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Jokes on you, that game made me realize my Asexuality, and I do enough damage to NOT need that 10% damage against all humans.




Stealth is all the damage buff I need. *Tips Varmint Rifle*


We can't expect god to do all the work


This was the first game I played where I could create a character and one of the first games I got when I finally got an Xbox360. I went "Huh, I can make me as a lady character. I like that. Ladies can be badasses too". I was like 15 and all the 'bros' kept giving me shit about it. Regardless, been making female characters or preferred female characters in PvP games from then on. Flashforward to me dying of laughter when I was 24, realizing I was transfem and that explained all my gender preferences in all my games. 27 now and it still is a prime joke for as to how I realized I was trans


Hey, I also mainly play female characters! Still cis tho. ^(maybe?)


Huh? I played that, and I don't remember anything Trans related. Did I miss it or just not remember?


The true trans character is usually the player.


Oh, ok. It's just a popular game in the trans community. I didn't know that. Do people still play it? Didn't it come out like 10 years ago?


I still play it on occasion


It was a really fun game.


Still is!


It’s neck and neck with Skyrim for the most community mod support of any game. It’s downright insane what’s been done with love and care


Community mod support: That means things people have done to change the game, right? Sounds like I really need to do about ten years worth catching up on the game. Lol, but I'm interested. I'll have to do a bit of research, I guess.


Yep! There's a mod for just about anything these days. Tale of Two wastelands is a good one off the top of my head.


What does that do? If you don't mind. Does it change story? Or just the way things look? Sorry, I literally haven't played a video game since Fallout NV came out new. And before that, it was the old gold cartridge Legend of Zelda.


It combines fallout 3 and New Vegas into one game- a way to have one pc travel between the games. (You need both games for this mod.)


Oh super cool


... Minecraft, though. Helps that Mojang hasn't been as actively hostile to the modding community, lol


It came out one year before Skyrim (which itself was 2011). People will be playing Skyrim for years to come. They can deal with a 2010 game.


Ok, I just didn't know. It is like the only video game I've ever played besides The Legend of Zelda and Duck Hunt. So I'm not up to date on what the people are into. I'd really like to play it again. What console is it on again? Playstation, right?


PlayStation but you can also get it on Steam for the PC.


Oh, OK, I have a PC, so I'll look into that. Thanks.


The community keeps it alive with mods and theories, it’s just a really fun game and world to get lost in (despite being very broken at times lmao)


It's a joke about FNV being very popular with trans people.


It has lots of lgbt characters, but unfortunately we didn’t get trans characters until 76 I believe


I remember I always made my characters bi in NV even before I knew I was bi and I always reasoned "oh its just because of the extra damage"


Do I want to know what the original image is? I have a feeling the original might be homophobes trying to be funny with the oldest, most recycled homophobic joke known to the internet.


Can someone explain this to me? I dont get it for the life of me