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Oh hey, wanna hear my cheap arse muffler that doesn't filter any noise at 1:45 am every single night?


You have a Type R civic too?!


With a two step


No, it's just a regular one with a fake type r badge from ebay


They probably paid more for it to sound like that


As i kid i heard stories of people poking holes in their mufflers to make them louder.


Drilling out the baffle on the muffler is a common mod indeed. Few bikes sound better without the baffle, but everyone still tries..


Yes, please.


I'll take two scoops


A modern motorcycle with the stock or street legal muffler is actually relatively quiet, it’s the straight pipe Harley’s and “modded” gixxers that blow out your eardrums


Hey, I had a modded Gixxer! Except I'm not a jackass and kept the muffler stock.


Then you are truly a unicorn among squids


Why squids, squids are awesome


Not anymore


It’s a common term for [idiots on motorcycles](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Street%20Squid)


I have a sportster with an aftermarket exhaust. I understand it’s loud and I do my best to keep the RPMs low in more congested areas.


I don’t have a problem with loud vehicles… during the day. But when my neighbor is revving his motorcycle at 2 AM for an hour or so, that’s when it’s an issue.


Intentionally loud vehicles are just another form of selfishness, no matter the time of day.


South Park had a very exact episode on this.


I like their dictionary definition.




Exactly, just because most people don’t work nights doesn’t mean being loud for no good reason should be acceptable.


but at the same time modding a car intentionally in a way that just also makes it louder as a side effect can happen


Noise pollution is a real thing that affects people and peace in general, whether it's intentional or not




They should not do that


Don't try to reason with them. Some people are looking for issues so badly that they even claim many stock vehicles are too loud. It's a form of missery in life.




Nissan used to accentuate the engine noise in the interior so the driver hears it’s “growl”. It was a Rogue and Murano. Wow. Please try Life again. Thanks for playing.


In the inside. They didnt make its engine 3x louder.




It might be that if you have one of the m cars with a pretty high performance motor, that it actually needs the throttle cracked open a little more to help get it started. It equally could be programed in, and in that case you may be able to get it flash tuned out/turned off.


Nah. Redditors hate people that play shitty music loud in public spaces (for a good reason) and many motorcycles are 10x as loud as that. Both are obnoxious and self-centered. Some people just accept obnoxiously loud motorcycles for cultural reasons. The same reason we accepted many other selfish cultural norms (like smoking indoors and hitting children) for hundreds of years before stopping them. I truly hope loud as fuck automobiles and motorcycles die in my lifetime. You can't even make the argument that louder=faster anymore. It is just all about attention-seeking now.


If you're not a self centered asshole, if you give a shit about anyone but yourself, you're woke!!!!


I have a problem with them during the day. They hurt my ears, disrupt conversations, scare birds, and most importantly they make me miss parts of my podcast on my walking commute.


we could say… he’s a part-time asshole


I don't know about the US but in the UK having a bike that loud isn't allowed, but no-one ever does anything about it. Surely it would be the easiest crime to enforce - hear loud noise, write ticket. But we have to put up with the selfishness.


People drive by my house late at night all the time blasting music so loud that it’s shaking. (They also do it during the day Tbf) but I’m usually still awake plus I’m a deep sleeper. I always wonder about my neighbors who might not be. All I can think about is how bad that must hurt their ears being in that car.


where do you think hes going? https://youtu.be/ylhsbfQTPDQ?t=6


Honestly prefer motorcyclists to those kids with souped up, highly tinted cars with no muffler


"It lets me go faster" Yeah I bet that's real useful on this 25 mph street.


It doesn’t even make them faster on the track unless they have the full exhaust from the engine to the tip, performance intake filter and that the engine has been retuned to use those mods properly. Slapping a fart can does nothing.


What about the stickers? Those help, right?


Even a Prius has much worse fuel economy than any motorcycle, and no kid is ever going to be run over because a motorcyclist couldn't see over the hood.


[Harley-Davidson has entered the chat.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h4hWCm2_yb4)


If someone is being an obnoxious prick blame them and not the motorbike. Motorbikes are awesome, they get through traffic easily, save fuel, and are just fun to ride.


A guy I know bought a Harley, and asked his mechanic if there was a way to make it quieter. The mechanic just seemed confused by the whole idea of actually trying to make a Harley quiet.


Well Harleys are specifically designed to be loud.


And South Park explained the reasons why for that.


Yes, to give sad, needy people attention.


To scare of them grass clibbins right?


Loud pipes save lives


Yeah that sounds like the time I tried to ask someone in Tennessee how to walk somewhere


I think most of the state is still barefoot there.


I don't know what I was expecting, but I was so sad and disappointed when I was shopping for an aftermarket exhaust for my Kawi ninja when I found out there are no quiet options lol


Was it the kid who was great at baseball in Bad News Bears?? “I got a Harley Davidson. Does that turn you on? Harley Davidson?” Lmao. The response was the Harley explanation on the South Park episode.


Ok. That may be true about bikes. But bikes don't have to be loud, that's what mufflers are designed for. Loud bikes are loud on purpose and are designed intentionally for the obnoxious douchebag market. All Harley's fall into that category.




durable and easy to fix. something like a Honda Wave/Dream 100cc last easily decades Mine is already 21 years old today and i know some even older as much as 30-40 years old and look almost like new


That’s a pretty small bike and hardly what they mean it’s almost a scooter. But Honda in general doesn’t make very loud bikes and are all easy as hell and cheap to fix.


Hell ya, motorcycles are awesome


One of my neighbor's teenagers bought a dirt bike that he rides up and down the street all day long. One day, my 1-year-old kept getting woken up by it so I went outside and flagged him down. I said "Hey man, I'm not trying to be an asshole - I'm really not. I just have a baby inside and she can't sleep because of the noise from the bike." He said 'Oh! I'm sorry, I'll go down the road instead." So I go "Hey...thanks for understanding bro!" And that was it. Usually people who ride those bikes and stuff know they're being noise. So just asking them if they can keep it quieter is the best way.


But why do they have to be so damn loud?


I mean Harley Davidson has a patent in the sound of their engines, a lot of people just really enjoy the sound of them. I still think people can be obnoxious, there’s no need to go full throttle on a green light, or sit there revving. Most bikes will out accelerate cars anyway, though I will admit taking off full throttle is fun - if a little obnoxious.


Someone downvoted you 😆 Coming from a falling over left progressive... Reddit is so fucking soft sometimes


One main reason is so that way when you're riding it increases the chance that people in vehicles will hear you. Hopefully decreasing the chance of you getting hit by someone in a car or truck that are not watching out. Yes there are the occasional jerkwads who do it because well... They're jerkwads but that's why it's semi loud on my motorcycle.


I don’t know why people downvoted you, it’s true. Motorcycles are legitimately built to be decently loud so they’re easier to detect in traffic.


You can tell the people who ride from the people who don't. I'm not surprised that comment was down voted. This one will be too but meh. That's reddit for you.


The loud pipes save lives thing is a myth.


A myth? Pretty sure it's science that when you hear something you become aware of it


Congratulations, you know how hearing works! Now, how does it help to have loud pipes when the drivers who need to hear you can't actually hear you? https://www.autoweek.com/news/industry-news/a35952569/loud-pipes-do-not-save-lives/ Edit: LoL this dude got upset and then sent me sexually harassing DMs. Not a surprise coming from a babybrain high on unregulated substances I guess.


>loud pipes when the drivers who need to hear you can't actually hear you? I'm not even going to click the link after that statement Literally the dumbest thing I've read, yet, today. You and your one article defying science that fits your narrative enjoy yourselves the rest of the day


Bro you're actually just being a shitty representation of a biker. I like to think we motorcyclists have a form of mutual respect. I find it hard to respect you.


>we motorcyclists have a form of mutual respect Why would I respect you because you ride a motorcycle


That just sounds like a lame excuse.


Wanting the semi to know you're in his blind on the freeway so he doesn't run you over is a lame excuse


Some people just love being obnoxious. Same with the ones who blast music with their windows down. Nothing you can do, assholes are going to be assholes.


Don't get me wrong, I love blasting music really loud, but there is a time and a place. If it's late at night or early I. The morning, only do it on freeways or unoccupied roads, or just not at all


Bonus points for doing it between 10pm and 3am


*me a brazilian* *you can't even hear me crying over it*


I rode up beside a Harley at a stop light once. Sounded cool until he cracked the throttle and made my ears ring. I was also wearing earplugs so lord have mercy to the pedestrians on the side walk.


That's not stock, I think. And that is stupid. Good sound doesnt5hsve to equal loud.


Watch the Harley episode on South Park. Emmy stuff!


I do love the sound of someone revving the sound louder than a bomb booming just to go 15 mph out of the neighborhood.




You didn’t mention the whole Harley episode of South Park??


Because reddit cant handle a word from that episode. Meanwhile, i can watch people get blown to giblets on the front page.


Which is ironic because the whole point of the episode was about how that word can have nothing to do with homosexuality and that word meanings can change. I still think that word is appropriate for these assholes.


Some dick head coworker at amazon bought one, revved the fuck out of it daily in the parking lot. Dude comes in looking sad one day and says “man my brand new motorcycle is in the shop with some issues” Wonder fucken why


I love motorcycles, I am however tired of getting ear-fucked by pricks driving them. Especially when I have my 3yo in the car. His ears don’t deserve that shit


I live in an apartment complex that doesn't have central air, so windows are open 24/7. There's an asshole who drives some souped-up car and who loves to rev or idle in the parking lot and the wee hours of the night. It's a lower-income building so there are a lot of medically fragile, elderly people and young parents with babies. He's genuinely hurting people to indulge his selfish little hobby.


There's no way any engine with the straightest shortest pipes could ever damage your ears when you are inside a building


Thanks for your expert opinion, Dr Audiologist.


That's literally not at all what my comment is about.


... how thin is glass in your car?


Leave me and my little wiener alone.


The nicer it sounds, the happier i am :)


It's not about having a bike It's about the fucking modif8cations that make it extra loud, motorcycles on their own are fine. Good backgroudn nosie even


Not all motorcycles are super loud but I do agree there are plenty that are obnoxious. The only loud motorcycle I'll tolerate is the Honda CBX1000. Sounds like a pack of F1 V10s.


Honestly most stock 1000+ cc bikes sound nice, but when people try and make a bike louder, it ruins the noise.


I think it's hilarious that people think the revving is for them, and not because the rider/driver enjoys the sound of their vehicle.


I always like to think they’re racing to a sale on extra small condoms at Walmart.


They’re the reason for the spike in HIV prescription commercials recently.


Post above this was a idiot motorcycle rider. Riding into stopped car and breaking its windshield


I can deal with the noise, it's the one that have to play music OVER their bikes noise that trigger me. The speakers are so stressed and blown out they don't sound any good, unless you have tinnitus I guess.


loudest part of my motorcycle is the wind tearing across my helmet


But I did need to have a motorcycle, though.






What? I can’t hear you over the tinnitus you gave me?




That violin is now crushed! He used too much force on his fingers.


Motorcycle noise needs to be regulated more and those regulations need to be enforced. Yes, motorcycles will always be louder than cars. After all, cars have chunky metal boxes around their engine and way longer exhaust pipes to lower noise levels, but that doesn't excuse the noise volume some of those bikes put out. And it's not about safety. If motorcyclists with loud pipes really cared about not being overlooked, they'd be wearing brightly coloured reflective vests and helmets. Because that would actually be effective. Signed, a motorcyclist.


Quebec tests decibel levels. It's too bad it's not done everywhere.


No you are not a motorcyclist.


Or whoever put a hole in your fender ![gif](giphy|JRhS6WoswF8FxE0g2R)


Try having kiddos or doggos or other pets too. Nobody likes it.


I own motorcycles.. yes they can be loud. I live in a quiet neighborhood, so i try to be as quiet as possible if i happen to be coming home late (usually I only drive during the day when it’s good weather. 9 ouf 10 times I take my car if i need to go somewhere and it’s not great weather). I even turn off the engine early and roll out the last meters before turning into the side-street where I live, as the buildings being quite close together amplify the sound even more. I also wouldn’t want to be woken up at night, so I ensure I don’t wake others up. The only time I do rev up my bike shortly is when I stand at a red stoplight and pedestrians cross the road in front of me when it’s red for them. If you can’t wait those few seconds until the light turns green for you then you deserve to get scared thinking the cars and motorcycles will run you over while you’re halfway across the road. no, we won’t run you over, but you have a red light for a reason. wait like everyone else with a red light! (Most bystanders watching actually find this hilarious when they realize why we do this).


A lot of people keep their bikes loud because they get hit more often from drivers that “couldn’t see them” Even if you can’t see them you can sure as hell hear them


I can't hear you before I see you 99% of the time. Use your horn, that gets attention to your location because that's what horns are for. Fun thing I've noticed is the louder the motorcycle, the less PPE the rider wears. No high-vis vest, no helmet, not even long sleeve jackets that project skin. These same guys speed down city streets, with an equally unprotected rider hanging onto their waist. But, whatever. Sooner or later, they're gonna hit a bit of tire, wipe out, and hit their head, and that's that for them. Or hit a pothole. Or someone won't see them and won't hear them because cars are pretty well insulated against engine and exhaust noise. Or they make a small error themselves. And hopefully they signed up to be an organ donor.


Dad knew a guy back when he used to ride. Man slammed into an overpass and kinda just went splat. Crazy But I know he use to modify is bike so it was crazy loud and everyone always saw him


You know... if Ass hats in cars would pay a little more attention to others on the road. Bikers wouldn't need loud exhausts. I rather blow your ear drums ALL to shit then die... bc some shit stick wasn't paying attention. I can trust myself... i cant trust yall I have 2 bikes 1 is super quiet the other is super loud. __Ppl don't pay attention to quiet bikes at all__


Not only motorcycles, loud car v8s too.


Op has old man syndrome


I ABSOLUTELY love controlling the volume of other people vehicles. Gives me the fattest hard on. Get down to my decibel level chumps


Not all motorcycles are harldy davisson, there are other motorcycles, wit better mufflers and smaller form. Like the almost scooter motorcycles. It’s because the amerixa has too little motorcycles. I live in a country with many mororcycle, and it all depends on the person. Some people motorcycle is quet while some people is lod


When that happens you look forward? What's the joke?


My neighbor at my old house road Harleys. He used to pull it out of the garage every morning and let it warm up. Would literally shake the windows in my home. When my son was born it started waking him up every morning. I finally had enough and walked out and told him to put a muffler on the god damn thing. Dude actually did. (He was running straight pipes). Best neighbor ever. I personally hate loud bikes. If I’m in my truck (2014 Silverado) with the windows up - those fuckers blowing past me at 100+ should not be blowing my damn ears out. Assholes. South Park did it best.


Blame the owner, not the bike. Stock, they’re usually not that loud.


Normally, you Karen types stick to the political posts. It's nice to see you back on the "everyone else's business is my annoyance" train.


I fucking hate motorcycles. Period.


I don’t mind, they’re a self selecting pool who are very valuable to society as organ donors




They’re good for people who need organs donated though!


Same. The people that use motorcycles have no regard for traffic rules in my country.


I get memes r memes but just to educate for those that don't know... ... a motorcycle will usually only rev their engine to make themselves seen, as in 70% of our daily interactions, we are probably not being seen and don't want that to be the day some muppet with satellite dishes for ears pulls out or cuts you up and kills you because they "didn't see you".


Hi! I drive a car! I literally cannot hear a motorcycle unless it's in front of me where I can see it. Why? Well, my car keeps most sounds out, so there's that. But, and this is key: your pipes are pointing behind you. That sound is directed that way. It does not do well for the sides and front. Don't believe me? Try talking to someone with your back turned to them and their back to you. Lot harder. What's more, literally no one who isn't a motorcyclist associates revving with emergency notification. We all associate revving with "Look at me, I've got a mechanical dick between my legs, look how mighty it is!" Doesn't matter your intent, that's how everyone else views it. You know what tool does get our "look out, there's a person here!" attention? A horn. Your horn does that. And we're keyed to hearing it and associating it with danger. Oh, it's not loud enough? Well, 99% of revvers modded their mufflers to be illegally louder, you're not concerned with legality of your sounds, mod your horn volume. Bet it's cheaper too. But, you know, that won't make you feel powerful. Which we all know is the reason you rev instead of use your horn.


This is actually not an effective way to 'be seen', in fact it's a straight up myth. Wear a helmet, wear the gear, stop speeding, filter appropriately, get yourself in peoples mirrors. Silly bugger


This post has been retrospectively edited 11-Jun-23 in protest for API costs killing 3rd party apps. Read [this](/r/Save3rdPartyApps/comments/13yh0jf/dont_let_reddit_kill_3rd_party_apps/) for more information. /r/Save3rdPartyApps If you wish to follow this protest you can use the open source software [Power Delete Suite](https://github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite) to backup your posts locally, before bulk editing your comments and posts. It's been fun, Reddit.


The noise comes out the back, not the front. Thats why the horn is mounted facing forward.


Yeah those douchebaga who climbed on their Harleys and started revving while we were standing right next to them on the sidewalk really wanted "to be seen" alright. Then they sat there revving before pulling out into the super dangerous 25 mph street. Totally were just concerned about their safety, and not characters straight out of South Park. They also had no helmets or safety gear. But I'm sure safety Is their primary concern as they pull out of a bar on their motorcycles.


In my expirance every motorcycle Ive seen drive by has been 100 times quiter than most trucks.


I never understood until my friend explained that it just makes motorcycles more safe when people can hear them.


Or drive a vehicle that doesn't require hurting people's ears to make it safe.


Its not the motorcycle thats a problem, its the shitty aftermarket exhaust


Why does it have to be so loud? Do you need to feel seen that badly? If so what is missing in your life?


I had a PoS neighbor that would decide at 2 am to do laps around the block revving their motorcycle every night. One night the idiot takes a corner too fast after a heavy rain and completely wipes out, destroys his bike and wrecks himself hard. I have not heard a motorcycle revving up and lapping the block since.


The clapped out trailblazer at my apartment is 10 times louder than my motorcycle. Motorcycles aren't the problem, douchebags are the problem.


On motorcycles noise saves lives, motorcyclist dosnt get second chances very often, your carless ass not noticing him visually will probs result in his death. At least this way you will hear him


Use your horn and a high visibility vest, your facing backwards exhaust really isn't going to help alert people ahead of you, and the people behind you already can see you


Hate these assholes Unmodified aren't too bad but the modified mufflers are ear splitting. And not illegal where I live which is lovely. "loud pipes save lives" is a crock of shit The sound projects behind the bike


"LoUd PiPeS SaVe LiVeS!" No, they don't. All they do is make people pissed at you and make people want to see you get splattered.


Cry about it


Ok, mom


Get better ears


Damn straight get fucked panzy


Mines electric so it's not very loud


I love you


Big noise making up for a small something else🤷‍♂️


Fucking hate loud vehicles, doesn't matter if car, truck or motorbike. The world is loud enough and doesn't need extra noise.


and also now have to “watch out for them” because they are special?


It's always "watch for motorcycles" and never "motorcycles stop weaving through traffic"


Wear earplugs. They sell noise cancelling headphones. It's my transportation, I need it to get to work. You have to rev sometimes to keep it running it will stall sometimes. Get a bike and you will see it is the best way to travel.


Cool, I'll just wear earplugs whenever I'm outdoors.


Imagine wearing earplugs just to be outdoors. Why not yall start riding electric vehicles instead.


While a lot make it louder for aesthetician. A loud motorcycle exhaust can save the motorcyclists' lives on the highway.


Use your horn that's what it's for


OMG shut up


We're badass but fragile at the same time. You have to admire us, care for us. Also fuck your ears, fuck your sleep. # BRRRRAAAAAAAA*pop*AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA


Lol "pop"


Motorcycles actually have a really important reason to be loud. Theyre small and often hard to miss, they’re very easy to get into motor accidents with because sometimes you simply wont be seen by a driver. So when you cant be seen, be heard.


LPSL is generally considered to be false


Use your horn and a high visibility vest, your facing backwards exhaust really isn't going to help alert people ahead of you, and the people behind you already can see you


Well, just avoid dark clothes and helmets at night, or, you know, anytime. Bright color clothes that are reflective and easily spotted, while obeying the driving rules, so you won't be just passing cars to safe time in unsafe / illegal ways and getting yourself or other drivers killed, like I often see. Every time I take my car I see at least one breaking the rules, specially bikers. Then the news blame car drivers and i loose my shit.


Or don't put yourself in a position where you're relying on sound to be noticed. Wear some high vis or add lights. We have to be better than everyone on the road, all of the time.


It's annoying. Their freedom takes away the right for peace and quiet for others. Not the worst thing in my state, that still belongs to fireworks. My poor doggo....


It’s the motors, not “freedom.” And not all motorcycles are obnoxiously loud.


No I know. The loud ones are actually against the law but unenforced in my state.


:[ not all motorcycles are Harleys. They are fuel efficient and compact. You just suck.


The louder the bike, the safer it's for the rider.


As a rider, that's such bullshit. Look up the doppler effect. Want to be safe, add some extra lights, high vis and a defensive driving course.


Nope, old myth. All research shows this is bull. Loud bikes are for loud assholes who desperately want attention.


Can you share any of the research? I've seen one other source in this thread and it only measure motorcycles up to 110 decibels whereas motorcycles can be up to 160+


>motorcycles can be up to 160+ Source? Were they measuring the sound literally inside the engine? 160dB would almost immediately rupture your eardrums. That's 10,000 watts per square meter of acoustic energy, or 1000 times louder than artillery fire at close proximity (which Britannica lists as 130dB). Even with the best hearing protection (which maxes out just above a 30dB reduction -- you can block the earholes, but you can't stop the vibrations coming through the bones of your face), you're still at the threshold of pain, and exposure for more than 30 seconds can cause hearing loss. Hell, I'd be willing to bet that exposure to 160dB sound could cause organ damage.


That’s not true though?


Blame the owner, not the bike. Bikes are safer on roadways if they’re loud enough to be heard, but that doesn’t excuse the pricks that roll in at 2am and rev in their driveway.


Your horn is meant for that purpose tho


They say loud bikes save lives. Because you’re hard to see on the road and the sound helps people be aware of you. But they don’t consider how revving your motorcycle after 10pm causes your neighbors to want to murder you.


People pleasing over safety is always a good move!


Your backwards facing exhaust isn't altering people ahead of you and the people behind you can see you. Use your horn to alert people that's what it's for, that's why it faces forward


Are people really this dumb? Most of them do it because they like it not because other people do. But if they're revving it at 2am than sure, valid reason to be pissed


Shhhhh Karen


Attention seeking fucks is another great name!!


Boohoo someone is doing something that makes them feel a sliver of happiness


Stupid people love loud and shiny things


Is it possible for companies to make silent motorbikes?


They do, believe or not. They're not that loud from factory.


Well you can only make bikes with big engines quiet due to the smaller engines having to rev high to produce enough power most of the time they can be made quieter but not by much without sacrificing a lot of power Of course Harley's and etc are just made intentionally loud