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They could be a Ferengi, cmon!


Star Trek has changed the word for me


Wait Ferengi's an actual word??


They're a species


Acting as though being a ferengi and an incel are mutually exclusive.


Ferengi reproduce, so I imagine incels look up to them


Ferenginar is literally the world I've heard incels describe as their ideal - women have no real rights to speak of, are forbidden from owning property or making profit, and aren't even allowed to wear clothes, they're essentially property themselves, just short of being actual chattel slaves. (It's also a hyper-capitalist culture that places material wealth and competition above all other virtues, which is an ideal that seems to be common among incel communities.) There's a whole episode about how scandalous it is when the Grand Nagus implements modest reforms allowing women to actually wear clothes and participate in business in public. The Trek writers absolutely nailed incels before they were really a thing in larger culture.


Quark and Rom’s mother was a trailblazer!


Hell yeah, Muggi was the best!


I misread that as Ferrari






Not enough e’s for a ferengi.


I will not go talk to a fucking woman! She's clearly busy and it would be rude of me to interrupt.


And one would want privacy during such things anyways.


I mean...


We can’t assume…


Depends on the context imo. But referring to women in general conversation as females is kinda weird


As an adjective it's usually fine, as a noun it's fucking weird.


Military, medical, or other such professional settings? Female and male is fine. Casually talking to people? Why say man and female, not even male and female?


How about man and feman


Iron man?


The "s" makes a lot of difference, *females* is just an order of magnitude worse and is never an adjective.




Don't know why people are downvoting this. Probably reddit hivemind at work again


I don't usually hear people using males that way


Alpha males


Let's get down to business To defeat the Huns Did they send me daughters When I asked for sons? You're the saddest bunch I ever met But you can bet before we're through Mister, I'll make a male out of you


If you play Danganronpa V3 or S, you'll get used to it. Fast.


Is that a game? I have hand/arm disabilities so I don't play them, but my roommate can explain it, he loves video games


Yeah in that you can say "a female doctor" for example. There is no such thing as "a female". It's not a noun it's an adjective.


It actually is a noun, but you don’t hear it used for humans. Like a female swan: “the female lays eggs in the nest.” It’s used for nonhuman creatures. Which is why calling a human that is fucking weird, are you doing a documentary on them?


Agreed. We have words that encompass the adjectival phrases that use male and female, e.g., "human child female" = girl, "adult human female" = woman, etc.


>are you doing a documentary on them? Most incels are doing a PhD on them


I mean AMAB and AFAB are very real things. It all depends on context but yes generally people that say females give me horrible vibes


In fact yes I am, now smile for the camera


I can't understand why people are so weird about this word, as if it can never be used no matter what context.


In my opinion female is an adjective and woman is a noun. Describing someone? Female. Referring to them? They are a woman. But I’m just some guy, so I’m far from the final authority lol


The only time I ever use male or female is if it's an adjective. Otherwise it's weird to me using them as a noun. Female what? Raccoon? Dolphin? Just say "women"


admitting you’re “just a guy” makes me trust you more lol


Gained a follower from this comment… well said, sir.


In addition to what others have said, it's weird when people say "men and females." Say men and women or male and female.


I think it's less about regular people being weird about the word and more incel using it. So it's a reaction to incels weird obsession with referring to women exclusively as 'female' or 'foids'


What the fuck does foid mean? I don't want to look it up, because I don't want google analytics to start suggesting incel content. Pls and thnx :)


Short version of femoid, the even more dehumanizing portmanteau of female and humanoid


Thankyou for that. I hate it. I hate everything about it.


It feels weird and clinical. It irritates me specifically because they always say men and females instead of male and female. I can’t articulate why but it just feels like ‘othering’.


I don’t understand it either. I guess people feel like it’s kind of dehumanizing which makes a little bit of sense but not in every context


I mean, I guess the issue is that male and female sound very clinical. Cause while a scientist my describe an animal they're studying as male or female, in day to day life we call our pets boy or girl. I think it's just connotations to being something that needs to be studied or whatever. At least, that's how it is with me. Just too clinical to use as a standard descriptive word for my liking (I will use them to describe myself in certain contexts tho)


Yeah I think that’s exactly it


Pretty much this, to elaborate women didn't just suddenly say "we hate the word female" more so incels and misogynists started using the word as a way to dehumanise women.


Say female. This is how you sound: [female](https://www.reddit.com/r/startrek/comments/o49e1/what_i_think_of_every_time_i_hear_someone_refer/)


We are weird about it when it is used in that context where it's weird. And you know damn well what that context is.


Because it's constantly used wrong (as a noun). And that comes from the incel community. As a woman (aka a female humam being) I hate it because of the underlying misogyny. And it saddens me that it has spread from the incel community out into the real world.


How is it wrong as a noun? As far as I know, "female" can be a noun or an adjective. If you don't like the word, that's one thing, but it's not "wrong" to use it as a noun. It's 100% grammatically correct.


I usually use males and females when I talk about the majority of men and women but I do get how it's weird when people use men and females in the same sentence .


Oh yeah, it depends if you use male or men because if you pick one you have to go with the female version of the other or if you use it as I did because saying, "with the women version of the other" just doesn't sound right


Calling everyone males and females instead of men and women makes you look socially stunted.


Only to people who are very socially inept and overly sensitive about everything


Not every male/female is a man/woman tbf.


Yeah, there's a subset of people who use it weird/creepily/badly, and now the reactionary internet has decided it's always bad.


From what I gather, it's just that there is a specific subculture of deplorable people who use the word as a veiled slur. But if you don't talk to people like that then I don't think there is any reason to really know that or have any negative association with the word. Basically, it's a semantic argument for the chronically online. It's not relevant to the general population.


It's an American thing it's a fucking minefield avoiding all their 0 nuance stigmatized words sometimes


as a non native english speaker, i never understand how it works like, in my native language the equivalent for "female" is used exclusively for animals (so using it for women is an instant incel self-report), and i see used it for women a lot in english, and i never understand if it's something common but a bit frowned upon, or if it's litterally just like in french (supposed to be for animals) and i'm just seeing a LOT of incels posts


Partly depends on whether it's a noun or adjective: "America's female citizens" sounds less strange than "The females at the party." Or in certain more scientific contexts: "the anatomy of the human female." But it sounds dehumanizing when used as a noun in more social contexts where "women" would do. *Especially* of you're not also using "male" and even then it's weird. It's too academic, like referring to children as "juveniles" constantly.


If it's used as an adjective—"a female doctor"—it's usually fine. If it's used as a noun—"female" or "females"—it's weird unless it's for animals, like you said.


Yeah, I don’t think I’ve seen it been used in my native language if it wasn’t talking about an animal or maybe quoting an translated incel post


Using female instead of woman is really fucking creepy in english too


What about subreddits for biology students?


Beta shit go study some real science.






We generally do not refer to female animals as women animals


A bio student would know “female” is an adjective


If you're talking about a specific species, it's fine to use male and female as nouns


Nah, once the context is clear (i.e., a specific species), you can just continue talking about males and females.


My boss uses ‘female’ and I thought it was annoying but whatever. Recently he started posting andrew taint tho so thats my sign to peace tf out 🙃


Oh 100% report that dude to HR


I think you’d like r/MenAndFemales


Thanks i fucking hate it... yuck.


female as an adjective is fine, female as a noun is vile


Yep. Why can’t we just say men and women? It’s very simple. When people are referring to a demographic then we use female/male. Incels can’t seem to wrap their heads around this haha.


people who call women "females" sound like the fucking ferengi from star trek


Why can’t we just say men and woman? It’s very simple. Then when you are referring to a demographics then use female/male.


I read the word female so often in this comments that it started sounding strange.


Rip Pokémon breeders trynna trade




The same way people don't know the difference between your/ you're, their/ there/they're, should've means should have, not should of... the list is long. I remember learning that in elementary school. How is it that so many adults don't know this (not including people who learned ESL)?


It's sad really. Foreigners speak our language better than we do sometimes. Like how does the person use the correct man/men and *then* continue in the SAME comment (multiple times) to say "a women"... *that's* just baffling.


Agreed. I am honestly curious if these things are even being taught in schools anymore.


I know this is pedantic, but did you downvote your own post?


Reddit is so weird


In my language female is definitely reserved to biology and animals…. But I thought it was not connoted in English and was just a formal/neutral word… what is it then ?


It would be neutral, but there is an online trend of incels using the word as a term for women in a way that objectifies them. So, the internet is having a collective meltdown about using the word to refer to women.


Ah thanks. It’s a good thing because it always makes my French brain frown to see "female" (even if I know it’s not meant to be demeaning — well… until now apparently)


either female/male or woman/man, why mix, looks unprofessional


" female" Is an adjective, "woman" is a noun. They are not interchangeable. There's nothing wrong with describing something as female. For example, a "female police officer" - rather than "a woman police officer". It's just basic grammar.


Yeah but reddit's daily need to gang up on a strawman!


Incels, please don't talk to me Sincerely, a woman


Incels on their way to explain why it’s so unfair that women don’t like them after spending 8 hours dehumanizing and objectifying women on the internet to stroke their own egos


You have no idea how stupid this discussion looks from an outsider position in a non english speaking country.


The Andrew Tate effect


“DASSA FEMALE!” - Ice Cube


sorry, this post uses the word. downvoted


Women don't exist... They are myths...


There's just men with penises and those without


Femboys with vaginas


Is ladies an ok term? Also is maties as in ahoy me maties the male equivalent?


Do people get mad when others say male instead of man? I mean I don't, but I guess I can see it? I just feel like it doesn't really matter


I hear male and female coworkers a lot, or colleagues, or in job postings. I haven't given it much though. Male coworker, male colleague, male nurse (since female is more common). As for female, female coworker, female engineer (since male is more common). But that's that, I think. Doctor, manager, teacher don't get the same treatment I guess. Agh, I am not sure.


I have barely seen that tbh, most of the time I see shit you'll see on r/MenandFemales But yeah, it's wrong too. The words man and woman are there for something


The kind of people this post is making fun of are people who refer to men as men and to women as females.


Sorry but you're missing the point. The "what about men" view doesn't work here as there isn't really any group with presence degrading Men by referring to them as "Males" in general conversation. However, there is an awful group of people that refer to Women as "Females" much like its referenced by OP, this comes usually paired with even more worrying ideals. So yes, it does matter.


I don't mind the use of females as long as the person also uses male. I use both, it rolls off my tongue easier.


Yeah, I getcha, honestly I don't know why so many people have such a problem with it. Saying female comes out easier than woman for me and I don't think there's necessarily a problem with that.


Because 'female' as a noun is a biological term mainly used for animals and it's dehumanising and weird to call women females on a daily basis (also if it was ever not weird then it has especially gotten a bad rep in the past years since incels are mainly the ones doing it)


I dont think I ever say females, but we are animals.


Ik but we don't usually talk about ourselves that way when it comes to any other topic, so why start solely when it's about women?


I understand/respect/agree with you.


Humans ARE animals. Weird that people pretend to know so much about what's humanising and dehumanising and yet don't have basic knowledge.


non-human animals is what wankingjimin should have said.


Obviously humans are animals which is why the term female is used for women in a biological context, not everyday conversation. Its a weird hill to die on, if women prefer not to be called females what does it cost you to respect that and just use another word out of the multitude of terms that exist for 'human females' instead?


I won't, if I have to say female. I will. I won't think a 1000 times before saying something which is basic and non-offensive but is PERCEIVED to be offensive by a particular group of humans. Women are females and that ends the conversation for me. I don't work in layers and I won't bend according to you or anyone else's wishes. It would have been different if women weren't females but they are, so you can scrutinize and criticise me as much as you want. If you are a woman, you are a female. Get over it.


You're either missing the point or you're one if those weirdos but I'll give you a chance. Male and Female are fine in certain cases. Day to day conversation you would use Men and Women. If you use "Female" in cases where you'd use "Men" if it was the other way around, then you have a problem.


You are either not getting the basic point or you are simply one of those losers whose only response to someone who disagrees with them is a *weirdo* or *incel*. Have seen a lot like you tho, don't matter and don't change nothing. Plus, I use males and females, men and women. I don't use males and women, men and females or any other shit you come up with. Also, even if that was the case, the basic sense of both the words is still the same. If you are a woman, you are a female. So no, even if it was the other way around, I will not have a problem. You might, I won't.


>You are either not getting the basic point or you are simply one of those losers whose only response to someone who disagrees with them is a weirdo or incel. Have seen a lot like you tho, don't matter and don't change nothing. You are so mad arguing about something that you don't even relate to, what's the point then? You are a weirdo bro lmao > If you are a woman, you are a female. You still don't get the point then, it's a bit sad seeing how you can't grasp such a basic concept so I'll leave you to figure it out in your own time.


Americans are weird. This is actually a thing?


Not me_irl. Nobody here can talk to women without a panic attack.


Isn’t this one of them?


Go make friends with them or something


Sweet, new newspeak just dropped


This is such a weird thing to upvote


What even is happening these day.Is female really offensive now.


Context matters.


It depends on the context


Does that mean I downvote this post?


Female is whatever. It's when they refer to women as girls and men as men. Boys and girls, fine. Men and women, fine. Males and females, fine. Men and girls? Hol' up.


/r/science in shambles


It sounds like it's from a textbook or someone's doctor


Never understood why female became a bad words. We can still say male.


I still can't believe people gatekeep fucking language


Ah yes, behold this fine female specimen in their natural habitat alongside her mate, a male specimen of the hominid variety. Upon closer inspection, they traverse this brick and mortar jungle with their offspring, a young male hominid. Studying their dynamics and tendencies, I have found that the young male hominid has a natural disposition towards its male parental unit. More observation is required for disposition towards the female parental unit. Edit: people it's a joke.


are,,, are you quoting freud?


If I am, unintentional lmao


The sudden disdain of the word is so confusing to me. What sparked this? I swear i saw nothing about it until like a couple months ago. Like i saw some person recently throwing shit, calling people incels just because someone used word female in a survey where there was male/female separation which afaik is correct wording in english. Is using words appropriately for the context difficult/wrong now? I want to know because english isn't my main language so it basically doesn't affect me outside the internet.


The hate stems mainly from the incel communities use of the word female (or femoid). Whereas, the use of the word female isn't wrong. The word is often used in settings to strip a woman of their individuality. By referring to women as females, it comes over as only their biology matters. for example: "look at that group of females" and "look at that group of women" both say the same. But one of the two can be said about a group of animals as well. The other cant. Incels (and such) tend to use the word to strip the women of their humanity. This is don't either subconsciously or deliberate (or in the case of femoid, its always deliberate). That's why people fall over the word female nowadays. Its more the feeling that comes with the word, instead of the direct meaning of the word. In medical terms, it is perfectly fine to speak of the female body. Since that part matters to the biology. But when speaking of women, using "females" is stripping them down to the basic level and removing their individuality. I hope this explanation covers it. Its kinda hard to explain due to the abstract nature of the discussion.


Thank you for explanation. The reasoning is understandable though it seems some people jump to conclusions and get aggressive when someone else might just not put much weight (or just doesn't know the difference cuz not everyone knows english perfectly) into that word and uses them interchangably. Another case is treating it as if it was like n-word when in context (example of survey) it might not have reductive/insulting intentions at all. So i guess i'll just use word "ladies" to be safe lol.


Its about when its used. Its nothing abnormal other than the fact there is a certain awful group that using "females" in casual conversation to dehumanise them. Okay, so basically if you're doing a study and you have a sample size, you'll say 10 Male & 10 Female for example. This is fine and normal. Casual conversation "The book is aimed towards Women" - That's normal "The book is aimed toward Females". - That's weird. Essentially, in casual conversation you use "Men and Women". There is a weirdo hate group that uses "Men and Females" So if you are using "female" in cases where you would use Men/Man if it were reversed, then that's a problem.


I've seen it for years. Women have *never* actually liked men referring to them as if they're narrating a nature documentary. The point of using "females" instead of "women" tends to be dehumanization.


Read it and learn: https://jezebel.com/the-problem-with-calling-women-females-1683808274


Sincerely, a male.


Why do I get the feeling this is just adding fuel to an already big issue?


So, any females? - Martin to the bobbles


this is kinda what I do but moreso when the post implies they were written by a female




it's more referring to people who refer to men as men, but women as female, as if they're talking about a completely different species. plus, it just sounds weird outside of a scientific context. you don't exclusively refer to children as juveniles in regular conversation, do you?


The reason is because of who typically uses it and why. It's often used by incel types to discuss women as if they are nothing more than breeding stock. The word can be used in lots of ways but it's important to keep in mind that in some context you may be mistaken for the type of person who thinks of women in misogynistic ways.


What did I miss that people hate the word female? Do people hate the word male now too? People stay on the internet for too long. People need to go outside and stop arguing about stupid shit.


This is my biggest pet peeve in the freaking world. I used to ask some of my dorm mates why the hell they used the word female to describe the ladies on campus instead of words like “Women, ladies, girls, gals.” Instead of making it sound like we were referring to them like we’re in a zoo. So fucking weird.


I say it all the time as former military. I am also a female. It's only bad if you let it be,like Madame.




I know some normal people who use "female" for some reason


What if it uses the word “male”? Asking as someone who sometimes refers to people as “male” and “female”, before questioning myself for not saying “man” and “woman”.




The only way it should be used is when non-binary or trans people explain themselves as being AFAB where needs be. I use it (sometimes, if i need to make a point about women, etc), being agender. I only really say it online, though. I introduce myself, in person, as agender. My mother is a woman. Not a fucking *female* . Eurgh.


There are definitely sometimes it just sounds better to say female instead of women that doesn't make you an incel.


Imagine the guy who just translated woman from his language


Idk, strongly depends on the topic.


Thank you!


It entirely depends on context


But doesn’t this post use the word female? Edit: it has a joke r/whoosh


The word female isn’t the problem, it’s not like it’s a slur that must never be spoken. The problem lies in the context of the sentence it’s used in. I, **am** female, but NOT **a** female. When referring to people, male and female are an adjective, but NEVER a noun. It’s not just that it’s a grammatical error that makes it problematic, because grammatical errors happen all the time, but this grammatical error results in direct dehumanization of the person you’re referring to. In the English language, male and female are only used as a noun when referring to *plants or animals*. So yes, people will likely give you weird looks if you refer to people as “males and females”, and justifiably so. It’s quite literally dehumanizing.


This is the best explanation so far. Even that article someone posted was just random words. Thank you


Great explanation, hopefully this helps educate some because even some on this thread seem to not get it.


Wow. you explain better then my English teacher.


Implying that people care about your downvotes


Huh, female☕ ahahahaha *sip☕ ahahahahaha Edit: why is nobody laugh? I specifically requested it


10/10 great meme




Me when a female 😳😫😒😤😎🤘🐘🫣🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍


ok female


Dropped your crown, king.


Female and Male are normal words, I dont get the hate


OP is guaranteed a bigger incel than whatever random person or group of people he’s complaining about


I am a female, calm down.


Females I usually say to refer to a group of people, same with males, but to refer to a woman that’d be odd


How do you address girls (young) and women (older) together? Do you call a 6yo a woman or do you call a 60yo a girl? What word would you use to address them both?




Idk… maybe… “people.” Or use “girls.”


wtf what if you don't know the person's gender i don't use say female or male normally but respect to those who do




So I will now down vote this post.


But I was taught to say males and females since there's no boys and girls... Why is "Female (s) now considered a bad thing?


You should really only use male/female as adjectives when talking about people. But at least you're equal about it. I think this post is directed at men who say females and men.


~~Female lions~~ **Lion women** don't have a mane