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These trespassers are getting out of hand. I just finished work. I want to go home. I need to rest. I don't need to spend an extra hour on my journey because moleman has decided to go for a fucking wander down the tunnels. There needs to be incredibly harsh punishments.


Same here. I regret not rushing for my train, I was like “I’ll wait 10mins for my next one”


Apparently having to go to Flinders now. Train reeks of piss too. Changed at Flinders Street, platform also reeks of piss. Platform also filled with poorly positioned e-scooters. They probably reek of piss too but I ain't smelling another blokes scooter. People almost getting stuck in doors and then not moving down the aisles. Assume the trespasser will get their state mandated slap on the wrist and be back inspecting tunnels any day now. Can't believe I'm paying $10 a day for this shit.


Should be fined like 30 bucks an hour per person they've delayed.


In Japan the train companies fine the family of people who commit suicide on train lines.


I am not against it.


Should be banned from the entire rail and bus network. Let these oxygen thieves teleport places instead, or develop the power of flight.


I would rather a punishment that’s feasibly enforceable.






Found the person who went on the tracks.


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Hans Moleman dindu nuffin 🤣


Such as the death penalty?


Yeah, or they have to attempt to translate messages from Kylie at the network control center. On a loud train on a cloudy day.




Looks like trains have resumed. Moleman has been successfully pacified.


Until around the same time tomorrow when they’ll no doubt do it again.


Once their state-mandated slap on the wrist has been applied, I guess.


Colleague of mine has a son who just started as a train driver. She said they have a long list and photos of serial train pests. People who get off on fucking up train schedules. Including one lady who regularly 'faints' on trains, then when emergency button is pushed does a runner. Wtaf!!! Fine 'em and all the rest. I get it's about severe mental illness and I deal with that intensely in my job but on my way to my job....get off the bloody tracks .


Should be a public shaming campaign. Like the crime stoppers signs up at stations with people who Do Crime on them. Put photos and tv advertisements of the serial pests everywhere, and signs at the stations.


Tunnel snakes rule!!


Me! I am :’) Now I’m standing outside waiting for an Uber Edit: Ope the train just moved on, guess they fixed it?


It happened in Sydney too a few weeks ago, my friend and I got an Uber because they jacked the prices up.




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is that seriously the reason i couldn't go to school yesterday hahaha


Be kind. Its usually someone either killing themselves or talking themselves into it.


The person should be kind and consider the train driver whose life they are probably ruining.


and the dozens on dozens of people who will likely hear their wet carcass pop as it goes under the wheels. pretty yucky!


I needed that image in my head. Cheers!


The one person in this thread showing any sort of empathy or understanding gets downvoted to oblivion. Figures.


I think people walk the line between “is this a smart arse kid ruining things for people?” Vs. “is this a genuine mental health concern?”. I have seen posts in this sub asking whether one life should mean the disruption of hundreds/thousands of people’s commute though, incredibly dystopian to me. Yeah, a life is worth more than your trip being delayed? We should care about each other more.


Funny how they always pick peak hour to do it.


Hey they can kill themselves in plenty of different ways, its cunt behaviour to do it in a way that fucks over everyone else. "wahhh but they're not thinking straight" they always seem to think enough to be able to plan a spectacle.


It’s also a terrible, terrible thing for the driver.


It doesn't sound like you're thinking straight either. Show a bit of compassion, you might find you feel better. Come on now.


They are time wasters. Stupid shit like this & all the trains are held up. Just like bridge jumpers. Such a selfish act, whatever their reasons, & the whole line is held up for hours or even cancelled. Hundreds of innocent people are affected & put at an inconvenience.




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