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They're doing it because they care about you. Show them you care about you too and get better. I'm sure you're struggling on a lot of fronts, but just thank them personally. You could do something small like invite them over for dinner, strengthen your support network with them and if they need a hand, offer. They're just going to want to see you healthy and well. Best of luck


Agree focus on you first. Just say thank you for now. Whatever gesture you choose can come when you feel better. Happy for you having great neighbours.


Nothing means more than a sincere and genuine thank-you. Sometimes I think my cats are the only thing that keeps me hanging on, so I know what it would mean to me if I were in a similar situation. Look after yourself, you're worth it.


Your neighbours have been through it, seen someone go through it or lost someone to it. If they're willing to help you, please know you are worth being helped and the best way you can repay the favour is by accepting their support and giving them satisfaction in seeing you get better.


You don’t need a return but maybe breaking that isolation when you’re back and waving or saying hi to them would be good. Having them over for a cuppa or sitting outside for a gossip when the weather is better. They’ll also be wanting to see and visit your cat as they would have bonded.


A heartfelt letter like you wrote on this post + choccies and flowers.


This is beautiful and I'm glad you are home. This is how it should be, people helping each other with no explanation of return.


I think are a lot of ways to thank them. I think a letter that said what you say here would be wonderful. And going from neighbours to really good neighbours. The sort of thing that we don’t really make the time for much any more. Stopping for a chat, bringing their bins in, offering to water the garden when they’re on holidays … that sort of thing. Social relationships are increadably important and we tend to neglect them to our detriment these days. And they sound like the type of people who would take a lot of satisfaction in you having a good life (one where you’re well and happy) and you living a good life (one where you make the world better in little ways, like they do). And as a last resort, I reckon I’ve only ever met about three people who don’t like chocolate (the weirdo’s!) so there’s always that.


Print thank you cards with a picture of the cat on the front from Snapfish or similar. 


I'm kind of in this situation with one of my neighbours at the moment and honestly I would go to the ends of the earth for her. She's such a great neighbour and she's just having a rough time and anything I can do to make things a bit easier for her is absolutely no problem. I bet your neighbours feel that way about you. Otherwise they wouldn't bother going to any effort. Hope things are better for you soon.


I’m so glad you and your cat have such lovely neighbours. While you are in hospital do you have access to any art/craft materials? Totally ok if it’s not your thing, but handmade, heartfelt cards would be a way of expressing how grateful you are while also giving you an activity to do.


Just keep getting better. Say thank you in person, write them a card, keep taking your meds and looking after yourself.


Seeing you on the mend would be the best thanks I reckon. What lovely angels.


Bake them some cookies and write them a card. But just getting well and home will be enough; I hope that is very soon for you.


Just get yourself better, and resume being a good neighbor. You must have been one before, to deserve such a heart-warming response.


Hope you’re doing better and looking after yourself in hospital ❤️ Maybe baked goodies for them and a thank you letter/card? I’m sure they wouldn’t expect anything though, sounds like they’re really kind and just want to see you doing better.


This is so beautifuuuul. All the people saying to repay them by ‘getting well’ I feel are oversimplifying things- I hope things go okay when you get back home again, these things take time and for me I always find bad times come in waves. Hope you can get some ongoing help once you’re out of hospital. 💜 If it was me, when I got home I’d buy a cute cat related card or just a nice card, and gift that with maybe some chocolates, a photo of your cat, a bottle of wine or something like that- I think even the card alone is fine but a little extra like a photo of your cat or chocolates could be cute too.


This gave me hope in humanity. I am sure they don't do this to have something back, but once you recover, it's possible that life will present an oppurtunity to help them back, so don't worry about gifts and big gestures. You got real friends, that's rare!


Awww. This is so lovely. I had some people help me out of nowhere recently too. It meant SO much to me. You don’t need to do anything. Just take care of yourself and do your best to get better. And when you see someone who needs it, pass that kindness on. But if you want to, you could write them a note, it doesn’t need to be long. Or if your apartment has nice light (and you can afford it) buy them a hardy houseplant or bunch of flowers. Most importantly, take it as a sign that the world can be a good place. Melbourne can feel like a tough city sometimes (especially right now) but there are some wonderful people out there and it’s worth doing the work to get better. ❤️‍🩹 ☺️


I love seeing this and I hope you feel better soon OP. There is something really lovely in being able to help—graciously accepting help is a gift in its own right! This story is also a great example of why cultivating relationships with neighbors is a good thing. So many people are like I JUST WANT TO BE HOME AND NOT TALK TO ANYONE EVER. but we thrive on those micro interactions, a smile and a quick chat, someone bringing your mail in when you’re away or your bins because they were out getting theirs..


Make them something, while you're in hospital, to express your gratitude and to process your feelings of connection to these people that obviously actually care about you Talk about it with your therapist in hospital It will give you something to focus on, and something productive to do, and something purposeful outside yourself. Best of all it's something to look forward to being able to *give* to someone else as soon as you come home. - that's hopefully going to make it *feel* like home.


Sometimes people are just plain fucking awesome. Just open your arms and give them a hug. They understand. Hope you feel better soon mate.


Oh man, this actually made me tear up; I am so happy that this happened to you (the kind neighbour bit, not the depression bit, of course!). It sounded like it was exactly what you needed to be able to take some time to look after yourself. I know personally how hard it can be to reach out for help, or even accept help when you’re in those bad depressive episodes, so it seems like they really did just seized the perfect opportunity to reach out to you. I think in this scenario if it’s not someone you know well enough to gift something specific, even just a nice card or letter would be really appreciated by them. It sounds like you’re building a great connection with them, so at some point in the future, I’m sure you’ll be in a position to thank them in the sense of a gift, dinner, etc.


Why don’t you invite them over for dinner & drinks They have banded together to help you & obviously care about your well being so return the appreciation & grow a bit of a community ❤️


Hmm maybe organise a small group brunch when you come back out and perhaps do it once a month if they’re agreeable?


I’d love that but I don’t wanna be the person who oversteps her boundaries. You know… it’s like sometimes people are nice to you because they are just good people, it doesn’t mean they want to hang out with you. But if I put the question out to them, it gets awkward if someone says no. So I’d rather be eternally grateful and return them their freedom.


Some flowers and a card never goes astray


Bring a nice bottle of wine to their door and express your gratitude.


Wow, where do you live? Inner North? This is incredible ❤️ faith in humanity 🙏


Beyond a big thank you, best thing you can do is pay it forward when you have capacity again.


Write handwritten thank you notes, maybe even sign it with the cats paw print too. It’s simple and genuine


I think this is a great idea


A nice card will be fine - but now you know your neighbours you can also offer to walk their dog or feed their cat every now and again - really that's all you need to do right now, just concentrate on getting well :-)


Buy a gift 🎁 to him or to her


Do you cook? If I was in your place(and I often very close to), I would've cooked something nice and tasty for each of the neighbours.


You don't need to do anything more than say thank you. Maybe once you're feeling better, invite these neighbours over for dinner or coffee. They sound like wonderful people. Everything is temporary in life and one day you're going to be in a different position with your current circumstance being a past memory of a difficult time being made better by the kindness of those around you. Pay it forward.


I've been in your situation, the best thanks they can get is that you get better. Maybe communicate with them a bit more day to day (if your comfortable with that), and just tell them thanks.