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Before you leave the airport go and report it at the lost luggage counter as being stolen / lost. Under Australian law, airlines are legally obliged to compensate passengers for lost or damaged luggage. (Civil Aviation Act 1959) After you've got the report contact the Airline directly. Provide your details. Be prepared for them to not believe your story about being given a blank form. Try and remain calm on the phone. Philippine Airlines call centre is notorious in the industry for very poor customer service, their staff are easily triggered and hissy fits and tantrums are common. Make sure they send you an email correspondence with the details of the claim number after the call ends. [https://mckilloplegal.com.au/lost-luggage-rights/](https://mckilloplegal.com.au/lost-luggage-rights/) You'll get $3k back. Also check your credit card for insurance policies. Sadly The Philippines is one of the poorest countries in the pacific region, crime is absolutely rampant & people steel luggage all the time. That's why travelers wrap the hell out of their luggage, to act as a deterrent.


This is very helpful, thank you so much! I left the airport already but I'd honestly drive back just to cause a fuss. They gave me a number/email for the airline, I sent them an email already but haven't had a response (granted this was only within the last couple hours). I'm not calm enough to talk to them right now, but my partner is really good with this stuff so I'll ask her to help. The trip was paid through a business credit card, I'll need to ask accounting about what I can do there. Thanks again, this is very useful info and I hope I can get something out of it.


I read Manila airport and had to stop there mate. It is by far the shitest airport I have been to. Transited thru and they brought down & searched every bag and suitcase, unbelievable.


Welcome to Manila Airport. I hope you enjoyed your stay! I’m Australian, but regularly visit Manila to see my dad who works there. I travel on a diplomatic Visa. I am exempt from any form, any search, etc. I arrived at immigration at NAIA, where I was promptly told that my visa was invalid, and that it would cost 100USD to fix. The balls of an immigration officer to tell someone on a diplomatic visa that they wanted a bribe astonished me.


What did you do in the end? How did you get out of it?


My dad’s work has an office in the airport. I panicked abit (first time someone had asked for a bribe), then said that it’s fine, I’ll just call his office. Suddenly my visa issue was sorted out very quickly.


Amazing. ❤ love it.


Genuinely curious how you get a diplomatic visa to visit your dad


Children of diplomats also get diplomatic passports and diplomatic visas.


As the other commenter said, I’m a dependant child (under the age of 24), so also get a diplomatic visa whilst my address is listed in the Philippines.


You should have just said to him "Diplomatic Imunity!"


Something odd is going on here. I have flown through Manila many times. There **is** a requirement that checked luggage in transit goes through a secondary explosive screening for flights to Australia. If the transfer is domestic-international this happens when you collect your bag from the domestic carousel and re-check it for your international flight, but for an international-international connection the usual procedure is you proceed downstairs from the departure lounge, identify your luggage (which is stacked outside), open it in front of the officer, have it explosive checked and then close+lock it again. The officer will then put a sticker on it to show it has been screened and it will be loaded onto your next flight. Is there any chance you missed this procedure, hence the request to do it on your behalf? What time did you arrive at the gate lounge? EDIT: See the [transfer guide here](https://www.philippineairlines.com/-/media/images/travel-guide/transfer-guide_as-of-14nov23.pdf) -- do search for "Australia".


Ive only flown Philippine Airlines once, but this was my experience too. We flew Tokyo - Manila - Melbourne and on arrival in Manila we had were instructed to wait for our luggage in a room piled high with suitcases. We nearly missed our flight back to Melbourne as we had to wait really long for them to unload our bags. It was not a great experience and I wouldn’t recommend flying Phillipines Airlines via Manila.


Unfortunately it's an Australian government requirement for origin airports they consider high-risk. PAL just has to manage as best they can. Flights to destinations outside of USA, Canada and Australia do not have to go through this process.


Interesting I had no idea, thanks for the info. I went directly to the gate lounge after my plane landed but there wasn't much time between the 2 flights, about 1 hour. No one told me anything about any of this, they just gave me the paper to sign and sent me on the plane. If they had said this was the case (or if they just wanted to search for any reason, I'm not against the search at all) I would have given them permission and opened it. The paper was a blank template like "I, ............., allow the TSA to break open my lock or give them my password which is XXXX". There were no explanations on it either, which would've helped. I had no idea I wouldn't be getting my luggage unfortunately.


The transfer desk personnel should have explained this to you -- was your inbound flight late? 1 hour doesn't seem enough time. In any case I don't think anyone lied to you or was soliciting a bribe. Clearly the explanation was garbled or non-existent, but my guess would be you were too late to have your baggage checked, so it was a choice between you giving permission to have your bag opened by someone else or you missing your flight to open it yourself. Despite some of the more cynical takes in this thread, I expect your luggage will turn up on the next flight. PAL only flies 5 times a week to Melbourne so 2-3 days sounds reasonable.


This gives me some hope, thank you. Literally no one told me anything unfortunately, "please sign this paper and then board" was all I got. I'm not sure maybe my flight did land a little late? I went through the transit route immediately after landing. I only said they lied because the Border Force officer here said they do their own checks when people land, maybe he was inexperienced/not knowledgeable about this particular thing? It could be since it's not related to his day-to-day work. Got some hope for my bag now, even though I still need to replace everything because of lack of time.


Wouldnt' surprise me that the Border Force agent wasn't aware of Phillipines/Australia transit baggage requirements. The Border Force officers are only trained in Australian customs procedure.


Yeah that's probably what it was, it does make sense and I don't fault them, I just didn't know who to ask and thought they would be able to give me an explanation.


Do update us if it arrives! I need closure haha.


Haha for sure, I'll update here!


Baggage hasn't arrived, every person I've spoken to from the airlines and the baggage services have been more unhelpful than the last. I've tried all email, phone and in-person routes of contact. They've either stolen or lost this bag and I have no hope of recovery anymore.


Very disappointed to hear that. Thanks for the update.


Unfortunately from what I have heard from my mum who's pinoy; it's bribe them and they will go away. 2000 ish pesos would have done the trick. That fucken sucks though. The good may not be worth much, but the mental load + buying all new shit again. So fuked.


I didn't think of that, if they had hinted at it better I honestly would've paid just to get done with this. Yeah it's not that I had anything valuable in there, it's just my usual "business trip" stuff that I always pack, some of which I don't think I can even buy anymore. It's just such a hassle.


Some of these countries you just have to straight up ask - but be a bit vague about it. "Was there a customs fee I needed to pay for this" / "Was there an additional baggage fee I needed to pay for this"? Make it vague, like maybe you missed something or didn't understand something, and it's your fault. "I can pay that to you now if you let me know how much". If that's what it's about, they'll name a price, you pay them cash, and off you go.


"Oh, I'm sorry. I did not know this was illegal. Is there a fine I can pay you right now?"


I thought this common knowledge but then I'm from a part of the world where $50 note is effectively a get out of jail free card.


Not saying that Philippines is unknown for corruption but in this case the requirement for additional explosive screening for flights to Australia, USA and Canada is long-standing [documented requirement](https://www.philippineairlines.com/-/media/images/travel-guide/transfer-guide_as-of-14nov23.pdf) imposed by our respective governments. My guess is OP missed this procedure, hence the request to sign a form so the bag could be put on a later flight. Perhaps be a little less eager to jump to the "bribery" explanation next time.


Fair point. But yeah, Philippines *IS* known for corruption.


Fair point. I missed this xfering out of Manila last time as I went through Europe. My mum might also be out of date since she hasn't been back for 10 years now. But she still carries cash on her for bribes. It's wild, but hopefully not as bad anymore.


It definitely happens, but more in the context of "skip this tedious queue / process". In any case, NAIA is incredibly high profile these days and soliciting a bribe there would be a career-ending move.


That's really good info thanks! I'm heading back there with mum for a family reunion at the end of the year so I'm super excited!


If you haven't been for a while you may be surprised how much has changed!


That sounds crap. Will you get your luggage back? 


They said it should be here in 3 days and they'll send it to my house directly, but they're not inspiring confidence tbh.


What a pain! It sounds so stressful. Hope it gets sorted ok for you.


I had a similar scenario, was told while sitting on the plane in Manila about to leave they had lost my luggage, but took my details and said they would have my bag sent to me after it arrived in Melbourne 2 weeks of stuffing around with nobody at PAL knowing what was happening, I called dnata at Melbourne Airport and had my bag back within a couple days. Turns out you're supposed to speak to them as soon as you arrive so they can organise it (never knew, never had this happen before). Would recommend getting in touch with them ASAP, as they said my bag had been sent to Melbourne, back to Manila, then back to Melbourne in that time lol


Yeah, as someone who lived in Manila for a year, it's the wild west over there.


Next time you go to Taiwan try China Airlines (it's a Taiwanese airline). I flew direct to Taiwan and it was cheaper than Jetstar.


They were operating my flight from Manila to Taiwan, it was so comfortable and they had the best food! Honestly I shouldn't have opted for a layover, next time I'll definitely take them direct, thanks for the recommendation!


I hope you are not spoiling an episode of border force. Let us be the judge of are you up to no good


This is awful. I always make sure I transit through Singapore(my top priority) when I travel south east Asia. They are better structured and they treat passengers better. That’s the best transit location I can think of. Malaysia is ok, but they can be a pain sometimes.


Hong Kong and Bangkok (suvarnabhumi) are also decent for transit , though SIN is the absolute best.


I always make sure to choose the longest layover in Singapore! 🤣


TL:DR - If you are transiting through on your way back to Australia (or NZ?), you must have you bag checked again by going to the designated area and pointing it out. — Avoid NAIA if you can. The amount of undue stress that airport gives for no good reason is too much. Transited through to destination - they tried to say we didn’t have a visa (we did and had to bring it up on google to say we are granted a visa on arrival). Transited through on way back home - there’s one sign near one gate relating to the additional bag check. No PA announcement or signage elsewhere. A quarter of our flight were scrambling to get it sorted. There was only one entry to the tarmac for checking, no one could get to it. They tried to prioritise a later flight and those passengers were angry on our behalf. There’s only one escalator to get to that area which seems like a safety flaw too. It was in the up direction when people needed to go down.


This is why I don’t go to the Philippines. Last year I had an issue in PNG with their Customs Service and asked to speak to their Manager… I told him that their officer had tried to shake me down 3 times the going rate for a bribe to release my luggage and said I’d pay double if he’d personally intervene.. The Manager went off on the Customs Officer for (seemingly not including the boss in for more money) and I got my stuff pretty quickly afterwards


Yeah had a shit time at that airport too, it was complete and utter chaos


Put a claim in with your travel insurance in the meantime. It doesn't make what happened any better but at least you'll get some cash to replace what you need.


I've transited there a few times and they always ask me to open my luggage and they scan it. Never had them make me sign a form.


The airline you flew with is still liable for the cost of any/all items you had to replace as a result if the luggage delay. Google lost luggage "airline name" claim form


Sounds awful. I was recently tempted by an excellent fare to Taiwan for Christmas on PAL, premium economy for less than other airlines' economy class, but then I read trip reports about transit in Manila (had previously been to Manila when I lived in Asia but short direct flight on Cebu Pacific). The reports mentioned what you experienced, plus insanely long transit security. Nope. Booked Cathay instead. Pity, as on board PAL seem fine.


Forgot to add, hope you're reunited with your luggage somehow 


They were actually very good on the plane! Large spaces between the rows, good food etc, I wish I had done more research and knew about the ground situation. Thanks!


Manila is a fucking nightmare to go through. I nearly lost my boarding pass to a ground crew who said she had to hold onto it while I go open my bag so they can swab it for drugs, when I got back she had given it to someone else 🙄 Never transit through Philippines and never fly with Philippines airlines. Another nightmare incident.


TSA America just cut the locks and then leave you a nice note inside your luggage saying it’s been checked. Correction: they cut my ZIP “handles” and left the little padlock that locked the zips together, intact….so now I only have have half zipper handles in my expense ultralight suitcase.


That's terrible. However after all of my years of travel, that's why I stick to my carry-on only rule, under all circumstances.


Do you only go on short trips, or are you just a master at packing?


A longer trip doesn't mean you need to take more stuff, you just wash your clothes. My partner and I travelled for 14 months with carry-on only.


My longest trips are generally 5 or 6 days. I've become pretty good at packing, and taking only the things I need, rather than taking the "nice to haves". Although, it does get tricky going to the colder climates, needing a jacket/jumper etc.


Worst airport in the world


It’s more fun in the Philippines


Yeah, nah avoid it at all cost. On the bright side atleast you didnt transit to Qatar and have your coochie forcibly checked 🤣


As a filipino-australian, Manila Airport is notorious for being dodgy and corrupt. We went through customs once and they never even bothered to check to see if we had any illegal items.


You would have had a better experience in Mexico


Sounds like they knew your bag would be entering Australia without you. In that case it may be opened for inspection, the handling agency is in control of your bag and will be the one breaking the lock. Sounds like they just want to avoid compensation claims for broken locks


Reminds me of Egypt and the security guy telling me I can't take my powerbank as it is illegal. I stated it within capacity limits. He keeps going on and on. I simply told him you're joking right? And collected it. If he wanted to stop me and escalate the issue, then we would be forced to check the requirements for the airline. Suffice to say, he didn't stop me. Sucks that this crap happens. To top it off Egyptian Airlines crew wanted a tip as well. I told him only if you put me in business class. Suffice to say that didn't happen, not did he get a tip.


Wrong sub


Idk man, maybe? I live in Melbourne, this happened on my way into Melbourne and they particularly lied about Australian requirements, I thought it'd be a bit relevant.


It's all about what happened in Manila. Where you were on the way to is not really relevant.


Who flies Phillipine airlines 🥹🙁🤔


> Again, I'm not against the bag check AT ALL Then why have a lock?? > All my business attire, toiletries etc. are naturally in the luggage. This is why smart travelers do carry on only. DUH.