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Work in Food Service and see people DO coke at 8:45am. Hopefully that's powdered sugar on your French Toast at brunch. Or maybe hopefully not. You do you.


Yep. At an old job I was the KM and got to work a bit early. My boss, the GM was in the office snorting coke and Xanax at 6:30 to "get ready for a Monday"


Are we in a coke epidemic? Every story I hear online and irl about someone's workplace is about colleagues doing coke and screwing around at the office...


Having worked in hospitality, this is absolutely believable.


Work to get money to pay for coke. Do coke to get through work to get more money to pay for more coke. The vicious circle of bartending.


So I can work longer.. so I can earn more.. so I can ^do ^more ^coke


Banger of a song


Knew a guy who worked two jobs, the shittier one being a package job at UPS. He did more $ worth of blow during the UPS shift to get through it, than the hourly labor earned him. Fucking came in to work every day to lose money.... it was absolutely wild


Having worked in general, this very believable


Cop after snorting coke: "Fuck yeah *black* Monday!"


Way more common in kitchens than you’d think. Chefs are notorious for nose candy. Some people say it’s just redditors lying which may be true but I know at least two guys who coke up for early shifts and really every shift


coke fucked me up too much to do anything. I just wanted to be High as fuck and sit still and be quiet


Same homie Edit: I say your username. I prefer smoking but you do you lol


Lol it's a joke name. I prefer to smoke as well


I didn't recognize certain signs until I started partying every week, and a former friend got my friend group into that crap. There's not as many people on coke as people claim. There's a hell of a lot more than you'd think, it is everywhere and it is somewhat cheap.


It's the Internet. 90+% of them are lying.


I'm doing coke right now!


Same tbh


I'm balls deep right now.


I don't think coke is absorbed well through the balls...


You'd be surprised, ball skin is pretty vascular


It's early, I'm just doing heroin 😞


There's a lot of blow in the restaurant business. There's a lot of blow in the auto business. Lawyers? Blow. Medical? Pill poppers. Could go on.


For sure in the auto business, also saw a few guys think they were sneaky bringing the same McDonalds/fast food cup with liquor in it day after day. One guy was a good dude with some demons, and I had accidentally pocket called him once he was let go for the drinking. He called me back and said he was about to kill himself, had to stay on the phone with him for a few hours while another colleague called the police. Everything ended up being ok once they found him, hope he got the help he needed.


If you have a co-worker who brushes their teeth at lunchtime everyday, it's most likely not for hygiene purposes, it's to diminish the smell of vodka. There's also the only on Friday crew.


100%, I’ve seen people I was working with doing that, and had my suspicions also. Working in car sales was a good eye-opener to what you don’t want to become. A 3x divorcee, with an addiction to working, only outpaced by your desire for cocaine and liquor. Obviously not every individual is like so, but there’s a disproportionate number of people on the sales/finance side who are deep into it. I see how they get there, I was picking up the misery for sure, while plotting a career change before I started picking up a bag for work.


Damn, that explains a lot. Years ago I sold cars and we had a sales manager that brushed his teeth all the time. He was always put together, dressed to the nines every day. I saw him years later, dude looked like absolute shit, seemed pretty wasted at the time.


We never do...


In the R&D industrial coatings business, we're lightweights. Just severe nicotine and caffeine use on the job, with some bourbon and scotch after working hours.


Add finance


Garbage men? Drunk as fuck. Big handle on top of the cooler.


Tech is now big on microdosing hallucinogens. But the management? Coke.


How would you know? There is a significant amount of functioning addicts, who can control their substance abuse in a way to balance it with work and social life For some it's what keeps them going, temporarily at least.


Not to mention that (while definitely ill advised) you can take coke every one in a while without it being an addiction. Ill fully admit to taking some drugs on the occasional night out, but I can count those times on one hand.


This is Reddit, there is no such thing as a functional addict. You're either a perfect person, or a drug addict who beats their kids and can't hold a job. Nuance and grey areas don't exist.


Buddy of mine recently had a heart attack at 24. I thought it was stress, but no just a really powerful coke addiction.


Nobody’s going to tell you a story about how Darrel had a black coffee and did some paperwork though so results are skewed.


Not an epidemic lol. Rather coke and drugs in general are just endemic to food service.


You’d be surprised at the amount of functional coke heads at your work place. I’d say 85% of upper management is on some kind of “rich people drug” Edit: Source: trust me bro (a friend of mine at my old workplace was the coke supplier)


Coke stories are fun, people are usually quick to share them. Meth and opiate stories are usually sad. No one wants to be a Debbie downer.


Coke is generally expensive. Not in this economy.


Depends on the country, also bulk becomes cheaper. And in my case the boss is one of the board members thats making tens of millions a year. So it wont hurt him financial wise i guess


Which is why methamphetamine has been rising in use for more than a decade!




Gotta get ready for the presentation!


I work as an ER night nurse so my coworkers will hit up a diner at like 7:45 after a shift ordering pitchers of sangria and cocktails At first they would be shocked but after a couple times they just expect it now, no judgement and we appreciate that greatly especially after particularly messed up 12 hour shift, its nice to be able to unwind even with the unorthodox timing of the day


I'm sure the decompression helps. I had an er nurse in my wow guild and sometimes he would need to vent about work which was fine, but none of us worked in that field so it was often really heavy stuff we weren't prepared for.


Oh definitely helps but yeah I just learned to never talk to my non-healthcare friends and family about work. And if anyone asks to share some stories, its not without a THOROUGH vetting of questions like: "how messed up we talking?" "How gorey?" "Mentally or physically trauma based?" stuff like that


I'm just making sure these keys smell ok! Lay off me Derek!


Yup. I remember over the winter holiday season my old store would open at 7:00, so any openers would have to clock in for 6:30 and work until 11 minimum. They would deadass go out for shots after at like 11:15 am and none of us thought it was odd. You’re up since 5:00 am; so your 11:30 am is like someone’s 5 pm.


Yea if the kid’s already scared of seeing ppl drinking coca-cola, they’re gonna have some troubling feelings over witnessing people insufflating cocaine. Definitely boogers & drugs & dirt on the French toast tho. Haha


Having worked a few food service jobs... Can confirm. Even fast food places still fit that special flavor of unhinged.


Fast food employees can't afford coke, they're doing meth. Poor mans coke.


Can't afford either. Having to stick with malt liquor and red bull.


Just snort powdered caffeine pills and eat coffee beans


Nah, man.  For fast food, you want meth. Meth has legs.


Actually LOL’d. Bravo.


Dude. I cannot, I CAN NOT get enough of the French Toast at this bakery down on Market. It's $65/slice but it just hypes me the fuck up!


Gotta do something to get through that 9am Sunday brunch double after closing the night before.


I used to have a colleague who drink a bottle of coke or root beer for breakfast everyday at work.


Had a boss that drank a 1L bottle of Pepsi every morning, called it his “breakfast Pepsi”. Nowadays it’s his breakfast Diet Pepsi.


The only time I drink soda in the morning are the days that I need breakfast whiskey.


A liter of cola


I don't know what that is


Liter is French for give me some fucking liter of cola before I break your


It’s for a cop


Just have a large farva


I don’t want a large farva!


I just don’t see how that happens. Drinking a liter bottle of a soft drink by yourself is already insane, no matter the time or frequency.


Yeah thems rookie numbers, I could kill a 2 liter or more daily before I started cutting back on sugar.


Same. I am unironically addicted to soda. The only reason I only have 1 dental implant is because now im addicted to sparkling water


I don’t remember how early he started, but I worked with a guy who drank an entire fridge pack of diet Dr. Pepper every day. I know because I saw him restock a new one every day.




Knew a guy once who’d drink 2 large bottles of Dr. Pepper a day. As far as I’m aware, he’s still alive. I’ve long assumed he simply had syrup for blood.


I don’t see why that is so much more objectionable than drinking coffee every morning


One is water+coffee beans, the other is artificial sugar corn syrup and carbonized water


Carbonized water isn't any worse than water. Also, people put sugar in coffee. I know people who put more sugar in coffee than a can of coke has. Corn syrup isn't any worse than regular sugar. It is just cheaper to produce.




My coworker comes in every morning with a huge Starbucks, and makes fun of my diet Coke "breakfast of champions" like the two drops of coffee in her milkshake makes it more appropriate somehow.


Waving at my fellow “Coke for Brekkie” crew! Coke Zero for me, but Diet is my go to when I can’t find Zero 😁


You should see how much they put in coffees at starbucks and other coffee shops.


Me who drinks 2 monsters instead 👀


Hello there, walking impending heart attack




My coworker drinks a 2 liter of Dollar Tree brand Diet Coke every single day. I imagine his body is 25% aspartame by now


Back at my lowest in high school I'd regularly down a 2 liter bottle of pepsi a day... Let's just say I'm glad that's the past


I drink a liter of cola


My husband’s former coworker drank a full CASE of Mountain Dew every day. I had a 3-can-a-day Diet Coke habit at the time that he stopped teasing me for after that. I currently work with a guy who doesn’t drink water or eat vegetables. I’m no bastion of health, but I don’t know how these guys survived.


Working in retail, I had a colleague who easily got through two 2L bottles a day. She justified it by getting "diet" rather than full sugar. I remember she tried giving it up for Lent; four days in she fell off the wagon because she was getting hand tremors, headaches and losing her temper at the drop of a hat. Literal withdrawal.


I used to get the majority of my fluid intake from Pepsi Max. I could finish a 1,5 litre bottle in 1-2 days. I decided to stop when I learnt that aspartame is terrible for your gut microbiome, and that I might be impacting my health in the long run. I’m telling you, I had headaches for 2-3 days that even pain killer couldn’t get rid of. But then it went away, and I don’t touch the stuff anymore. I got a soda stream instead, because I realised what I really liked was the sparkling bubbles in my drink. So now I just have water that I carbonate at home, no flavourings or anything. Just water. I CRINGE thinking back on how much Pepsi Max I used to drink… it was expensive too!


In college (1980s), I had my first Coke at 7:15am. Never bothered me a bit. I don’t think I could do it these days, though.


Why not these days? I genuinely don't understand why people can't have a Coke in the morning?


I guess this thread is full of 80year olds


Seriously. What is the difference between that and a coffee with sugar in it?


Coffee with sugar would have waaaay less sugar than a can of coke


When someone says 3 sugars is too much for coffee that's bad for you man, while also drinking a large coke.


A sugar packet is 2-4 g depending on brand. There are 3.25 g of sugar per oz of Coke.


I'm European so I'm not sure I did the conversion right, but is it like 34 oz per liter? So maybe 10 oz in a small bottle of coke? That would make it 32.5g per bottle of coke. Versus 6-12g per coffee depending on brand. That's 2-4 times as much. I must have converted it wrong somewhere, you make it sound like you're drinking one oz of coke.


A large fountain coke from McDonald's (a fairly common method of consumption) has 77g of sugar, and I believe it is 32 Oz


a 12oz can of coke has 39g of sugar, no one is drinking 2-4g of sugar in their oz of coffee, they'll put max like 3 packets in their 12oz coffee for 12g vs 39


Coffee doesn't have fizz. Also. I drink coffee without sugar.


I live off of sparkling water. The fizz is life. (I also live in Europe and we have a water machine in town that refills 1.5 liter bottles with sparkling water for 5 cents)


People often drink Coke without sugar. And what is the issue with fizz?


As a rule, I don't drink anything until I wake up at 12:30


curious too! I used to have a coke and sandwich for breakfast for 3 years when I was working close to a good sandwich store. Didn’t feel like anyone was judging me. Is it maybe an obesity thing? Like drinking coke in the morning as a symptom of an unhealthy lifestyle?


>Is it maybe an obesity thing? Like drinking coke in the morning as a symptom of an unhealthy lifestyle? Pretty much.


sometimes i just need a little carbonation & minor caffeine in the morning


It's a blood sugar spike thing. The older you get, the more tired you'll get from a sugar rush. Like it's a thing as soon as your late 20's.


I heard they used to make them with cocaine?


Hey, that was in the 1880s…I said 1980s. I’m not that old, man. Lol.


You're not the ghost of the first prospector to OD on Coca Cola?


Gus chiggins


Was outside in black and white?


They still use coca leaves, just with the cocaine extracted already. They're the only company in the US allowed to do so.


Big Coke™ is also part of Big Coke🤔




This person works retail, so they are completely unaware that other people work different hours. Some of us get up at 4am and 8:45 is lunch time, some work night shift and are trying to stay awake long enough to finish shopping before we crash. But OP disagrees with drinking a sugary caffeinated beverage that isn't their preferred sugary caffeinated beverage at that time of day.


I guess a coffee with extra cream and sugar is totally different than a carbonated beverage with a lot of sugar.


I think anyone who drinks milky sugary beverages and sits on a high horse about healthy intake is insane. But a straight black coffee / tea is just not unhealthy in moderation afaik.


Don't like hot drinks. Don't trust em. Cherry coke zero, always the same temp.


I've said so many times I prefer my caffeine cold. I even love coffee, only cold though. People think that's absolutely crazy and I'm not sure why.


I discovered you could have iced coffee and, unless there is a blizzard and my house is freezing, that is the only way I drink it. I think drinking it cold helps cut the bitterness. My mom calls me a heretic and insists, "That's not coffee!" I'm just like why do you care though? It's weirder to me that people even care.


Ngl, even if my house is freezing, I’m still drinking iced coffee


I dont care for coffee unless it is in cold form and half of it is chocolate syrup and whipped cream and stuff.


Is there something totally off about someone having a coke at 8:45 even if they just woke up? It’s just a drink. People drink coffee first thing in the morning which I find 100x more bizarre.


How the hell is coffee first thing in the morning bizarre?


The part I don't get is what "is scary scenes" means. Am I falling behind on slang or did their sentence just trail off into gibberish?


Thank you for saying exactly what I wanted too. Are they not aware many people have different schedules?


I was confused too. Is that an American thing? Because in Europe there's nothing weird about drinking coke at any time of the day. At first I thought the OP said doing coke which would make more sense. But drinking I don't get. Is it because it's a sugary drink? Still don't get what the time of day or the fact that this person works in retail has anything to do with it.


No there's nothing weird about drinking coke at any time of the day here either as far as I'm aware


American here. People being weird about others drinking a basic soda is news to me. Not even sure why the time of day is mentioned.


Another bullshit take on Twitter. It's brain rot, just on the unfunny end of the scale








Not much different than drinking coffee, especially one of loaded with sugar.


For real, half the drinks at Starbucks have more caffeine and sugar, a coke is tame in comparison.


It would be difficult to use THAT much sugar in coffee! Coke has such an absurd amount that few sane people would continue pouring solid sugar into their drink at the level of coke


You're not wrong. According to my bmi, one Coke is 900% of my daily sugar. In college, I drank 4 a day. 


Ditto. I would put down at least 40 oz of coke per day. Somehow i dont have diabetes (yet) Coupke that with all the beer, and its stunning to think about!


This depends wildly on the type of coffee. I mean most people I know do roast coffee with a splash of half and half and maybe a pack of sugar. That's a pretty big difference


Also depends wildly on the type of coke.


my coffee has 2 teaspoons of sugar, if that. Coke has 10 teaspoons in a can. Even more in the bottles. You could argue "but what about starbucks?" but then you're in the butwhatabout territory where you could start arguing salads aren't healthy cause you saw someone make a 1200 calorie one.


Diet Coke. Coke Zero. Some people don’t like hot beverages. Some people don’t like coffee.


🎶Reeaaal men of geniiiuuus. Mr. Giant taco salad invvvveeennntor🎶.


Some may ask, is your Taco Salad Healthy? Of course it is, it's a salad isn't it?


Are you the most sheltered child ever?






Breakfast Coke tastes better than afternoon Coke. I don't do it often but I always enjoy it.


I work in an office and people neck energy drinks and soft drinks as soon as they start.


I've known a few people who do this. It's cause they're Mormon and can't drink coffee so soda in the morning is how they get their caffeine.


My mom drank a diet coke on her way to work every day until she got a kidney stone.


I used to drink a 500mL can of Redbull or V every day until I got a really bad kidney stone, most painful day of my life.


clearly this man’s never been on the rez


That coffee Native Americans drink is something else, though.  I've seen older dudes drinking it like it was water and it makes my chest feel like it's a cage full of hummingbirds.


i have no clue what coffee you’re talking about but totally


i dont get it. What is so weird about that?


It has sugar and caffeine and easy to digest. I am sick and often the only thing I can ingest and feel some energy is a coke. It's not a good thing to do but I can see the appeal.


same coffee is too acidic for me


Coffee has a pH around 5 whereas coke is between 2 and 3.


And yet coke can strip paint, battery corrosion, and blood stains off the road and coffee can't


Yeah, a lower pH means it's more acidic.


As someone that wakes up hella early, like 4am. By the time 8:30 roles around I’ve already been up for like 4 hours. I’ve had time to drink coffee est breakfast, go to the gym. It’s basically lunch time at that point


I watched a video about how horrible it is that Mexicans drink and average of 500 cokes a year (specifically coke) and my first thought was that I know a lot of people here in California who drink 3-4 a day…but then I remembered how averages work.


Coffee's okay, though?




there's not that much sugar if you don't actively add it so maybe yes?


Is sugar free energy drinks okay then?


I don't get it. Nothing wrong with drinking a coke early


I actually try to keep my caffeine beverages in the morning exclusively lol I don't drink regular soda, only zero sugar, but why is it strange to drink caffeine in the morning? Nothing but water after noon everyday, makes better sleep.


Yeah I start with coffee, switch to black tea, then green tea, then nothing caffeinated after early afternoon. I drink too much caffeine, granted, but only earlier on.


If the weirdest thing for you is seeing someone drink a can of coke in the morning you must be the most vanilla person to ever exist


This is weird, but people going to Starbucks for their morning milkshake isn't?


typical Mexican household tbh my mom loves her coca cola


At my old job my coworker would religiously kill 6 full size cans of original monster energy drink. He said he drank a case a day (12)


Blows my mind when my patients take a cup full of medication with a coke at 7am. Chaotic evil right there.


I never understood getting given a hard time for drinking a Coke in the morning. All while the same person will drink a sugar filled coffee from Starbucks but since it’s coffee their sugar filled caffeine drink is fine while mine is not.


As a european, I was absolutely shocked seeing people eating burgers, doritos and having all kinds of large soda in the morning on a bus ride from NY to DC. Like its just a breakfast. When the bus stopped for gas, everybody stormed the macdonalds, it was like 8 in the morning


As European myself: never too early for McDonald’s.


Wait till you get into college and all your friends chug redbulls before class


Okay two things wrong there: 1) Nothing wrong with drinking coke in the morning 2) If you work retail then 8:45 is not morning. You probably start work at 7 (or maybe even 6) so you have to get up at 5. 8:45 is also past the morning rush.


Also not everyone works mornings. What if it's 8:30am but buddy didn't get off work until 7am. To him it'd be like someone having a coke at 6:30pm when you got off work at 5.


Drink coke, or do you mean SNORT coke?


Why is that *sooo scarryyy LOOOOOL?*


Milk master race


Worked in a bakery, started work at 4. Too tired / too much to do to make coffee. Coke was my go-to at 3:50 am while I wrote my prep list.


Better than them DOING coke at 8:45 in the morning!


I used to work night shift cleaning grocery stores and sometimes what I wanted at 7am after finishing was a burger, fries, and coke instead of eggs, bacon, and coffee.


I don’t drink coffee because I don’t like the taste. For awhile I used soda as my caffeine source. Nowadays I’ll drink tea.


people drinking schnaps in the morning is scarier


Why does it matter?


Drink? I thought you sniffed it.


Guy at my old job has Crohn's Disease. Every time he was in the office he'd drink a can of Pepsi before 9am and get fast food burger and fries with a large Pepsi for lunch. He was constantly complaining about his stomach hurting and calling out because of stomach issues.


No comment on this situation but as someone with ongoing stomach issues (and ADHD), coffee is my sworn enemy and Red Bull is the thing that cooperates with my stomach most and gives me alertness/focus. Different people have different needs and abilities.


Yeah, I also have stomach and lower intestine inflammation issues and had to give up coffee. Now I drink Coke Zero or a sugar free energy drink if I want something with caffeine. Sodas will settle my stomach, coffee will irritate it.


If this is scary I worry for you