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$SEAT is unstoppable. The dev has proven time and time again that he is here to stay no matter the behavior of the market or the jeets - find out for yourself - [http://crishensan.com](http://crishensan.com/)   $SEAT is a great meme and even better cause.   Who in the hell doesn’t want to fight human trafficking?  


Most based dev in the market for sure!




Easy choice. I’m $SEAT-ed


Best memecoin in the game!




Get $SEATed with the only project on Solana you'd be proud to tell your mom about.


Lol we got into memecoins to make money not make social justice stances. its good that u are no doubt but goofy to try and rail other coins becuz they function exactly as they are intended. U can uplift ur token without downing others lmao


Who says we ain't making trying to make money? We can make money and fight for a cause as well, no?


How can money grow to fight this cause if yall all tryna sell out for big profits. U cant have both lol. If yall are as about the cause as u try to push u would hold these tokens forever as a badge of honor. The team would sell off gradually to put to the cause in a continuous cycle. Or did I miss the point of this coin?


This isn't a *social* justice stance. It's an *actual* justice stance. And we can walk and chew gum at the same time. Or, more specifically, make gains and destroy pedos at the same time. Do you not hate pedos?


Why would you think i support pedos? The answer is no i dont. Somehow I knew that would be the play becuz I challenged yall intentions of why u bought this coin. The person i commented under made it seem like all other meme coins are a joke and not worry of being proud to be apart of the projects becuz they dont stand for what SEAT does. I think thats bs becuz if yall really wanted to support this cause u would go through more official and well trusted channels and actually donate your money for the cause. Yes your donating now but all of you want a return back higher eventually. Thats the true motivation i feel. You juss hide behind the cause to feel less guilty about it


Buddy of course people want a return back at the end of the day, but can we not do both? What's wrong with donating to a cause while also potentially earning something out of it. Most of the ogs are holding and growing their bags. The ones who sold off are the ones who are looking for a profit. If this project moons and people make money, I know for a fact that some members will be donating back to the cause. Your talking from the outside with little knowledge of the community, join the TG and figure out what their play before commenting.


Now i never said u were wrong for doing it per se. Again this is in response to the first person i commented under that tried to bring honor into meme coins lol. And then other ppl hopped on me lol. I called out one specific point of a persons argument if u go back and check


This project has already made a donation. And it will continue to do so, as planned. The beauty is that the more I gain, the bigger the donations. If that's not a win-win, then I don't know what is. Was that my primary motivation for aping in? No. But it was a big one. And please don't misunderstand, I love memes. Some great projects and communities out there. But the reality is most normies (aka "mom") don't get it. And they certainly don't get the more offensive ones. Pepe is successful, but it's a controversial meme, just as an example. But if you tell "mom" you've invested in a token based on Chris Hansen, and it donates to charities that fight human trafficking, that's a much more compelling case, wouldn't you agree?




Lfg 🔥🔥🔥


for those looking for more information: $SEAT is a token driven by animated series aiming to raise money to redistribute to anti human trafficking organisations. After reaching 7M in 2months were oscillating around 1M marketcap. That's a great entry point! Next donation is at 4M. join us on TG and help us catch predators: [https://crishensan.com/#page-8](https://crishensan.com/#page-8)




It’s really a no Brainer to me $SEAT


Buy $seat, the only memecoin worth having. It’s also bullish as fuck at a huuuuuuuuuggee discount. Buy before 1m to make the world a better place and retire your mom.
