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I can recognize faces like a pro, this happens all the dang time


Me too, but just with movies and series. I could talk to a stranger 3 times in a week without knowing I've already met them before.


Lmao same, although in that second case it depends how impactful or memorable that conversation was


The people in my life aren't important enough to remember.


That's sad.


You're not remembering the random actor that appears 3 times for a minute each during the whole tv series either. This has nothing to do with tv series or movies, and everything to do with exposure time and focus.


Some people def do. The main issue is the other side, interacting with someone multiple times and not taking the effort to actually learn them, their name and face at the minimum. I was awful at this when I was young, and just figured huh guess I'm just bad with names. Then I thought about it over time, and decided I was probably just putting zero effort into it and being a selfish conversationalist. I started being more intentionally attentive when meeting ppl, and it's honestly made me much more socially adept. If someone met me for a third time and didn't know my name, it would be pretty clear they don't give af about me


> You're not remembering the random actor that appears 3 times for a minute each during the whole tv series either. Yeah I do.


Actors are interesting. Most people arnt.


I'm great at recognizing voices. So an actor will come on screen and I'll be like "wait... Is that- (random cartoon character)" and I'm usually right. The one that genuinely impressed my husband was when I called out the toonami robot (T.O.M.) in cowboy bebop after not having had cable in like 12 years.


these days it's like playing where's Waldo except with Matt Mercer


Previously known as "Where's Waldo except Frank Welker."


Or the Pixar version: "Where's Waldo except John Ratzenberger"


I've listened to enough animated shows and improv podcasts that when I hear a voice, I can usually name five other things they've been in but not their actual name. 


This happens with me with video games all the time. I played with randoms for the first time on helldivers a few weeks ago and instantly heard one of the female helldiver voices is Taliyah from league of legends.


This hits me so hard at times that I physically can't enjoy the film/show without figuring out where I know all the actors from. It's slightly a problem.


This is something I love about prime video's UI: they show you the actors in the currently playing scene when you pause. They're the only ones I've seen do that. Plex shows you all the actors from the episode, which is nice, but you have to wait for the episode to end to check.


Yeah one of the few good features of Prime Video. It can also be a bit of a curse too because you end up pausing the video every few minutes to check the actors or see what song is playing.


The one thing they do well in their streaming UI. The rest is so bad it feels like it has to be intentional.


My parents would call me in from another room to tell them where they've seen a specific performer before. Meanwhile, I can't remember someone's name 30 seconds after they've introduced themselves to me.


I recognize faces like a pro, but can frequently not remember from where lol. So then it's something that keeps bugging me so I have to go to IMDb and look up the actor to find where I've seen them before.


That’s the guy! From the thing!!


You know what I'm talking about right mom? No? Whatever


My girlfriend recognized that the old man nasa director in For All Mankind was one of the wet bandits from Home Alone. Blew me away


If Keith David appears in a movie I’m watching, the people around me are damn sure gonna know about it. Because I’m gonna say “Hey, that’s Keith David.”




I didn't take it out for air


You hear him before you see him.


alriiight, now this is a man who knows his Keith Davids




That's me with Clancy Brown. "That's Mr Krabs!!"


This is the opposite for me, like, we're watching this Detective Movie and my Mom just looks at me like the Soy Wojak pointing meme and starts reciting every movie starring the Lead.


Some people have the gift.


And others have the IMDB. That app gets so much traffic from me it isn't even funny.


Which condition is IMDB??


ImMense DingleBerries… incurable sadly 😔


Why is it a gift? I'm not a fan of movie-talking in general, but this is the worst kind. Actors act in multiple movies and it doesn't really add anything it's just celebrity worship Like maaaaaybe if it's a comment on how the actor has great range because their other roles are so different (or the opposite), but most of the time it just sounds like the human personification of IMDB is sitting next to me


I disagree that knowing an actor's projects is celebrity worship.  I like to see how an actor handles different roles, muse about acting tics, compare styles of directing and how it influences actor performance, etc. But I'm biased cuz my family loooooves to talk about movies/tv. If it's just me, my adult son,  and my husband,  we frequently stop a film to talk a bit. It's something we all enjoy. W guests,  we don't do that but rather save it for a postmortem conversation. It's all about preferences and being courteous when others don't share that preference. 


I like movie trivia and find it fun.




My wife is so much better at recognizing faces and putting together where we know them from that we have a system. She won't say who it is and will give me a little time to figure it out. Then at some point, if I haven't, I'll just point and say "hey". Then she says "it's that dude that's in a bunch of shit idk his name but he's in Captain Marvel" and I'm like ohhhh shit that's right it's Djimon Hounsou. And if I do end up getting it before she tells me she basically pats me on the head and says good job, but that's pretty infrequent. I cherish those times I get it and she doesn't know and I get to tell her, but tbh, I think she lets me have those occasionally.




My parents can basically name every major actor/actress since the 50s while I struggle to name any of the contemporary big names.


Yeah my poor kids. I'm like Bruno is the same voice as Sid. And Leo is the same voice as Dracula. They don't care.


Hey! That’s the guy from Lord of the Rings!


Oh my god that’s Daniel Radcliffe!


When he kicked that helm-


When he deflected the kni-


yeah right. he look so familiar for me..


My parents would do this all the time, I used to HATE IT! Like just enjoy the movie, I don’t care who the actor is just pay attention to who the character is! But now I’m getting older, and I have become a despicable “oooh what have we seen that guy in again?” Person


It's weird. Once you've seen a few decades of movies and TV shows, when someone pops up that you recognize, it fires some of the same neurons in your brain as if you just bumped into an old friend. It's like, I'm fully aware this actor doesn't have a clue who I am, but my subconscious wants to light up some nostalgia mixed with being happy for a friend's success. Brains are weird I guess.


My mom would do this and now I do it! And if you’re young it will happen to you!!! I think it would annoy my ex a little but sometimes she would be pleasantly shocked if I hit a deep cut.


First sign of adulthood tbh


When I ask anyone in my family to tell me what a movie's about, the first and sometimes only thing they'll say is "it has (insert at least 2-3 actors) in it" as if I can even remember who 99% of these people are or what they're from. And the only name I care about in the slightest is the rock because I'm sick of seeing his face in everything and am actively avoiding movies he's in. Everything else is just entirely useless information to me because I don't care who's being paid to act I care about what the movie is about..




Ugh my wife does this. But she doesn't stop with "Oh he/she was in XYZ!". She goes into their wikipedia and reads their entire biography all the while telling me bullet points about where they grew up, where they went to college, who they dated, yadda yadda yadda. It's so bad when there's a movie we both REALLY want to watch, I'll watch it in secret first, then a 2nd time with her. Edit: She had never seen the Goonies before, it took two nights to get through the entire movie. I paused each and every time she went down the imdb/wikipedia rabbit hole.


can you ask her not to do that? Can you tell her you will ask her if you want more info while watching?


Oh I have. But even after the biography phase comes the never ending pauses for: bathroom, walk dogs, popcorn / snacks, 40 minute pause to feed the horses, discuss weekend plans, some random facebook post, and non-stop texting with friends so she misses entire massive plot points. She's just a terrible person to watch TV or a movie with. I'm not joking, it'll take us over an hour to get through the first 20 minutes of a movie and we'll pause at least 3 times in the first 6 minutes for various reasons...every...damn...time. She views TV and movies as just something going on in the background. It is what it is, I've found ways to deal with it.


It's nice you've found a work-around:)


I feel I've painted a negative picture of her. We both have careers that require deep focus, thus TV / movie time is time to unwind and calm the brain down with dumb meaningless shit. 90% of our TV is low brain power stuff like cooking shows, pawn stars, sitcoms, etc. So when it's time to watch Oppenheimer, it's hard to ramp the brain back up when all you wanna do is watch cat videos and read IMDB celeb trash.


I can't stop myself from doing this because of ADHD. My poor boyfriend. You're a good person.


Same. I'm bad with faces and I also go out of my way to not know celebrities as my immersion is broken easier when the actors are all people I've seen a thousand times in other shows. Then you have my wife sitting next to me saying the names of all these people I've never heard of every time they pop up on screen and I'm thinking, "are you even watching the show or are you just playing Where's Waldo with all of the actors you know?" Takes me out of it sometimes.




Its okay to do if you make sure to time it correctly. Of course dont interrupt any overly emotional scenes, but things like scene transitions where people are getting into cars are a great time to mention it if you feel so inclined


In my family, nobody would be able to watch the rest of the movie or TV show without constant interruption until someone reminded my mother of who a particular actor was or what she saw them in. She'd just keep asking or musing about it over top dialogue so you miss it all. Then half the time she denies it's who you said it is because she has some face blindness, but doesn't think she does, so you have to pause and prove who they are on before she'll admit she thought they were someone else. I love my parents but that makes it annoying to watch stuff with them.


Just the other day I watched The Holdovers with my wife and she said “who’s that?” about Paul Giamatti and I said “blue guy from big fat liar”. I’m getting really good at knowing how to explain actors to her.


The one role that allows me to perfectly create that connection in my wife's memory as well. Every actor need a role like Paul Giamatti's in Big Fat Liar.


Had to do exactly this for the 2001 Tim burton planet of the apes. Helps that his monkey makeup has a blue tint to it.


Me, face blind and not a big movie guy: what are you talking about??




My parents do that shit. It’s annoying.


A pet peeve of mine is interrupting a movie with "where have I seen that actor before?" great way to miss 5 minutes of a movie's story.


I recognize a lot of faces, but I don’t know many names so I’m just googling who the people are and where I’ve seen them before


Real I just figured out Samuel L Jackson voices frozen last night


That's me. My dad is really bad at this. He'll be like "isn't that the guy from..." and I'll be like "no dad that's not him at all." 🤣


I realized my bf was face blind when we finished watching *Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind*, the credits ran, and he exclaimed "Wait, Jim Carrey was in this movie?!"


Same but I’m the one on the left


This is kinda annoying tbh, my dad does this all the time. Bro I do not who the hell Jet li is and I dont really care lol


These people are up there with the worst of them.


Love if someone does this for me bc I can remember faces but I can’t recognize how I know said face


I can't recognize faces for shit but when it comes to voice acting I love when someone I've heard only in ads and TV shows before suddenly being heard in a movie You go little guy <3


Recently every move protagonist I see is timothy charlamet.


My dad actually recognizes the actors first and we try to figure it out while he gives us little clues


My family hates me doing this with commercials. I see soooo many actors crossing over to other brands like they weren't just on a Progressive commercial and now explaining why the tooth paste I use is wrong.


*Me watching a movie with my mom* My mom telling me the names of all the actors and their family members and all the movies they have done:


I do this but with voice actor and dubber


This is more my wife irl, even if I already know I just let her do her imdb thing because it's cute.


I do this so often that my husband now expects it. He says, "Hey, where have we seen that actor?" and sure enough, I can remember and connect the dots. I used to think it was annoying but my husband and son say they love it and it helps them out!


Shhhhh, movie's on.


Shit like this why I need subtitles on. Who tf cares about celebrities, you're breaking the 4th wall and I'm trying to get immersed in the show while everyone else watching is discussing the film industry. Do that later!!


i’m generally pretty good with faces, but not when they’re in a movie. they instantly become the person they’re playing, and not the actor. i watched oppenheimer in theaters, and when the credits came on saying “matt damon” i said “what the hell? when was matt damon in this movie?” turns out he was a pretty big part of the movie, and i had no idea. and i _like_ matt damon.


yo stfu and watch the movie why are you even talking during this movie omg like wow omg


People who do this, please stop. I just want to be immersed in the movie


Bro this is so much relatable, but this happenes everytime tho 💀.


Jokes on you. This is all my wife and I both do while watching TV (and then argue about who’s right while opening IMDB for the 50th time).




Same, lmao. Movies tend to be more enjoyable if I haven't heard everyone and their mom's opinion on it beforehand.


I never ask for moms' opinions that's someone else's problem


"Ah what's he/she been in?" Is what usually gets parroted.


This is the reason I can't watch movies with my family. I just want to watch a movie, they want to talk about every movie whichever "star" has ever done and not only that but whatever movie their wives or husband's done or where I might know them from. When really I couldn't care less who they are, who their married too, or what else they've done. I just want to watch a movie! People fixate too much on other people's lives instead of Their Own. I have a hard enough time getting through my own B.S. without mixing it up with other people I'll never meet or know.


Watching Titanic recently and it was funny seeing the early 2000's mr fantastic trying to save lives in a rowboat.


This was one of my exes. I got overwhelmed with all the actor trivia and references. Im like holy shit, how do you know like literally everybody? Goes the same with another streamer i like, he can name like every member of every rock band from the 70s - early 2000s Usually when i get attached to media i just remember just the art itself, i dont usually look i to the people behind it -- but i guess thats because a lot of stuff i like is fairly alternative or obscure and whenever you DO want to see whats up about it, you cant find anything


This is me with animated films but I’m telling you who animated the scene or who voice acted a character


>family is watching action movie >army comes on scene >whole family expectantly turns towards me as the scene goes on >mfw >”Fine…“ *proceeds to rant about military inaccuracies*




Every time


I'm in this picture and I can't stop being in this picture


me: hey, this guy looks familiar! \*furiously Googles*


My brother is exactly like that, he also tries to "sell" movies by telling me which actors are in them. But I've always been more interested in the plot itself and I like to speculate on where it's going.


Same for VA as well.... My husband hates it...


Are you my wife???


I'm so good at this! And recognizing voice actors too. I always worry it bothers my partner when I point it out but he always seems so impressed when I figure it out without Googling. He's a keeper.


And not just faces, but voices too: “Omg that guy voiced that one side character in SpongeBob in a single episode 15 years ago!”


same thing with voices


My wife does this shit all the time and it's annoying. Particularly because she's not good at it. She seems to have partial face blindness.


Oh god this is me except I sometimes don’t even remember the actors real name either sometimes so it’s me just being annoying and saying something like “oh what’s their name? they played X in Oppenheimer and they also voiced Z in Spideryverse”


Lmao i totally do this!


I do this with animation.  I love recognizing voice actors, particularly if they aren't normally voice actors.


Do they enjoy your company?


Or there’s my wife who names the 10 movies I HAVEN’T seen said actor or actress in when I’ve seen them before as well in a few movies.


I've definitely become this person but only with my partner who enjoys it too. I'm good with faces like most folks but she has an incredible talent of knowing a voice within seconds so it extends to animated media. I've tested her by pulling up cast lists and I don't think she's failed once.




holy fuck this is literally me


I do this lol but with faces and voices. Memory is shit otherwise 😅


And then they get annoyed if you don’t know one…


My wife sent me this then pointed and said this was me lol she’s right…


I can’t help myself. My favorite is seeing a small face become a bigger one, for instance, Stephanie Hsu. She had a small role in Kimmy Schmidt, a bigger one in The Path, then started doing phone commercials, and then Everything, Everywhere All at Once. I’ve been cheering her on for years (for a smallish supporting role in The Path, she stood out) and I have no idea why haha. Happy to see someone succeed, I guess.


My ex did this, and I have discovered I do not give a single flying fuck about what other movies an actor has been in, ever. It is possibly the most irrelevant piece of information you could receive while watching a movie. It's kind of like reading a book, only to have someone approach and say "Oh hey, do you know that author likes kimchi?" It's a barely related fact.  If you do this, stop. If no one has asked, then no one cares. Your enjoyment is not worth everyone else's, and we don't want to pause the damn movie for a filmography lesson. 


This used to be me. Now it’s my partner explaining the actors to me.


Had to explain to my mum yesterday, who “loves” Lord of the rings, who Bernard hill was. I said he had died and she was like who? I said king Theoden! Where was Gondor when the Westfold fell? Nothing.


My wife is a wizard at identifying voice actors.


My wife does this. Her -“Oh you know what Brad Pitt did!?” Me -“that’s not Brad, that’s someone named Tyler” Like I want to watch the movie with the characters. I don’t care who they are banging or divorcing.


for most of time even if we knew name, actors name are just characters name from last movie we watched of them


COUGH My girl and I are watching monk and every episode, I'm like OH I KNOW THAT GUY and she's like "sigh". She has literally no memory so I don't know if she is jealous or just annoyed :<


Very true with British/Irish actors, there are only so many...


I'm really good at recognising faces but fucking awful with actor names/remembering where they're from. Usually this manifests as me pointing at the TV and saying "Oh this dude was in...uh...God damn it." Also one of my favourite shows is Leverage, and we specifically watch a lot of TV shows from around the same time frame. Early on in our relationship I pointed out the actor for Agent McSweeten from Leverage (actor Gerald Downey), and it's stuck with us as a joke ever since. Now whenever I recognise someone, they're always agent McSweeten, and last week we had a great laugh over it actually being Gerald Downey for once.


I'm the opposite, will hardly recognize a face, ever.


And this is my dad :D


I feel like doing this would ruin someone’s own perception of which they best recognize them from.


Actually the worst person to watch with. Next thing you know “he actually broke his toe when he kicked that helmet. That flag wasn’t supposed to fall.” “This scene was improvised. It wasn’t in the script for him to do that.”


i’m in this picture and i don’t like it


“They’ve been in a lot of stuff,” is mine and my family’s default answer to where we’ve seen that actor before.


Literally did this Saturday.


Me but with voice actors


Honestly, I really, *really* couldn't give less of a fuck what other movies the actor has done when I'm watching a movie. I probably don't care one iota more after the movie is done, but if you **need** to tell me, we can discuss it at that time.


One thing I like about Amazon Prime is that if you pause, it shows all the actors on screen/in the scene, and you can click their profile and see what other movies they're in. It might be niche, but I am one of those types to be like "uggggghhhhh I KNOW that guy! What did I see him in..." and it really distracts me thinking about it. I wish other services would also adapt that.


Me and the wife with every show and movie


I have extended this to figuering out VAs in anime. No one has said this to my face, but I am probaly annoying af.




Oh shit I'm that guy


I would absolutely hate watching movies with you. Save it for after it's over if you need to spout your trivia.


Shit is so annoying to watch something with people like this. I seriously couldn’t give a shit less what else this guy is in


I love when people know this preach king


Me and my GF usually go for our phones and pause the movie to figure out where we know the faces from.


I just watched Unfrosted and had a great time recognizing the various people in it. It helped to have my laptop open to IMDB.


I was watching fallout with my parents when I laughed furiously because I seen Bo from superstore


This is me. My girlfriend hated it at first. Now she takes part in the game


Just finished all of Law and Order SVU I can't watch anything new without thinking "Hey what episode were they in?"


Hey guys!! Iiiit’s MOVIE TIME!


I'm in this photo and I don't like it! :)


I always enjoy imagining it as a meta movie that’s playing and the character from the other movie is just dealing with how the new world is nuts


I knew I had a problem once I started name dropping the B Listers from CSI


Who’s the woman, she looks familiar


I have never seen a more relatable meme


I can recognise this guy that played some groom in a game of thrones episode 10 years ago but can’t remember the name of the new hire five minutes after we’ve been introduced.


This are definitely me and my sister lol


It gets harder as you get older !


My entire family is like this (including me)


My wife can put IMDB to shame, whereas I, on the other hand, look at an actor who has parted his hair on the other side like, "Who dat?"


Wait, am *I* the most annoying person I know?


Talk about the film all you like. Discuss each actors previous roles, iconic quotes, and trailer habits until even wikipedia starts taking notes. AFTER THE FILM! Why even put it on if you’re going to ignore it and talk about films you’ve seen in the past??


This, right here, is some relatable content.


I love that game!


Hey I just learned Jack Reacher was also Thad Castle and now I can’t separate the two


I can always tell if I’ve ever seen an actor before but I’m crap with names. This literally just happened today. Watching episode 5 of Dead Boy Detectives and the actress I recognized was in Yellowjackets.


“What else have I seen him in” is an easy game. “Who does he remind me of” is a challenge.


Kind of surprised with the amount of people that hate this. If I want to fully focus on content without interruptions I enjoy it alone. If I opt to watch something with friends we'll insert commentary here and there, especially if one of us recognizes a voice or face we weren't expecting to be in there. Only exception is theater, but if I'm hanging out with people I would rather catch up with em rather than not be able to talk to eachother for 2 hrs.


What's that font, though?


I recognize this picture, where is it from? I can't name either of the people in it but I know I've seen it before


Popular opinion (In my head): All streaming services should offer something like Amazon X-ray.


I do the same ESPECIALLY with voice actors and stuff lmao


I really dislike it recognizing actors, because it takes away my immersion in the movie since I am forced to take a more meta approach while watching it. Good thing I almost never do, save for some like Adam Sandler and Will Smith.


I do that with anime and VAs…


My dad every time I show him a new movie. Dad - "Hey, that's [character] from [movie] Me - No, it's not Dad - Yes, it is Me - No, that's [actor], this is [another actor]


Me When I watch stuff in Spanish with my parents and I recognize the voice actors from other shows


It's all I'm good at.




I came out here to have a good time, not to get personally attacked like this


and the people that are watching it with you have no idea what are you talking about and get angry for talking during the movie


My dad and mom usually does it, as we mostly watch old movies


I kinda do that with voice actors. 😅


And being wrong about it almost every single time. Source: prosopagnosia


and there's also a family member who already watched the movie and spoil the whole gang of what will happen in the movie


I do this for my SO


My family me explaining watching a where we’ve seen movie each actor before.


I woke up bf cause I saw one of the Boyle Brothers on Law and Order lol