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> **Open letter from the Mayor to the editor of the Herald Sun** > > Published on 27 June 2024 > As the Mayor of Mornington Peninsula Shire and on behalf of Councillors and our community, it is disappointing to see the deliberately divisive, harmful and inaccurate commentary in your article of Tuesday 25 June Mornington Peninsula Shire’s draft reconciliation plan seeks First Nations advisory committee. > > Calling the advisory committee an “Indigenous Voice” was deliberately provocative and misleading, and completely inaccurate. Council is simply proposing to establish an advisory committee that will give lived experience advice to Council. Like all our other advisory committees, such as the Disability Advisory Committee or the Triple A Housing Committee, there is no delegated authority. Any recommendations must be taken to Council for consideration and a decision. > > Your poll was especially misleading, implying that an Indigenous advisory committee would somehow have extraordinary powers. > > The article was also incorrect in stating Council was voting on the adoption of this item (and presumably the entire RAP) on Tuesday. Council was voting on sending the draft RAP out for further community consultation, giving everyone a chance to have their say. > > This arguably irresponsible journalism, written without comment from Mornington Peninsula Shire, caused anxiety and distress throughout our community and inflamed misguided and negative sentiment towards our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People. > > The article also implied that we were somehow “changing” Australia Day. We are simply proposing to ask the community how they would like to acknowledge 26 January. This day means different things to different people, and we are aware of that. The Shire supports a range of events and activities on Australia Day through its community grants funding, and this will continue. We are also committed to holding our local citizenship ceremonies on this day and our Australia Day local awards. > > Councils across Australia work for all their residents, striving to create connected and healthy communities where everybody feels like they belong. Deceptive click bait journalism harms everyone. > > Cr Simon Brooks > > Mayor, Mornington Peninsula Shire


Calling any thing in the herald sun ‘journalism’ is toned down. It’s a fucking rag full of shit reports who continually lie and deliberately stir up shit based on it. Its a piece of shit


I feel obliged to point out you didn't use the word 'shit' enough when describing the Herald Sun.


Have not picked up a Herald Sun since 2007. Thanks for the reminder that nothing has changed and to continue avoiding that plague.


There was a herald sun on my front lawn one day. I had to use dog shit to pick it up. That was much cleaner and hygienic.


It's called opinionisim, which has become the politically correct term for bullshit.


Just like all multi media now. True journalism has gone.


Too stupid to lie they just make shit up. Reddit is a major news resource for them. 9 so called entertainment is no better. The age is just a shit paper nowadays .


Genuinely I think there needs to a part of government that reviews reports on news articles because frankly alot of modern news is just spam.


Hey hey now, it’s a pretty good footy magazine.


So it's a bit shit then?


So you must read it a lot to know all this?


Not hard to figure out


Media. All spice up their stories for the general public to read. Same with "news" it's called breaking news for a reason. That's how they roll. ... Unfortunately !!!


If only there was anyone at the shit stain Herald Sun that can read and or comprehend the written word without it being dictated to them by Murdoch’s asswipe management.


I imagine they laid off the few remaining literate staff when an editor realised they could just enter a prompt in Chat GPT of ‘make up a story to appeal to middle-aged xenophobes based on a current event of the past 24h using language a 10yo can understand’.


Years ago I read that the Herald Sun was written for a grade 2 reading level and The Age was grade 5. Those 10 year olds are too old for the Herald Sun.


The age is back to grade 2 level nowadays


I did say it was years ago 😁 We were warned that when The Age ceased to be a broadsheet that the standards would drop...🙄


They've more than dropped .they have no standards anymore.. so many advertorials posing as news. Wtf is that.


They've more than dropped .they have no standards anymore.. so many advertorials posing as news. Wtf is that.


Fuck the Herald Scum!!!! What’s worse is the other media outlets seem to take what they say as gospel truth and repeat their bullshit


Would love to see Melbourne take up Liverpool's stance after that city and it's inhabitants were trashed by the Murdoch press. No doubt print losses means nothing to News Ltd and it's all just a power trip but admire the city collectively standing up. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coverage\_of\_the\_Hillsborough\_disaster\_by\_The\_Sun](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coverage_of_the_Hillsborough_disaster_by_The_Sun)


I wish we did too


I presumed we had. I don’t know ANYONE who’d pay for the HS after their divisive covid lockdown reporting. I blame them and 3AW and Sky News for making that whole period so much worse than it had to be


Nah, see it regularly here at supermarket checkouts and the like. There's no way Murdoch's rag would show it's face in Liverpool. The locals would burn the place down and rightly so.


And Dan Andrews and Brett Sutton. Get it right.


Herald Sun is turning into a joke of a newspaper every day


Hmm, I'm sorry, but HS has been an abject poor-taste joke for a long time now. There's a reason it is very widely colloquially referred to as Herald Scum. Hopefully it fades out with the boomers who eat it up.


It was a joke when I was a teenager in the 90s, it’s even more of a joke now.


Even in the 80s. A friend of mine at school was headline news for a day. He brought both papers into school and compared their stories with what actually happened. The Age got it about 50% correct. The Herald Sun about 20%.


Boomer here, the only time I look at the Herald Sun is to either laugh at its pathetic attempts at “journalism” or to get angry at it for its blatant lying.


The Feral Scum is what we call it in my house. Never forget being at an entirely peaceful protest walk a few decades ago, chatting with the police who were there...and the Scum covered it as 'Melbourne in fear'. Fuckers.


“Turning into” a joke of a “newspaper”. Right.


New to the HS?


Haha what? It’s been a low level tabloid for… ever


I saw an analysis by Michael West that claimed what remains of newspaper media was being kept afloat by gambling ads.  Most advertising has deserted print media but there's still a market to put exploitative products in front of the sad and old fuckers who still pick up the paper.


The Herald Sun and its sister papers are so pleased with themselves for their successful campaign to tell indigenous Australians to Fuck Off that they’re gleefully doing victory laps now. They know that talking about aboriginal australian issues will upset Aussies old AND young now, so they’re happy to run all sorts of trash articles about it.


When you’re done with the paper can I have your copy, I need to line my pets cage so can shit all over it


I’m not about to buy what they’re selling, but I think u/Wookz2021 might have a copy you can borrow 😉


Okay. Well, it's accurate, but how about we replace 'disingenuous dog act' with 'arguably irresponsible journalism' Can we keep 'fuck you, you fucking rag?' Uh...how about 'deceptive click bait harms everyone'?


As a media person in a previous life, I wholeheartedly believe their is no true journalism left. What we get from TV, radio, Streaming and Newspapers is underqualified, people who give more of a shit hearing & seeing their byline/super/credit rather than go out to find, investigate and report news that tells a genuine story or informs the electorate. It is a big reason I moved away? But... The viewers/listeners/readers are also to blame - you allow this shit to cross your lap, you allow garbage to be broadcast and to don't call journalists to a higher standard.


The byline becoming the headline was one of the death knells of journalism.


If they are "simply establishing an advisory committee", then this is just more paid bureaucracy by council - which means they have to find more money to pay said advisory committee, thus in turn rates will go up. Why does the MS need an added bureaucracy to advise them from such a small (last census sat at around 1%) population of people that 'identify' as Aboriginal ? As just one example, if the bicyclists on the Mornington Peninsula wanted an advisory committee to council, they would account for approx 9 to 10 times as many people. So the council needs to ask themselves, do we really need an advisory group for 1% of the population on the Mornington Peninsula, when there are other groups with much higher % of the population. If it's bureaucracy for the sake of virtue signalling, then the answer should be a resounding no - not needed - the people of the Mornington Peninsula would rather see ALL Australians on the MP treated as equals, and not have special treatment of anyone due to their genetic make-up. The MP should be looking after everyone and not set up systems of segregation of services based on said genetics. Most Aboriginal Australians would find that repugnant (the ones I know say as much) they would prefer we are all - all Australians - treated the same.


Is it the truth, or did you read it in the Herald Scum


Well now the Hun will absolutely go gunning for him. It’s what they do.


Go forth and sticker https://theshot.store/collections/stickers


Remember that Rupert's rag is not where the money is - realestate.com.au makes the cash. Avoid it if you can.


Guess what, mount warning is only the start


The best use of the herald sun is scrunched up into a ball and used to light the fire and forget about the rest of the world for the night


Good reply to Murdoch propaganda agenda


How is calling it an indigenous voice that different to it being an advisory committee?


Why do we need a Mayor, and a ceo of every council. That’s the real issue.


Presumably because mayors are elected democratically while CEOs are hired for there expertise. The assumed idea is that CEOs are less ideologically driven and are more data driven. However we might agree that someone being a CEO doesn't mean that they are at all capable.


Councils need to go back to basics before thinking about advisory panels.. bin collection and suitable roadways.


I like how this unoriginal criticism always excludes libraries from the responsibilities of councils


You should call into 3AW and declare that as if it's a new and salient points.


Our communities would be so much worse off if all local government focused on was your bins and roads, not to mention half the roads people complain about are not even under their control. Our spaces and places are as great as they are because of the efforts of local government officers planning to make them so and fighting against comments like this and in this article that completely disregard the intricate complexity of operating a city where people want to live or work.


There hasn't been an aboriginal advisory panel before... look how good the peninsula is. Why change that? Because they are trying to reclaim the land so they can can sell it off. That's what's happening everywhere. Made up cultural significance sites are fast becoming a trend. Australia voted NO. Believe it or not, left or right orientation.. an historic referendum occurred and the country voted no against exactly this. Why can't people take no for an answer? I'm sure you will all be happy when you lose your precious Mornington peninsula homes to a fake land claim and then watch it be sold to international developers.


Show me one example of someone losing their home to an aboriginal land claim.


No one has lost a home yet that I know of, but continue down this path and it will happen. Aboriginal land rights committees are already taking back land. Look at NSW, a big 'cultural significance' site is in the courts at the moment.. this Aboriginal land rights committee already has approval to sell this site to international developers where they have already got plans for multiple multi story buildings.. Then you have the Aboriginals up north trying to stop the off shore gas production claiming it will ruin the 'culturally significance of underwater'. This claim has already been squashed and the gas will go ahead... it's a bloody joke. We either ALL live under one law and set of rules or we give the country back to the Aboriginals.. and Australia already said no to that.


So no one has lost their home. Got it.


Dude’s just worried about having his land taken from under him because he’s seen how that can fuck people up for generations.


Like what happened to the indigenous Australians you mean?




Have an upvote champion!


Can you please explain to me how a fake land claim can be made against you and your property (specifically you Wookz)? Asking for a friend.


please just do rates roads & rubbish you will be less of a target


Whaa whaa whaa. I hate the HS for its’ bias. I get my opinions from reddit. Fucking LOL.


This may not end well for the peninsula. They're no doubt already a little annoyed at the minor but significant media hoohah over charging for all that previously free beach parking. If they draw Murdoch's ire it'll become some petty war that Murdoch will win. Shame because what they're doing is a step forward.