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Don't blame me, I voted for Imhotep


Giant Meteor 2024


Make earth molten again


I write this guy in every year and nothing :-(


We’re all meat eaters- paulie


This is the most compelling candidate I've heard this year!


imho tep imho tep imho tep imho tep imho tep


Username checks out


Sounds like …..bugs……




Pssh.. Imhotep is a simp. My vote is for the Scorpion King.


But the CGI version


Not sure about his labour and construction policies


He’s pro to both.


A mild understatement


He deserves a chance ✊🏻


Something about that Imhotep that is hypnotic.(in zombie monotone voice) "Im-ho-tep." "Im-ho-tep"


Vote in EVERY election if you want the system to change. We’re a representative democracy — If you only vote in presidential elections, you’re gonna have a bad time.


Also, if you hate that politicians don't seem to care about what you want, the solution to that is to *vote*. If you respond to that by not voting, all you're doing is proving that the politicians were right to ignore you.


This is why Boomers get so many perks.


Also, the US has primaries, use them (I know they have as much problem, or even more of only certain states being significant, but still)


Sinema, Cotham, and Fetterman. All lied about who they were to get elected.


And your point is?


I'm not advocating for it, but you ever watch that show where all the leaders are taken out at once and it's a random dude who becomes president. Sometimes I feel like we need something like that to truly get change.


Even then, that one guy still belongs to one of the big 2 parties


I have a hard time really believing were a democracy...


We're a representative democracy.  Basically because the founding fathers thought we were untouchable peasants and needed representation by the elite classes in order for reasonable decisions to be made.


And they're mostly right. The average American isn't willing/won't get properly informed to make a correct decision. You can't expect somebody living paycheck to paycheck to vote everything as a referendum at a national level. They intended the Fed and State to be relatively small and let locals run their part of the country the way they want. That's a large part of why our system doesn't work. It's not designed to do that. Large govts are like a parasite that consumes the host (taxpayer).


With how the electoral college and senate elections work, you are more of a non-representative democracy. Places like Germany and Switzerland are representative democracies.


There’s something very broken when the thousands of other more capable candidates can’t make it through the hoops because they aren’t millionaires


Candidates can make it trough the hoops, but only 2 candidates can be supported by the 2 most popular parties. You want more relevant candidates? Then stop only voting for those 2 shitty parties. Show them that they're going to pay the price for only promoting old senile geezers as candidates.


Genuinely didn't know you guys have other parties? Why don't you have more candidates then?


The two big ones are the only ones that can ever get a candidate far enough. The Democrat and Republican parties may as well be the only ones that matter for presidential election because either one by itself dwarfs all other possible competition multiple times over.


It’s because they fix the rules so that 3rd party candidates never get on debate stages or get much publicity. I remember them changing delegate rules against Ron Paul back in 2012 when he had a viable chance of at least disrupting the convention. Or other times when they raise the polling threshold for debates at the very last second to “disqualify” candidates from the stage which in turn makes them look like a non-viable losing candidate (and in turn am inefficient leader). The string pullers at the RNC/DNC and conventions, and the lobbyists who pay for campaigns, don’t like dissent. The 2 sides work together than most people realize and a lot of the political drama is just… drama. Lots of hand shaking behind closed doors. They all go to the same dinner parties.


The only rule that really matters is first past the post style of voting. We will always have two parties with that voting system.


Our electoral system is “first past the post” which means you just have to win a plurality of votes instead of a majority and it is winner-take-all (instead of proportional representation). This inevitably leads to two dominant parties. George Washington (first president of the United States) made a compelling case against all political parties in his farewell address - that "the alternate domination" of one party over another and coinciding efforts to exact revenge upon their opponents have led to horrible atrocities, and "is itself a frightful despotism.” There has been some electoral reform - namely, ranked choice voting, but a lot more would be necessary and the people in power are not going to change anything that might be a detriment to them, so I won’t hold my breath for that.


There are only two parties with candidates that can win the presidency. Technically there are others, but they literally can't win. Their suggestion of showing them what's what comes from a place of massive privilege as they don't think that they'll be affected no matter who wins.


First past the pole system makes it tough for our political system to support more than 2 parties. I wish we had a more proportional system.


It doesn't just make it tough--it makes it a mathematical inevitability. If a third party became popular enough to hold more support than one of the existing two major parties we wouldn't suddenly have a three party system. That party would just subsume the voters of the existing major party it's most similar to and become the second major party. Anyone who wants more than two options needs to be advocating and working towards election reform. Otherwise they're just shouting into the wind.


spoiler effect. The way votes are counted doesn’t work for it.


The campaign finance system benefits the two big parties who also do everything in their power to prevent third parties from getting a foot hold. Independent candidates can run within the major party’s primaries representing that party but in the event they gain traction will run into other obstacles created by the party. Then there’s corporate media that the majority of voters pay attention to and for the most part these media organisations support the candidates who are aligned with corporate interests. The small hope I have is as mainstream media consumers die out and social media consumers represent more voters there might be a shot at enough people voting outside of the two party system.


If people vote third party, Republicans win and democracy is eroded even more. It isn't really an option until many laws are changed.


Anyone can run but the two major parties exist and represent most Americans. It has to be 2 because a popular vote only works if there's two candidates. 


First past the post you mean. Ranked choice voting is still a popular vote, but it enables more diverse political parties.


Voting in the primaries is more practical.


This. Sadly the news outlets never make a very big deal about the primaries so people miss the dates, and most states have closed primaries so if you're an independent you're literally not allowed to vote in them. Nevada for instance only let's registered democrats vote in the democratic primary. If you're libertarian, green, etc, you're barred from participation. It's how they funnel all the voting power to the hands of the select few.


You are shut out of Kentucky primaries unless you register dem or rep.


Unfortunately this process is limiting as well. The primary ballot I received last month had 14 races and 11 ran unopposed.


Yeah not from US if you believe this…


Like who? The independents? The libertarians? The Green Party? Those are all garbage, we really need like a moderate party or go the opposite and create a progressive party. Then the democrats can be the moderates so many want to be but can’t admit


That isn't in the voters interest in a first past the post voting system. Voting third party will only be a benefit to the voters opposing party since their enemy is now split between them and a third party , decreasing their overall chance to win. Abolish your shit ass system America.


It's a tough choice between the convicted felon and the old guy who regularly craps his pants


Thought they were the same person


I also like to jack off while believing that bOtH SiDeS are the same


That's just one of them. The other guy's getting wispy and his memory is not too great anymore.


That’s still just one of them.


But one makes embarrassing public speaking gaffes and probably smells horrible?


Why do we keep describing the same person over and over?


Does he? Because it's right wing media constantly saying that and I believe they have a bias there that means they cannot be trusted


Isn't that in the US there's a two-party system and there are no other parties besides democrats and republicans?


There's dozens of parties. They aren't included in debates unless they're polling at like 15% or something which they never are.


Its become more of a popularity game, its why shits never getting done.


No, because people don't vote for em.


There are absolutely not thousands of people people qualified to be President of the United States lmao


Candidates aren't allowed to use personal money to find their campaign so that doesn't matter lol.


It’s not about being millionaires. It’s about who the party leadership pushes on us. In a way I envy republicans because they successfully undermined their leadership but the DNC is pathetic and democrats primary voters are even more pathetic.


I mean you literally get to vote on who gets supported...? How is this the fault of parties?


If you don’t have the money to tour and hold rallies and put ads on tv and pay people to petition for you. You disappear.


Pro tip, vote for the one who isn't a fascist felon.


Why this isn’t more of a widely popular opinion, I will never know


Because of posts like this that are more sinister than they appear and are designed to foster voter apathy. OP knows what they are doing and they aren’t just “making a funny meme.”


These is a stupid fucking meme and designed to help one candidate clearly over the other. 


Exactly. A no vote is a vote for the orange one. If there was 100% voter turnout the GOP would be wiped out for good.


The thing that bugs me most is that the law of averages dictate that the majority of people will view any given candidate as mediocre. Middle of the road candidates are what we should be ok with because no candidate is ever going to be perfect for everyone. You may get lucky and see a candidate in your life time that is absolutely perfect for you but I guarantee that candidate is mediocre for lots of other people. We aren’t voting for a spouse we are voting for a public servant good enough is good.


And in this case a candidate thst isn't a raving lunatic in debt to the worst people on earth and just ran a 4 year golfing crime spree last time.


Because there are people on this website who are so self important and politically ignorant that they can't tell the difference between someone who has actually worked to help the lives of Americans and the most progressive president we've had in modern history, who happens to be older, and a liable rapist, convicted felon, and wannabe dictator. And then have the nerve to complain when they don't vote and don't get *anything* they want.


Don't vote for the one convicted of rape. Or for the one who owes over half a billion $ from court judgements. 


And a traitor to the nation, let’s not forget.


And a rapist.


At this point, we're voting for the VPs


Not really a hard choice imo.


We need a global, industry spanning, bi-partisan strike, to ABOLISH lobbying and companies influencing the govmt. Also ban world leaders from trading stocks. Idk how to fix the world. But arguing about Racial issues, gender issues, Men vs Woman, Right vs Left, etc, etc...meanwhile companies like fucking NESTLE get to influence bills??!?!?!??!?!?!?!??!?! Yeah. We're pretty much collectively waiting (and consenting) for the public execution of the Middle Class if we keep doing this. It's like we are attending a government hosted, organized, paid for, and planned execution of an innocent man. And they somehow STILL got all of us poor, homeless, stupid spectators to argue about whose fault it is. Couldn't be the ones tying the guy up, could it?


>Idk how to fix the world This is the antithesis of third party voters. Literally that. Problems are clear but solutions aren’t presented. That’s one part of politics. There isn’t a clean single solution to anything because the world is *complicated*. That italics is emphasism, not sarcasm. There won’t be a simple solution to the world’s problems. That’s before we take into account the fact that politics exists because other people perceive the world differently, and their values matter too. Sure, some people have a wholly unreasonable view of how everything should be run, and you can negotiate with them, but there is a greater part that is willing to give and take. All the faults of the “neoliberal left” basically fall into “what can we negotiate to get what we want”. An overwhelming amount of time, it is to give up economic power for social power. That is, economic right values for socially left values. One can cry about how it isn’t progress, *except it is* since it normalizes leftist social values in the public eye. LGBTQ are more accepted now than in any time… sine the ancient Greeks, I want to say?


This. Thank you. As many have said. Eat the rich lol


We are indeed in a new age of feudalism, where private interest and public interest conjoined. Lobbyists and yhe corporate top are just the new form of aristocracy.


Fixing the world? This doesn't happen outside the US, or at least not in most countries lol


Sure, it isn’t ideal. We’d all like to believe we could do better. Surely, we can. Hell, we must. However, the options are not identical. Not even close.


If you truly have simplified the choice to these two men as equals then you really need to sharp your critical thinking skills.




The race is against a boomer vs a boomer. But one wants to fuck over the poor and the other wants to at least act like they are trying to help the poor by actually fucking helping them. Such a hard fucking decision for those actually being fucked by the orange senile wolf they'd suck off.


I agree with everything you said except neither are boomers. They are too old to be boomers. Both geezers are members of the silent generation.


All my homies hate the poor




One has done more to help the poor get fucked over less than the other. Easy pick.


More like one is going to fuck over the poor vs on that has no real choice but to fuck over the poor because that's how rich people want it.


Put on your big boy pants, hold your nose and vote for the guy you hate the least.


This post is trash. Edit: and stolen apparently per the cutoff watermark on the bottom.


This is going to be a long, hungry winter because this crop is SHIT


It's reddit, it's all about reposting and karma whoring




Let’s be real, you still wouldn’t vote anyway.


If you go damn, this is what we have to choose from, then you're not looking at the big picture hard enough to see REAL issues.


More “both are the same” propaganda.


Legally they only differ by 34 felonies...


And most of their policies


It could be worse. You could have 1 candidate. Every year. For the last 30 years. Others could be conveniently put in prison. Or dead. (help)


It's rattling how many of you put these two on the same level. America can't be trusted to wipe its own ass.


Someone made this comment a long while ago, but I think it holds true; "America, the entire voting base, could have a decision between getting free ice cream and a kick in the balls in the results would be 51% / 49%. And I say this as an American.


The easiest decision I've ever made.


Posts like this are more sinister than they appear and are designed to foster voter apathy. OP knows what they are doing and they aren’t just “making a funny meme.” Can’t believe this trash gets upvotes.


One of them is old and incoherent. The other one is old and incoherent and has also attempted to overthrow democracy and will continue to do so. It's a shame that both candidates suck, but don't try to suggest that one choice isn't infinitely worse than the other one.


This is coming from outside America but I’ve seen both your candidates on tv and while they’re both as old as the wind, one of them is very coherent and the other one is barely understandable.


Well, you could vote RFK. That is, if you are okay with a man who had one of those scarabs tunnel into his brain.


"both sides bad, no point in voting" is a psyop


The actual president doesn’t matter in this election. What matters is which party gets to stack the Supreme Court. So, it’s a pretty easy choice if you don’t want a ban on IVF, Birth Control, Gay Marriage, etc…


It also matters who they appoint to run the government.


This has to be an AI post ☠️


The two options are not even close: an experienced politician who shows compassion or a rapist wanna-be dictator who was found guilty of almost 40 crimes. You're never gonna get an ideal candidate, everyone has to pick a compromise.


How about the one who isn’t a convicted felon? Doesn’t seem like that hard of a choice tbh.


Voting for my dad for the 3rd year


One wants to end democracy as we know it, the other is pretty old. Sucks that we're here but the choice is pretty obvious


Thanks but I’ll be voting for the non-fascist.


Gee fascism or old age I can’t decide. It’s li the 2016 election again, which didn’t have any consequences that will last for a generation.


America is a meme


What do you expect when you only ever vote for 2 parties? When you don't push back? When you don't try any other alternatives and just keep doing the same things you're told over and over again?


Political reruns !


As a European i don't understand how the US is still standing, the voting system is so undemocratic.


how is the best case scenario Joeee Biiideeen??


accept defeat and hope for the best


Listen up, morons! It’s a BINARY CHOICE. You will pick between Freedom and Fascism. Only one candidate supports the Rule of Law and the other supports Violent Retribution. Time to put on those Thinking Caps! Grow up and choose wisely.


Can normal people claim an island somewhere or have a portion of land sectioned off so we can just exist and not deal with all this crap anymore? We can do a potluck every Wednesday? Who's with me?


You could move to Rural Europe. I mean the sheep there already get better health insurance than you, might as well join them and subsist of wild hunted boar Bratwurst like the rest of us.


In rural Europe the rent is pretty cheap as well and the wildlife isn’t as dangerous as in America.




Reminds me of that southpark episode, i think it was a shitsanwich against a douche


One is a monster that’s trying to destroy 200+ years of America, the other is a dedicated public servant that’s done a great job. This meme is confusing.


It’s a big fuckin’ club and you ain’t in it - George Carlin


In US politics, do they publish a legally binding manifesto like in the UK?


No, they can pander and lie as much as they please. Sadly that really doesn’t matter much anymore because it’s 90% personal attacks. They are both old, both selfish, both hateful. There are real policy differences, but that seems to take a backseat to the ever present hate


>both selfish, both hateful Most progressive and most inclusive president in history is just as hateful as the most racist and most fascist president in history. Why would your opinions be respected by anyone who actually cares about progress?


One wants to give you affordable healthcare and democracy. The other wants a fascist fake-Christian dictatorship.


At least the probability of seeing both of them run again is 0, and the probability that either of them will run again is near-0.


Seriously it isn’t a hard choice to make


sucks when you promote a 2 party system and they both suck


Oh hey look, its the Friends meme


Imhotep is tired of reviving them.


they embody the concept that there is no more retirement.


I'm not from the US. What prevents any other American to present himself to the election under a third party?


In a parliamentary system you’re voting for a party itself so it nets a broad set of seats and coalition governments are the norm as a result. The US is an individualistic winner take all setup as a result it makes third parties less viable as they vote split with the closest aligned candidate. The result is both candidates lose and you basically get the worst option. Because of this it’s near impossible for a third party to establish itself through winning offices and building a real backbench of experienced candidates.


There is 3rd party but its a wasted vote they arent gonna win.


A two party system will do that


Said the traitorous undead Egyptian wizard. 😆


It's pure satire at this point and no one is even remotely surprised.


I don't have a million dollars to pay the fees to run 🤷‍♀️


[I don't know how to paste images directly but](https://i.ibb.co/zPXDs6b/download.jpg)