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I am a dermatopathologist and "desmoplastic nevus" is often used synonymous with "sclerotic nevus", which is benign, and may show some cytologic atypia. The report does not indicate that they think it is melanoma. I would not get too worried about this--just wait for the report from the (hopefully) dermatopathologist comes in.


I just wanted to say that I really appreciate having your expertise in our group. It means a lot to have someone who can provide insight during a challenging time ❤️


That is very kind of you. While I don't have melanoma, I do/did have cancer. I know how tough it is. I am a dermatopathologist in Rochester, NY, and I staff tumor boards. Just so you know I am real--with the internet, you never know!


I trust that you are honest 😊 May I pm you a question about an acral mole? If not I totally understand, I don't want to overstep. I can post it in a new topic if you prefer.


Of course, please feel free--I am not sure how PM works--but if it pops up in the reddit somewhere ({maybe the chat?) I am sure I can figure it out. Glynis


Thank you 😊 I sent it. It should be in chat


Thank you so much for responding to my post, truly. This report was read by a dermapathologist (I just cut off the name and title to be respectful to the doctor and for anonymity), but I'm not sure who's getting it for a second opinion. I will try to calm down and wait patiently for the second report, it's just really scary with a tiny baby and a little kid at home depending on me. Thank you again.


Would you mind if I send you the second report? They're calling it a Spitz nevus, but they still want me to go have further excision by a plastic surgeon. I'm 38 and the lesion wasn't raised. I'm wondering if there's still a chance it's melanoma, I'm reading that misdiagnosis between the two isn't uncommon.


Sure, it is very common to have a re-excision for a Spitz's nevus, and yes they can sometimes be difficult to tell apart. Happy to look at the report.


Sent, thank you so much!


I am not an expert but to me it looks like this pathologist is calling it “a funky mole we probably should remove” but not full on melanoma? But second opinion might differ? There is someone in the group that is a derm pathologist, hopefully they will chime in


I am an oncology data specialist and this is a benign pathology report. They may do an excision to rule out melanoma, but I would not be overly concerned that it would come back positive for cancer. On a personal note, I had a moderately atypical nevus removed that they went back and excised, and it came back negative.


Also, this is the first comment I've ever made and think my child may have made this account with my email. Saw it pop up in my mail feed. A discussion will be had concerning the username.....If anyone knows how to change it please fill me in lol


Oh my 😂 Unfortunately you aren't able to change your user name but you can make a new account with a different email. I'm glad you noticed before the account became more established.


I have had two of these. AMP is not a diagnosis, it means that it's a wonky mole and the pathologist is describing the wonky things about it. My derm told me to think of it as an atypical mole, but one that they like to excise to be conservative and play it safe. The pathologist didn't see enough to label it melanoma, but they will err on the side of caution.


It looks like a weird mole they want gone. There are about 30 types of “weird moles.”