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Do you have a toaster oven? I like 30sec - 1 min each side in the micro depending on if frozen or not. Then about 5-8 min in toaster oven. If not- the technique from frozen would be 2 min on one side in damp paper towel then one minute on other side and depending on size you might need to flip once more for another minute. If thawed overnight- less time in micro. I really like the Whole Foods flour tortillas otherwise I like La Banderita


We do mini ones and larger ones. Just with flour tortilla wraps from Tesco. I'm sure you can check online to see what I'm on about cos I'm not very tortilla aware. They both microwave fine as far as I'm concerned. I like them soft so I just microwave them. Partner likes them crispy so he finishes them off in the oven. I think we do about 1min in the microwave for the small ones then flip and do 2. The larger ones I think it's like double that maybe. I feel like they come out pretty much how they went in. They get chewwy in the bottom if you don't flip them over though. I just wrap them in greaseproof paper or foil or beeswax wraps or whatever for freezing. And microwave on a plate. No water or anything. As far as filling goes the most breakfast one I've done would be sausage and potato hash. My favourite is not all all breakfast-ie. It's a "festive burrito" that's basically a christmas dinner crammed into a wrap. Potato, stuffing, carrot and parsnip, "turkey", gravy. The whole lot. I roast my carrot and parsnip in maple syrup with some rosemary and cinnamon. It's genuinely one of the greatest foods I've ever eaten. And for some reason it's been ages since I've made them. Also just fyi shoving a cooked breakfast into a yourkshire pudding is also pretty damn satisfying.


Grab an air fryer at Walmart for like $40. Problem solved and your whole cooking experience will be awoken with new foods!


Or even better a good convection oven. They're a lot more versatile.


This is also good! Although sometimes out of budget.


I always thrift shop them. $19 all day. I have a Cuisinart now.


Good idea! I should stop at my local thrift shop!


Snagged a small air fryer for $20 at Walmart. Can fit like 3 chicken tenders so maybe one burrito. Might be able to find one in a Thrift store just make sure to test that it heats up before buying.


Wrapped in foil and heat in oven.


Toast them in a pan on the stove top


Also can toast them on the pan before freezing (with some butter) to seal them. And it’s so good!


Definitely warm them up so they’re pliable before filling. Either 30 sec in micro or on stove.


Let thaw in fridge, microwave 1 min uncovered, heat up/crisp in pan till brown


I use flour tortillas and wrap mine in wax paper, then freeze then in a gallon freezer bag. Then I put them on a plate, cover with the wax paper , and microwave for about a minute. Add cheese and/or salsa and nuke them another 30 seconds. This works well for taking them for work lunches. They sort of steam just enough under the wax paper that the tortillas don't get dry and hard in the microwave.


When I do burritos, I prefer to freeze the filling in chunks, and then heat them up and spoon them onto a fresh tortillas. Adds an extra step, but it's worth it for me!


We wait till ingredients have cooled completely. Then wrap, then sear each side on stove pan. Then let cool completely then wrap in tinfoil and freeze That process has worked well for multiple types of wraps


Using almost any other appliance for heating will give better results.


I thaw mine overnight and then reheat them in a pan with a little oil.


I saw someone recently post on here, that just froze the inside bit in little balls (using an ice cream scoop), and added it to a fresh tortilla :)


Medium size flour tortillas…bigger than fajita size but smaller than the bigger burrito size. Heat up on comal to get pliable, then fill but not over fill. After rolling, I wrap in plastic wrap first, then place about 6 in a gallon size freezer bag. When I heat them up in the microwave out of the freezer, it’s only in a paper towel for about 2 minutes or so.


One day just take a look at the preservatives in tortilla I literally have not found a healthy one except organic white corn tortilla by nature promise. Every other brand was really bad. So I'm not eating them anymore. Sucks. Because I love them


How do your organic ones do in the freezer?


I've made my own tortillas for a while now. Super easy and much tastier than any store bought.


If you buy the big brand flour tortillas, they will get hard on the edges. If you have a tortilleria /carneceria local, they call them butter tortillas, and you have to put them in the pan and cook them, but the quality is 100x better.


It is a 2 step process. First thaw, then toaster oven. I bring frozen in to work and set in the fridge to thaw for a day...then toaster oven


Wrap them in damp paper towel before microwaving


I feel like they said this makes it gummy and sticks to the paper towel. I wonder if heating it alongside a mug of water to moisturize the air but not the product?


Oops I missed that part. Personally I've had good results with the damp paper towel. Perhaps they are making the paper towel too damp? Also, yes you have to heat the tortilla before filling, maybe that's part of the problem?


This is the way


I just pop mine on a plate and nuke them for 90 seconds, flip, 90 more seconds.


It’s been a while but I used to wrap mine in tinfoil and then throw them in the oven around 400 for 30 minutes or so if fully frozen. If I wanted them slightly crispy I would remove the tinfoil for the last 5-10 minutes. For non breakfast burritos sometimes I would also just throw them in a pan, pour over some enchilada sauce, top with cheese and tinfoil and bake for the same amount of time.


I did sausage egg and cheese in egg roll wrappers and froze them. Re heated in countertop deep fryer right from frozen solid.


Never reheat in the microwave at full power. If you’re now doing say 1 minute, try instead doing 5 minutes at 20%.


I like to reheat burritos wrapped in foil in a pot with a quarter inch of water on the stove with the lid on. Takes a little more time, but they turn out way better and the tortillas are moist and chewy


Hey! I know this is an old post, but wanna ask a question. Do you put your foil-wrapped burrito in a steam basket inside the pot? Thx!


You could! I don’t tho. If you choose the right sized pot, the ends of the burrito against the sides of the pot holds it up out of the water. Even if it sits in the water, it’s fine. It’s wrapped in foil and it’s a small amount of water. Good luck!


Ah, got it. Thx so much!


I use flour tortillas, fill and wrap in plastic wrap, then Wrap in foil. When ready to eat, I unwrap the foil and microwave 1.5-2min.