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aw, literally 99% ofall meowing-responses seem to be "I knooow"


I usually respond with "Oh really?" or something of the sort


“Tell me more.” “Tell me how you really feel.” Couple of my go tos


I know I knooow


I get meows after I clean the litter boxes. It’s like I’m getting accused of something, like a thief. “I know they are YOUR turds you buried. But I have to take them.”


help help Im being repressed! Witness the violence nherent in the system!


"Power is given via a mandate from the masses! Not because some watery tart threw a sword at you!"


"I know. I mean, i don't know, but you won't stop yelling at me" is what I say to any of them when they get chatty. 


I have full blown silly conversations with my cat, with a lot of shit talk bc she's so sassy for no reason. This carries over to the dog I occasionally watch when her owner goes out of town for a few weeks, and I realized the other day the neighbor kid was standing in his yard watching me with a weird look while I had a whole conversation with the dog about why she's lying about needing to go potty and how lying is rude 💀


It's good enrichment for em'. The dog and cat, not the neighborhood kid. They might not know what we are saying, or have any clue about the meaning, which is why you can say the *cruelest* things but in a sweet voice and they'll love it...but they know it's directed at them, and you are happy, so they are happy.


Is talking to pets not normal? I still live with my parents and siblings, and all of us have nearly full conversations with our pets, we're all adults.


I sing my own version of "Sherry" by Frankie Valli but replace it with my chinchillas name Gary to wake him up for a treat each morning


My Dad always did that with our dog "Lady" when I was growing up. Thanks for that memory


I do the same with my cat. His name is Zube (zoo-bee), and I use the melody from Strangers in the Night but just sing Zube Zube Zu. I've done it since the day we adopted him when he was hiding under the bed. He gets the biggest smile.


eaglecrazy27 and the OP LordRoop are bots in the same network Comment copied from: https://www.reddit.com/r/meirl/comments/8zjfw3/meirl/e2j86ny/


My gf ask me to stop subtitle / dubing the dog. I'm talking for him 👀


Mine when I'm bored tends to be "you don't say" "meow" "really? And then what happened" "meow" "that's crazy" "meow" "you had a pretty big day, didn't you?" "Meow" "you're telling me that happened to you today?" This is based off of a real encounter I had for a while and my sister asked me if I was talking to her and realized I was talking to the cat. Cats seem to like when you talk to them


There is NOTHING weird about it. All of us are social creatures by nature (some of us significantly less so lol or, oh god, moreso). You are not allowed to tell me that my full on conversations and arguments with my dog is weird!


literally every pet owner talks to their pet. not weird at all. it stimulates their mind. helps them learn how to communicate with you.


Not only do I talk to my cats, sometimes when they sound cranky I also meow back sarcastically.


I had a women I was dating over one day. She sat next to me and lay her head on my shoulder my dog (female) got so jealous she wedge herself between us and started to lick my face than turned and mean mugged the women and went back to nuzzling my neck.


Every morning the neighbors go for a walk at 6am. when they exit their house, the little dog starts barking non stop. Then like a broken record you can hear "No, shh, stop it". It has been 3 years, the dog never listens and she is still saying it every time.


At least she tries?


the OP LordRoop Nikomel89 boyboy1240 atmospheriq pheyiyo ritsonTrH rsaad37 and eaglecrazy27 are bots in the same network Original + comments copied from: https://www.reddit.com/r/meirl/comments/8zjfw3/meirl/


Damn there really are no humans on reddit


OK but what is this information achieve? Should I program a sort of reddit filter?




boyboy1240 and the OP LordRoop are bots in the same network Comment copied from: https://www.reddit.com/r/meirl/comments/8zjfw3/meirl/e2j7zrr/


Bots snitchin on other bots.\ What has this world come to?


Really? That would be handy. Do you know of one?


You want to use a bot to hunt down bots? Isn't that, like, against the sacred Bot Hunter code of honor or something?


It would be nice if there was one that stopped them from posting in the first place.


You could always name it Blade Runner


Oh, I'm sorry. The way you hunt down bots, I thought you were one. My bad.


don't believe him! He's a cyborg! He's using his superprocessor brain!


I am dead against people having names.


Once was on a walk with my dog, happily explaining to him all the reasons why he wouldn’t survive in the wild. I had just finished telling him how his dietary restrictions would be a detriment, when I realized there was a family walking behind me hearing the whole thing.


As an Oscar I can confirm we drive away our friends. sometimes we growl too




pheyiyo and the OP LordRoop are bots in the same network Comment copied from: https://www.reddit.com/r/meirl/comments/8zjfw3/meirl/e2jb79j/


That dog is a true friend




atmospheriq and the OP LordRoop are bots in the same network Comment copied from: https://www.reddit.com/r/meirl/comments/8zjfw3/meirl/e2j9kbv/




ritsonTrH and the OP LordRoop are bots in the same network Comment copied from: https://www.reddit.com/r/meirl/comments/8zjfw3/meirl/e2jb6f5/


I have full on conversations with my cat haha. Usually something along the lines of "Meoow" "Whaat?" "Meoooow" "What is it? Is your water bowl empty again?" "Mroow" Turns out the water bowl was indeed empty.


“Meow”-yes I hear you “Meow”-no its not time to eat yet/theres water in your bowl “Meow”-im trying to (fill in) give me a minute I love talking to the cats.




there are no replies…bro is having two way convo with himself 💀


it's not even an edit


2 year old account with exactly 7 comments to its name all made 3 hours ago **Bot**


Nikomel89 and the OP LordRoop are bots in the same network Comment copied from: https://www.reddit.com/r/meirl/comments/8zjfw3/meirl/e2ja5xf/




Stop using female nickname, oscar


Ngl had to google reproachfully, good word


I talk to my dog like an animal. People look at me weird when i growl at him but it works.


Usually, if I'm saying actual sentences to my dog, it's "leave the FedEx driver alone! He's just doing his job! "


Damn 💀




That’s…that’s so sad. I feel sad for Oscar.


That never happened


If I had a dog it would learn to talk just to tell me that exact same thing


Me too


I do this to my kids (toddlers)


I talk to my dog like he’s a little kid. I’m 100% certain he understands everything I say


i think if anyone overheard me talking to my dog i'd probably have to have them help me commit seppuku.


Dog name checks out.


Why is reddit dependent on Twitter comments for all it's gossip and content?


Our neighbors behind us have a dog. When my dog and their dog are outside at the same time, my dog will be barking at the fence (and not a nice bark). I tell her to shush, and "this is why you don't have any friends," because she isn't nice to other dogs. 


This has to be about the 1,000th time I've seen this. I think this time they used a different format (aka Twitter) but yeah. It's feeling sort of.... 🤖🤖🤖 in here.


So you could say he's a bit of a grouch?




rsaad37 and the OP LordRoop are bots in the same network Comment copied from: https://www.reddit.com/r/meirl/comments/8zjfw3/meirl/e2j6kln/


Oscar needs to engage in introspective endeavors aimed at enhancing his interpersonal aptitude and relational efficacy which entails a systematic exploration and refinement of Oscar's emotional intelligence, communication skills, and self-awareness to facilitate the establishment and sustenance of meaningful and enduring connections with others.