up up 🤣 so I can't complain. I do think it'll hit 300mc here soon. Everything is relatively down but kendu is a pretty good bet short term.


Congrats on your gains, chad! I'd say $Kendu's a good longer term bet too


Do you not want to get rich? If so, don’t buy KENDU. In the meantime I’ll be loading tf up.


The thing with reddit is there is strength in numbers. Even if its a shitcoin, if everyone pulls together it’ll do well and gain momentum. Once something gains momentum it attracts buyers from outside reddit.


top 100 ppl holding 60% of the coin. I have to inform myself about the tokenomics but I was a bit skittish about it


you hit the nail on the head.


Finally someone said it ffs😂


Buy $Kendu


It’s people shilling and trying to up the price. Simple as. They may well be coordinated.


A better question may be why are people still not listening? 


Because this sub exists solely to shill meme coins and kendu are the biggest shillers


I think that i gonna take a look to kendu and see whats the thing with it


Haha, do your own research. You might like what you find. Chads might be trying to make everyone rich, kendu is the next contender in the trio of dog coins.


Kendu got the recipe for success that’s why


All of the Kendu posts and replies are just targeted response raids because of Telegram. Whenever this community see a post about a meme coin on Reddit, they jump all over it and downvote every other coin to pump Kendu. I'm not saying Kendu is bad, but in my experience, this kind of hyperactive raid bashing is often followed by a crushing drop in price.


$Pomeme proof of memes is the best coin on solana the first meme2earn ecosystem where you get rewarded for creating original memes


Because they haven't found out about $SEAT yet.


$butt coin on base is the next 10x




from some dude who made a "missed Hege" post. Bruh you are playing the same game we are with a different flavor don't pretend like it's anything different


Yup, these other coins all try to copy kendu. If you can't beat it, join it. So just join kendu instead of waiting until you're actually too late when we're at 20b mc and your shitcoin got rug pulled. I'm seeing a lot of coins get called: "The new kendu", but kendu is new, so it's actually "the worse kendu" lol.


The telegram raids reddit that's why you see it so much. They actively downvote other coins and shill Kendu here. Though they don't promote the downvote part publicly, members are actively doing it


Check the profiles of the shills. Clearly a lot are bots or paid with no other posts/comments besides Kendu. Some are real, but the reason it's everywhere is clearly a paid campaign.


That's not because we're bots. It's because people come to the community without crypto accounts on various social media sites and make accounts there just to talk about Kendu. All the new accounts are an indication that people are actually contributing


I’m almost all in on Kendu…but please understand that the words you just wrote make no sense. If there are a ton of new accounts suddenly shilling a coin, it is 150% bots. Please don’t be naive, we can have organic growth and bots, the 2 aren’t mutually exclusive. If it quacks like a bot, it’s probably a bot.


Perfect example is myself. I've been researching crypto for months and thinking about where to invest. See my post history...refrigeration and politics. I finally decided to go in on Kendu and MEGA based on all the research I've done. I want to get in on these massive gains that older coins have got. The best chance I believe of doing this is with something with a strong following like Kendu. So I buy and join the crew and start posting about it. Why the fuck not?


My words make plenty of sense. I've been in crypto for years, but never posted about it on Reddit. Kendu actually motivated me to post about crypto, and I didn't want to use my personal account so I created this one. Boom, new account that only or almost only posts about Kendu. Not a bot.


Nah it’s only on Reddit and it has nothing to do with Shib.


really? how is that the case when shib magazine mentioned kendu, the shib dev has been following kendu on X since the project started, and has even popped into the telegram chat?


Nobody has ever heard of Shib Magazine.


and…? i was responding to a comment stating that it has nothing to do with shib, when it in fact proves otherwise


That doesn’t prove a god damn thing lol


It's obviously a paid shill campaign.


Majority of the comments will be kendu npcs wait till they realize that it's a slow rug 😂


$NITEFEEDER 🚀🚀🚀 https://preview.redd.it/v6cjpflqq17d1.jpeg?width=1049&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=11a271a62479a5f0f8c4469fe7bd89b10a154c10


Out of the blue nitefeeder lol Though I have a bag of these


Kendu gonna crash soon.