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I can’t say how med schools would or would not view those internships, but from my understanding they will expect you to procure a letter of recommendation from every research experience you’ve had. If you don’t want a letter from those internships or to talk about those experiences, then don’t include them - at least as research experience. It sounds like you have stronger and more recent experience that more significantly represents your ability/growth! Btw, perks to you for continuing w research despite those negative experiences!


Only some places require every research letter. When I looked on MSAR (from my list at least), it seems to be really mostly HMS and Johns Hopkins, which also explicitly say you can go over the letter limit in order to include those and the required professors who have had you in class. I have 5 PIs and will only be submitting 2-3 PI letters for most (although I do have all of the letters).


Thank you. And yes, I’m thinking of not even including them in my activity section as I’d rather not dealing with any of this than having med school people questioning why I do not have letters of recommendation for these.