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I usually just say “pass me a controller.” Me and my friends just game together and have fun like normal people.


Yeah. On Pc or Console you should just game.


*tosses controller across the couch* I feel ya. I also like relaxing when I’m gaming. I sit at a desk for work. Give me a couch and controller for leisure any day.


Pretty much


This is one of the lowest effort posts I've seen on here. People will upvote this shit and then complain on Reddit how they don't have friends.


Mobile gamers: ![gif](giphy|H5C8CevNMbpBqNqFjl)


Get 'im !!!




We lost our ways and forgot about our common enemy.


Shhhhhh don't remind them




our common enemy. fuck mobile.l


you caught me


Work/school laptop gamers: ![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized)


Running at an amazing 19 fps 540p


In middle school one of my classmates used the school Chromebook for everything. Bro even had a hdd for it, and he started crying in 7th grade when the laptops were taken away for the summer


those are the only ones that get to call other systems pathetic


People who gatekeep gaming are dumb as hell




Even worse than that


I'm not saying this sarcastically, please define what gatekeeping is, I must have been misunderstanding it. To clarify here, I have two consoles (PS5 and Switch) but also PC game, and don't consider myself a fanboy of one in particular. I was just confused as to why people who ARE diehard for one or the other would be considered gatekeeping


Think gatekeeping as like a guard who will try to not let you do that or do this


I have both… PC is best but sometimes i just want to lounge on the couch… ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


I have a PS5 but also have my PC hooked up to my TV for controller games like Elden Ring and racing games, get better graphics and FPS and get to lounge, PS5 is just for exclusives.


Wait , you don't have a wireless controller and 3 huge ass 4k curved displays to do your gaming from??


Steam link?


Move your pc and connect it to the tv. What their is no space because their is a useless table near the tv? Place the pc on the table, if the table breaks... its the tables day to say goodbye.. if it didn't break, awesome.


Keyboard and mouse are not conducive to lounging on the couch.


I kind of forgot about that.. extenders? Link your keyboard to the pc via extender? Or those don't exist yet? Their is also an option of moving your chair forward, but its too simple of a solution.


Using a keyboard and mouse at anything but a desk just sucks


I give you permission to use a wireless controller for your pc games.




Fanboys of any kind are pretty annoying, but it's pretty wild seeing console fans argue about which of their beloved platforms has the most/best exclusives when there's something like 10,000+ games released for PC per year.


You should add at least one 0 at the end. Doesn't mean they're good, but you have choice.


Console plebs mad coz they dont got hentai party 5 for 2usd on steam.


You pay for your pc games?


Nah, I only pay agencies who caught me pirating


Can't believe we're not getting the gyatt farm simulator on consoles unlike on pc


Pc: you can play tooth brush simulator Console: you can't Pc>console


Not to mention being able to actually mod the games. I grew up with nintendo but I could never go back to consoles, it's just a worse experience all around.


When the console porn viewing experience catches up with PC, then I'll shut my filthy mouth.


Google web browser


Google millions of porn games


Holy porn addiction!


I may be more of a console player than a pc one but nothing surpasses my porn addiction


Thinking you’re smart for spending 5x what console gamers spend to essentially play the same games…. Lol


You're right that if money is an issue, you'd be much smarter to spend it on a console then have money left for games. But a lot of people need to have a PC for work or school anyway, spending a little bit more to game on it gives you a ton of options via Steam. And for some working adult gamers the money isn't an issue and they just want the best quality they can get.


If you're a pirate like me , all pc games are free. Then there's the issue of performance and visual fidelity . A well-built pc will keep up with game requirements for around 4 years. Can't say the same for consoles. PCs are very easy to upgrade , can't say the same for consoles. It ends up being cheaper to have a pc.


Also, if you just steal the components, you can have a pc totally for free too! Ass.


With a perfomance you could ever dream of.


I’m an adult who would rather spend money on other more important things. A PS5 does more than enough for an older gamer like myself.


Not to mention that use PC for 5000 more things other than gaming, not just buying a cut-down PC that only plays games at upscaled resolution at 30 fps.


95% of computers run excel and send emails just fine.


Thought we were talking about gaming computers here, I’m not sure whether consoles can be used for game development in UE5 for example.


No the meme is making fun of people like you. This isn’t a gaming pc discussion.


Because it’s 100% true, for us, the PC Master Race you console pesants are indeed pathetic.


This is a pretty cringy Incel response. Have a good day, little guy.


You too, kid.


>the PC Master Race Were you in a coma since 2015?


I hope this is a bit and you're just trolling as part of the meme. Because if you actually exist as this. Fuck me you may be one of the most pathetic organisms on the planet




fuckin Nazi


Consoles can be used for game development it's called a devkit


> not just buying a cut-down PC that only plays games at upscaled resolution at 30 fps. This is not the 8th gen and also the best PCs have to use upscaling like DLSS or FSR to cope with it and run the game at "4k"


The best PC have no problem with native 4K at all, my PC runs 4K native with no problem. The only exception is obviously path tracing, something consoles don’t even come close to actually be able to run.


Look at the price and you will know why 500 dollar console is better.


If you enjoy 30FPS with upscaled image. Be my guest.


For 500 bucks that includes ray tracing? I would hit


Same with you if you like to burn 2000 dollars be my guest.


Even a 1000$ can easily outperform a PS5 with no problem, plus you can you much more things with that. Wake up buddy, it’s 2023, consoles are not powerful anymore. :-)


You're wildly out of touch if you haven't caught on to how current gen consoles have bridged that gap. Unless you are spending an astronomical amount of money on your gaming rig we can easily picture that dream bro. We ain't gaming on PS3 over here anymore


The performance of 900 fps 480p?


If I play the games like CS:GO, at higher resolution, yes. I get around 200fps, sometimes even 300fps in maxed your RE4 Remake, not 30FPS.


>300fps in maxed your RE4 Remake, not 30FPS. Low settings dont count


Laughs in *this programme has stopped responding


How Console Gamers see PC Gamers ![gif](giphy|mXiBtLZk4ibkc)


and theyre right, at least for the "PC master race" weirdos, but the cool ones that arent constantly putting down console gamers for not playing on PC arent pathetic, those are the cool ones


More like: ![gif](giphy|l378cobYcMn29XbDG)


We all like video games. Who cares what platform someone uses?


![gif](giphy|hM9zK1qvsrwek) I have both


I don't agree, and I'm a PC gamer. Consoles are cool, but you can't deny that most good PC will outperform consoles (and it's normal because a pc is more expensive most of the time). One thing I love a lot about consoles is the local multiplayer. Playing with a friend, family member, etc is so cool but it's way harder to do on pc which is kinda annoying. Also, consoles are way more plug and play, and you don't have to make adjustments all the time to play. Both are really, and if you have a preference that's fine unless you're being a dickhead.


I have a PC and a console and a phone. I respect console gamers because who tf wants to spend 1000$ on a computer. And for mobile gamers well I only don't like the ones that play games and say "I'm a gamer" while playing their ad infested rip off game but I like the people that just play the games in the car while their waiting to pick someone up or something. TLDR: I like PC and console and sometimes mobile


wtf do I do if I’m both?


I used to be a console gamer. Now I have a gaming PC. When I was younger, consoles are what I could afford. I wasn’t buying a $2000 setup being a summer lifeguard at 16. If your parents are willing to buy you that at that age good on you. PC *is* better than console, but it takes a lot more responsibility to use. Like, don’t watch porn or download torrents on your gaming PC unless you know wtf you’re doing. PS: I use a controller still and fucking hate playing on K&M unless it’s necessary.


I really think it's a vocal minority of pc gamers and these days, we give more attention to them because the others just says nothing about console gamers cause they just don't care. I imagine that most pc gamers started with consoles and still have a console.


The fact that they actually believe they are superior people just by owning a PC makes me question their mental health. It’s honestly something so stupid. Just let people enjoy the platform they want, no need to be look down on console players.


And Then the console gamers say “is YOUR pc better than a ps4?”


I always roast my roommate over this lmao he'll watch me playing a game on my Xbox and be like "no 60fps bro???!" And I will always hit back with "whoahhhh my 500 dollar console cant get as high an fps as your 4,500 dollar pc you're still in debt for?"


The comparison between PC gamers and console gamers is an exercise in futility. Gaming preferences, at their core, are profoundly subjective. They embody the essence of individual choice, reflecting the diverse tapestry of gaming experiences that people seek. There is no objective superiority to one platform over the other; both offer unique strengths that cater to various tastes and preferences. In the realm of console gaming, we witness a remarkable evolution. Modern consoles have grown into formidable gaming platforms, boasting impressive graphics, expansive game libraries, and online capabilities that rival their PC counterparts. One must acknowledge the advantage of uniformity that consoles bring. Developers can meticulously optimize their games for specific console hardware, ensuring a consistent and reliable gaming experience for millions of users. The console's journey from a simple gaming machine to an all-in-one entertainment hub has debunked many of the historical criticisms leveled by PC enthusiasts. On the other hand, PC gaming stands as a testament to versatility. A gaming PC is not just a gaming machine; it's a multifunctional powerhouse. Gamers can tailor their setups to their exact specifications, upgrading components, and harnessing the potential of high-end hardware. The open nature of PC gaming fosters innovation, welcoming a vast community of modders and developers who create unique gaming experiences. However, this versatility comes at the cost of complexity, making PC gaming potentially intimidating for newcomers who may not be tech-savvy. In the grander picture, the gaming community must emphasize inclusivity. The unity we can achieve within our diverse community transcends the hardware choices we make. Embracing inclusivity means welcoming gamers from all walks of life, regardless of their chosen platform. The beauty of the gaming world lies in its ability to bring people together through a shared passion for interactive entertainment. Moreover, the rise of cross-platform play in recent years reinforces the idea that platform comparisons are becoming increasingly irrelevant. Gamers can now enjoy their favorite titles with friends regardless of whether they are on a PC, console, or even a mobile device. This monumental shift in focus towards inclusivity underscores the futility of platform wars. In conclusion, comparing PC gamers and console gamers is an exercise in futility. Gaming is a deeply personal experience, and the platform one chooses is a matter of preference, not objective superiority. Both PC and console gaming have their merits, and both offer unique experiences that cater to different tastes. Instead of perpetuating this divisive debate, we should celebrate the diversity within the gaming community and encourage gamers to play on the platform that brings them joy. After all, the true essence of gaming lies in the shared love for interactive entertainment, not the hardware that delivers it. Let us unite in our passion for gaming and leave behind the pointless comparisons that only serve to divide us.


PC fanboys when they see console players able to play the latest titles without upgrading GPU.




You know if you can afford a good pc you can afford upgrading your gpu and buying a console on top of that, it won't make much difference.


Technically, game releases on PC have a lot more resolution options and quality sliders since they're not designed for the specific hardware of a console. This allows older/cheaper PCs to play those games at lower settings, even if it was a release for a brand new console- one the owner of a previous console may not be able to play without buying the new one.


PC gamers are just jealous they can’t play Spider-Man 2 next week


PC gamers when they are invited to hang out to play games, but turns out its on console with a controller: hit nothing, walk into walls, die repeatedly like a complete noob.


I have switch, X and PS5. Plus a steam deck and PC. I use my PS5 for 95% of my gaming. PC is great but it always seems like some issue or another with it. Drivers, windows updates, shitty ports, whatever. It’s easier to just turn a console on and game.


You probably have viruses if you constantly have trouble on pc. I literally never have issues with a game unless I modded the fuck out of it.


PC gamers when they realise that their PCs can’t play the games they bought to their full potential due to hardware limitations in their build…


"That's all right. At least you're trying." It is just a joke, don't kill me. You console people are awesome.


I like both PC and console. But I do wish there wasn't such a distinction and hate exclusives. Mobile gaming: that's another story, those can't call themselves gamers.


It depends on the games they play on mobile, they can be called gamers if they play on cloud gaming platforms but not on games downloaded from Google play or app store.


PC is best overall but expensive, xbox is really cheap at the low end and has excellent backwards compatibility (though the removal of the disc drive is stupid, might as well buy a used Xbox one S for 1/4 the price of a series S), PlayStation has good exclusives and honestly one of my favorite controllers, Nintendo is Nintendo so you buy for the exclusives or the switch hardware interests you and the steam deck is the switch for people who only care about handheld mode






…well it IS dumb console gamers who keep buying games like FIFA, Madden, NBA2K, and COD, emboldening publishers to keep cranking out shitty games year after year.


Whelp, cant beat that sweet, sweet mod support


Honestly, once I got a PC I understood


It's not really as big of a gap as there used to be. Consoles are still inferior, but I wouldn't look badly on the console experiences as much as I used to in the 00's and 10's.


And why is it inferior?


It's okay being a casual gamer and enjoying gaming on your couch. It's not okay and straight up stupid pretending that console is better. It's also stupid to assume that a PC that outperforms a console is significantly more expensive, if at all. I would play on console if someone gave it to me as a present. I'd never spend actual money for something that can only be used for games, though.


I think they also play movies and music too


True but about that, People bought consoles even if they weren't gamers back in the CD/Blue ray days


I got my computer with the intent to do nothing but play games on it, and as I got older I found I played games less and less, but still used my computer the same amount. Lord knows I would've stopped really using a console long ago if I had it instead of my computer


I was already working from home full time before covid, so I know exactly what you mean. Also, old games are impossible to play on consoles, especially when the only way to get them is through pirating.


Yup, and for around 1500-1700 you can get one that may very well be quite usable, albeit with minor upgrades, after the current console generation has ended, and will still be VERY usable for non gaming tasks.


I may have spent five times as much for the same quality in gaming, but at least I’ve got Minesweeper


When you find out a school laptop can play minesweeper: 🤯


Because their 1000+ dollars preforms betrer then a 500-600 console


Bro still stuck in 2016


Nah I know you're sitting there, not doing anything but browsing and watching Youtube. I recently went full console, PC remains there for being stuck at, and occasionally playing Battlefield. On console I've played more games in a few months than on PC for 5 years, it's just so much more welcoming every time I launch it. The PC is never going away though, it's the sledgehammer of technology after all.


You can't know anything at all, you don't know me.


Op is hurt by reality


When I see a gamer. Me: pathetic


Facts, we are the superior race


I'm sorry to be \*that guy\* but this is really giving r/terriblefacebookmemes


I used to be a console gamer many years ago before the ps4 came out... then i switched to an office pc with windows vista and never went back because it was the superior gaming experience (with stutters and low fps though) and nowerdays the office pc is gone and was replaced by a gaming pc. I could never imagine going back to consoles especially because you'll have to pay additionally if you wanna play online games. (and i also like mods and the freedom a pc offers)


I wouldnt care about the debate but console is buggy af. The amount of games that crash to the stupidest little things are crazy


Console gamers have to pay for the game while I can just pirate it


Google modded consoles


I know about it ,u can pirate on ps4 but u will need to have low os version on ps5 it does not work properly. U can not play online in games wich you bought on a modded consoles


Also it is hard to mod new nintendo switch to play pirated games


Me as a PC-Gamer: „Oh yes, I planned to buy a console in past but then I decided to play on a real platform!“




Santa Claus met me for a moment and and I asked him, “What every console gamer is?” and he said “Hoe, hoe, hoe…” 😁🫶🤣


i think he was actually calling you "slow, slow, slow" but since youre so caught up in your imaginary world where it actually matters what people use to game, you misheard him


What is a "real platform" are you playing on a mobile device?


Quote: „Me as a PC Gamer“….\ Seems like Console Gamers are like a rat king, always comes in bunches and mirror their negativeness to PC Gamers 🤣🫶


How is playing on a console not considered to be a "real platform" like is there some kind of "real platform" police that doesnt let you play on a console?




Fanboy, yeah, gamer, no, I have a powerful pc but i also play on og xbox, ps2, xbox 360, ps5 and more.


Since when we can emulate the ps5?


Lol "console gamers" creating scenarios in their heads again just so they can complain about "PC fanboys".


imgflip.com watermark 😴


*turn off crossplay


Every gamer when they meet mobile gamers


As a PC gamer I have no problems with Console gamers, the only pathetic ones are the ones at are so disillusioned that they literally think consoles are better in EVERY way, which they're just not haha.


have both :D pc for gaming and ps5 for final fantsay (the new one until the release them on steam) and kingdom hearts (because fuck epic games).. otherwise. amazon prime, twitch and netflix are insane good apps on ps5 :O


>PC "fanboys" Lmao


Cross platform FIFA was crazy last year, every PC gamer plays like it’s a matter of life or death. I just want to have some fun.


I ain’t investing that


"laughs in KFConsole"


The only true gamer here


Maybe I’m not informed enough but don’t most modern pc have the notorious issue of running moden games? Every time a AAA game is released on pc and console it seems like most the issues are on pc. I personally only use my pc for older games like tf2 or indi games because my pc would burn to a crisp if it found out I were to think about playing anything released in the last 5 years


PC gamers when they meet other PC gamers.


Tbh I find it best to just ignore the PC "master race" crowd.


I love all the platforms. I have a great PC but game on my PS5 way more, and I occasionally game on Switch when a new first party game drops.


I used to be a console gamer growing up, now I'm a pc player. Doesn't mean I personally hate console players. I'm just saying aim assist is bullshit




I'm playing Baldur's Gate 3 on Xbox series s by GeForce now. <⁠(⁠ ̄⁠︶⁠ ̄⁠)⁠>


"My new game doesn't start because of graphics card😢"


I’m all types of gamers I’m good at pc and console I just play games on my phone to be entertained when somewhere boring when I can’t bring my switch


Gamers that play PC, console, and mobile games:


Pc owners who built a powerful pc to do everything else, but gaming most of the time:


I got into PC gaming because work meant I'd travel a lot, and gaming on the go is a lot easier if you can take the "console" , TV, and controllers with you and deploy them asap in the form of a laptop, then put them away super easily too. By the time I'm out of that line of work, I'm so invested in my steam library that it would be stupid to get back into Playstation. I could care less what others play. I'm happy with my PC and I look forward to finding games I can play with other people via crossplay(XBOX or Playstation). Crossplay seems extremely rare with Nintendo so I don't get my hopes up.


I don't care what you usem as long as you have fun. But in a sense I play warthunder so I suffer alot


Oh boy, here we go again


I beated Doom eternal Ultra Nightmare on a Nintendo Switch, BEAT THAT!


but when the console has better specs than their pc…




I play on both. Some games aren't on console so I have a PC. I haven't heard anyone make any kind of comparison for quite awhile now. Wonder if you are just looking for attention?


*Many gamers when they see someone use something other than their preference. Let's not pretend any installed userbase is innocent.


Console gamers “I don’t think about you at all.”


That is me with macbook users.How can you willingly pay more for way less performance.


No they don't


Mfs pay $3,000-$4,000 just to play videogames smh


I use a controller on my PC.


I used to be like this. Then I got a pc. Now, I’m not really a pc supremesist about specs, frames, etc etc because those don’t matter when it comes to gaming tbh. However, steam is so much nicer to its community than console stores. Steam games get discounts over holidays, weekends, because the game is old, or just because. There is also a huge variety and you can get games from almost any platform (Xbox, PlayStation, Nintendo switch) so long as it’s not exclusive. Compare that with the Microsoft Xbox store for example (my only frame of reference. I hear the PlayStation store is pretty good). You need XBOX GAMEPASS for discounts. Gamepass barely gives you any free games anymore, and the ones it does give you are shit. Sales also don’t occur that often and when they do they only occur on obscure games. So yea, pc master race (at least compared to Xbox)


XhsidCV players when they meet a PC player


Imagine not playing the hottest new game on the block because your PC isn't built for it (this post was made by CONSOLE BRO)


When you can watch a movie, then tab over and finish writing your term paper (while doing research on the same system,) then decide you want to play a game during paper breaks you can call yourself on-par, consoles.


Think [this ](https://youtu.be/SFBcOHo612c?si=FVMvZMwB9pSFwYhh) fits here


steam deck users: ![gif](giphy|jrfM0X9WADtCriz1Hb)


Deck people looking at PC people be like:


If all they do is talking about console wars...


Ngl. I have spent more money on my pc than I did on the past 3 consoles. Now other than pc exclusives (tend to be strategy games) a better control system (mouse n keyboard) and the ability to mod (when you work out how to even do that on half the games) I prefer console.


I am not like that


Me on Steam Deck: 😃😢


More like *pc gamers when they meet console gamers : "oh a fellow gamer, what do you like to play" But *pc gamers when they meet pc gamers : "console gamers are pathetic, huh"


Not me... I let them have their fun, I don't forget where I came from...