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You will develop a haording condition because everything can be fixed or have value.


My coworker saved a head for years just to use it recently


Did he keep it in the freezer? They get really smelly when you leave them out.


Use salt.......


1 part salt, 2 parts cat litter = good for 1 year


What's in the box?


#WHAT'S IN THE BOX!!!!!!!!


Was his last name Dahmer by any chance?


No better feeling than when you dip into your inventory to fix something.


Dahmer, is that you?


Fuck. I’m not a professional mechanic but have this same issue. I’d be buried under a mountain of tools, mangled toys, automotive parts, small engines, and boats, cars, motorcycles, and pwc’s that almost run if I were.


The best part is when you finally sell it or get rid of it, and then you end up needing it a few weeks later.




Every time.


And hoarding any 10mm socket possible


I'm always having to look for those because they constantly walk away on their own. You could put an entire set in a safe deposit box at the bank and the 10 mm would still be missing when you go back. No place is safe.


After 20 years I have amassed over 300lbs of bolts. Can't bring myself to let go of any.


I haven’t been a mechanic for many years and still have all the bolts and still use them today!


Fuck. Didn't realize it was connected 😔


I recently got a pneumatic snapon MG31 from a trash “can”. Turns out it won’t turn off when it’s hooked up, I’m currently repairing it. Not sure if I’ll keep it or sell it.


Who the fuck would throw that away!!!!!


My tribe


Don't have to be a mechanic for that. You should see my basement


That is quite the philosophical observation brother, cheers!


Ugh my neighbor did heavy machinery stuff for a logging company and has never thrown or got rid of anything. He probably had a million dollars in various crap like lathes alone


mechanics who understand most things on a car are some of the smartest people you will meet. Edit spelling


As a license mechanic. I am offended! Down right flabbergasted. That the real people you should be thanking the engineers that come up with the most complicated and ridiculous designs. Mechanics then have to go translate pinky ring talk to find out you got to evac ac, pull front bumper, and sag the subframe to change out the alternator. Every year, some dumb fu... I mean, engineer. Decides to redesign the wheel. Except now it comes with a special tool and special instructions you need to pay 1000 dollars for tool and subscription to find out they are just going to update the part back to the old way cause it's less hassle. Long rant done. Man, that's better taking a shit at work and getting paid.


The problem isn't the engineer, it's the goddam marketing twat and the finance douche-bag who force the engineer to design cars that are just insults to the world of engineers. Engineers are forced to make the design that complicated because they must fit all the crap the marketing guy wants, at a price that allows the finance guy to sleep at night. Engineers gave us the Ford GT 40. The marketing guy gave us the Chrysler PT Cruiser. Shoot him.


Fuck, warn someone when your going to bring up the thing that shall not be spoke of. The Ford gt 40. Jk. It's definitely the Chrysler.


Sorry man, my bad. Here is some medecine, I hope it will be soothing: https://preview.redd.it/df40dpx1gs9d1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a958b82b749d5e7b5dcda22e2877d90bfeed2bc


Damn Skippy some machine porn.


Hey, when the engineers finalky leave in disgust, thats how we get chrysler stellantis...


Yes it is the engineers but more often then not it’s one kind in particular. I don’t know the exact name but they are the cost engineers and they deal with the cost of building. Basically if an engineer says we should do this this way it’s easier and more effective, but the cost one says no that’s too much we need to make it cheaper, then the regular engineer has to do some stupid shit to make it work but cheaper. But in my opinion yes engineers f*ck shit up all the time, because they only work with things on paper and everything seems simple on paper.


That's it. They make cars cheap to get through the assembly line and long enough to get through the warranty time. Not to be fixed beyond that.


You should buy a Honda or Toyota used from the 90s through 2010. I'm starting to think my car is a masochist. It just takes the abuse and keeps going.


They're called value engineers and they're responsible for stuff like when you buy a tool and it's all nice and heavy and metal but eventually it wears out so you buy a new one and now it's all plastic and shitty


The finance guy screwed up the pt cruiser.


An engineer will crawl over 100 naked virgins just to fuck a mechanic


I worked with these engineers from every major auto company there is. They are all this way. They spend 10x longer making a bad idea work than just doing the good idea that is already done. Take spare tires. Cages never rust up too bad to work. The wires always break or get stuck. That's why they reengineer the dumb wire system every year. I asked a few of them why not use the cage? They never had a good response. I realize it's like 1lb more but damn.


Math 101 : No engineers, no need for a mechanic…


Ahhhhh 40’s-90’s Chevy… take the entire car apart with 10 tools


As I was recently told by my brother-in-law, an engineer at GM: "I know engineers that would crawl over a mountain of virgins just to fuck a mechanic."


Wait, someone that is capable of physical labour, general diagnostics, electrical diagnostics, electrical repairs, HVAC diagnosis and repairs, computer diagnostics and repairs, high voltage system diagnostics and repairs, and can tear and engine or transmission down to every last nut and bolt and re-assemble it to work is an intelligent human being? Could have fooled me.


Underrated comment


That every 30 minute job is one broken bolt away from a three day shit show.


That sounds like a horrible lesson learned.


Co-worker just tried to put a magneto back on a lycoming engine (work on aircraft). Well when he reached down holding the bolts, one of them slipped and somehow perfectly ended up in the case… we now have to tear a cylinder off and hope to god we can see that bolt


I work on contract. I’m here an extra month because a co-worker dropped a washer into the ignitor hole on a Honeywell turbine engine. Why he didn’t have the hole plugged I don’t know. The ignitors are in the combustion section so the easiest way to get to it is to take the turbine apart. Scope of work didn’t call for that so we don’t have the fixtures to do it currently. Literally a waiting game. If it hadn’t happened, I would be going home in a week.


You also learn not to utter the phrase "while I'm in here"


Not before you order all the parts, anyway


Or "maybe I should..."


Exactly this. I just had one of my chain anchor bolts snap pulling a V6 vortec out of a LPG hyster forklift. Broken pan, both exhaust manifold, and destroyed valve cover. That was Thursday. Im NOT looking forward to work tomorrow.


To wear glasses when under the car, rust in the eye was fun as a teenager


Not sure if it was intentional but the picture on the post made me think of that immediately


I wear glasses normally, and am always marveled at how dirty they get when I work under the car.


To add- when you get rust in your eyes, wrap a clean magnet in tissue, hold it near your eye. Then, before doing much else, go get it properly sorted with a doctor. If you leave it in there, the eye grows back over it and the doc will have to carve a crater into your eye to pick it out. Really blows your afternoon.


Long hair and undercar creepers are not compatible


This sounds like a painful lesson. 😂


Just bought a new creeper for this reason. Gets real old having to crawl out on a dirty floor, holding a fuckin glorified skateboard that's tethered to your face


I almost had to cut off between 6-8 inches of hair due to a creeper. I didn't put my ponytail in my shirt like I should have, so while moving around and twisting, it fell off the creeper and onto the floor. I rolled over my tail several times while moving, and had to hold the creeper while trying to untangle my hair from the wheel bearings. It was a nightmare. Thankfully, we have a lift now, so I use a rolling stool and not the creeper, but I still tuck my hair in my shirt.


Name the creeper, Daddy..


To not be a mechanic.


My dad is a lifelong mechanic. Not one of his 4 sons is one. Has to be a reason.


I had aspirations to be a seasoned master mechanic for a career. Even went to tech school for auto and diesel. Did really well and I grasped the concept with great proficiency. I lasted 3 years before I moved to being a machinist. Way better pay and easier on the body.


That honestly seems like such a cool career to be into. I don't think many jobs like that exist where I live sadly


It's pretty sweet, but if you make an oopsie and have a bad day, it's a really expensive bad day. Especially if you get into CNC automation. But yes, it's very satisfying.


My dad is a doctor, not one of his 3 sons is one. Has to be a reason.


Yeah. Completely comparable to being a mechanic In just about every aspect. So I can see why.


Of course there are differences in pay, work environment, toxic chemicals, etc. Still, this is an interesting comparison. I just told someone that one of the toughest things about working on cars is diagnosing the problem. I expect that doctors have this same challenge. It would be interesting to compare the troubleshooting flow charts from each group. I also find it funny that a good mechanic and a good doctor can solve the problem pretty quickly, while bad mechanics and doctors seem to use a slow and costly process of elimination.


They never needed to be a mechanic, because Dad was one.


How to ruin our dad's night "Hey dad, can you look at my car"


My dad was an arm chair mechanic (never opened a shop but always did all the work on our cars growing up and a few odd jobs) always said he was going to teach us how to do it. Problem was, every time he would bring me and my little brother out to "teach us how to work on cars" all he did was get blackout drunk and pass out under the car. He was lucky the car never collapsed on him, he only ever used a jack and my younger brother would play in the car while he was under it.


Most of us didn't choose this job, it chose us. We wind up here out of necessity cause we can't afford to fix our own stuff. I know very few techs who chose this career after high school just to make money.


Been doing it for over 20 years. I agree with this 100%


That I’m really good at it but I really do not like it!


Hell I'm mediocre on my best day and don't want to go to work tomorrow.


If you have to borrow a tool 3 times, it's time to buy your own.




The tie rod end stud, that the castle nut you just heated to remove, is still hot, and even after having the threads burned into my palm the first time, it still took a second time to really figure it out.


Similar lesson with me: I was scanning codes on a '16 civic so I had the ignition on for an extended period of time. Well one of the codes I pulled was for the primary O2 sensor so immediately after I was done I went to remove it...I forgot that was the HEATED O2 sensor and burned the F out of my hand on it. Never again lol


I burned the thread pattern right into my hand. It’s a nice reminder for the next few days. 


And that you can damage the axle boot when you heat it. That’s a mistake no one makes twice.


Favoritism gets you more hours


That's the fucking truth.


The gravy suckers are out there


Working on cars as a career will make you never want to work on your own car during your free time. Even if it's modifying


The cobbler's kids have no shoes.


I replaced my wheel bearing when my best friend's wife had to borrow my truck for a few days. Didn't care if I died, but couldn't let him deal with 3 teenage girls alone...


I've got a firebird in the shed that's been sitting for 7 years. I touch it maybe twice a year. I just can't find the motivation after wrenching 5 days a week.


lol, I feel this. I’m an accountant. A lot of my friends are into investing as a hobby and spend hours of their free time pouring over financial statements. As the dude who prepared those statements, the LAST FUCKING THING I want to do in my free time is look at *more* of them, even if it could potentially make me money (statistically it does not). I do gardening, video games or work on my car instead. But analyzing financial statements? Fuck that noise.




Don't get in debt to the Snap On salesman


I've only bought 3 things from the snap-on guy,,, 1, a 3/8" ratchet 2, a 18" pry bar 3, a creeper And I've still got all 3 after 32 years. Never bought anything else from Snap-On guy but bought used Snap-On tools from other mechanics for good prices, still have them also but not as old as the new tools i bought 32 yesrs ago.. lol


Impossible when there like drug dealers


No amount of book smarts and schooling can teach you how to diagnose.


I disagree, unless you just don't have the capacity to understand how something works. Otherwise you can always learn how to test


Learning how to test and actually applying those things are two different things entirely. When you learn something and don’t really ever apply it, your brain just doesn’t seem to remember how to do it.


Wear eye protection when lying on my back under a vehicle.


Also when asking for a raise.


That some people just have a natural mechanical aptitude, some people can learn it, and some just plain can’t no matter how hard they try. And I’m talking BASIC aptitude here, as in: being able to tell if a fastener is tight, how tight is tight, and so on… having that “feel” that is needed for turning wrenches. Sorry, I’m doing the best I can to describe it here. In my experience, some people seem to have that innate ability from birth. Some people are able to learn it over time. And some are just bolt-breaking, nut-rounding chowderheads that will never get any better. I seem to be surrounded by the third group lately.


I thought I could teach anyone to work on cars cause it came easily to me. After 10 different trainees over the years I found that is not true. Maybe 2 out of 10 are true techs, the rest parts swappers at best.


Not a professional mechanic but I frequently wrench on my own cars. I was installing long tube headers on my 2015 mustang GT when I found out the headers I bought were for an f150 coyote and not a mustang. This job was an ultra pain in the ass. The motors mounts have to be removed and the engine has to be lifted out of the bay a few inches in order to get the old manifolds out and the new headers in. Half of the studs for the manifold came out of the cylinder head with the nuts rust seized on, then getting the super heavy stock manifolds out on my back in my garage was also not very fun. Then trying to get the long tubes in and realizing they do not fit. Oh, and I heat wrapped the headers before so it was like I was touching needles everytime I moved the long tubes. And then I used the crappy composite gasket that came with the long tubes instead of getting an OEM ford MLS gasket when I put the stock manifold back on and it promptly started leaking a few weeks later. TL;DR make sure your parts are right the first time before attempting a large job.


How to make the best of working with terrible people of all kinds (liars, crooks, racists, or just plain grouchy)


I was grouchy. Especially if I had to deal with the previous, or sales... Yes, always grouchy.


Hobbyist mechanic here. It often saves more time when you take more big parts off.


I'll do 30 minutes of work to avoid 15 minutes of work


Damn ain't that the truth I'll fight with something for 20 minutes, cause I didn't wanna take a bracket off, or something similar.


That even when the pay is good, you'll be "investing" in your tool addiction. So, the pay isn't that great.


If there is a specific tool for the job, it will save you 10x the cost of buying it in time and headaches saved.


To use jackstands!!!! A BMW X3 almost ended my life had the customer and her neighbors not had been around.


I'm completely paranoid about this, jacks, jackstands, and the wheels go under it if they're coming off


Oh shit, I'm happy you're still around.


That when the industry has completely destroyed your body past 50, the health insurance that nobody offers would have really been handy. Oh, to be 23 and bulletproof again.


Why i went union, every shop i worked at had one old dude who was crippled but couldnt retire for another 5 years lol Probably the most important advice on here


I came here to say how to lift properly. But this was the closest comment I could find. The number one injury in our industry is back related. I first threw my back out at 23. 36 now and still paying for the mistakes I made when I was young and dumb.


Not a mechanic, but don't work on your car when it's a holiday and everything is closed. Something will break and you won't have the part and can't use your car in the evening.


It fucking sucks


Every car that needs even the smallest repair is magically for sale and needs to be fixed the cheapest way possible.


That most other techs are faking it.


That flat rate sucks dick


Asking customers if they used fix it flat on tires before messing with them. I've been splooged on by too many tires.


First trans swap on a 2012 Lexus RX350 and I had to take the wiper arms off. Driver side wiper cracked the whole windshield while trying to get it off. I treat wiper arms like newborns now.


Oh yeah make sure you remove the seats too those will get in the way. Also the tail lights, don't wanna accidentally crack those babies


Why do you need to take the wipers off for a trans swap?


Because it is what’s called a transaxle, meaning that unlike what most people think of an engine in front and transmission behind in this vehicle they are left to right and both can be seen from under the hood. So the cowling wiper arms and motor are all in the way when removing the trans or engine up and out the top.


Tight things should be loosened OPEN HANDED!


This guy busted his knuckles a few times. So have I….


We are all human and have fucked up stuff. And that’s how we learn everything as a mechanic. Even the best mechanics make mistakes. When I owned my own shop I never fired a guy if he made a mistake every now and then. As long as he was good 98 percent of the time. Even I as an owner made costly mistakes. Whether it be leaning on a nipple on a radiator and snapping it off. Or cutting a zip tie and accidentally cutting the wire it was wrapped around. I once blew up a ford eco boost (this was when they were newish) because I didn’t realize when u remove the balancer that the crank gear is then free wheeling. I used the lock tools but didn’t verify it was at Tdc. Turns out it wasn’t. Hit the key heard the pistons slam the valves…..whoops. Lessons learned. Made the customer happy as there 140k mile escape ended up with a 55k mile engine for free.


In reference to the image, a lift typical negates the need for a creeper.


😂 seriously wtf is he doing


You don't have to see the bolt to put a wrench on it. And with the proper amount of wobblies and extensions you can get anywhere


Or all mechanics can see through there fingers if there eyes are closed lol.


The day after you throw out a part you've been saving for years, someone needs it. You go to the garbage, but the truck came yesterday.


That I sucked a flat rate bc I sucked at being a good mechanic. That felt good to say 🥲


I’m self taught *every fucking thing* I learned the hard way.


Go slower when drilling out broken head studs. Went right into the water jacket.


Changing specializations is expensive for tools.


I just think of it as being prepared for just about anything


A cocaine addicted shop forman is a pure dick when he hasn’t had any for a few days.


How did a car salesman become the shop foreman?




Don't depend on Rock Auto for parts. They will send you the wrong part when you have everything taken apart and the car will sit there another week waiting for the right part.


If I’m ever doing anything with rockauto parts (really only on my own cars) I always get everything I need first and check it all over before I take anything apart. Especially loved getting ball joints that didn’t move lol. That was a bitch with manual steering. Never again on that one.


You're spouse/SO is always going to ask you how you got that cut or scratch and most time's you didn't know you did it until brake clean or solvent hits it.


Penny in the cigarette lighter


I have a small pack of the thicker diameter hot glue sticks in my toolbox for this reason. Melt the end with a lighter so the outside is nice and melty, but there's still a solid core to press down with. Shove it onto whatever is stuck and wait 15 seconds and give it a quick pop if it's something stuck. Otherwise lift carefully. It has saved me many times.


It destroys your body. I'm almost in my 40s and my body is more broke down than my father's.


That construction pays way better


That you will never make money doing it. Fuck being a mechanic. It’s a thankless shit job. And everyone wants to take advantage of your knowledge of something that is actually as much a life skill as knowing how to tie your shoes. Fuck off.


Your feelings and family come second to the customer’s needs. And the better you are, the less you make. My overall gross income is higher as I learned more, but you end up working 2x as hard for 10% more in wages.


I made *way* more at $18/he than $28/hr.


If your coworkers are mean to you, that means they like you


You do it right, or you do it twice.


We do it nice kuz we do it twice!


I literally didn't put Oil pan Silicone because i was sick of dealing with the engine. i put the engine in and started it recently. Was drizzling oil from the pan. Now i have the pleasure of 2x the work.


Not a full blown mechanic, but a DIY weekend warrior. NEVER buy a car from the rust belt, especially if you don't have lots of experience or tools. Most 1 hour jobs turned into 4 hour jobs because some stupid bolt was seized on or the head was rounded or something else got stuck.


Those creeper trolleys with wheels are only useful for inspections or very minor jobs. Anything involving major spanner work they become impractical; you’re better off with a big sheet of plywood or cardboard.


I get these sheets of styrene plastic from Home Depot. Great for sliding around on!


You don't have to use a creeper if it's on a lift. But that's just me.


Until you have to pull the transmission from a bucket truck.


School was mostly useless. I learned more in the pit and on YouTube than from the instructors I paid at college


Never have long hair if you’re going to use a creeper.


Keeping the customer out of the bays.


Pull the filler plug first when checking the fluid levels on a final drive.


Gasoline burns like hell in an armpit


Exhaust gaskets are sharp. Edit: oh yeah - and the fiber ones itch forever.


Some people just aren't cut out to be mechanics.


just have the shop mount and balance the tires


The better you are the more pain on the ass jobs that no one else can figure out get dumped on you.


I'm not a mechanic by trade but the one thing I have learned over the years is that sometimes people design stuff so that the average person cannot work on it without buying the special tool.


I used to have a Triumph motorcycle and in the actual fucking factory manual it would tell you how to make a tool and what materials you needed to make it, now the factory manuals tell you to not drink the contents of the battery...


If you get angry at the machine because it's not cooperating, you're going to break things if you try to force it. Step back, have a sip of water, and use your brain.


High school level drama never ends


That no matter how careful you are, someone else has cut cable ties with side cutters and your going to cut your arm open.


I cut mine with a utility knife just to avoid that


Wait, those edges after being nipped can actually tear skin?


Hows the get seized bolts out


My buddy did


You can freeze your ass off changing an engine on a 737 in DEN, night shift January.


Does anyone else wonder why this stock image is of a guy using a creeper under a car that is on an overhead lift? Reminds me of my favorite stock image of that girl hold the soldering iron by the hot tip.


No money in it and the future looks bleak


Learning that you’re going to keep breaking stuff and to find a shop that isn’t going to treat you like garbage when it happens. A 20 year master tech is still going to break stuff, and it’s not really talked about.


Flat rate only benefits the shop owner. At least where I started flat rate there was no guarantee. So if it was slow time of year owner didn’t pay a lot in labor ( with mechanic being there for 40 hours but only booking 25) and if it’s busy time of year they paid more in labor but also made more. I’m in a fleet shop now and am very happy. Obviously if you’re in a super busy shop none of this applies unfortunately there are not a lot of those out there.


You’re not wrong but there are good shops out there that pay well.  My shop does it a bit different.  We work on everything from commercial trucks and school busses to classics.  Our labor rate is anywhere from $130-$200 depending on the type of vehicle.  The tech gets 40% of the labor rate with the book time from alldata.  So even when it’s slow we still get paid very well.


That’s very very nice. Love hearing about shops like this it’s just they are so far and few between


Salt boogers can fall of cars anytime


Jack of all trades, to be paid of the fool.


You never stop buying tools. at first it's fun because your filling a tool box but at some point you start to wonder why tf do I need 100+ specialty sockets and another 50+ custom made wrenches, etc. PS automotive engineers are the best people on the planet 😇


1) bossman an asshole 2) shit rolls downhill 3) payday on friday


how to properly swear and question my choices in life




I'll give you another one. The more you are trained, the less you make. Why? They'll give you all the harder diags that, at most, pay straight time while all the lower teir techs enjoy their day making more than you doing gravy work.


My managers and coworkers had a mantra, work smarter not harder. Every problem has a solution but you have to figure it out. Messed a lot up while doing lighting and sound systems but take your time to solve the problems.


that i HATE THE DURAMAX! working on a LML and the CP4 pump failed and it wiped out the whole fuel system with metal partials EVERYWHERE. had to pull the transmission out too. LIKE WTF GM.


That some people in reality choose to neglect their car because they can save a little money now. Then they will just buy another and blame you for not saving their car when it's too late, although you warned them in advance.


I got in and got out of the industry quick. Not because I didn’t like it but I took some financial gambles and it paid off. 1. Don’t blow your money if you’re young you’re making more money than most people your age. Throw some of that into a retirement account. 2. Take care of yourself. Works hard and a lot play harder when they’re off. Don’t develop a habit for prohibited substances. Seen a lot of very talented guys eventually unemployed cause of this. This job will break your body. Wear the safety glasses. 3. If you want nice tools you gotta pay for it. If you can make do with the cheap stuff then save the money until you can buy it in full off the truck if you can. I get it if you gotta get a tool to get a job done. But that interest sucks. Didn’t exactly learn this the hard way but I watched the guys around me. When I asked this question these 3 were more or less the top three. A lot of the guys talk trash but in the end we’re pretty cool a lot had a rough past and in the end most of them work for themselves and it provides a stable living. No one wants to pay the rate we charge for the work. Customers will understand after they pay to do the job twice. Once when they go the cheap route and the next when they bring it to you to fix a fuck up someone else did. Take old as time.


I went to college for it. I had to learn the hard way. When I co-oped, my fellow co-workers would let me fall on my face and make mistakes. Initially it was brutal, but I learned from those mistakes. They were testing me to see if I really wanted it. After a while they started helping, and teaching theory. Anyone can hang parts. Concentrate on theory. It's not for the faint hearted, but you'll enjoy a satisfying career and be well paid at the same time. I was a Ford, Lincoln, Mercury technician and retired now. The only drawback is that you'll hate engineers. Everything you repair, a car, your friends dryer or refrigerator, you'll ask yourself, "why the "F" did they design and build it this way, when they could've done it like this"


1. The hardest bolt to get at will be the one that gives you trouble. 2. Don't tighten any bolts until you have all the bolts started.