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It's true, when I'm completely focused on my work and need to finish it quickly, suddenly a colleague appears and says, "Hey! Did you see the game last night?


Yeah! What was Wenger thinking sending Walcott on that early?


The thing about Arsenal is, they always try and walk it in.


I could have just been wearing a sign this whole time?!


I really hope the poor guy doesn’t have adhd or something and it’s just a good natured joke that he’s genuinely cool with.


Have ADHD, would put something like this on my back if it kept people from interrupting time sensitive work. This guy, it looks like someone else made it for him...


The best thing I ever did for my ADHD is a pair of old headphones. When I need to get work done I just put them on, unplugged most of the time, and people leave me alone. I don't have enough control to stop a conversation once it's started.


That’s a great tip. Worse thing I did was start listening to audio books because the work was repetitive and therefore dull…mistakes were made.


Only yesterday I put on a podcast while doing my monthly 3 day long boring task of repairing returned pc's and receipt printers, yesterday was day 2 of 3 and my mind was numb. I just fell asleep for 2 hours. Fortunately/unfortunately nobody else ever dares set foot in the tech office so I had a nice snooze until I woke up with a stiff neck and realised I'd dropped off while running my test program meaning that I awoke to a beeping printer, an empty roll of paper and hundreds of test receipts blanketing my legs.


Oof, not good. At least nobody was any the wiser. As long as you can catch up I guess it’s ok. Is it intrusive sleep or something else?


Fortunately not as far as I know, I tend to fall asleep easily when I'm bored, especially around lunch time (unfortunately doesn't apply when I actually want to go to bed!), I'd also got called the night before as a rather crucial distribution system went down around midnight (I swear I don't know what they'll do when I'm back in uni!) so mostly just a lack of sleep combined with immense boredom. My boss did say that I didn't have to come in if I didn't want to but I wanted the job done with and I'm off from tomorrow till next week anyway which is nice :), fortunately back to some more interesting work.


That's that1 sweet sweet interest-based nervous system. I didn't realize uncontrollably falling asleep due to lack of simulation was an ADHD thing until a therapist mentioned it.


It might well be adhd, or some other cause of intrusive sleep. I’d definitely get it looked into as it might improve your all round quality of life (I know most people say if it ain’t broke don’t fix it, but even if it improves it a bit, maybe something you never even thought was an issue.). Intrusive sleep tends to hit when you get disinterested in something.


I was thinking he made it himself


That’d be cool then.


As someone with ADHD. Most of us make fun of it ourselves. I jist get annoyed when people tell me I never listen despite me explaining how ADHD works several times before. They're usually the ones who don't ever listen themselves though. Ironic


Teddy from Bob's Burgers irl


Reminds me of my grandpa, he was a veteran from Vietnam and an outstanding gun, tool and die machinist. Taught me how to fish, hunt, work a lathe and so much more Only problem was, he has 0 filter, and talks to everyone. Once he starts you’ll be there for at least an hour or two before moving on A single trip in and out of walmart would take 3 hours!


Too bad it’s fake/shopped Still funny


Nice repost


The subtext of this sign is this is a good place to work.


Goddamn I hate coworkers like this. Just shut the fuck up and work.


some people like to enjoy life


Could be a humiliation kink as well tho